Refer to NEET Biology Body Fluids and Circulation MCQs Set G provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Full Syllabus Biology with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by NEET, NCERT and KVS. Body Fluids and Circulation Full Syllabus MCQ are an important part of exams for Full Syllabus Biology and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for NEET Full Syllabus Biology and also download more latest study material for all subjects
MCQ for Full Syllabus Biology Body Fluids and Circulation
Full Syllabus Biology students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Body Fluids and Circulation in Full Syllabus.
Body Fluids and Circulation MCQ Questions Full Syllabus Biology with Answers
Question: Person with blood group B can donate blood to
- a) B and AB group and receive blood from group B
- b) B and receive blood from group AB
- c) O and receive blood from group B
- d) B and AB and receive blood from group AB
Answer: B and AB group and receive blood from group B
Question: A sample of blood shows clumping with antiserum A but not with antiserum B. The blood group would be
- a) O
- b) A
- c) B
- d) AB
Answer: A
Question: An Rh- individual receives Rh+ blood. the recipient becomes
- a) Sterile
- b) Dead
- c) No reaction
- d) isoimmunised
Answer: isoimmunised
Question: Heparin is
- a) Antibacterial
- b) Antiallergic
- c) Anticoagulant
- d) Blood diluter
Answer: Anticoagulant
Question: Blood group AB has
- a) No antigen
- b) No antibody
- c) Neither antigen nor antibody
- d) Both antigen and antibody
Answer: No antibody
Question: In ventricular systole, oxygenated blood is pumped into
- a) Pulmonary artery and deoxygenated into artery
- b) Aorta and deoxygenated into pulmonary vein
- c) Pulmonary vein and deoxygenated into pulmonary artery
- d) Aorta and deoxygenated into pulmonary artery
Answer: Aorta and deoxygenated into pulmonary artery
Question: In aquatic mammals
- a) Heart will be small
- b) Heart will be large
- c) Lungs will be small
- d) Lungs will be large
Answer: Heart will be large
Question: SA node/pace maker helps in
- a) Initiation of heart beat
- b) Conduction of blood
- c) Opening of bicuspid valve
- d) Opening of tricuspid valve
Answer: Initiation of heart beat
Question: Oval RBCs are found in
- a) Rat
- b) Human
- c) Bat
- d) Camel
Answer: Camel
Question: Blood group A has
- a) Antibody a on RBC
- b) Antibody a in plasma
- c) Antigen A on RBC
- d) Antigen A in plasma
Answer: Antigen A on RBC
Question: Majority of CO2 produced by our body cells is transported to lungs .
- a) Attached to haemoglobin
- b) Dissolved in blood
- c) As bicarbonates
- d) As carbonates
Answer: As bicarbonates
Question: In normal blood pressure of 120/80 mmHg the numerator represents.
- a) Diastolic pressure
- b) Systolic pressure
- c) Pulse pressure
- d) Cardiac index
Answer: Systolic pressure
Question: The first heart sound is
- a) Lubb during closure of semilunar valves
- b) Dupp during closure of semilunar valves
- c) Lubb during closure of atrioventricular valves
- d) Dupp during closure of atrioventricular valves
Answer: Lubb during closure of atrioventricular valves
Question: Which one function as enzyme in blood clotting
- a) Prothrombin
- b) Calcium
- c) Thrombin
- d) Fibrin
Answer: Thrombin
Question: To obtain a standard ECG, a patient is connected to the machine by three electrodes .
- a) One to each wrist and to the left ankle
- b) One to each ankle and to the left wrist
- c) One to each wrist and to the left chest region
- d) One to each ankle and to the left chest region
Answer: One to each wrist and to the left ankle
Question: From which part of heart does the largest artery arise
- a) left ventricle
- b) right ventricle
- c) left atrium
- d) right atrium
Answer: left ventricle
Question: In order for the blood to flow from right ventricle to left ventricle in mammalian heart, it must flow through
- a) Right ventricle, pulmonary arteries, lungs pulmonary veins, left atrium
- b) Right ventricle, pulmonary veins, lungs, pulmonary arteries, left atrium
- c) Right ventricle, right atrium, lungs, pulmonary veins, left atrium
- d) Right ventricle, systemic aorta, lungs, pulmonary veins, left atrium
Answer: Right ventricle, pulmonary arteries, lungs pulmonary veins, left atrium
Question: Which of the following is not granulocytes .
- a) Basophils
- b) Erythrocytes
- c) Neutrophils
- d) Mast cells
Answer: Erythrocytes
Question: Bundle of His passes stimulus of contraction to ..
- a) AV node
- b) SA node
- c) Purkinje fibres
- d) Atrium
Answer: Purkinje fibres
Question: What is true of leucocytes?
- a) They undergo diapedesis or squeeze through capillary walls
- b) Sudden fall in number indicates cancer
- c) Produced in thymus
- d) Enucleate
Answer: They undergo diapedesis or squeeze through capillary walls
More Questions................................
Question: Pernicious anaemia is caused by .
- a) Low RBC count
- b) Death of WBC
- c) Obstruction of RBC maturation
- d) Destruction of young RBC
Answer: Obstruction of RBC maturation
Question: Which one contains minimum urea?
- a) Hepatic portal vein
- b) Hepatic vein
- c) Renal vein
- d) Dorsal aorta
Answer: Renal vein
Question: If nerves supplying heart are cut, the heart will .
- a) Shrink
- b) Beat arhythmically
- c) Beat rhythmically
- d) Stop
Answer: Beat arhythmically
Question: mammalian RBCs are enucleated so that
- a) Nucleus is nonessential for RBC
- b) RBCs cannot divide
- c) RBCs can carry Hb
- d) Nucleus does not show lethal effect
Answer: RBCs can carry Hb
Question: QRS is related to .
- a) Ventricular contraction
- b) Auricular contraction
- c) Cardiac cycle
- d) Auricular relaxation
Answer: Ventricular contraction
Question: Osmotic pressure is maintained by blood colloid
- a) Albumin
- b) Thrombin
- c) Fibrinogen
- d) Globulin
Answer: Albumin
Question: Blood group agglutinogen is
- a) Phosphoprotein
- b) Glycoprotein
- c) Haemoprotein
- d) Phospholipid
Answer: Glycoprotein
Question: A vein possesses a large lumen because ..
- a) Tunica media and tunica externa from a single coat
- b) Tunica interna and tunica media form a single coat
- c) Tunica interna, tunica media and tunica externa are thin
- d) Tunica media is a thin coat
Answer: Tunica media is a thin coat
Question: Cardiac output is
- a) 4 litres/minute
- b) 5.3 litres/ minute
- c) 6.3 litres/ minute
- d) 73. litres/ minute
Answer: 5.3 litres/ minute
Question: Tooth extraction in a haemophilic person may cause death due to excessive bleeding because of ..
- a) Absence of plasma factor required to convert prothrombin into thrombin
- b) Presence of plasma factor that causes haemorrhage
- c) Presence of plasma factor that prevents blood clotting
- d) Absence of plasma factor required for haemorrhage
Answer: Absence of plasma factor required to convert prothrombin into thrombin
Question: Valve surrounding opening of coronary sinus is .
- a) Thebesius valve
- b) Eustachian valve
- c) Mitral valve
- d) Semilunar valve
Answer: Thebesius valve
Question: Number of action potentials that can be generated by sinoatrial node is .
- a) 40 -50/min
- b) 60 -80/min
- c) 60 -100/min
- d) 100 -120/min
Answer: 60 -100/min
Question: The artery can be distinguished from the vein in having .
- a) Thick walls
- b) More blood cells
- c) More plasma
- d) Larger cavity
Answer: Thick walls
Question: Haemoglobin value for a healthy adult male is ..
- a) 10g/100 ml
- b) 11 g/100ml
- c) 12g/100 ml
- d) 14-15 g/100ml
Answer: 14-15 g/100ml
Question: Which best describes a lymph node?.
- a) Any organ that is being attacked by pathogens
- b) A capsule in the lymph vessels that are filled with B cells and T cells
- c) A special kind of immune cell that is found in the lymph
- d) RBC
Answer: A capsule in the lymph vessels that are filled with B cells and T cells
Question: What is true ? .
- a) All veins carry deoxygenated blood
- b) All arteries carry oxygenated blood
- c) All veins except one carry oxygenated blood
- d) All arteries except one carry oxygenated blood
Answer: All arteries except one carry oxygenated blood
Question: How many double circulations are normally completed by human heart in one minute? .
- a) Eight
- b) Sixteen
- c) Thirty six
- d) Seventy two
Answer: Seventy two
Question: Louder sound of heart beat occurs during closure of .
- a) Tricuspid valve
- b) Auriculo-ventricular valves
- c) Mitral valve
- d) Semilunar valves
Answer: Auriculo-ventricular valves
Question: In purpura, the purple-blue patch is caused by thrombocytopenic change of haemoglobin to .
- a) Blue
- b) Yellow
- c) White
- d) Red-black
Answer: Red-black
Question: Rh factor was discovered by ..
- a) Harvey
- b) Landsteiner and Weiner
- c) Watson
- d) Landsteiner
Answer: Landsteiner and Weiner
Question: Match the columns
- a) a - s, b - r, c - p, d - t
- b) a - r, b - t, c - s, d - p
- c) a - r, b - s, c - t, d - p
- d) a - s, b - q, c - p, d - t
Answer: a - r, b - s, c - t, d - p
Question: Systole is contraction of .
- a) AV node
- b) SA node
- c) Major arteries
- d) Atria and ventricles
Answer: Atria and ventricles
Assertion: Person with blood group AB can take blood from any person.
Reason: Blood group AB has no antibody and thus antigen of other group is not affected .
- a) Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion
- b) The Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is not correct explanation of Assertion
- c) Assertion is true but, Reason is false
- d) Assertion is false but, Reason is true
Answer: Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion
Question: Fewer elastic fibers are found in
- a) tunica media near heart
- b) tunica media away from heart
- c) arteries
- d) veins
Answer: tunica media away from heart
Question: Cardiac output is blood
- a) Received by heart per minute
- b) Pumped by ventricles per sec
- c) Pumped by each ventricle per minute
- d) Pumped by left ventricle per hour
Answer: Pumped by each ventricle per minute
Question: Murmur occurs due to defect in .
- a) Malpighian tubules and excretion
- b) Tracheae and respiration
- c) Heart and circulation
- d) None of the above
Answer: Heart and circulation
Question: Oxygenated blood from lungs enters heart through ..
- a) Pulmonary vein
- b) Pulmonary artery
- c) Coronary system
- d) Coronary vein
Answer: Pulmonary vein
Question: Heparin is connected with
- a) Coagulation
- b) Prevention of blood coagulation
- c) Dilution of blood
- d) Buffering of blood
Answer: Prevention of blood coagulation
Question: Hardening of arteries due to deposition of cholesterol is .
- a) Atherosclerosis
- b) Thrombosis
- c) Stenosis
- d) Rhinitis
Answer: Atherosclerosis
Question: Haemophilia is
- a) Royal disease
- b) Faulty blood clotting
- c) Both A and B
- d) Mosquito having haemocoel
Answer: Both A and B
Question: Oxygen carries in human blood is .
- a) Iron
- b) Methaemoglobin
- c) Haemoglobin
- d) Haemocyanins
Answer: Haemoglobin
Question: A vein starts from capillaries and ends in capillaries ..
- a) Phrenic
- b) Coronary
- c) Portal vein
- d) Internal jugular
Answer: Portal vein
Question: Pulmonary vein carries oxygenated blood from .
- a) Heart to its walls
- b) Heart to lungs
- c) Lungs to heart
- d) Heart to all body parts
Answer: Lungs to heart
Question: Which of the following pairs, the two terms represent the same thing? .
- a) Lymphocyte - leucocyte
- b) Plasma - serum
- c) Mitral valve - bicuspid valve
- d) Atrioventricular node – pacemaker
Answer: Mitral valve - bicuspid valve
Question: In normal adult man B.P. is ..
- a) 00/80 mmHg
- b) 120/80 mmHg
- c) 100/120 mmHG
- d) 80/120 mmHg
Answer: 120/80 mmHg
Question: How many times a red blood corpuscle will have to pass through the heart in its journey from hepatic artery?
- a) Once
- b) Two times
- c) Four times
- d) Several times
Answer: Two times
Question: Thromboplastin required for blood clotting at the place of injury is released by .
- a) Blood platelets
- b) Eosinophils
- c) Neutrophils
- d) Lymphocytes
Answer: Blood platelets
Question: Choose the correct option : (i) Human heart is ectodermal in origin. (ii) Mitral valve guards the opening between right atrium and left ventricle. (iii) SAN is located on the left upper corner of right atrium. (iv) Stroke volume × Heart rate = Cardiac output
- a) i alone is correct
- b) i and ii alone are correct
- c) ii and iii alone are correct
- d) iii and iv alone is correct
Answer: iii and iv alone is correct
Question: Volume of blood each ventricle pumps out during a cardiac cycle is about ..
- a) 70 ml
- b) 51 ml
- c) 40 ml
- d) 1200 ml
Answer: 70 ml
Question: Husband and wife should know their Rh factors because the situation can be serious due to biological incompatibility in one of the following cases ..
- a) Rh+ husband and Rh+ wife
- b) Rh- husband and Rh- wife
- c) Rh- husband and Rh+ wife
- d) Rh+ husband and Rh- wife
Answer: Rh+ husband and Rh- wife
Question: Which one of the following minerals controls heart?
- a) Sulphur
- b) Sodium
- c) Iron
- d) Potassium
Answer: Sodium
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MCQs for Body Fluids and Circulation Biology Full Syllabus
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