NEET Biology Reproductive Health MCQs Set C

Refer to NEET Biology Reproductive Health MCQs Set C provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Full Syllabus Biology with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by NEET, NCERT and KVS. Reproductive Health Full Syllabus MCQ are an important part of exams for Full Syllabus Biology and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for NEET Full Syllabus Biology and also download more latest study material for all subjects

MCQ for Full Syllabus Biology Reproductive Health

Full Syllabus Biology students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Reproductive Health in Full Syllabus.

Reproductive Health MCQ Questions Full Syllabus Biology with Answers



Question: In which Assisted Reproductive technology fertilization occurs in woman's body ?

  • a) GIFT
  • b) ART.
  • c) ZIFT
  • d) IVF

Answer: GIFT


Question: Why in ART procedures sometimes involve the use of donor eggs or doner sperms ?

  • a) Both
  • b) A woman can not produce ovum
  • c) When the woman or man has a genetic disease
  • d) None of this

Answer: Both


Question: When does a previously frozen embryos needed ?

  • a) Both
  • b) Fertilization can not occur in woman
  • c) To care infertility
  • d) None of this

Answer: Both


Question: Match colum I and II and find proper option ?

Column-I          Column-II

P-1952         (i) Passed MTP Act.

Q-1947         (ii) Population of India 361 millions.

R-1951         (iii) Population of India 342 millions.

. S-1971        (iv) Begining of family planning.

  • a) (P - iv) (Q - iii) (R - ii) (S - i)
  • b) (P - iii) (Q - iv) (R - ii) (S - i)
  • c) (P - ii) (Q - i) (R - iv) (S - iii)
  • d) (P - ii) (Q - iii) (R - i) (S - iv)

Answer:  (P - iv) (Q - iii) (R - ii) (S - i)



Question: Find out correct option of column I (aids) of family planning and method of family planning .

Column-I         Column-II

P-Copper T      (i) Permanent method

Q-Vasectomy  (ii) Temporary method

R-Pills             (iii) Intrauterine method

S-Condom      (iv) Hormone method.

  • a) (P - iii) (Q - i) (R - iv)(S - ii)
  • b) (P - ii) (Q - iii)(R - iv)(S - i)
  • c) (P - iii) (Q - ii) (R - iv)(S - i)
  • d) (P - iii) (Q - ii) (R - iv)(S - i)

Answer: (P - iii) (Q - i) (R - iv)(S - ii)


Question:  Find out true options from column I and II.

column-I                column-II

P-Male condom      (i) uterus

Q-Femlae condom  (ii) penis

R-Diaphram           (iii) vagina

S-Copper T            (iv) cervix.

  • a) (P - ii) (Q - i) (R - iv) (S - iii)
  • b) (P - ii) (Q - iii) (R - iv) (S - i)
  • c) (P - ii) (Q - iv) (R - i) (S - iii)
  • d) (P - ii) (Q - iii) (R - iv) (S - i)

Answer: (P - ii) (Q - i) (R - iv) (S - iii)


Question:  Match following column I and II for STDs and its carrier and select correct option

column-I                column-II

P-Gonorrohoeo      (i) Herpic simplex

Q-Syphilis             (ii) Neisseria gonovohoeae

R-Genital herpis    (iii) Trichomonas vaginalis

S-Trichomoniasis   (iv) Treponema pallidium

  • a) (P - ii) (Q - iv) (R - i) (S - iii)
  • b) (P - ii) (Q - iii) (R - i) (S - iv)
  • c) (P - iii) (Q - iv) (R - ii) (S - i)
  • d) (P - ii) (Q - i) (R - iii) (S - iv)

Answer: (P - ii) (Q - iv) (R - i) (S - iii)


Question: Match column I and II about Assisted Reproductive Technology and its methods and select correct option.

column -I           column-II

P-IVF               (i) In vitro fertilization,embryo implantion fallopian tube

Q-ZIFT            (ii) In vitro fertization,embryo implantion uterus.

R-GIFT            (iii) Prenatal diagnosis of foetus for genetic disorder.

S-AFT              (iv) In vivo fertilization,sperm and ova transferred in fallopian tube.

  • a) (P - ii) (Q - i) (R - iv) (S - iii)
  • b) (P - iii) (Q - iv) (R - ii) (S - i)
  • c) (P - iv) (Q - iii) (R - ii) (S - i)
  • d) (P - iv) (Q - iii) (R - i) (S - ii)

Answer: (P - ii) (Q - i) (R - iv) (S - iii)


Question: Which is not true for population explosion ?

  • a) country develops more
  • b) scarecity of food , habitat and clothes
  • c) Encrochment on land ,air and water.
  • d) Increased rate of industrialization and urbanization

Answer: country develops more



A (statement) Reproductive health is define by WHO.

R (reason) It is a world health organization.

  • a) A is correct but R is an explanation of X.
  • b) A is correct but R done give correct explanation of X
  • c) A is correct and reason R is wrong
  • d) A is not correct and reason R is correct

Answer: A is correct but R is an explanation of X.



Statement A - Reproductive and child health care programme is popular.

Reason R - It gives explaination about only STD diseases.

  • a) A is correct but R done give correct explanation of X
  • b) A is correct but R is an explanation of X.
  • c) A is correct and reason R is wrong
  • d) A is not correct and reason R is correct

Answer: A is correct but R done give correct explanation of X



Statement X - By Introducing sex education in schools,true information can be provided to adolescence.

Reason R - sex education misguides students.

  • a) A is correct and reason R is wrong
  • b) A is not correct and reason R is correct
  • c) A is correct but R done give correct explanation of X
  • d) A is correct but R is an explanation of X

Answer: A is correct and reason R is wrong



Statement A - Non goverment organizations do not implement programme of reproductive health care.

Reason R - Implemenation needs professional experties and materials.

  • a) A is not correct and reason R is correct
  • b) A is correct and reason R is wrong.
  • c) A is correct but R is an explanation of X.
  • d) A is correct but R done give correct explanation of X

Answer: A is not correct and reason R is correct



Statement A- Population has decreased is Europen countries.

Reason R - India is the second most populous country.

  • a) A is correct but R done give correct explanation of X
  • b) A is correct but R is an explanation of X
  • c) A is correct and reason R is wrong
  • d) A is not correct and reason R is correct

Answer: A is correct but R done give correct explanation of X



Statement A - In developing countries due to limited resources therer is a decrease in available resources.

Reason R - Population explosion leads to these problems

  • a) A is correct but R is an explanation of X.
  • b) A is correct but R done give correct explanation of X
  • c) A is correct and reason R is wrong
  • d) A is not correct and reason R is correct

Answer: A is correct but R is an explanation of X.



Statement A - Birth rate and deathrate are not main factors affecting population growth

Reason R - Increase in health and hygine facilities and improvment in lifestyle

  • a) A is not correct and reason R is correct
  • b) A is correct and reason R is wrong
  • c) A is correct but R done give correct explanation of X
  • d) A is correct but R is an explanation of X.

Answer: A is not correct and reason R is correct



Statement A - Goverment of India organizes various programmes to control the population explosion.

Reason R - At present the programmes to prevent more reproducive related area is known as

  • a) A is correct and reason R is wrong
  • b) A is not correct and reason R is correct
  • c) A is correct but R done give correct explanation of X
  • d) A is correct but R is an explanation of X

Answer: A is correct and reason R is wrong



Statement A - A variety of barrier method suitable for both man and woman are available in family planning.

Reason R - The aim of these methods is to prevent live sperms from meeting the ovum

  • a) A is correct but R is an explanation of X
  • b) A is correct but R done give correct explanation of X
  • c) A is correct and reason R is wrong.
  • d) A is not correct and reason R is correct

Answer: A is correct but R is an explanation of X



A Physical barrier method of family planning is temporary.

R->Condom is made up of thin rubbers

  • a) A is correct but R done give correct explanation of X
  • b) A is correct but R is an explanation of X.
  • c) A is correct and reason R is wrong
  • d) A is not correct and reason R is correct

Answer: A is correct but R done give correct explanation of X



A chemical methods of family planning are temporary.

R - It reduces locomotion of sperms

  • a) A is correct and reason R is wrong
  • b) A is not correct and reason R is correct
  • c) A is correct but R done give correct explanation of X
  • d) A is correct but R is an explanation of X.

Answer: A is correct and reason R is wrong


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Statement A - Intra Uterine method of family planning is permanent.

Reason R - Copper T is included in it.

  • a) A is not correct and reason R is correct
  • b) A is correct and reason R is wrong.
  • c) A is correct but R done give correct explanation of X
  • d) A is correct but R is an explanation of X.

Answer: A is not correct and reason R is correct



Statement A - contraceptive pills are taken orally.

Reason R - Projesteron and estrogen are compoundly present in it.

  • a) A is correct but R is an explanation of X.
  • b) A is correct but R done give correct explaination of X
  • c) A is correct and reason R is wrong
  • d) A is not correct and reason R is correct

Answer: A is correct but R is an explanation of X.



Statement A - "Saheli" pills are contraceptive.

Reason R - "Saheli" pills shoulds be taken once a day.

  • a) A is not correct and reason R is correct
  • b) A is correct and reason R is wrong
  • c) A is correct but R done give correct explaination of X
  • d) A is correct but R is an explaination of X.

Answer: A is not correct and reason R is correct



Statement A - "Saheli" pills are produced in CDRI lucknow.

Reason R - "Saheli" pills have high contracaptive value

  • a) A is correct but R done give correct explaination of X
  • b) A is correct but R is an explaination of X.
  • c) A is correct and reason R is wrong.
  • d) A is not correct and reason R is correct

Answer: A is correct but R done give correct explaination of X



Statement X - Two method of family planning a vasectomy and tubectomy are permanent

 Reason R - In which a small portion of vas deferens and fallopian tube are removed.

  • a) A is correct but R is an explaination of X.
  • b) A is correct but R done give correct explaination of X
  • c) A is correct and reason R is wrong
  • d) A is not correct and reason R is correct

Answer: A is correct but R is an explaination of X.



Statement A - In natual methods of family planning withdrawal or interruption coitus method is not completly reliable.

Reasons R - At 14th day of menstruation cycle ovulation occur

  • a) A is correct but R done give correct explaination of X
  • b) A is correct but R is an explaination of X.
  • c) A is correct and reason R is wrong
  • d) A is not correct and reason R is correct

Answer: A is correct but R done give correct explaination of X



Statement -A-volunatary termination of pregnancy before foetus become viable in called MTP.

Reason R-It is debatable in many countries.

  • a) A is not correct and reason R is correct
  • b) A is correct and reason R is wrong.
  • c) A is correct but R done give correct explaination of X
  • d) A is correct but R is an explaination of X

Answer: A is not correct and reason R is correct



Statement-A-Abortion is illegal in our country.

Reason R-when conception is due to the rape.

  • a) A is correct but R done give correct explaination of X
  • b) A is correct but R is an explaination of X
  • c) A is correct and reason R is wrong
  • d) A is not correct and reason R is correct

Answer: A is correct but R done give correct explaination of X



Statement A-STDs is a major problem in our country

Reason R-Seen more in 15-19 age group.

  • a) A is correct and reason R is wrong
  • b) A is not correct and reason R is correct
  • c) A is correct but R done give correct explaination of X
  • d) A is correct but R is an explaination of X

Answer: A is correct and reason R is wrong



Statement A-Culture of pathogenic microbes is main diagnostic test for STD.

Reason R-With the help of this microbes can be identified.

  • a) A is correct but R is an explaination of X
  • b) A is correct but R done give correct explaination of X
  • c) A is correct and reason R is wrong
  • d) A is not correct and reason R is correct.

Answer: A is correct but R is an explaination of X



Statement A-Medical examination is main diagnostic tests in STDs.

Reason R-Antibodies againts HIV canbe identified by ELISA test.

  • a) A is not correct and reason R is correct
  • b) A is correct and reason R is wrong
  • c) A is correct but R done give correct explaination of X
  • d) A is correct but R is an explaination of X

Answer: A is not correct and reason R is correct



Statement A-One of the diagnostic tests of STDs is PCR.

Reason R-With the help of suitable primer ,the specific section of a gene of a pathogenic organism is multiplied.

  • a) A is correct but R is an explaination of X
  • b) A is correct but R is an explaination of X
  • c) A is correct and reason R is wrong
  • d) A is not correct and reason R is correct

Answer: A is correct but R is an explaination of X



Statement A-Amniocentensis is also known as AFT.

Reason R-With the help of this the gender of the foetus can also be determined.

  • a) A is correct but R done give correct explaination of X
  • b) A is correct but R is an explaination of X
  • c) A is correct and reason R is wrong
  • d) A is not correct and reason R is correct

Answer: A is correct but R done give correct explaination of X



Statement A-Number of couples are facing infertility.

Reason R-The problem can both in male or female partner.

  • a) A is correct but R is an explaination of X
  • b) A is correct but R done give correct explaination of X
  • c) A is correct and reason R is wrong
  • d) A is not correct and reason R is correct.

Answer: A is correct but R is an explaination of X



Statement A-The method used to achieve pregnancy by artificial or partialy artificial means is known as ART.

Reason R-ZVFT is one of them.

  • a) A is correct and reason R is wrong
  • b) A is not correct and reason R is correct
  • c) A is correct but R done give correct explaination of X
  • d) A is correct but R is an explaination of X

Answer: A is correct and reason R is wrong


Question: In which of family planning method the diagram includes?(image)


  • a) Temporary methods
  • b) Permanent method
  • c) Chemical method
  • d) None of this

Answer: Temporary methods


Question: To which organ the barrier of family planning shown in the diagram is attached.


  • a) Vagina
  • b) Penis
  • c) Uterus
  • d) Cervix

Answer: Vagina


Question: To which organ the barrier of family planning shown in the diagram is attached


  • a) Cervix
  • b) Uterus
  • c) Vagina
  • d) Penis

Answer: Cervix


Question: Which option is true for the device shown in the diagram for family plannig?


  • a) IVDS
  • b) IFT
  • c) ART
  • d) IVF

Answer: IVDS


Question: Name the cut portion shown in the diagram?


  • a) Vas deference
  • b) fallopian tube
  • c) Epididymis
  • d) Urinogenital duct

Answer: Vas deference


Question: Name the cut portion shown in the diagram?


  • a) Fallopian tube
  • b) Vas deference
  • c) Epididymis
  • d) Urinogenital duct.

Answer: Fallopian tube


Question: What is the function of copper-T

  • a) Stop fertilization
  • b) Stops oblituation of blastocoel
  • c) Checks mutation
  • d) Stops zygote formation

Answer: Stop fertilization


Question: A contraceptive pill contains

  • a) Progesterone and estrogen
  • b) Relaxin
  • c) Oxytocin
  • d) None of these

Answer: Progesterone and estrogen


Question: Trade name of weekly oral contraceptive pill is

  • a) Shaheli
  • b) Mala
  • c) Mala-A
  • d) Mala-D

Answer: Shaheli


Question: Amniocettesis involves the analysis of

  • a) Amniotic fluid
  • b) Body fluid of amniotes
  • c) Amnion
  • d) Amino acids of protein

Answer: Amniotic fluid


Question: In amniocentesis the fluid is taken from

  • a) Fluid surrounding foetus
  • b) Mother's blood
  • c) Foetal blood
  • d) Body fluid of mother

Answer: Fluid surrounding foetus


Question: Daily oral contraceptive pill is

  • a) Mala M and Mala D
  • b) Mala D
  • c) Mala C
  • d) Mala A

Answer: Mala M and Mala D


Question: Cuions released from copper releasing Intra uterine devices

  • a) both
  • b) Make uterus unsuitable for implantation
  • c) Increase phagocytosis of sperms
  • d) None of this

Answer: both


Question: Medical termination of the pregnancy (MTP)is considered safe up to how many weeks of pregnancy

  • a) Twelve weeks
  • b) Eighteen weeks
  • c) Eight weeks
  • d) Six weeks

Answer: Twelve weeks


Question: Which one of the following is the most widely accepted method of contraception in india at present?

  • a) IUDs
  • b) Cervical caps
  • c) Tubectomy
  • d) Diaphragms

Answer: IUDs

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MCQs for Reproductive Health Biology Full Syllabus

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