Refer to NEET Biology Strategies for Enhancement In Food Production MCQs Set B provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Full Syllabus Biology with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by NEET, NCERT and KVS. Strategies for Enhancement In Food Production Full Syllabus MCQ are an important part of exams for Full Syllabus Biology and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for NEET Full Syllabus Biology and also download more latest study material for all subjects
MCQ for Full Syllabus Biology Strategies for Enhancement In Food Production
Full Syllabus Biology students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Strategies for Enhancement In Food Production in Full Syllabus.
Strategies for Enhancement In Food Production MCQ Questions Full Syllabus Biology with Answers
Question: Protoplasts of two different cells can be made to fuse with the help of
- a) Polyethylene glycol (PEG)
- b) Sodium bicarbonate
- c) Calcium chloride
- d) HCl
Answer: Polyethylene glycol (PEG)
Question: A technique of androgenic haploid formation was developed by
- a) Guha and Maheshwari
- b) Steward et. al.
- c) Carlson et. al.
- d) Skoog and Miller
Answer: Guha and Maheshwari
Question: Cybrid is a result of
- a) Fusion of cytoplasm of two somatic cells occurs but the nucleus of one cell persists, and the nucleus of other degenerates
- b) Fusion of cytoplasm of two somatic cell but the nuclei remain unfused
- c) Fusion of cytoplasm and nuclei of the two somatic cells
- d) Fusion of cytoplasm of two somatic cells take place but one part of the nucleus of one cell fuses with the entire nucleus of second cell
Answer: Fusion of cytoplasm of two somatic cells occurs but the nucleus of one cell persists, and the nucleus of other degenerates
Question: Perfect homozygous individuals are produced by
- a) Anther culture
- b) Somatic hybridization
- c) Meristem culture
- d) Protoplast culture
Answer: Anther culture
Question: ‘Pomato’ is an example of
- a) Parasexual hybrid
- b) Sexual hybrid
- c) Intraspecific hybrid
- d) Intravarietial hybrid
Answer: Parasexual hybrid
Question: Consider the following statements A - D with incomplete spaces :
A. Although the plant is infected with a virus, the apical and axillary __(i)__ is free of virus.
B. Around three billion people in the world suffer from __(ii)__, __(iii)__ and __(iv)__, deficiencies or hiddenhunger.
C. Alternate sources of proteins for animal and human nutrition is __(v)__ like __(vi)__.
D. Whole plants could be generated from any part of the plant called __(vii)__ and this capacity is called__(viii)__
Select the correct option which fills up the respective blank numbers from (i) to (viii)
- a) (v) SCP ; (vii) Explant ; (viii) Totipotency
- b) (i) Bud ; (ii) Micronutrient ; (viii) Explant
- c) (ii) Meristem ; (v) SCP ; (vi) Explant
- d) (iii) Meristem ; (iv) Vitamin ; (vi) Totipotency
Answer: (v) SCP ; (vii) Explant ; (viii) Totipotency
Question: Read the following statements carefully and find out the set of correct statements
a. Suspension culture requires constant stirring at the rate of 100-250 rpm.
b. Development of diseases in a plant depends on the interactions between host genotype and environment,
but not on pathogen genotype
c. Black rot of crucifers and red rot of sugarcane are diseases caused by fungi.
d. It is expected that 125 g of Methylophilus methylotrophus produces 12.5 tonnes of protein per day
- a) a, d
- b) b, d
- c) c, d
- d) b, c
Answer: a, d
Question: Somaclonal variations are
- a) Produced during tissue culture
- b) Produced during sexual reproduction
- c) Caused by gamma rays
- d) Produced by chemical mutagens
Answer: Produced during tissue culture
Question: Find odd one w.r.t. green manures
- a) Jatropha
- b) Trifolium
- c) Crotalaria
- d) Melilotus
Answer: Jatropha
Question: A government agency which keeps control on introduction of new variety of plants in India is
- a) National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources
- b) Indian Council for Agricultural Research
- c) NSC
Answer: National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources
Question: A technique of micropropagation is
- a) Somatic embryogenesis
- b) Embryo rescue
- c) Somatic hybridization
- d) Protoplast fusion
Answer: Somatic embryogenesis
Question: Which of the following enhances or induces fusion of protoplasts?
- a) Polyethylene glycol and sodium nitrate
- b) IAA and gibberellins
- c) Sodium chloride and potassium chloride
- d) IAA and kinetin
Answer: Polyethylene glycol and sodium nitrate
Question: In vitro clonal propagation in plants is characterized by
- a) PCR and RAPD
- b) Electrophoresis and HPLC
- c) Northern blotting
- d) Microscopy
Answer: PCR and RAPD
Question: To obtain virus-free healthy plants from a diseased one by tissue culture technique, which part/parts of the diseased plant will be taken?
- a) Both apical and axillary meristems
- b) Apical meristem only
- c) Palisade parenchyma
- d) Epidermis only
Answer: Both apical and axillary meristems
Question: An alga which can be employed as food for human being is
- a) Chlorella
- b) Ulothrix
- c) Spirogyra
- d) Polysiphonia
Answer: Chlorella
Question: In plant breeding programmes, the entire collection (of plants/seeds) having all the diverse alleles for all genes in a given crop is called
- a) Germplasm collection
- b) Cross-hybridisation among the selected parents
- c) Evaluation and selection of parents
- d) Selection of superior recombinants
Answer: Germplasm collection
Question: Which one of the following is a case of wrong matching ?
- a) Vector DNA-Site for t-RNA synthesis
- b) Somatic hybridization - Fusion of two diverse cells
- c) Callus–Unorganised mass of cells produced in tissue culture
- d) Micropropagation-In vitro production of plants in large numbers
Answer: Vector DNA-Site for t-RNA synthesis
Question: Which part would be most suitable for raising virus-free plants for micropropagation?
- a) Meristem
- b) Node
- c) Bark
- d) Vascular tissue
Answer: Meristem
Question: Green revolution in India occurred during
- a) 1960 's
- b) 1970's
- c) 1980's
- d) 1950's
Answer: 1960 's
Question: Consider the following four statements (a-d) and select the option which includes all the correct ones only
(a) Single cell Spirulina can produce large quantities of food rich in protein, minerals, vitamins etc.
(b) Body weight-wise the micro-organism Methylophilus methylotrophus may be able to produce several times more proteins than the cows per day
(c) Common button mushrooms are a very rich source of vitamin C.
(d) A rice variety has been developed which is very rich in calcium.
- a) Statements (a), (b)
- b) Statements (a), (c) and (d)
- c) Statements (c), (d)
- d) Statements (b), (c) and (d)
Answer: Statements (a), (b)
More Questions........................................
Question: Mutations can be induced with
- a) Gamma radiations
- b) Infra Red radiations
- c) IAA
- d) Ethylene
Answer: Gamma radiations
Question: Himgiri' developed by hybridisation and selection for disease resistance against rust pathogens is a variety of
- a) Wheat
- b) Chilli
- c) Maize
- d) Sugarcane
Answer: Wheat
Question: "Jaya" and "Ratna developed for green revolution in India are the varieties of
- a) Rice
- b) Wheat
- c) Maize
- d) Bajra
Answer: Rice
Question: A collection of plants and seeds having diverse alleles of all the genes of a crop is called
- a) Germplasm
- b) Gene library
- c) Genome
- d) Herbarium
Answer: Germplasm
Question: Breeding of crops with high levels of minerals, vitamins and proteins is called
- a) Biofortification
- b) Biomagnification
- c) Somatic hybridisation
- d) Micropropagation
Answer: Biofortification
Question: Which of the following plant species you would select for the production of bioethanol?
- a) Jatropha
- b) Brassica
- c) Pongamia
- d) Zea mays
Answer: Jatropha
Question: Somaclones are obtained by
- a) Tissue culture
- b) Genetic engineering
- c) Irradiation
- d) Plant breeding
Answer: Tissue culture
Question: Which one of the following is linked to the discovery of Bordeaux mixture as a popular fungicide?
- a) Downy mildew of grapes
- b) Black rust of wheat
- c) Bacterial leaf blight of rice
- d) Loose smut of wheat
Answer: Downy mildew of grapes
Question: Consider the following four measures (a - d) that could be taken to successfully grow chick-pea in an area where bacterial blight disease is common
(a) Spray with Bordeaux mixture.
(b) Control of the insect vector of the disease pathogen.
(c) Use of only disease-free seeds.
(d) Use of varieties resistant to the disease.
Which two of the above measures can control the disease?
- a) (c) and (d)
- b) (a) and (b)
- c) (b) and (c)
- d) (a) and (d)
Answer: (c) and (d)
Question: Which one of the following is being tried in India as a biofuel substitute for fossil fuels?
- a) Jatropha
- b) Azadirachta
- c) Musa
- d) Aegilops
Answer: Jatropha
Question: In maize, hybrid vigour is exploited by
- a) Crossing of two inbred parental lines
- b) Inducing mutations
- c) Bombarding the seeds with DNA
- d) Harvesting seeds from the most productive plants
Answer: Crossing of two inbred parental lines
Question: Crop plants grown in monoculture are
- a) Highly prone to pests
- b) Free from intraspecific competition
- c) Low in yield
- d) Characterised by poor root system
Answer: Highly prone to pests
Question: In maize, hybrid vigour is exploited by
- a) Crossing of two inbreed parental lines
- b) Inducing mutations
- c) Bombarding the protoplast with DNA
- d) Harvesting seeds from the most productive plants
Answer: Crossing of two inbreed parental lines
Question: Triticale, the first man-made cereal crop, has been obtained by crossing wheat with
- a) Rye
- b) Pearl millet
- c) Sugarcane
- d) Barley
Answer: Rye
Question: In order to obtain virus-free plants through tissue culture the best method is
- a) Meristem culture
- b) Anther culture
- c) Embryo rescue
- d) Protoplast culture
Answer: Meristem culture
Question: Three crops that contribute maximum to global food grain production are
- a) Wheat, rice and maize
- b) Rice, maize and sorghum
- c) Wheat, maize and sorghum
- d) Wheat, rice and barley
Answer: Wheat, rice and maize
Question: The name of Norman Borlaug is associated with
- a) Green revolution
- b) Yellow revolution
- c) White revolution
- d) Blue revolution
Answer: Green revolution
Question: An important step in the manufacture of pulp for paper industry from the woody tissues of plants is the
- a) Preparation of pure cellulose by removing lignin
- b) Removal of oils present in the wood by treatment with suitable chemicals
- c) Removal of water from the wood by prolonged heating at approximately 50°C
- d) Treatment of wood with chemical that breakdown cellulose
Answer: Preparation of pure cellulose by removing lignin
Question: Which of the following is generally used for induced mutagenesis in crop plants?
- a) Gamma rays (from cobalt 60)
- b) X-rays
- c) Alpha particles
- d) UV (260 nm)
Answer: Gamma rays (from cobalt 60)
Question: Which statement is correct about centre of origin of plant?
- a) Frequency of dominant gene is more
- b) None of these
- c) More diversity in improved variety
- d) Climatic conditions are more favourable
Answer: Frequency of dominant gene is more
Question: When two unrelated individuals or lines are crossed, the performance of F1 hybrid is often superior to both its parents. This phenomenon is called
- a) Heterosis
- b) Metamorphosis
- c) Transformation
- d) Spheing
Answer: Heterosis
Question: Which of the following is the New World spice, that has become an essential part of Indian cuisine?
- a) Red pepper
- b) Black pepper
- c) Ginger
- d) Cardamom
Answer: Red pepper
Question: The reason for vegetativeIy reproducing crop plants suit for maintaining hybrid vigour is that
- a) Once a desired hybrid produced, no chances of losing it
- b) They are more resistant to diseases
- c) They can be easily propagated
- d) They have a longer life span
Answer: Once a desired hybrid produced, no chances of losing it
Question: The new varieties of plants are produced by
- a) Selection and hybridization
- b) Introduction and mutation
- c) Selection and introduction
- d) Mutation and selection
Answer: Selection and hybridization
Question: Before the European invader which vegetable was absent in India?
- a) Potato and tomato
- b) Maize and chichinda
- c) Simla mirch and brinjal
- d) Bitter gourd
Answer: Potato and tomato
Question: Which of the following crops have been brought to India from New World?
- a) Cashewnut, potato, rubber
- b) Tea, rubber, mango
- c) Mango, tea
- d) Coffee
Answer: Cashewnut, potato, rubber
Question: A germplasm collection is a
- a) Collection of modern varieties of a crop
- b) Collection of specimens of all the species of an area in a herbarium or botanical garden
- c) Collection of plants or seeds having diverse alleles of all genes in a crop
- d) Collection of seeds or pollen of rare and threatened species of a group or area
Answer: Collection of modern varieties of a crop
Question: Bacterial leaf blight of rice is caused by a species of
- a) Xanthomonas
- b) Pseudomonas
- c) Alternaria
- d) Erwinia
Answer: Xanthomonas
Question: Introduction of food plants developed by genetic engineering is not desirable because
- a) There is threat of entry of viruses and toxins with introduced crop
- b) This method is costly
- c) These products are less tasty as compared to the already existing products
- d) Economy of developing countries may suffer
Answer: There is threat of entry of viruses and toxins with introduced crop
Question: Which one of the following plants are used as green manure in crop fields and in sandy soils ?
- a) Crotalaria juncea and Alhagi camelorum
- b) Calotropis procera and Phyllanthus niruri
- c) Saccharum munja and Lantana camara
- d) Dichanthium annulatum and Azolla nilotica
Answer: Crotalaria juncea and Alhagi camelorum
Question: Nicotiana sylvestris flowers only during long days and N.tabacum flowers only during short days. If raised in the laboratory under different photoperiods, they can be induced to flower at the same time and can be crossfertilized to produce self-fertile offspring. What is the best reason for considering N.sylvestris and N.tabacum to be separate species?
- a) They cannot interbreed in nature
- b) They are physiologically distinct
- c) They are reproductively distinct
- d) They are morphologically distinct
Answer: They cannot interbreed in nature
Question: Which of the following statements is not true about somatic embryogenesis?
- a) Somatic embryos can develop from microspores
- b) Somatic embryo is induced usually by an auxin such as 2, 4-D
- c) The pattern of development of a somatic embryo is comparable to that of a zygotic embryo
- d) A somatic embryo develops from a somatic cell
Answer: Somatic embryos can develop from microspores
Question: Tissue culture technique can produce infinite number of new plants from a small parental tissue. The economic mportance of the technique is in raising
- a) Genetically uniform population identical to the original parent
- b) Variants through picking up somaclonal variations
- c) Homozygous diploid plants
- d) Development of new species
Answer: Genetically uniform population identical to the original parent
Question: Cellular totipotency is demonstrated by
- a) All plant cells
- b) Only bacterial cells
- c) Only gymnosperm cells
- d) All eukaryotic cells
Answer: All plant cells
Question: In tissue culture medium, the embryoids formed from pollen grains are due to
- a) Cellular totipotency
- b) Double fertilization
- c) Organogenesis
- d) Test tube culture
Answer: Cellular totipotency
Question: The technique of obtaining large number of plantlets by tissue culture method is called
- a) Micropropagation
- b) Macropropagation
- c) Organ culture
- d) Plantlet culture
Answer: Micropropagation
Question: A plant hormone used for inducing morphogenesis in plant tissue culture is
- a) Cytokinins
- b) Ethylene
- c) Abscisic acid
- d) Gibberellins
Answer: Cytokinins
Question: International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) is situated at
- a) Philippines
- b) Taiwan
- c) Canada
- d) Mexico
Answer: Philippines
Question: Pomato’ is an example of
- a) Parasexual hybrid
- b) Sexual hybrid
- c) Intraspecific hybrid
- d) Intravarietial hybrid
Answer: Parasexual hybrid
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MCQs for Strategies for Enhancement In Food Production Biology Full Syllabus
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