Refer to NEET Biology Biological Classification MCQs Set C provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Full Syllabus Biology with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by NEET, NCERT and KVS. Biological Classification Full Syllabus MCQ are an important part of exams for Full Syllabus Biology and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for NEET Full Syllabus Biology and also download more latest study material for all subjects
MCQ for Full Syllabus Biology Biological Classification
Full Syllabus Biology students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Biological Classification in Full Syllabus.
Biological Classification MCQ Questions Full Syllabus Biology with Answers
Question. Assertion : Cellular slime moulds have the characters of both plants and animals.
Reason : Reproductive phase is animal like and vegetative phase is plant like.
Answer: C
Question. Assertion : Outer membrane is present in Rhizobium.
Reason : Outer membrane contains lipopolysaccharides.
Answer: B
Question. Assertion : Lichens do not grow in polluted area having SO2.
Reason : Lichens secrete carbonic acid and oxalic acid on barren rocks.
Answer: B
Question. Assertion : Secondary mycelium of Agaricus is binuclealed.
Reason : Secondary mycelium is formed by somatogamy of primary mycelium.
Answer: A
Question. Assertion : CypheUae help to retain moisture in lichens.
Reason : It contains large number of hyaline cells.
Answer: D
Question. Assertion : Unicellular eukaryoles are included in Monera.
Reason : Unicellular eukaryotes have 70S cytoribosomes.
Answer: D
Question. Assertion : Lamellasome connects nucleoid to cell membrane.
Reason : Lamellasome is present in oxyphotobacteria.
Answer: B
Question. Assertion : Pseudomonas fluorescense is cephalotrichous bacteria.
Reason : It is helpful in retting of fibres.
Answer: B
Question. Assertion : MLOs are pleomorphic and non-motile monerans.
Reason : They are resistant to antibiotics like penicillin.
Answer: B
Question. Assertion : Gram positive bacteria detect and respond to chemicals by lipopolysaccharides.
Reason : They have high amount of porins and lipidS which act as antigen.
Answer: D
Question. Assertion : Holophytic protistans are important phytoplanktons and they contribute 80% of the total photosynthesis.
Reason : They lack chemosynthetic nutrition and utilize non sulphur organic compound as the source of electron and proton in carbon assimilation.
Answer: C
Question. Assertion : Sexual spores in pink mould are meiospores produced endogenously.
Reason : They develop flask shaped fruiting txx:ty in sexual life cycle.
Answer: B
Question. Assertion : Azotodesmic lichens are biofertilisers enriching nitrogen contents in soil.
Reason : This ability is due to the presence of heterocystous blue-green algae as phycobiont component.
Answer: A
Question. Assertion : Viroids are not included in five kingdom system.
Reason : They are acellular.
Answer: A
Question. Assertion : Viruses which infect animals generally possess ssRNA or dsRNA or dsDNA.
Reason : Phytophagineae generally contain dsDNA.
Answer: C
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Statement-1 : Linnaeus classified plants into trees, shrubs and herbs, on the basis of morphological characters.
Statement-2 : Aristotle divided animals into group - Anaima and Enaima.
- a) Only statement-2 is correct
- b) Only statement-1 is correct
- c) Both statement-1 and statement-2 are correct
- d) Both statement-1 and statement-2 are incorrect
Answer: Only statement-2 is correct
Question: In members of which kingdom, nuclear membrane is absent?
- a) Monera
- b) Protista
- c) Fungi
- d) Plantae
Answer: Monera
Question: In five kingdom classification, the kingdom that includes the blue-green algae, nitrogen-fixing bacteria and methanogenic archaebacteria, is
- a) Monera
- b) Protista
- c) Fungi
- d) Plantae
Answer: Monera
Question: Which one of the following is not the basis of five kingdom classification?
- a) Reserve food material
- b) Body organisation
- c) Cell structure
- d) Reproduction
Answer: Reserve food material
Question: Position of bacteria in the kingdom system of classification proposed by Linnaeus is
- a) Plantae
- b) Animalia
- c) Protista
- d) Monera
Answer: Plantae
Question: Who was the founder of five kingdom system of classification?
- a) R.H. Whittaker
- b) Aristotle
- c) T.O. Diener
- d) C. Linnaeus
Answer: R.H. Whittaker
Question: According to five kingdom system, gymnosperms and angiosperms are grouped under the kingdom
- a) Plantae
- b) Fungi
- c) Protista
- d) Monera
Answer: Plantae
Question: Which organisms are not included in the five kingdom system of classification?
- a) Both
- b) Lichens
- c) Viruses
- d) Protozoans
Answer: Both
Question: Who for the first time classified organisms on the basis of scientific approach?
- a) Aristotle
- b) Linnaeus
- c) Whittaker
- d) Pasteur
Answer: Aristotle
Question: Aristotle classified animals in two groups on the basis of presence or absence of RBC. The group which does not have RBCs is
- a) Anaima
- b) Enaima
- c) Ovipera
- d) Vivipera
Answer: Anaima
Question: Heterotrophic, eukaryotic, multicellular organisms lacking a cell wall are included in the kingdom
- a) Animalia
- b) Plantae
- c) Fungi
- d) Protista
Answer: Animalia
- a) a(ii), b(i), c(iii), d(iv)
- b) a(i), b(ii), c(iv), d(iii)
- c) a(ii), b(i), c(iv), d(iii)
- d) a(i), b(ii), c(iii), d(iv)
Answer: a(ii), b(i), c(iii), d(iv)
Question: During favourable conditions bacteria mainly reproduce by
- a) Fission
- b) Sporulation
- c) Fragmentation
- d) Budding
Answer: Fission
Question: Select the correct statement.
- a) Members of kingdom Protista are primarily aquatic
- b) Dinoflagellates, euglenoids and slime moulds are placed under kingdom Monera
- c) Cholera, typhoid, tetanus are well-known diseases caused by viruses
- d) Dinoflagellates are the chief ‘producers’ in the oceans
Answer: Members of kingdom Protista are primarily aquatic
Question: Select the incorrect statement
- a) The cell wall of Mycoplasma are made up of chitin
- b) Heterotrophic bacteria are more abundant in nature
- c) Cyanobacteria often form blooms in polluted water bodies
- d) Nostoc and Anabaena have heterocysts for nitrogen fixation
Answer: The cell wall of Mycoplasma are made up of chitin
Question: Heterocysts present in Anabaena is specialised for
- a) Nitrogen fixation
- b) Food storage
- c) Fission
- d) Sexual reproduction
Answer: Nitrogen fixation
Question: Mark the odd one w.r.t. cell wall.
- a) Cyanobacteria
- b) Thermoacidophiles
- c) Methanogens
- d) Halophiles
Answer: Cyanobacteria
Question: Primitive bacteria living in salty areas are called as
- a) Halophiles
- b) Heliophytes
- c) Thermoacidophiles
- d) Methanogens
Answer: Halophiles
Question: Select the non-protistan group.
- a) Phycomycetes
- b) Chrysophytes
- c) Dinoflagellates
- d) Slime moulds
Answer: Phycomycetes
Question: Which of the following is correct?
- a) Protozoans lack cell wall
- b) Pellicle is absent in Euglena
- c) All slime moulds are haploid
- d) Dinoflagellates are non-motile
Answer: Protozoans lack cell wall
Question: Which is not a feature of dinoflagellates?
- a) These are mostly fresh water and non-photosynthetic
- b) They release toxins
- c) Their cell wall has stiff cellulose plates on the outer surface
- d) They cause red tides
Answer: These are mostly fresh water and non-photosynthetic
Question: _________ are saprophytic protists, whose body moves along decaying twigs and leaves engulfing organic material.
- a) Slime moulds
- b) Chrysophytes
- c) Dinoflagellates
- d) Euglenoids
Answer: Slime moulds
Question: Being photosynthetic, which organism in absence of sunlight behave like heterotrophs?
- a) Euglenoids
- b) Slime moulds
- c) Sporozoans
- d) Ciliated protozoans
Answer: Euglenoids
Question: Which is the incorrect statement regarding fungi?
- a) The cell wall of fungi are composed of peptidoglycan
- b) Penicillium is a source of antibiotic
- c) Wheat rust causing agent is Puccinia
- d) Fungi prefer to grow in warm and humid places
Answer: The cell wall of fungi are composed of peptidoglycan
Statement-1 : Yeast is a multicellular fungus.
Statement-2 : Penicillium is an unicellular fungus.
Statement-3 : Albugo is a parasitic fungus on mustard
- a) Only statement-3 is correct
- b) Only statement-1 and statement-2 are correct
- c) All the above statements are incorrect
- d) Both statement-1 and statement-3 are correct
Answer: Only statement-3 is correct
Question: Mark the correct statement
- a) The mycelium of basidiomycetes is branched and septate
- b) Phycomycetes include mushrooms, bracket fungi or puff balls
- c) Neurospora is used extensively in biochemical and genetic work, it belongs to group basidiomycetes
- d) Morels and truffles are non-edible
Answer: The mycelium of basidiomycetes is branched and septate
Question: With respect to fungal sexual cycle, choose the correct sequence of events.
- a) Plasmogamy, karyogamy and meiosis
- b) Meiosis, plasmogamy and karyogamy
- c) Karyogamy, plasmogamy and meiosis
- d) Meiosis, karyogamy and plasmogamy
Answer: Plasmogamy, karyogamy and meiosis
Question: Mark the odd one w.r.t. kingdom fungi.
- a) They do not reproduce by zoospores
- b) Most of fungi are saprophytic in their mode of nutrition
- c) They show a great diversity in structure and habitat
- d) They reproduce asexually and sexually
Answer: They do not reproduce by zoospores
Question: The sex organs are absent, but plasmogamy is brought about by fusion of two vegetative or somatic cells of ifferent genotypes. It is the feature of
- a) Basidiomycetes
- b) Ascomycetes
- c) All of these
- d) Phycomycetes
Answer: Basidiomycetes
Question: The fungi form fruiting bodies in which _________ division occurs, leading to formation of _________ spores
- a) Reduction, haploid
- b) Mitotic, haploid
- c) Reduction, diploid
- d) Mitotic, diploid
Answer: Reduction, haploid
Question: Vegetative reproduction by fragmentation is common in
- a) Agaricus
- b) Saccharomyces
- c) Euglena
- d) Gonyaulax
Answer: Agaricus
- a) Basidiomycetes – Claviceps
- b) Phycomycetes – Albugo
- c) Ascomycetes – Penicillium
- d) Deuteromycetes – Trichoderma
Answer: Basidiomycetes – Claviceps
Question: Haploid sexual spore produced exogenously is
- a) Basidiospore
- b) Oospore
- c) Zygospore
- d) Ascospore
Answer: Basidiospore
Question: Coenocytic mycelium is found in
- a) Phycomycetes
- b) Ascomycetes
- c) All of these
- d) Deuteromycetes
Answer: Phycomycetes
Question: The members of which group are commonly known as sac fungi?
- a) Ascomycetes
- b) Basidiomycetes
- c) Deuteromycetes
- d) Phycomycetes
Answer: Ascomycetes
- a) A = Mucor, B = Aspergillus, C = Agaricus
- b) A = Agaricus, B = Mucor, C = Aspergillus
- c) A = Mucor, B = Agaricus, C = Aspergillus
- d) A = Agaricus, B = Aspergillus, C = Mucor
Answer: A = Mucor, B = Aspergillus, C = Agaricus
Question: Which one is correctly matched?
- a) Deuteromycetes - Imperfect fungi
- b) Ustilago - Mushroom
- c) Agaricus - Smut
- d) Puccinia - Insectivorous plant
Answer: Deuteromycetes - Imperfect fungi
Question: Which of the following statement is incorrect about viruses?
- a) TMV contains both RNA and DNA as its genetic material
- b) Bacteriophages are usually double stranded DNA viruses
- c) Viruses do not have their own metabolic system
- d) Viruses contain either RNA or DNA
Answer: TMV contains both RNA and DNA as its genetic material
Question: Viruses that infect the bacteria are termed as
- a) Bacteriophages
- b) Mycophages
- c) Cyanophages
- d) None of these
Answer: Bacteriophages
Question: Who demonstrated that the extract of the infected plants of tobacco could cause infection in healthy plants?
- a) M.W. Beijerinek
- b) D.J. Ivanowsky
- c) W.M. Stanley
- d) Pasteur
Answer: M.W. Beijerinek
Question: The protein coat called capsid made of small subunits called capsomeres are present in
- a) Viruses
- b) Bacteria
- c) Fungi
- d) Gymnosperms
Answer: Viruses
Question: Select the incorrect match w.r.t. genetic material
- a) Herpes virus – ssDNA
- b) TMV – ssRNA
- c) Bacteriophage – dsDNA
- d) Influenza virus – ssRNA
Answer: Herpes virus – ssDNA
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
Question: Select the correct statement.
- a) Mumps and Herpes are viral diseases
- b) RNA of viroids have high molecular weight than viruses
- c) Viroids have double stranded RNA
- d) The name virus was given by D.J. Ivanowsky
Answer: Mumps and Herpes are viral diseases
Question: Lichens show symbiotic relationship between
- a) Algae and fungi
- b) Algae and bacteria
- c) Algae and bacteriophage
- d) Fungi and bacteriophage
Answer: Algae and fungi
Question: Which is correct w.r.t. lichens?
- a) They are good pollution indicators
- b) Mycobiont is autotrophic component
- c) Phycobiont is heterotrophic component
- d) They do not grow in non-polluted areas
Answer: They are good pollution indicators
Question: The association of fungi with the roots of higher plants is called
- a) Mycorrhiza
- b) Slime mould
- c) Neurospora
- d) Lichens
Answer: Mycorrhiza
Question: Select the incorrect statement
- a) The mode of nutrition in plants is holozoic
- b) Plantae includes algae, bryophytes, pteridophytes, gymnosperms and angiosperms
- c) Bladderwort and Venus fly trap are examples of insectivorous plants
- d) Cuscuta is a parasitic plant
Answer: The mode of nutrition in plants is holozoic
Question: In which group of organisms, reserve food is stored in the form of glycogen and fat?
- a) Man and Monkey
- b) Bladderwort and Cuscuta
- c) Cuscuta and Dog
- d) Bladderwort and Venus fly trap
Answer: Man and Monkey
Question: Diatomaceous earth is formed due to which substance?
- a) Silicon
- b) Copper
- c) Calcium
- d) Phosphorus
Answer: Silicon
Question: Which kingdom was introduced in four kingdom classification and who proposed it ?
- a) Monera and Copeland
- b) Plantae and Linnaeus
- c) Protista and Copeland
- d) Monera and Whittaker
Answer: Monera and Copeland
Question: Select correct match w.r.t. Whittaker’ system of classification
- a) Fungi : Multicellular/loose tissue, eukaryotic, osmotrophs, chitinous wall
- b) Protista : Unicellular, eukaryotic, photoauto-trophs and chemoautotrophs
- c) Monera : Unicellular, osmotrophs, producers and decomposers, true cellulosic cell wall
- d) Animalia : Multicellular, eukaryotic, organ or organ system, holozoic, no saprobic
Answer: Fungi : Multicellular/loose tissue, eukaryotic, osmotrophs, chitinous wall
Question: Domain Eukarya includes how many kingdoms (w.r.t. six kingdom system)?
- a) 4
- b) 1
- c) 3
- d) 2
Answer: 4
Question: Bacteria are considered primitive organisms because they
- a) Possess incipient nucleus
- b) Are small, microscopic plants, which are not seen by the naked eyes
- c) Cause serious diseases to human being, domesticated animals and crop plants
- d) Produce endospores which are very resistant to adverse conditions
Answer: Possess incipient nucleus
Question: 70S ribosomes, chromatophores and circular DNA, are found in
- a) Some prokaryotes
- b) All eukaryotes
- c) All prokaryotes
- d) Some eukaryotes and some prokaryotes
Answer: Some prokaryotes
Question: There is no alternation of generation in Escherichia coli because of the absence of
- a) Both
- b) Reduction division
- c) Syngamy
- d) None of these
Answer: Both
Question: Branched chain lipids occur in the cell membranes of
- a) Methanobacterium
- b) Mycoplasma
- c) Actinomycetes
- d) Streptomyces
Answer: Methanobacterium
Question: Cyanobacteria do not possess
- a) Flagella
- b) Plasmids
- c) Pigments
- d) Gene recombinations
Answer: Flagella
Question: Bacterial cell divides every one minute. It takes 15 minutes a cup to be one-fourth full. How much time will it take to fill the cup?
- a) 17 minutes
- b) 60 minutes
- c) 45 minutes
- d) 30 minutes
Answer: 17 minutes
Question: Highly resistance nature of endospore is due to the presence of
- a) Dipicolinic acid and Ca in cortex
- b) Dipicolinic acid and peptidoglycan in spore coat
- c) Peptidoglycan in exosporium
- d) Dipicolinic acid and Ca in cell membrane
Answer: Dipicolinic acid and Ca in cortex
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MCQs for Biological Classification Biology Full Syllabus
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