NEET Biology Excretory Products and Their Elimination MCQs Set C

Refer to NEET Biology Excretory Products and Their Elimination MCQs Set C provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Full Syllabus Biology with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by NEET, NCERT and KVS. Excretory Products and Their Elimination Full Syllabus MCQ are an important part of exams for Full Syllabus Biology and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for NEET Full Syllabus Biology and also download more latest study material for all subjects

MCQ for Full Syllabus Biology Excretory Products and Their Elimination

Full Syllabus Biology students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Excretory Products and Their Elimination in Full Syllabus.

Excretory Products and Their Elimination MCQ Questions Full Syllabus Biology with Answers



Question: It is activated us he change of blood volume and volume of body fluid

  • a) Osmoreceptor
  • b) Aorta
  • c) Renal vein
  • d) Medulla oblongata

Answer: Osmoreceptor


Question: It increases excretion of ca+2 in the kidney

  • a) Thyrocalcitonin
  • b) Angiotensin
  • c) Renin
  • d) Prostaglandin

Answer: Thyrocalcitonin


Question: Elimination f insoluble calcium phophate takes place by

  • a) Large intestine
  • b) Lungs
  • c) Liver
  • d) Kidney

Answer: Large intestine


Question: The function of renin is

  • a) Degradation of angiotensinogen
  • b) To reduce blood pressure
  • c) Stimulation of corpus luteum
  • d) Vasodilation

Answer: Degradation of angiotensinogen


Question: For release of Urine

  • a) Urinary track relaxes
  • b) Ureter contracts
  • c) Ureter relaxes
  • d) Urinary bTrack contracts

Answer: Urinary track relaxes


Question: Presence of blood in urine is known as

  • a) Hemetourea
  • b) Aoligourea
  • c) Glycosuria
  • d) Kitonurea

Answer: Hemetourea


Question: Presence of excessive amount urea in blood is known as

  • a) Uremia
  • b) Hemeturia
  • c) Diurea
  • d) Aniurea

Answer: Uremia


Question: Longest loop of henle is found in

  • a) Kangaroorat
  • b) Rhesus monkey
  • c) Dog
  • d) Frog

Answer: Kangaroorat


Question: Sebaceous glands discharge

  • a) Water, salts, NaCl, Fatty acid
  • b) Water, sterols, latic acid, NaCl
  • c) Water, sterols, fatty acid hydrobarbos
  • d) Water, salts, NaCl, Lactic acid

Answer: Water, salts, NaCl, Fatty acid


Question: Marine teleost fishes excrete

  • a) None of these
  • b) Urea
  • c) Ammonia
  • d) Uric acid

Answer: None of these


Question: Sweat gland secretion consist of

  • a) Water, sterols, fatty acid hydrobarbos
  • b) Water, salts, NaCl, Lactic acid
  • c) Water, salts, NaCl, Fatty acid
  • d) Water, sterols, latic acid, NaCl (73)

Answer: Water, sterols, fatty acid hydrobarbos


Question: Kidney are

  • a) Reddish brown
  • b) Yellowwish brown
  • c) Greenish yellow
  • d) Grey in colour

Answer: Reddish brown


Question: kidney in human being occure in the region of

  • a) 12th thoracic and second lumber vertebra
  • b) 9th thoracic and forth lumber vertebra
  • c) 11th thoracic and third lumber vertebra
  • d) 10th thoracic and first lumber vertebra

Answer: 12th thoracic and second lumber vertebra



(1) In human being NH3 is convert in urea is liver

(2) Insect birds and land nail are urecotelic

(3) A small amount of water is wasted n excretion of anomia however not much energy is used in doing so.

(4) More energy is required in the preparation of urea but not a large amount of water is needed to be lost

  • a) TTFT
  • b) TFFT
  • c) TFFF
  • d) TTTF

Answer: TTFT



(1) The outer surface of the kidney is concave while inner is convex

(2) The projection of renal pelvis are called collecting duct

(3) Renal columns called columns of bertini

(4) Afferent renal arterioles are narrower then efferent renal arteriioles

  • a) FFTF
  • b) FTTF
  • c) FFTT
  • d) FTFF

Answer: FFTF



(1) In PCT the filterate is hypertonic to nblood plasma

(2) In DCT the filterrte is hypertonic to blood plasma

(3) Decending limb of LOH is permecable to water but nearly imperable to salts

(4) Ascending limb of LOH is Segment to water but nearly imperable to salts

  • a) FFTF
  • b) TFTT
  • c) FTTF
  • d) FTFT

Answer: FFTF



Column I                       column II

(P) Uremia           (i) excee of protein level in urine

(Q) Haematuria` (ii) Presence of high Ketone bodies in urine

(R) Ketonuria      (iii) Presence of blood cells in urine

(S) Glucosuria     (iv) presence of glucose in urine

(T) proteinuria     (v) presence of urea in blood

  • a) P Q R S T-v iii ii iv i
  • b) P Q R S T-iv v iii ii i
  • c) P Q R S T-v iii iv ii i
  • d) P Q R S T-v iii ii i iv

Answer: P Q R S T-v iii ii iv i



Column I                              column II

(P) Ultrafilteration               (i) Henle’s loop

(Q) concentratyion of urine  (ii) Ureter

(R) transport of urine          (iii) urinary bladder

(S) storage of urine             (iv) Malipigian corpuscles

                                          (v) Proxmal convoluid tabule

  • a) P Q R S-iv i ii ii
  • b) P Q R S-i ii iii iv
  • c) P Q R S-iv i iii ii
  • d) P Q R S-v ii iii i

Answer: P Q R S-iv i ii ii



Column I                         column II

(P) Excretory oragans    (i) Hydra

(Q) Nephiridia              (ii) Leech

(R) Malpighian tubles   (iii) Shark

(S) Kidneys                 (iv) Lound warms

                                  (v) cockroach

  • a) P Q R S-ii v iv iii
  • b) P Q R S-ii v iii iv
  • c) P Q R S-ii iv v iii
  • d) P Q R S-ii i iii iv

Answer: P Q R S-ii v iv iii


Question: In given figure represent A.B.C. respectively


  • a) Kidney, ureter, urinary bladder
  • b) Adrinal gland, urinary blader, urethra
  • c) Urinary bladder, kidney, ureter
  • d) Bloodvessel, kidney, urinarry bladder

Answer: Kidney, ureter, urinary bladder


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Question: In given figure represent A.B.C. respectively


  • a) Cortex, columnof bertiny, renel pelvis
  • b) Cortex, renal pelvis, renalvein
  • c) Cortex, renalpyramid, renal pelvis
  • d) Cortex, pelvis, ureter

Answer: Cortex, columnof bertiny, renel pelvis


Question: In given figure represent A.B.C. respectively


  • a) Glomerulus, PCT, DCT
  • b) Glomerulus, loop of henle, DCT
  • c) Glomerulus, loop of henle, PCT
  • d) Malpighianbody, DCT, PCT

Answer: Glomerulus, PCT, DCT


Question: In given figure represent A.B.C. respectively


  • a) Afferent arterrole Efferent arterrole
  • b) Afferent arterrole Efferent venual
  • c) Efferent venual Afferent venual
  • d) Afferent venual Efferent venual

Answer: Afferent arterrole Efferent arterrole


Question: Main function of uriniferous tubules

  • a) Concentration of urine
  • b) Passage of urine
  • c) Reabsorption of useful substances from glomerular filtrate
  • d) Removal of urea and other waste from blood

Answer: Concentration of urine


Question: The mechnism of urine foundation nephrone involves

  • a) All of above
  • b) Secretion
  • c) Utrafication
  • d) Reabsorption

Answer: All of above


Question: Which hormone induced the process of reabsorption from glomerouous?

  • a) Vasopression
  • b) Relkgin
  • c) Calsitonin
  • d) Oxytosin

Answer: Vasopression


Question: Glucose is reabsorbed from glomerular filterate though

  • a) Active transport
  • b) Passive transport
  • c) Osmosis
  • d) Difusion

Answer: Active transport


Question: Excretory product of birds and raptiles is

  • a) Uric acid
  • b) Urea
  • c) Ammonia
  • d) Creatinin

Answer: Uric acid


Question: Part not belonging to urinferous tubule is

  • a) Connecting tubule
  • b) Henle’s loop
  • c) Glomerules
  • d) Distal convoluted tuble

Answer: Connecting tubule


Question: the two kidneys lie

  • a) Left kidney at a higher level than the right one
  • b) Right kidney at a higher level than the left one
  • c) At the same level
  • d) At the level of ovaries

Answer: Left kidney at a higher level than the right one


Question: Which blood vessel takes blood away from kidney?

  • a) Renal vein
  • b) Renal portal vein
  • c) Afferent arteiote
  • d) Efferent artribute

Answer: Renal vein


Question: Which hormone influence the activity of kidney?

  • a) Vasopression & aldosterone
  • b) Thyoxine
  • c) Vasopression
  • d) Gonadotrophin

Answer: Vasopression & aldosterone


Question: NA+ and Cl- are absorbed in kidney in the region of

  • a) Ascending limb of henel’s loop
  • b) DCT
  • c) descending limb of henel’s loop
  • d) PCT

Answer: Ascending limb of henel’s loop


Question: Blood which leaves liver and pases towards heart has higher concentration of

  • a) Urea
  • b) RBCS
  • c) Oxygen
  • d) Bile

Answer: Urea


Question: Urea is transformed through

  • a) WBCS
  • b) WBCS
  • c) RBCS
  • d) All of above

Answer: WBCS


Question: A person underoing protonged fsting his urine will be ound to contain abnormal quantities of

  • a) Ketones
  • b) Glucose
  • c) Ammino acid
  • d) Fats

Answer: Ketones


Question: The net pressure glaient that cause the luid to filler out the glomeruti into the capsule is

  • a) 20 mm hg
  • b) 30 mm hg
  • c) 75 mm hg
  • d) 50 mm hg

Answer: 20 mm hg


Question: In ornithin cycle which of the following waste are removed from the blood?

  • a) CO2 and ammonia
  • b) Urea and urine
  • c) Ammonia and urea
  • d) CO2 and urea

Answer: CO2 and ammonia


Question: Angiotensinogen is a protein produced an recreated by

  • a) Liver cells
  • b) Endothelial cells of blood vessels
  • c) Tuxta glomerular (JG) cells
  • d) Macula densa cells

Answer: Liver cells


Question: A person who is on a long hunger strike and is surviving only on water will have

  • a) Less urea in his urine
  • b) Less amino acids in his urine
  • c) More glucose in this blood
  • d) More sodium in his urine

Answer: Less urea in his urine


Question: What will happen if the stretch receptor of the urinary bladder wall are totally removed ?

  • a) Urine will not collect in the bladder
  • b) Urine will continue to collect normally in the bladder
  • c) Micturition will continue
  • d) These will be no nicturition

Answer: Urine will not collect in the bladder


Question: Uric acid is the chief nitrogenous component of the excretory product of

  • a) Cockroach
  • b) Earthwarm
  • c) Frog
  • d) Man

Answer: Cockroach


Question: Which one of the following statement is impereble to water

  • a) Nearly 99% of the glomerular filterate is reasorbed by the renal tubules
  • b) DCT is incapable of reabsorbing HCO3
  • c) Descending limb of loop of henle is impereable to water
  • d) Ascending limb of loop of henle is impereable to water

Answer: Nearly 99% of the glomerular filterate is reasorbed by the renal tubules


Question: The principal nitrogenous excretory compound in human is synthesised

  • a) In the liver but eliminated mostly kidneys
  • b) In the liver and also eliminated mostly by the same bile
  • c) In kidney as well as eliminated by kidneys
  • d) In kidney but eliminated mostly though liver

Answer: In the liver but eliminated mostly kidneys


Question: Which are of the following is not a part of a renal pyramid?

  • a) Conoluted tubules
  • b) Peritubular capilariers
  • c) Collecting ducts
  • d) Loop of Henle’s

Answer: Conoluted tubules


Question: uricotelic mode of excreting nitrogenous waste is found in

  • a) Reptiles and birds
  • b) Amphibianls and reptiles
  • c) Birds and annelids
  • d) Insects and amphibians

Answer: Reptiles and birds


Question: A fall in glemerular filtration rate

  • a) Juxtaglomerular alls to release remin
  • b) Adrenal cortex to release aldosterone
  • c) Adrenal medulla to release adernaline
  • d) Dosterior pituitary to release ADH

Answer: Juxtaglomerular alls to release remin


Question: Haemodialysis is also called as artificial

  • a) Kidney
  • b) Heart
  • c) Lung
  • d) Liver

Answer: Kidney


Question: which one is an accessory excretory organ?

  • a) Liver
  • b) Stomach
  • c) intertine
  • d) Heart

Answer: Liver


Question: Part of nephron involved in active reabsorption of sodium is

  • a) Ascending limb of Henle’s loop
  • b) PCT
  • c) Bowman’s capsule
  • d) DCT

Answer: Ascending limb of Henle’s loop


Question: Haemodialysis helps the patient having

  • a) Uremia
  • b) Anaemia
  • c) Goitre
  • d) Diabetes

Answer: Uremia


Question: Lungs expel

  • a) CO2 and water vapours
  • b) CO2 and water 
  • c) CO2
  • d) H2O

Answer:  CO2 and water vapours


Question: The glomenuli are continued to the

  • a) Cortex
  • b) Medulla
  • c) Calyces
  • d) REnal Pelvis

Answer: Cortex


Question: The kidney of adult mammals are

  • a) rletanaphros
  • b) Mesonephros
  • c) pronephros
  • d) Opisthonephron

Answer: rletanaphros


Question: A kidney stone is

  • a) A salt such as Oxalate crystallised in pelvis
  • b) Desposition of sand in kidney
  • c) Blockage by fats

Answer: A salt such as Oxalate crystallised in pelvis


Question: Which of the following is both osmoregulator as well as nitrogenours product

  • a) Urea
  • b) NH3
  • c) Uric acid
  • d) All of these

Answer: Urea


Question: which of these is not a keton body

  • a) Succinic acid
  • b) Betabychoxy butyric acid
  • c) Acetone
  • d) Asetoacetic acid

Answer: Succinic acid


Question: Maximum reabsorption of useful substance occurs in the region of nephron

  • a) PCT
  • b) DCT
  • c) Glomeruls
  • d) Henle’s loop

Answer: PCT


Question: Excertory organs of cockroach are

  • a) Malpighian tubules
  • b) Green glands
  • c) Malpighian corpucles
  • d) Hepetic caecae

Answer: Malpighian tubules


Question: Consider the following statement

A. Flame cElls are excretory structures of flat worms

B. Green glands are excetory organs of annelids

C. Columns of Bertini are conial propertions of renal pelvis into renal medulla between the renal pyramids

  • a) B and C incorrect
  • b) B and C correct
  • c) A and B correct
  • d) A and C incorrect

Answer: B and C incorrect


Question: Juxta glomerular cells of renal cortex synthesize a hormone called

  • a) Renin
  • b) Urochrom
  • c) Oxytocin
  • d) ADH

Answer: Renin


Question: RAAS secretes which of the following hormones?

  • a) Mineralocorticoids
  • b) glucoticoids
  • c) Both A and B
  • d) None of these

Answer: Mineralocorticoids


Question: Which blood vessel carries least amount of urea?

  • a) Renal vein
  • b) Hepatic portal vein
  • c) Renal artery
  • d) Pulmonary vein

Answer: Renal vein


Question: Kidney stone are

  • a) Cystals of Oxalate
  • b) crystals of Nacl
  • c) Crystals of sillica
  • d) Crystals of Nahco3

Answer: Cystals of Oxalate



A: Mammals living in deserts contain more concentrated urine.

R: They contain very long loop of Henle in their nephrons.

  • a) If A is true the R is false
  • b) If A is false the R is true
  • c) If both the ‘A’ and ‘R’ true and ‘R’ isnot a correct explaination of ’A’
  • d) If both the ‘A’ and ‘R’ true and ‘R’ is a correct explanation of ’A’

Answer: If A is true the R is false



A: Ammonia should be eliminated from the body as rapidly as it s formed.

R: Ammonia is insoluble in water.

  • a) If A is true the R is false
  • b) If A is false the R is true
  • c) If both the ‘A’ and ‘R’ true and ‘R’ isnot a correct explaination of ’A’
  • d) If both the ‘A’ and ‘R’ true and ‘R’ is a correct explaination of ’A’

Answer: If A is true the R is false



A: Aquatic mammals lie whates and seals are said to be urcotetic animals.

R: It is because of the fact that their main nitrogenous waste product is urea

  • a) If both the ‘A’ and ‘R’ true and ‘R’ is a correct explanation of ’A’
  • b) If both the ‘A’ and ‘R’ true and ‘R’ isnot a correct explaination of ’A’
  • c) If A is true the R is false
  • d) If A is false the R is true

Answer: If both the ‘A’ and ‘R’ true and ‘R’ is a correct explanation of ’A’



A: In the descending limb of loop of henle the urine is hypertonic while in ascending limb of loop of henle the urine is hypotenic.

R: Descending Limb is imperable to Na+ while ascending limb is imperable to H2O.

  • a) If both the ‘A’ and ‘R’ true and ‘R’ is a correct explanation of ’A’
  • b) If both the ‘A’ and ‘R’ true and ‘R’ is not a correct explanation of ’A’
  • c) If A is true the R is false
  • d) If A is false the R is true

Answer: If both the ‘A’ and ‘R’ true and ‘R’ is a correct explanation of ’A’



A: The antidiuretic hormone increses the water permeability of distal convoluted tubule.

R: In absesnce of ADH water reabsorption is considerably reduced.

  • a) If both the ‘A’ and ‘R’ true and ‘R’ isnot a correct explanation of ’A’
  • b) If A is true the R is false
  • c) If A is false the R is true
  • d) If both the ‘A’ and ‘R’ true and ‘R’ is a correct explanation of ’A’

Answer: If both the ‘A’ and ‘R’ true and ‘R’ isnot a correct explanation of ’A’



A: Urea is a less toxic excretory substance comparatively to uric acid.

R: Birds and insect are uricetolic animals

  • a) If A is false the R is true
  • b) If A is true the R is false
  • c) If both the ‘A’ and ‘R’ true and ‘R’ is not a correct explanation of ’A’
  • d) If both the ‘A’ and ‘R’ true and ‘R’ is a correct explanation of ’A’

Answer: If A is false the R is true



A: Mammals living in deserts contain more concentrated urine.

R: They contain very long loop of Henle in their nephrons.

  • a) If both the ‘A’ and ‘R’ true and ‘R’ is a correct explanation of ’A’
  • b) If both the ‘A’ and ‘R’ true and ‘R’ is not a correct explanation of ’A’
  • c) If A is true the R is false
  • d) If A is false the R is true

Answer: If both the ‘A’ and ‘R’ true and ‘R’ is a correct explanation of ’A’

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