NEET Biology Sexual Reproduction In Flowering Plants MCQs Set B

Refer to NEET Biology Sexual Reproduction In Flowering Plants MCQs Set B provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Full Syllabus Biology with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by NEET, NCERT and KVS. Sexual Reproduction In Flowering Plants Full Syllabus MCQ are an important part of exams for Full Syllabus Biology and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for NEET Full Syllabus Biology and also download more latest study material for all subjects

MCQ for Full Syllabus Biology Sexual Reproduction In Flowering Plants

Full Syllabus Biology students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Sexual Reproduction In Flowering Plants in Full Syllabus.

Sexual Reproduction In Flowering Plants MCQ Questions Full Syllabus Biology with Answers



Question: The arrangement of the ρ haploid nuclei in the normal dicot embryo sac is

  • a) 2 + 3 + 2
  • b) 3 + 2 + 3
  • c) 3 + 3 + 2
  • d) 2 + 3 + 3

Answer: 2 + 3 + 2


Question: In the flowering plants, male and female gametes both are

  • a) Non-motile
  • b) Very large
  • c) Diploid
  • d) Motile

Answer: Non-motile


Question: Wind pollination requires that the pollen grains are

  • a) Light and dry
  • b) Heavy and wet
  • c) Heavy and non-sticky
  • d) Heavy and sticky

Answer: Light and dry


Question: Future sporophytic generation in a seed is

  • a) Embryo
  • b) Endosperm
  • c) Hypocotyl
  • d) Cotyledon

Answer: Embryo


Question: Scatelum is

  • a) a cotyledon
  • b) an endosperm
  • c) an embryo
  • d) a seed coat

Answer: a cotyledon


Question: Which one of the following floats in the cytoplasm of the vegetative cell ?

  • a) Generatic cell
  • b) Male gamete
  • c) Female gamete
  • d) Microspore

Answer: Generatic cell


Question: The mature pollen grain contains

  • a) 2 cells
  • b) 3 cells
  • c) 7 cells
  • d) 1 cell

Answer: 2 cells


Question: Pollen tube is formed by

  • a) Intine
  • b) Style
  • c) Exine
  • d) Germ pore

Answer: Intine


Question: A single ovule produces

  • a) 1 female gamete
  • b) 3 female gamete
  • c) 2 female gamete
  • d) 4 female gamete

Answer: 1 female gamete


Question: Embryo sac is formed inside

  • a) Ovule
  • b) Seed
  • c) Embryo
  • d) Endosperm

Answer: Ovule


Question: Suspensor is made up of

  • a) 20 to 25 cells
  • b) 2 to 4 cells
  • c) 8 to 16 cells
  • d) None of the above

Answer: 20 to 25 cells


Question: Root cap of the embryo develops from

  • a) Hypophysis
  • b) Basal cell
  • c) Apical cell
  • d) Hypocotyl

Answer: Hypophysis


Question: Pro-embryo is a

  • a) 4 celled structure
  • b) 16 celled structure
  • c) 8 celled structure
  • d) 2 celled structure

Answer: 4 celled structure


Question: The hilum of the ovule represents the junction between

  • a) Funicle and ovule
  • b) Nucellus and Integuments
  • c) Nucellus and Embryo
  • d) Funicle and Integuments

Answer: Funicle and ovule


Question: Which layer of the wall of microsporangium is made up of Fibrous layer

  • a) Endothecium
  • b) Tapetum
  • c) Epidermis
  • d) Middle layer

Answer: Endothecium


Question: Out of the four sets of appendages of a typical flower the outer two sets are

  • a) Sterile
  • b) Filamentous
  • c) Reproductive
  • d) Fertile

Answer: Sterile


Question: A proximal sterile part of the stamen is called

  • a) Filament
  • b) Connective
  • c) Style
  • d) Anther

Answer: Filament


Question: A sterile region present between stigma and ovary is called

  • a) Style
  • b) Suspensor
  • c) Filament
  • d) Pollen tube

Answer: Style



Question: The opposite end of the micropylar region of an ovule is called


  • a) Chalaza
  • b) Thalamus
  • c) Nucellus
  • d) Embryo sac

Answer: Chalaza


Question: When pollen grains are not transferred from anthers to stigma in a flower, due to the physical barrier, it is called

  • a) Herkogamy
  • b) Cleistogamy
  • c) Dichogamy
  • d) Heterogamy

Answer: Herkogamy


More Questions......................................


Question: A typical angiosperm anther is _________ and _________.

  • a) Bilobed, tetrasporangiate
  • b) Bilobed, bisporangiate
  • c) Bilobed, monosporangiate
  • d) Tetralobed, monosporangiate

Answer: Bilobed, tetrasporangiate


Question: The innermost wall layer of anther

  • a) Is nutritive in function
  • b) Is haploid and protective in function
  • c) Forms microspores
  • d) Helps in dehiscence of anther

Answer: Is nutritive in function


Question: The process of formation of microspores from a pollen mother cell is called

  • a) Microsporogenesis
  • b) Megagametogenesis
  • c) Microgametogenesis
  • d) Megasporogenesis

Answer: Microsporogenesis


Question: The pollen grain represents

  • a) Male gametophyte
  • b) Microsporophyll
  • c) Microsporangium
  • d) Male gamete

Answer: Male gametophyte


Question:  The most resistant organic material known which makes up the outermost layer of pollen wall is

  • a) Sporopollenin
  • b) Lignin
  • c) Cellulose
  • d) Pectin

Answer: Sporopollenin


Question: Choose the correct option w.r.t. the function of the germ pore.

  • a) It allows growth of pollen tube
  • b) It helps dehiscence of pollen grain
  • c) It allows water absorption in seed
  • d) More than one option is correct

Answer: It allows growth of pollen tube


Question: The thin and continuous wall layer of pollen is

  • a) Intine
  • b) Germ pore
  • c) Endothecium
  • d) Exine

Answer: Intine


Question: The two-celled stage of mature pollen grain consists of

  • a) Vegetative cell, generative cell
  • b) Two male gametes
  • c) Vegetative cell, one male gamete
  • d) Generative cell, one male gamete

Answer: Vegetative cell, generative cell


Question: In 40% angiosperms, the pollen grains are shed at

  • a) Three-celled stage
  • b) Two-celled stage
  • c) Five-celled stage
  • d) Four-celled stage

Answer: Three-celled stage


Question: Pollen allergy is caused by pollens of

  • a) Parthenium
  • b) Sunflower
  • c) Clematis
  • d) Rose

Answer: Parthenium


Question: The pollen viability period of rice and pea respectively, is

  • a) 30 minutes and several months
  • b) Few days and few months
  • c) Several months and 30 minutes
  • d) Few days in both the cases

Answer: 30 minutes and several months


Question: Integumented megasporangium is

  • a) Ovule
  • b) Pollen sac
  • c) Pollen grain
  • d) Embryo sac

Answer: Ovule


Question:  The nutritive tissue present in the ovule is called

  • a) Nucellus
  • b) Funicle
  • c) Embryo
  • d) Integuments

Answer: Nucellus


Question: The number of embryo sac in an ovule is generally

  • a) One
  • b) Many
  • c) Four
  • d) Three

Answer: One


Question: The role of triple fusion in angiosperms is to produce

  • a) PEN
  • b) Cotyledons
  • c) Endocarp
  • d) Seed

Answer: PEN


Question: The ploidy level of nucellus and female gametophyte respectively is

  • a) 2n, n
  • b) 2n, 2n
  • c) n, 2n
  • d) n, n

Answer: 2n, n


Question: The number of nuclei in a mature embryo sac are

  • a) Eight
  • b) Seven
  • c) Six
  • d) Four

Answer: Eight


Question: The largest cell of the mature embryo sac is

  • a) Central cell
  • b) Egg cell
  • c) Synergids
  • d) Antipodal cells

Answer: Central cell


Question: The structures which guide the pollen tube into synergid is

  • a) Filiform apparatus
  • b) Aril
  • c) Germ pore
  • d) Antipodals

Answer: Filiform apparatus


Question: Geitonogamy is

  • a) Genetically autogamous
  • b) Genetically allogamous
  • c) Ecologically autogamous
  • d) Functionally autogamous

Answer: Genetically autogamous


Question: Which of the following plant provides safe place to insect for laying eggs?

  • a) Amorphophallus
  • b) Ophrys
  • c) Mango
  • d) Sage plant

Answer: Amorphophallus


Question: Production of seed without fertilization is called

  • a) Apomixis
  • b) Apogamy
  • c) Parthenogenesis
  • d) Parthenocarpy

Answer: Apomixis


Question: Examples of water pollinated flowers are

  • a) Vallisneria, Hydrilla, Zostera
  • b) Lotus, Vallisneria, Hydrilla
  • c) Zostera, Lotus, water lily
  • d) Potamogeton, Vallisneria, Lotus

Answer: Vallisneria, Hydrilla, Zostera


Question: The central cell after triple fusion becomes the

  • a) PEC
  • b) PEN
  • c) Endosperm
  • d) Embryo

Answer: PEC


Question: Which of the following is not a characteristic feature of insect pollinated flowers?

  • a) Mucilaginous covering on pollen grains
  • b) Nectaries
  • c) Fragrance
  • d) Foul odour

Answer: Mucilaginous covering on pollen grains


Question: Pollen robbers

  • a) Consume pollen or nectar
  • b) Do not visit flowers for pollen
  • c) Are effective in bringing about pollination
  • d) Take pollen from other insects

Answer: Consume pollen or nectar


Question: Dioecious condition prevents

  • a) Both
  • b) Geitonogamy
  • c) Autogamy
  • d) None of these

Answer: Both


Question: The diploid and triploid product of double fertilization respectively are

  • a) Zygote and primary endosperm nucleus
  • b) Embryo and perisperm
  • c) Endosperm and cotyledons
  • d) Zygote and scutellum

Answer: Zygote and primary endosperm nucleus


Question: Double endosperm is found in

  • a) Coconut
  • b) Pea
  • c) Rice
  • d) Wheat

Answer: Coconut


Question: Exalbuminous seeds are of

  • a) Pea, groundnut, beans
  • b) Wheat, pea, groundnut
  • c) Castor, pea, groundnut
  • d) Wheat, castor, rice

Answer: Pea, groundnut, beans


Question:  The single cotyledon in monocots is

  • a) Scutellum which is lateral in position
  • b) Scutellum which is centrally placed
  • c) Aleurone layer which is terminal in position
  • d) Epiblast which is haploid and lateral in position

Answer: Scutellum which is lateral in position


Question: The sheath enclosing plumule and radicle respectively in monocot seed are

  • a) Coleoptile and coleorhiza
  • b) Scutellum and epiblast
  • c) Coleorhiza and coleoptile
  • d) Aleurone layer and pericarp

Answer:  Coleoptile and coleorhiza


Question:  Perispermic seeds are

  • a) Black pepper, beet
  • b) Maize, beet
  • c) Barley, maize
  • d) Castor, sunflower

Answer: Black pepper, beet


Question: Adventive polyembryony is common in

  • a) Mango
  • b) Orobanche
  • c) Apple
  • d) Wheat

Answer: Mango


Question: Which of the following is a parthenocarpic fruit?

  • a) Banana
  • b) Apple
  • c) Strawberry
  • d) Pomegranate

Answer: Banana


Question: Pollen grains are generally _________ in outline measuring _________ micrometers in diameter

  • a) Spherical, 25-50
  • b) Oblong, 25-50
  • c) Oval, 10-25
  • d) Spherical, 75-100

Answer: Spherical, 25-50


Question: The vegetative cell is

  • a) Large, has large irregularly shaped nucleus
  • b) Small, spindle shaped nucleus
  • c) Small, has large irregularly shaped nucleus
  • d) Large with spindle shaped nucleus

Answer:  Large, has large irregularly shaped nucleus


Question: Cryopreservation means storing of products in

  • a) Liquid nitrogen
  • b) Liquid oxygen
  • c) Liquid hydrogen
  • d) Liquid helium

Answer: Liquid nitrogen


Question: Choose the odd one w.r.t. gynoecium

  • a) The number of ovules in papaya and mango is one
  • b) The gynoecium may be syncarpous or apocarpous
  • c) Gynoecium represents the female reproductive part of flower
  • d) The ovules are attached to placenta

Answer: The number of ovules in papaya and mango is one


Question: The number of mitotic generations required to form a mature embryo sac in most of the flowering plants is

  • a) Three
  • b) Four
  • c) Two
  • d) One

Answer: Three


Question: The types of flowers which always produce seeds even in the absence of pollinators

  • a) Cleistogamous flowers
  • b) Unisexual flowers
  • c) Chasmogamous flowers
  • d) Bisexual flowers

Answer: Cleistogamous flowers


Question: The type of pollination which brings genetically different types of pollen on the stigma is

  • a) Xenogamy
  • b) Geitonogamy
  • c) Cleistogamy
  • d) Autogamy

Answer: Xenogamy


Question: Feathery stigma and versatile anthers are characteristic of

  • a) Wind pollinated flowers
  • b) Water pollinated flowers
  • c) Insect pollinated flowers
  • d) Bat pollinated flowers

Answer: Wind pollinated flowers


Question: Hydrophily is limited to 30 genera which are mostly

  • a) Monocots
  • b) More than one option is correct
  • c) Gymnosperms
  • d) Dicots

Answer: Monocots


Question: Common floral reward provided by plants to pollinator are

  • a) Nectar and pollen
  • b) Pollen and enzymes
  • c) Hormones and nectar
  • d) All of these

Answer: Nectar and pollen


Question: Pollen pistil interaction is

  • a) More than one option is correct
  • b) Dynamic process
  • c) Chemically mediated process
  • d) Genetically controlled process

Answer: More than one option is correct


Question: Emasculation

  • a) Prevent self-pollination in female parent
  • b) Prevent cross pollination in female parent
  • c) Prevent cross pollination in male parent
  • d) Prevent self-pollination in male parent

Answer: Prevent self-pollination in female parent


Question: The cylindrical portion below the level of cotyledons on embryonal axis is

  • a) Hypocotyl
  • b) Radicle
  • c) Plumule
  • d) Epicotyl

Answer: Hypocotyl


Question: Suitable environmental conditions for seed germination are

  • a) Adequate moisture, suitable temperature and oxygen
  • b) Adequate moisture, low temperature, light
  • c) Adequate moisture, light, anaerobic conditions
  • d) Light, water, absence of oxygen

Answer: Adequate moisture, suitable temperature and oxygen


Question: Pericarp is dry in

  • a) Groundnut, mustard
  • b) Guava, mango, mustard
  • c) Mango, groundnut, orange
  • d) Orange, guava, mango

Answer: Groundnut, mustard


Question: Mark the incorrect statement

  • a) Cells of tapetum and endothecium show increase in DNA contents by endomitosis and polyteny
  • b) Sporogenous tissue, occupies the centre of each microsporangium
  • c) Outer three layers of anther wall are protective in function
  • d) Ploidy level of microspore tetrad is haploid

Answer: Cells of tapetum and endothecium show increase in DNA contents by endomitosis and polyteny


Question: Which of the following statement is applicable for all flowering plants?

  • a) Non-motile and morphologically dissimilar gametes
  • b) Monosiphonous pollen tube
  • c) Presence of pollinium
  • d) Division of generative cell after pollination

Answer: Non-motile and morphologically dissimilar gametes



  • a) III, IV are incorrect but I, II are correct
  • b) I, II are incorrect but III, IV are correct
  • c) I, III are incorrect but II, IV are correct
  • d) None of these

Answer: III, IV are incorrect but I, II are correct


Question: Which statement is incorrect?

  • a) Intine is the inner wall of pollen grain and exhibit fascinating array of patterns and designs
  • b) The mature pollen grains has two cells, the bigger is vegetative cell and the smaller is generative cell which floats in cytoplasm of vegetative cell
  • c) Carrot grass pollens cause pollen allergy
  • d) Pollen grains of pea and rose maintain viability for months

Answer: Intine is the inner wall of pollen grain and exhibit fascinating array of patterns and designs


Question: In papaya male and female flowers are present on different plants. It permits

  • a) Xenogamy
  • b) Geitonogamy
  • c) Autogamy
  • d) Both autogamy and geitonogamy

Answer: Xenogamy



  • a)

  • b)

  • c)

  • d) None of these



Question: Select incorrect statement regarding microsporogenesis in an anther

  • a) Each microsporogenesis involves one meiosis and two mitosis
  • b) Large number of microspore mother cells differentiate in one pollen sac
  • c) Microspore tetrads may be tetrahedral or isobilateral
  • d) It consumes tapetum and middle layers

Answer: Each microsporogenesis involves one meiosis and two mitosis


Question: In castor, proliferation of the outer integumentary cells at micropylar region

  • a) Stores sugary substances
  • b) Attract ants and helps in myrmecophily
  • c) Lacks hygroscopic ability
  • d) Is called epiblast

Answer: Stores sugary substances


Question: An angiospermic plant is having 24 chromosomes in its leaf cells. The number of chromosomes present in synergid, pollen grain, nucellus & endosperm will be respectively

  • a) 12, 12, 24, 36
  • b) 12, 12, 12, 36
  • c) 8, 8, 12, 36
  • d) 12, 12, 12, 72

Answer: 12, 12, 24, 36



  • a)

  • b)

  • c)

  • d) None of these



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