NEET Biology Body Fluids and Circulation MCQs Set E

Refer to NEET Biology Body Fluids and Circulation MCQs Set E provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Full Syllabus Biology with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by NEET, NCERT and KVS. Body Fluids and Circulation Full Syllabus MCQ are an important part of exams for Full Syllabus Biology and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for NEET Full Syllabus Biology and also download more latest study material for all subjects

MCQ for Full Syllabus Biology Body Fluids and Circulation

Full Syllabus Biology students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Body Fluids and Circulation in Full Syllabus.

Body Fluids and Circulation MCQ Questions Full Syllabus Biology with Answers



Question: Valves occur in

  • a) Arteries, veins and auricles
  • b) Atria, ventricles and veins
  • c) Arteries, veins and ventricles
  • d) SA mode, AV node and veins

Answer: Atria, ventricles and veins


Question: Sphygmomanometer is an instrument used to record .

  • a) Systemic pressure
  • b) Diastolic pressure
  • c) Cardiac output
  • d) Both A and B

Answer: Both A and B


Question: Which one of the following proteins is involved in the coagulation of blood

  • a) Globulin
  • b) Fibrinogen
  • c) Albumin
  • d) Serum amylase

Answer: Fibrinogen


Question: Thickening of walls of arteries is

  • a) Arthritis
  • b) Aneurysm
  • c) Arteriosclerosis
  • d) Both A and B

Answer: Arteriosclerosis


Question: If due to some injury, chordae tendineae of tricuspid valve of the heart are partially nonfunctional, what will be the immediate effect

  • a) The 'Pace-maker' will stop working
  • b) Blood will tend to flow back into left atrium
  • c) Flow of blood into pulmonary artery will be reduced
  • d) Flow of blood into aorta will be slowed down

Answer: Flow of blood into pulmonary artery will be reduced


Question: Starlin's law of heart

  • a) Greater the stroke volume, greater is the heart rate
  • b) Greater the initial length of cardiac muscle fibre, more is the force of contraction of heart
  • c) Lesser the length of cardiac muscle fibre, greater the force of contraction
  • d) Greater the minute volume, greater is the heart rate.

Answer: Greater the initial length of cardiac muscle fibre, more is the force of contraction of heart


Question: Lymphoid tissue is

  • a) Thymus
  • b) Tonsils
  • c) Lymph nodes
  • d) All the above

Answer: All the above


Question: Which is correct about leucocytes

  • a) They are red coloured
  • b) They can cross capillaries
  • c) They are enucleate
  • d) Decrease in their number causes leukemia

Answer: They can cross capillaries


Question: Blood is deoxygenated in

  • a) Pulmonary artery
  • b) Pulmonary vein
  • c) Aorta
  • d) Carotid artery

Answer: Pulmonary artery


Question: Pulmonary artery differs from pulmonary vein in having

  • a) Thick wall
  • b) Thin wall
  • c) Valves
  • d) Both B and C

Answer: Thick wall


Question: Assertion: Smaller the organism, higher is the rate of metabolism per gm weight. Reason: Heart rate of six month old baby is much higher than an old person.

  • a) Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion
  • b) The Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is not correct explanation of Assertion
  • c) Assertion is true but, Reason is false
  • d) Assertion is false but, Reason is true

Answer: The Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is not correct explanation of Assertion


Question: Allergic responses are regulated by

  • a) Eosinophils
  • b) Neutrophils
  • c) Basophils
  • d) Monocytes

Answer: Eosinophils


Question: Parents with blood group O and AB cannot have AB child as

  • a) Gene for O is dominant over gene for B
  • b) Gene for O is dominant over gene for A
  • c) Genes for A and B are absent in one of parents
  • d) Gene for A or B is absent in one of the parents

Answer: Genes for A and B are absent in one of parents


Question:   Blood vessel carrying least CO2 is 

  • a) Pulmonary vein
  • b) Pulmonary artery
  • c) Vena Cava
  • d) Hepatic vein

Answer: Pulmonary vein


Question: Person with blood group A possess

  • a) Antigen A and antibodies b
  • b) Antigen A and antibodies a
  • c) No antigen but antibodies a and b
  • d) Antigens A and B but no antibodies

Answer: Antigen A and antibodies b


Question: Statement

(1) Plasma constitutes 45% of blood

(2) Albumin is plasma protein involved in osmotic balance.

(3) Blood clotting factors are present in blood.

(4) Plasma without clotting factors is serum.

(5) Minerals are not found in blood.

  • a) 1 - 4 correct, 5 wrong
  • b) 1 - 2 correct, 3,4,5 wrong
  • c) 2, 3, 4 correct, 1 and 5 wrong
  • d) 2 and 4 correct, 1, 3, 5 wrong

Answer: 2, 3, 4 correct, 1 and 5 wrong


Question: Glucose is carried from digestive tract to liver by

  • a) Hepatic artery
  • b) Hepatic portal vein
  • c) Pulmonary vein
  • d) None of the above

Answer: Hepatic portal vein


Question: Lymph is colourless because

  • a) WBC are absent
  • b) WBC are present
  • c) Haemoglobin is absent
  • d) RBC are absent

Answer: RBC are absent


Question: Transfused thrombocytes have a life of

  • a) 3- 4 weeks
  • b) 4- 5 weeks
  • c) 3- 4 days
  • d) None of the above

Answer: 3- 4 days


Question: Parents belong to blood group A and B. Blood group of their child would be

  • a) A or B
  • b) O
  • c) AB
  • d) All the above

Answer: All the above


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Question: Lymph

  • a) Transports O2 to brain
  • b) Transports of CO2 to lungs
  • c) Returns interstitial fluid to blood
  • d) Returns RBCs and WBCs to lymph nodes

Answer: Returns interstitial fluid to blood


Question: Thrombocytes have a life of

  • a) 3 - 4 weeks
  • b) 4 - 5 weeks
  • c) 3 -4 days
  • d) None of the above

Answer: 3 -4 days


Question: Vasoconstriction causes

  • a) Increases in heart beat
  • b) Decrease in heart beat
  • c) Increase in blood pressure
  • d) Decrease in blood pressure

Answer: Increase in blood pressure


Question: Blood group is due to

  • a) Specific antigens on the surface of WBC
  • b) Specific antibodies on the surface of RBC
  • c) Specific antigens on the surface of RBC
  • d) Types of haemoglobin

Answer: Specific antigens on the surface of RBC


Question: Heart covering is

  • a) Peritoneum
  • b) Pleural membrane
  • c) Pericardium
  • d) Visceral membrane

Answer: Pericardium


Question: papillary muscles occur in

  • a) Ventricles
  • b) Auricles
  • c) Atrioventricular valves
  • d) Pulmonary valves

Answer: Ventricles


Question: Which one has no role in blood coagulation?

  • a) Fibrinogen
  • b) Calcium
  • c) Vitamin K
  • d) Vitamin D

Answer: Vitamin D


Question: Pace maker of heart is

  • a) AV node
  • b) Bundle of His
  • c) SA node
  • d) Purkinje fibres

Answer: SA node


Question: Which one is a mismatch?

  • a) Nerve - impulse
  • b) Monocyte - haemoglobin
  • c) Heart - pacemaker
  • d) Muscular movement – ATP

Answer: Monocyte - haemoglobin


Question: Heart keeps on beating throughout life without fatigue as it

  • a) Contracts slowly
  • b) Has a resting or recovery period
  • c) Can metabolize lactic acid for energy
  • d) None of the above

Answer: Has a resting or recovery period


Question: Rh factor is connected to species of monkey

  • a) Macacaradiata
  • b) Presbytes rhesus
  • c) Macaca rhesus
  • d) Macacamulatta

Answer: Macaca rhesus


Question: Polycythemia is characterised by

  • a) Decrease in O2 content 
  • b) Increase in RBC content
  • c) Decrease in RBC content
  • d) Increase in WBC content

Answer: Increase in RBC content


Question: Maximum surface area of circulatory system is of

  • a) Heart
  • b) Arterioles
  • c) Veins
  • d) Capillaries

Answer: Capillaries


Question: During fever pyrogen are released by

  • a) Virus
  • b) Bacteria
  • c) RBC
  • d) WBC

Answer: Bacteria


Question: Heart beat is accelerated by

  • a) Sympathetic nerves and acetylcholine
  • b) Cranial nerves and adrenaline
  • c) Cranial nerves and acetylcholine
  • d) Sympathetic nerves and epinephrine

Answer: Sympathetic nerves and epinephrine


Question: hypertension is not caused by

  • a) Anaemia
  • b) Atherosclerosis
  • c) Obesity
  • d) Arteriosclerosis

Answer: Anaemia


Question: Blood passes from left ventricle to right atrium. It is

  • a) Pulmonary circulation
  • b) Systemic circulation
  • c) Coronary circulation
  • d) Arterovenous circulation

Answer: Systemic circulation


Question: Which of the following is correct internal structure of heart

  • a) Bicuspid mitral valve separates left atrium from right ventricle
  • b) Tricuspid mitral valve separates right atrium from right ventricle
  • c) Bicuspid mitral valve separates left atrium from left ventricle
  • d) Tricuspid mitral valve separates left atrium from left ventricle

Answer: Bicuspid mitral valve separates left atrium from left ventricle


Question: Which does not play any role in blood clotting according to Best and Taylor

  • a) Fibrinogen
  • b) Platelets
  • c) Calcium
  • d) Prothrombin

Answer: Platelets


Question: A child has blood group B. Mother has blood group A. The blood group of the father would be

  • a) O
  • b) O or A
  • c) B or AB
  • d) A

Answer: B or AB


Question: The other term for heart attack is

  • a) Coronary thrombosis
  • b) Myocardial infarction
  • c) Ischaemia
  • d) Cardiac arrest

Answer: Myocardial infarction


Question: Cold blooded animal with a single circulation is

  • a) Mammal
  • b) Amphibian
  • c) Reptile
  • d) Fish

Answer: Fish


Question: Vitamin required for the formation of prothrombin is

  • a) K
  • b) B12 
  • c) E
  • d) C

Answer: K


Question: Coronary heart disease is due to

  • a) Weakening of heart valves
  • b) Insufficient blood supply to heart muscles
  • c) Streptococci bacteria
  • d) Inflammation of pericardium

Answer: Insufficient blood supply to heart muscles


Question: Blood group were discovered by

  • a) Harvey
  • b) Landsteiner
  • c) Miller
  • d) Lull

Answer: Landsteiner


Question: Glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency is associated with haemolysis of

  • a) Leucocytes
  • b) Lymphocytes
  • c) Platelets
  • d) RBCs

Answer: RBCs


Question: Which pump oxygen-depleted blood

  • a) Pulmonary arteries
  • b) Right ventricle
  • c) Right atrium
  • d) Pulmonary veins

Answer: Right ventricle


Question: Open vascular system occurs in

  • a) Fish
  • b) Prawn/ Periplneta
  • c) Snake
  • d) Earthworm

Answer: Prawn/ Periplneta


Question: Blood vessel which brings oxygenated blood to left auricle is

  • a) Precaval vein
  • b) Postcaval vein
  • c) Pulmonary vein
  • d) Pulmonary artery

Answer: Pulmonary vein


Question: largest corpuscles of mammalian blood are

  • a) Lymphocytes
  • b) Basophils
  • c) Erythrocytes
  • d) Monocytes

Answer: Monocytes


Question: mature erythrocyte cannot utilise glucose because they lack

  • a) Golgi complexes
  • b) Mitochondria
  • c) Enzymes
  • d) Nucleus

Answer: Mitochondria


Question: Pulmonary artery carries

  • a) pure blood from heart to lungs
  • b) pure blood from heart to stomach
  • c) impure blood from heart to lungs
  • d) pure blood from lungs to heart

Answer: impure blood from heart to lungs


Question: More than one correct answer Blood corpuscles containing both A and B antigens are mixed with another blood serum. The blood corpuscles agglutinated. Blood serum belongs to blood group.

  • a) A
  • b) B
  • c) AB
  • d) O

Answer: O


Question: Number of major vessels pouring blood in right atrium is

  • a) 1
  • b) 2
  • c) 3
  • d) 4

Answer: 3


Question: Universal blood donor group is

  • a) A
  • b) B
  • c) AB
  • d) O

Answer: O


Question: Angina pectoris is a major symptom of

  • a) Myocardial infarction
  • b) Cyanosis
  • c) High blood pressure
  • d) Low blood pressure

Answer: Myocardial infarction


Question: Close circulatory system occurs in

  • a) Cockroach
  • b) Tadpole/ Fish
  • c) Mosquito
  • d) House fly

Answer: Tadpole/ Fish


Question: Ventricular diastole takes place due to activity of

  • a) Tissue
  • b) Organ
  • c) Organ system
  • d) Cell organelle

Answer: Tissue



Assertion: SA node produces excitatory impulses in heart

Reason: SA node is self-excitatory

  • a) Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion
  • b) The Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is not correct explanation of Assertion
  • c) Assertion is true but, Reason is false
  • d) Assertion is false but, Reason is true

Answer: The Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is not correct explanation of Assertion


Question: What cannot be the blood group of the parents of a baby having blood group A?

  • a) O and O
  • b) O and A
  • c) A and O
  • d) A and A

Answer: O and O

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MCQs for Body Fluids and Circulation Biology Full Syllabus

Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to NCERT book for Full Syllabus Biology to develop the Biology Full Syllabus MCQs. If you download MCQs with answers for the above chapter you will get higher and better marks in Full Syllabus test and exams in the current year as you will be able to have stronger understanding of all concepts. Daily Multiple Choice Questions practice of Biology will help students to have stronger understanding of all concepts and also make them expert on all critical topics. After solving the questions given in the MCQs which have been developed as per latest books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Full Syllabus Biology. We have also provided lot of MCQ questions for Full Syllabus Biology so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter. After solving these you should also refer to Full Syllabus Biology MCQ Test for the same chapter.

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