NEET Biology Animal Tissues MCQs Set D

Refer to NEET Biology Animal Tissues MCQs Set D provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Full Syllabus Biology with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by NEET, NCERT and KVS. Animal Tissues Full Syllabus MCQ are an important part of exams for Full Syllabus Biology and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for NEET Full Syllabus Biology and also download more latest study material for all subjects

MCQ for Full Syllabus Biology Animal Tissues

Full Syllabus Biology students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Animal Tissues in Full Syllabus.

Animal Tissues MCQ Questions Full Syllabus Biology with Answers


Tissue is the group of cells having similar structure & function. Animals contain 4 basic types of tissues which are :- epithelial tissue, connective tissue, muscular tissue and nervous tissue. Epithelial tissue can be derived from any of the three germinal layers. Epithelial tissues are of different types such as : Squamous, cuboidal, columnar, ciliated, pseudo-stratified, stratified, and transitional.

Functions of epithelial tissue : Protection, secretion & absroption. There are 3 types of connective tissues which are differentiated on the basis of extracellular material. Secreted by cells themselves.

(a) Connective tissue proper- (soft jelly like matrix with fibres) - are of five types : areolar, adipose, white fibrous, tendon and legament.

(b) Skeletal tissue (Supportive connective tissue) includes cartilage and bones which form the endoskeleton of the vertebrate body. The Cartilages are classified in to four group : Hyaline, white fibrous, yellow elastic fibro cartilage and calicified cartilage.

(c) Blood (fluid connective tissue) is a fibre-free fluid extra cellular matrix.

It is a mobile connective tissue (Vascular/Fluid tissue). It is composed of plasma, blood cells and blood platlets. It is a opaque trubid fluid.

Blood cells are erythrocytes and Leucocytes. There are five types of leucocytes : neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, monocytes and lymphocytes.

WBCs are colourless, nucleated found in blood (and lymph). Which are devoid of haemoglobin.

They are capable of coming out of blood capillaries through the process of diapendesis. (i. e. Greek Word - diapendesis - leaping through)

(d) Mascular tissue (mostly mesodermal origin) is made up of elongated and contractive cells :

called muscles cells or myocytes.

There are three types of Muscular tissue : Skeletal muscle (striated), non striated and cardiac,

. Myoglobin - Muscle haemoglobin

. Myoblasts - Muscle forming cells.

. Myology : study of all aspects of muscles & accessory structures .

(e) The nervous tissue it is composed of two types of cells - (a) neurons : (Nerve cells) are structural & functional unit, they transmit nerve impulses, (b) neuroglia. Neuron has one or more processes extending from it . (i) Axon - carries impulses away from the cell body.

(ii) dendrites (G.K. dendron tree) take nerve impulse to the cell body.

On the basis of number of processes, neurons are : unipolar, bipolar & multipolar.

The nerve fibres may be surrounded by two concentric sheath. The inner is known as medullary or myelin sheath.

Myelin is secreted by schwann cells in peripheral nerve fibes and oligodendrocytes in central Nervons system.

Schwann cells form the outer sheath called neurilema (GK. neuron- nerve, lemna-skin).
There is a physical gap between the nerve ending of axon and dendrites called synapse.

For the given options select the correct options (a, b, c, d) each carries one mark.
Question. Which of the following structure are made of several layer's of cells :-
(A) Ciliated epithelium
(B) Stratified epithelium
(C) Cuboidal epithelium
(D) Columnar epithelium
Answer: B
Question. Which simple epithelium tissue cells are square in vertical sections and Polygonal in horizontal section
(A) Columnar epithelium
(B) Squamous epithelium
(C) Cuboidal epithelium
(D) Ciliated epithelium
Answer: C
Question. Which of the following structure is not covered by epithelial tissue :-
(A) Blood vessels
(B) Digestive gland
(C) Skin
(D) Cartilage
Answer: C
Question. Which type of epithelium is present in the inner lining of large bronchi :-
(A) Squamous epithelium
(B) Pseudo - stratified epithelium
(C) Cuboidal epithelium
(D) Columnar epithelium
Answer: B
Question. Which of the following is arranged in a single layer :-
(A) Stratified epithelium
(B) Pseudo-stratified epithelium
(C) Ciliated epithelium
(D) Transitional epithelium
Answer: A
Question. Which tissue is located in uterine tube and proximal tube of kidneys respectively :-
(A) Columnar epithelium, Cuboidal epithelium
(B) Ciliated epithelium, columnar epithelium
(C) Ciliated epithelium, Cuboidal epithelium
(D) Cuboidal epithelium, ciliated epithelium
Answer: C
Question. Which of the following is a function of cuboidal epithelium :-
(A) Participate in secretion and excretion
(B) Helps to remove mucus from trachea
(C) To move mucus in a specific direction
(D) Protect inner tissue cells
Answer: A
Question. Name the structure arranged on basement membrane in compound epithelium :-
(A) Malpighian Corpuscle
(B) Malpighian tubule
(C) Germinative layer
(D) Malpighian body
Answer: C
Question. Which tissue occurs with in the passages of the excretory organs :-
(A) Ciliated Stratified epithelium
(B) Squamous Stratified epithelium
(C) Transitional epithelium
(D) Cuboidal Stratified epithelium
Answer: D
Question. When the surface cells of stratified epithelium contain insoluble protein (Keratin) the tissue is called :-
(A) Stratified Squamous Keratinised 
(B) Stratified Ciliated Keratinised
(C) Stratified Cuboidal Keratinised
(D) Stratified Columnar Keratinised
Answer: A
Question. Name of a structure formed of collagen protien :-
(A) Yellow elastic
(B) White fibres
(C) Yellow fibre
(D) White fibrous
Answer: B
Question. Which cells of areolar tissue are able to move and ingest foreign particles
(A) Fibroblast
(B) Mast cells
(C) Histocytes
(D) All above
Answer: C
Question. Which of the following is not a component of connective tissue proper .
(A) Adipose tissue
(B) Tendon
(C) Cartilage
(D) Ligament
Answer: C
Question. Which of the following is not a component of Skeletal connective tissue :-
(A) Compact bone
(B) White-fibro cartilage
(C) Calcified cartilage
(D) Areolar tissue
Answer: D
Question. What is Synthesized by fibroblast
(A) Collagen
(B) Elastin
(C) (A) and (B)
(D) (A) or (B)
Answer: C
Question. Which connective tissue proper is made up of two types of fibre and cells :-
(A) Tendon
(B) White fibrous tissue
(C) Ligament
(D) Areolar tissue
Answer: D
Question. Which of the following tissue in normally found in tendon . 
(A) Hyaline cartiage
(B) White fibrous tissue
(C) Ligament
(D) Areolar tissue
Answer: B
Question. It connects the bones joints and holds them in position :-
(A) Tendon
(B) While elastic cartilage
(C) Ligament
(D) (B) and (C) both
Answer: C
Question. Give examples of elastic bond
(A) Tendon
(B) Cartilage
(C) Ligament
(D) (B) and (C) both
Answer: A
Question. Which of the following structure present in abundance in subcutaneous tissue :-
(A) Yellow elastic tissue
(B) Adipose tissue
(C) White fibrous tissue
(D) Tendon
Answer: B
Question. It is composed of bundles of collagen fibers :-
(A) Tendon
(B) White-fibro cartilage
(C) Hyaline cartilage
(D) White fibrous tissue
Answer: A
Question. Who synthesized elastin protein
(A) Fibroblasts
(B) Adipose cell
(C) Phagocytic cell
(D) Mast cells
Answer: A
Question. Which of the following structure is seen in the joints between skull bones :-
(A) Yellow elastic tissue
(B) Cellular Cartilage
(C) White Fibrous tissue
(D) Tendon
Answer: B
Question. Which Structure is able to move in areolar tissue
(A) Adipose cell
(B) Phagocytic cell
(C) Fibroblasts
(D) Mast cell
Answer: B
Question. Name the connective tissue present in larynx
(A) White fibrous cartilage
(B) Hyaline cartilage
(C) Areolar tissue
(D) Yellow elastic cartilage
Answer: B
Question. Which connective tissue is found in epiglottis :-
(A) Yellow elastic cartilage
(B) Calcified cartilage
(C) Areolar tissue
(D) White fibrous tissue
Answer:  A
Question. A Structure having blood vessels in hyaline cartilage is :-
(A) Matrix
(B) Perichondrium
(C) Lacunae
(D) Chondroblasts
Answer: B
Question. In which of the following yellow elastic cartilage is observed :-
(A) Tip of nose
(B) Ear pinna
(C) Epiglottis
(D) all above
Answer: D
Question. Which of the following characteristics observed in yellow elastic cartilage :
(A) It has elastin
(B) Its matrix is homogeneous and translucent
(C) A few flat and elongated fibroblast cells lay between the fibre bundles.
(D) Cell are ovoid in shape and are surrounded by matrix.
Answer: A
Question. Matrix of bone is composed of protein called
(A) Myosin
(B) Ossein
(C) Elastin
(D) Actin
Answer: B
Question. In the centre of bone there is a narrow cavity it contains a tissue which :-
(A) is composed of adipose
(B) is yellow in colour
(C) Possess blood vessels
(D) all above
Answer: D
Question. Which of the following structure is not included in blood cells
(A) Fibrinogen
(B) Lymphocytes
(C) Basophils
(D) Erythrocytes
Answer: A
Question. Which is metabolic waste product of blood :-
(A) Fibrinogen
(B) carbon dioxide
(C) Lysine
(D) Immunoglobulin
Answer: B
Question. What is the number of RBCs per cubic mililiter blood of adult made under normal condition .
(A) 41,00,000 to 60,00,000
(B) 7.5± 3.5 x 103
(C) 39 to 55 x 1010
(D) 39,00,000 to 55,00,000
Answer: A
Question. Which structure of blood is nucleated?
(A) Erythrocytes
(B) Leucocytes
(C) Bloood platlets
(D) Above all
Answer: B
Question. Nucleus of which leucocytes have many lobe :-
(A) Eosinophils
(B) Neutrophils
(C) Basophils
(D) Monocytes
Answer: B
Question. The darker bands in muscle fibre is called
(A) H - bands
(B) A - bands
(C) Z - bands
(D) I - bands
Answer: B
Question. Which muscle tissue is mononucleate having granular sarcoplasm around its nucleus :-
(A) Smooth muscle
(B) Voluntary muscle tissue
(C) Cardiac muscle
(D) Skeletal muscle tissue
Answer: A
Question. The lighter bands in muscles fiber is called :-
(A) I - bands
(B) H - bands
(C) Z - bands
(D) A - bands
Answer: A
Question. A structure formed by enveloped of schwann's cells
(A) Nodes of Ranvier
(B) Neurilemma
(C) Myelin Sheath
(D) (A) and (C) both
Answer: B
Question. Cell body of which neuron giving rise to both dendrite and axonal branches.
(A) Unipolar neuron
(B) Multipolar neuron
(C) Bipolar neuron
(D) All the above
Answer: B
Question. Which structure is indicated by each myelinated nerve fibre.
(A) Neurilemma
(B) Constritions at regular intervals called nodes of ranvier
(C) Neurotransmitters
(D) Synapes
Answer: B
Directions : In the following questions there are two statements; Assertion (A) and Reason (R):
(A) Both A and R are true and R is correct explanation ofA.
(B) Both A and R are true but R is not correct explanation of A.
(C) A is true and R is wrong.
(D) A is wrong and R is true.

Question. A : Squamous epithelium protect the under lying tissue.
R : Outer most layer of skin of frog made up of squamous epithelium.

Answer: A

Question. A : Thickness of skin layer is maintained.
R : In compound epithelium, layer rested on basement membrane shows power of cell division.

Answer: A

Question. A : Mast cells are found in areolar tissue.
R : Mast cells produces heparin, histamine etc.

Answer: B

Question. A : Cartilage bond connects the joints.
R : Matrix of cartilage is dense.

Answer: D

Question. A : Yellow elastin cartilage has elastin.
R : Whie fibrous cartilage has bundles of collagen, fibres

Answer: B

Question. A : Blood has properties of clotting
R : Blood has plasma protein fibrinogen.

Answer: A

Question. A : Muscle fibre of skeletal muscle is multi nucleate.
R : In each animals muscle fibres are attached to bones by tendons.

Answer: C

Question. A : Thick and thin filaments overlap for some distance within the ‘A’ band
R : Thin Filaments slides over thick filaments

Answer: B

Question. Which pair of structures distinguishes a nerve cell from other cells.
(A) Vacuole and fibres
(B) Nucleus and mitochondria
(C) Perikaryon and dendrites
(D) Flagellum and medullary sheath
Answer: C
Question. Transitional epithelium occurs in : 
(A) Blood vessels
(B) Trachea
(C) Kidney
(D) Ureter/urinary bladder
Answer: D
Question. The study of tissues is knows as : 
(A) Physiology
(B) Ecology
(C) Histology
(D) Anatomy
Answer: C
Question. Find out the wrong match : 
(A) Eosinophils Allergic response
(B) Basophils Secrete histamine and serotonin
(C) Monocytes Secrete heparin
(D) Lymphocytes Immune response
Answer: C
Question. The outer covering of cartilage is called.
(A) Peritoneum
(B) Periosteum
(C) Endosteum
(D) Perichondrium
Answer: D
Question. Skin is : 
(A) Cubiodal epithelium
(B) Stratified epithelium
(C) Coloumnar epithelium
(D) Pseudostratified epithelumn
Answer: D
Question. Match the animals listed in column-I to blood listed in column-II. 
NEET Biology Animal Tissues MCQs Set D-1
(A) (P-iii), (Q-iv), (R-i), (S-ii)
(B) (P-iv), (Q-v), (R-iii), (S-ii)
(C) (P-i), (Q-iv), (R-ii), (S-iii)
(D) (P-v), (Q-iii), (R-i), (S-iv)
Answer: A
Question. Matrix of bone and cartilage can be distinguished by the presence of :
(A) Lacuma
(B) Chromatophares
(C) Haversian canals
(D) Adipose cells
Answer: C
Question. Which type of tissue forms glands : 
(A) Epithelial
(B) Muscular
(C) Nervous
(D) Connective
Answer: A
Question. Which of the following blood cells help in blood coagulation. 
(A) RBCs
(B) Lymphocytes
(C) Thrombocytes
(D) Basophils
Answer: C 
Question. Fibroblasts macrophages and mast cells are present in :
(A) Cartilage tissue
(B) Areolar tissue
(C) Adipose tissue
(D) Glandular epithelium
Answer: B
Question. Which type of epithelium is involved in a function to move particles or mucus in specific direction :
(A) Squamous epithelium
(B) Cuboidal epithelium
(C) Columnar epithelium
(D) Ciliatal epithelium
Answer: D
Question. Which of these is not found in connective tissue : 
(A) Collagen fibres
(B) Basement membrane
(C) Hyaluronic acid
(D) Fluid
Answer: B
Question. Multi-lobed nucleus and granular cytoplasm are characteristics of which of the WBCs :
(A) Neutrophils
(B) Monocytes
(C) Lymphocytes
(D) Eosinophils
Answer: A
Question. Which one of the following plasma proteins is involved in the coagulation of blood.
(A) globulin
(B) Fibrinogen
(C) albumin
(D) Serum amylase
Answer: B
Question. Which of the following is not a connecting tissue. 
(A) Blood
(B) bone
(C) Lymph
(D) Nerve
Answer: D
Question. The ciliated columnar epithelial cells in humans are knows to occur in. 
(A) Bile duct and oesophagus
(B) Fallopian tubes and urethra
(C) Eustachian tube and stomach lining
(D) Bronchioles and fallopian tubes
Answer: D
Question. Which of the following is correct for (1), (2), (3) lebelled in the given diagram ?
NEET Biology Animal Tissues MCQs Set D-Q68
(A) (1) Nucleus, (2) Basment membrane, (3) Free polygonal surface
(B) (1) Free polygonal surface, (2) Basement membranme, (3) Nucleus
(C) (1) Nucleus, (2) Free polygonal surface, (3) Basement membrane
(D) (1) Basement membrane, (2) Nucleus, (3) Free polygonal surface
Answer: C
Question. Which of the following is correct for (1), (2), (3) and (4) in the given diagram ?
NEET Biology Animal Tissues MCQs Set D-Q69
(A) (1) Matrix (2) Chondrocyte (3) Lacunae (4) Collagen fibre
(B) (1) Lacunae (2) Matrix (3) Collagen fibre (4) Chondrocyte
(C) (1) Chondrocyte (2) Matrix (3) Collagen fibre (4) Lacunae
(D) (1) Collangen fibre (2) Lacunae (3) Chondrocyte (4) Matrix
Answer: D
Question. Which of the following is correct for (1), (2) and (3) in the given diagram ?
NEET Biology Animal Tissues MCQs Set D-Q70
(A) (1) Lecunae (2) Chondrin Matrix (3) Chondrocytes
(B) (1) Chondrocytes (2) Lecunae (3) Chondrin Matrix
(C) (1) Chondrocytes (2) Lecunae (3) Chondrin Matrix
(D) (1) Chondrin matrix (2) Chondrocytes (3) Lecunae
Answer: C
Question. Which of the following is correct for (1), (2), (3) in the given diagram ?
NEET Biology Animal Tissues MCQs Set D-Q71
(A) (1) Sarcoplasm (2) Sarcolema (3) Nucleus
(B) (1) Nucleus (2) Sarcoplasma (3) Sarcolema
(C) (1) Sarcolema (2) Nucleus (3) Sacroplasm
(D) (1) Sarcoplasm (2) Sarcolema (3) Nucleus
Answer: A
Question. In the following diagram the thin filament is made up of.
NEET Biology Animal Tissues MCQs Set D-Q72
(A) Only myosin
(B) Actin, tropomyosin, troponin
(C) H-line, troponin
(D) Myosin, actin and tropomyosin
Answer: D
Question. Which of the following is correct for (1), (2), (3) in the given diagram ?
NEET Biology Animal Tissues MCQs Set D-Q73
(A) (1) Basal granule (2) Supporting cells (3) Mucus secreting cells
(B) (1) Supporting cells (2) Mucus secreting cell (3) Basal granule
(C) (1) Supporting cells (2) Basal granule (3) Mucus secreting cell
(D) (1) Mucus secreting cell (2) Supporting cells (3) Basal granule
Answer: C
Question. Write location of the following diagram.
NEET Biology Animal Tissues MCQs Set D-Q74
(A) Gall blader
(B) Lungs
(C) Thyroid gland
(D) Uterine tube
Answer: D
Question. In the diagram of the section of bone tissue given below, certain parts have been indicated by alphabets, choose the answer in which these alphabets have been correctly matched with the parts which they indicate.
NEET Biology Animal Tissues MCQs Set D-Q75
(A) A = Interstitial lamellae, B = Laemaellae with osteocytes, C = Blood vessels, D = Nerve, E = Canaliculi, F = Naversian canal, G = Lamellae
(B) A = Interstitial lamellae, B = Haversian system, C = Concentric lamellae, D = Cacune with bone cells, E = Matrix, F = Haversian canal, G = Canaliculi
(C) A = Interstitial lamellae, B = Osteocytes, C = Nerve, D = Blood vessels, E = Canaliculi, F = Haversian system, G = Lamellae
(D) A = Interstitial lamellae, B = Osteocytes, C = Nerve, D = Blood vessles, E = Lamellae, F = Haversian canal, G = Canaliculi
Answer: D
Question. Which of the following is correct for (1), (2), (3) in the given diagram ?
NEET Biology Animal Tissues MCQs Set D-Q76
(A) (1) Nucleus (2) Bands (dics) (3) Intercalated disc
(B) (1) Bands (disc) (2) Nucleus (3) Intercalated disc
(C) (1) Nucleus (2) Intercalated disc (3) Bands (discs)
(D) (1) Intercalated disc (2) Bands (discs) (3) Nucleus
Answer: D
Question. Which of the following is correct for (1), (2) and (3) in the given diagram ?
NEET Biology Animal Tissues MCQs Set D-Q77
(A) (1) Neuroaxon (2) Myelin sheath (3) Dendron
(B) (1) Myelin sheath (2) Neuroaxon (3) Dendron
(C) (1) Dendron (2) Neuroaxon (3) Myelin sheath
(D) (1) Myelin sheath (2) Dendron (3) Neuroaxon
Answer: C
Question. Which of the following is correct for (1), (2) and (3) in the given diagram ?
NEET Biology Animal Tissues MCQs Set D-Q78
(A) (1) Elastic fibre (2) Lecunae (3) Matrix (4) Chondrocytes
(B) (1) Matrix (2) Chondrocytes (3) Lecunae (4) Elastic fibre
(C) (1) Chondrocytes (2) Matrix (3) Elastic fibre (4) Lecunae
(D) (1) Lecunae (2) Elastic fibre (3) Matrix (4) Chondrocytes
Answer: A
Question. Which tissue indicated by given diagram ?
(A) Calcified cartilage
(B) Hyaline cartilage
(C) White fibre cartilage
(D) Yellow elastic cartilage
Answer: D
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MCQs for Animal Tissues Biology Full Syllabus

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