Refer to NEET Biology Growth and Development MCQs Set C provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Full Syllabus Biology with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by NEET, NCERT and KVS. Growth and Development Full Syllabus MCQ are an important part of exams for Full Syllabus Biology and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for NEET Full Syllabus Biology and also download more latest study material for all subjects
MCQ for Full Syllabus Biology Growth and Development
Full Syllabus Biology students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Growth and Development in Full Syllabus.
Growth and Development MCQ Questions Full Syllabus Biology with Answers
Question: Name the hormone responsible for activity of chlorophyll in leaves.
- a) Cytokinin
- b) Ethylene
- c) Gibberrelin
- d) ABA
Answer: Cytokinin
Question: Which of the following is simple, volatile hormone ?
- a) Ethylene
- b) ABA
- c) IAA
- d) Cytokinin
Answer: Ethylene
Question: Which of the following statement about ABA is inappropriate ?
- a) Induces ripening of fruit
- b) Inhibits seed germination
- c) Closes stomata
- d) Induces dormancy of bud
Answer: Induces ripening of fruit
Question: Which hormone is absent in dormnant seed ?
- a) Ethylene
- b) GA
- c) Auxin
- d) ABA
Answer: Ethylene
Question: Which of the following statement is true for abscisic acid ?
- a) Inhibits transcription of gene
- b) Reduces senescence
- c) Opens stomata
- d) Acts as weedicide
Answer: Inhibits transcription of gene
Question: By which physiological process water enters into seed coats of seed ?
- a) Imbibition
- b) Plasmolysis
- c) Diffusion
- d) Endosmosis
Answer: Imbibition
Question: What is called the effect of daylight on plant ?
- a) Photoperiodism
- b) Photooxidation
- c) Photonastism
- d) Phototropic
Answer: Photoperiodism
Question: Which of the following is correct option for seed germination
- a) Emergance of primary root forms from radicle
- b) No root formation
- c) Development of primary root
- d) Development of primary root
Answer: Emergance of primary root forms from radicle
Question: What is the rate of respiration during seed germination ?
- a) Rapid
- b) Zero
- c) Slow
- d) Steady
Answer: Rapid
Question: Which of the following group show viviparous germination ?
- a) Rhizophora and Avicinnia
- b) Orchid and Rhizophora
- c) Soyabean and Xanthium
- d) Maize and Bean
Answer: Rhizophora and Avicinnia
Question: Which of the following is found in high concentration in healthy leaf ?
- a) Auxin
- b) Ethylene
- c) Gibberrelin
- d) Cytokinin
Answer: Auxin
Question: From the given below which is short-day plant ?
- a) Paddy
- b) Wheat
- c) Oat
- d) Opium
Answer: Paddy
Question: Which of the following is long-day plant ?
- a) Oat
- b) Soyabean
- c) Vinca
- d) Paddy
Answer: Oat
Question: Which hormones are obtained from fungi and fish, respectively ?
- a) Gibberrelin and cytokinin
- b) IAA and IBA
- c) Gibberrelin and 2-4 D
- d) Gibberrelin and zeatin
Answer: Gibberrelin and cytokinin
Question: Vernalization means
- a) Speedy flowering at low temperature
- b) Effect of light on growth
- c) Flowering at high temperature
- d) Growth Graph
Answer: Speedy flowering at low temperature
Question: Flowering due to low temperature is
- a) Vernalization
- b) Thermonasty
- c) Nutation
- d) Photonasty
Answer: Vernalization
Question: If temporary light is made available for dark phase of long day plant, what is observed ?
- a) Flowering will not occur
- b) Increase in flowering
- c) No change
- d) Decreasing in flowering
Answer: Flowering will not occur
Question: Which is an essential temperature for more production of wheat by noting effect of low temperature ?
- a) 1to10°C
- b) 25to30°C
- c) 28to30°C
- d) 1to 20°C
Answer: 1to10°C
Question: By which condition flowering take place in short day plant ?
- a) Short day and long night
- b) Short day and short night
- c) Short night
- d) Long day and short night
Answer: Short day and long night
Question: Which type of light is required in long day plants for flowering ?
- a) More light than alloted period
- b) Red light
- c) Less light than alloted time period
- d) All of the given
Answer: More light than alloted period
More Questions.....................................
Question: Where is phytochrome pigment present ?
- a) Phanerogams
- b) Bryophyta
- c) Algae
- d) Fungi
Answer: Phanerogams
Question: Which physilogical reaction is essential for development leaftendril ?
- a) Circumnutation
- b) Nastism
- c) Tropism
- d) Curvature
Answer: Circumnutation
Question: Photoperiodism is
- a) Effect of length of day on flowering
- b) Irregular growth based on light
- c) Flowering plant
- d) Time table of day-night based on light
Answer: Effect of length of day on flowering
Question: Which hormone is essential in pineapple for inducing flowering, without season ?
- a) NAA
- b) Abscisic acid
- c) Zeatin
- d) Ethylene
Answer: NAA
Question: Which of the following plant shows rotational movement ?
- a) Hydrilla
- b) Mucilagenous fungi
- c) Chlamydomonas
- d) Volvox
Answer: Hydrilla
Question: Which of the following is example of amoeboid movement ?
- a) Fungi
- b) Hydrilla
- c) Gamates of bryophyta
- d) Algae
Answer: Fungi
Question: Which of the following option shows an examples of cilliary movement ?
- a) Chlamydomonas
- b) Zoo spores and Bryophyta
- c) Slime mould
- d) None of the above
Answer: Chlamydomonas
Question: Which plant show movement from intense light to dim light ?
- a) Volvox
- b) Lotus
- c) Hydrilla
- d) Plankton
Answer: Volvox
Question: Which of the following show movement by chemical ?
- a) Male gametes of bryophytes and pteridophytes
- b) Male gamets of fungi and algae
- c) Male gametes of gymanosperm and and angiosperms
- d) Flower of tulip and croccus
Answer: Male gametes of bryophytes and pteridophytes
Question: Which of the following is an example of thermonasty ?
- a) Crocus
- b) Sunflower
- c) Mimosa
- d) Lotus
Answer: Crocus
Question: In which structure thigmonasty is observed in simple form ?
- a) Leaf tendril
- b) Root apex
- c) Shoot apex
- d) Leaf apex
Answer: Leaf tendril
Question: Demonstration of cytoplasmic movement in living cell can be observed in
- a) Leaf cells of tradescantia
- b) Cells of vascular bundle
- c) Medullary cells
- d) Onion cells
Answer: Leaf cells of tradescantia
Question: Which factor increases in plant in absence of light ?
- a) Length of internode increases, growth of plant in longitudinal axis
- b) Area of leaf-blade increase, rate of transpiration increases
- c) Availability of mineral ion, increases mineral nutrition
- d) Availability of water, increases ascent of sap.
Answer: Length of internode increases, growth of plant in longitudinal axis
Question: Sensitivity of leaves in Mimosa, depends on which factor ?
- a) Touch
- b) Water
- c) Light
- d) Temperature
Answer: Touch
Question: Movement of cilia in Drocera, depends on which factor ?
- a) Touch
- b) Osmosis
- c) Temperature
- d) Light
Answer: Touch
Question: If cells obtain ability of cell division in certain circumstances, it is called
- a) De-Deferentiation
- b) Undifferentiation
- c) Cleavage
- d) Differentiation
Answer: De-Deferentiation
Question: In certain condition, dividing cell, loose their ability of cell division, it is called
- a) Undifferentiation
- b) De-differentiation
- c) Cleavage
- d) Differentiation
Answer: Undifferentiation
Question: Which organic chemicals are included in shoot with photoperiodism ?
- a) Gibberrelin
- b) Cytokinin
- c) Ethylene
- d) Auxin
Answer: Gibberrelin
Question: Motor cells of leaves and grass, shows which type of movement ?
- a) Osmotic movement
- b) Growth movement
- c) Locomotory movement
- d) Nastic movement
Answer: Osmotic movement
Question: Which activity in plant is observed due to ethylene ?
- a) Maturation of fruit
- b) Maturation of seeds
- c) Maturation of flower
- d) Matutiation of leaf
Answer: Maturation of fruit
Question: Which of the following type is improper for nastism ?
- a) Phototropism
- b) Hydronasty
- c) Photonasty
- d) Thermonasty
Answer: Phototropism
Question: Which are the labelled part A and B ?
- a) Fruit and radicle
- b) Plumule and cotyledon
- c) Plumule and radicle
- d) Fruit and plumale
Answer: Fruit and radicle
Question: Which is the labelled part A and B given in the figure ?
- a) Cotyledon and Hypocotyl
- b) Cotyledon and plumble
- c) Cotyledon and Epicotyl
- d) Fruit and hypocotyl
Answer: Cotyledon and Hypocotyl
Question: Which are the part labelled as A, B and C sequentially in the figure ?
- a) Seed coat, Endosperm, plumule
- b) Seed coat, cotyledon, plumule
- c) Plumule, radicle, cotyledon
- d) Cotyledon, plumule, embryo
Answer: Seed coat, Endosperm, plumule
Question: Mention part A and B, labelled in the figure.
- a) Hypocotyl, primary root
- b) Epicotyl, primary root
- c) Epicotyl, radicle
- d) Radicle, primary root
Answer: Hypocotyl, primary root
Question: What is A and B in the given figure ?
- a) Senescence and death
- b) Death and senescence
- c) Growth and death
- d) Death and senescence
Answer: Senescence and death
Question: Which of the following type is improper for nastism ?
- a) Phototropism
- b) Hydronasty
- c) Photonasty
- d) Thermonasty
Answer: Phototropism
Question: Which of the following is incorrect for tropism ?
- a) Thigmotaxis
- b) Thermotropism
- c) Phototropism
- d) Hydrotropism
Answer: Thigmotaxis
Question: What is the direction of tropism ?
- a) Directional
- b) Oblique
- c) Undirectional
- d) Straight
Answer: Directional
Question: Which of the example is improper for tropic movement ?
- a) Mimosa
- b) Antherozoids of bryophytes
- c) Antherozoids of bryophytes
- d) Volvox
Answer: Mimosa
Question: With, what nutation is related ?
- a) Autonomous curvature movement
- b) Induced curvature movement
- c) Induced movement
- d) Autonomous movement
Answer: Autonomous curvature movement
Question: Match the list :
Column I Column II
(P) Volvox (i) Chemotaxis
(Q) Mimosa (ii) Phototaxis
(R) Antherozoids of bryophytes (iii) Movement / tropism
(S) Leaf tendril (iv) Thigmotropism
- a) (P-ii), (Q-iv), (R-i), (S-iii)
- b) (P-iv), (Q-iii), (R-ii), (S-i)
- c) (P-ii), (Q-iii), (R-iv), (S-i)
- d) (P-i), (Q-ii), (R-iii), (S-iv)
Answer: (P-ii), (Q-iv), (R-i), (S-iii)
Question: Match the list :
Column I Column II
(P) Plasmodium of slime mould (i) Ciliary movement
(Q) Chlamydomonas algae (ii) Circular movement
(R) protoplasm of tradenschantia leaf (iii) Rotational movement
(S) Protoplasm of hydrilla (iv) Amoeboid movement leaves
- a) (P-iv), (Q-i), (R-ii), (S-iii)
- b) (P-i), (Q-ii), (R-iii), (S-iv)
- c) (P-iv), (Q-iii), (R-iv), (S-i)
- d) (P-i), (Q-ii), (R-iii), (S-iv)
Answer: (P-iv), (Q-i), (R-ii), (S-iii)
Question: Match the following :
Column I Column II
(P) Zoospore of volvox (i) Thermo taxis
(Q) Antherozoids of bryophytes and pteridophytes (ii) Thigmo taxis
(R) Diatoms (iii) Photo taxis
(S) Zoospores in oedogonium (iv) Chemo taxis
- a) (P-iii), (Q-iv), (R-i), (S-ii)
- b) (P-i), (Q-ii), (R-iii), (S-iv)
- c) (P-iv), (Q-iii), (R-ii), (S-i)
- d) (P-iii), (Q-ii), (R-i), (S-iv)
Answer: (P-iii), (Q-iv), (R-i), (S-ii)
Question: Match the following
Column I Column II
(P) Opening of leaf blade (i) Epinasty
(Q) Closing of leaves (ii) Hyponasty
(R) Zigzag movement in apical bud (iii) Nutation
(S) Spiral and helical growth of tendrilar plants (iv) Circumnutation
(T) Pulsation in leaflets of indian telegraph plant (v) Variation
- a) (P-v), (Q-i), (R-iv), (S-iii), (T-ii)
- b) (P-i), (Q-ii), (R-iii), (S-iv), (T-v)
- c) (P-v), (Q-iv), (R-iii), (S-ii), (T-i)
- d) (P-v), (Q-i), (R-iv), (S-ii), (T-iii)
Answer: (P-v), (Q-i), (R-iv), (S-iii), (T-ii)
Question: Match the list :
Column I Column II
(P) Phototropism (i) Water
(Q) Geotropism (ii) Gravitation
(R) Hydrotropism (iii) Light
(S) Thigmotropism (iv) Touch
- a) (P-iii), (Q-ii), (R-i), (S-iv)
- b) (P-iii), (Q-ii), (R-iv), (S-i)
- c) (P-iv), (Q-iii), (R-ii), (S-i)
- d) (P-i), (Q-ii), (R-iii), (S-iv)
Answer: (P-iii), (Q-ii), (R-i), (S-iv)
Question: Match the list :
Column I Column II
(P) Lotus and sunflower (i) Hydronasty
(Q) Crocus and tulip (ii) Thigmonasty
(R) Due to turgidity of leauses (iii) Thermonasty
(S) Mimosa (iv) Photonasty
- a) (P-iv), (Q-iii), (R-i), (S-iii)
- b) (P-ii), (Q-iii), (R-iv), (S-i)
- c) (P-i), (Q-ii), (R-iii), (S-iv)
- d) (P-i), (Q-iii), (R-ii), (S-iv)
Answer: (P-iv), (Q-iii), (R-i), (S-iii)
Question: Covering surrouding embryo contain growth inhibitor hormone for .......... dormancy
- a) Chemical dormncy
- b) Mechanical dormancy
- c) Physical dormancy
- d) External dormancy
Answer: Chemical dormncy
Question: In which type of dormancy, due to hardness of seed coats or integuments, embryo could not expand during germination ?
- a) Mechanical dormancy
- b) Chemical dormancy
- c) External dormancy
- d) Physical dormancy
Answer: Mechanical dormancy
Question: Which type of dormancy is found when seed is impermeable to water or gaseous exchange ?
- a) Mechanical dormancy
- b) Chemical dormancy
- c) External dormancy
- d) Physical dormancy
Answer: Mechanical dormancy
Question: Which type of dormancy, inhibits embryo growth and germination in seed ?
- a) Physiological dormancy
- b) Mixed dormancy
- c) External dormancy
- d) Endogenous dormancy
Answer: Physiological dormancy
Question: Which type of dormancy is found in seed causes physiology and external dormancy ?
- a) Mixed dormancy
- b) External dormancy
- c) Endogenous dormancy
- d) Physiological dormancy
Answer: Mixed dormancy
Question: What is the type of dormancy in which embryo do not differentiate into various tissue at the time of fruit maturation ?
- a) External dormancy
- b) Internal dormancy
- c) Physiological dormancy
- d) Mixed dormancy
Answer: External dormancy
Question: During physiological and physical condition some changes observed in seed, is knows as
- a) Combinational dormancy
- b) Secondary dormancy
- c) Endogenous dormancy
- d) Exogenous dormancy
Answer: Combinational dormancy
Question: Which type of dormancy is induced in seeds due to adverse condition and high temperature ?
- a) Secondary dormancy
- b) Endogenous dormancy
- c) Combinational dormancy
- d) Exogenous dormancy
Answer: Secondary dormancy
A : Seed is active condensed plant.
R : It shows specific dormancy and get activated
- a) A and R both correct, R is explanation of A.
- b) A and R both correct but R is not explanation A.
- c) A = correct, R = false
- d) A = false, R = correct
Answer: A and R both correct, R is explanation of A.
A : Ethylene inhibits logitudinal growth of root stem and leaves.
R : Ethylene is growth inhibitor, maturation hormone.
- a) A and R both correct, R is explanation of A.
- b) A and R both correct but R is not explanation A.
- c) A = correct, R = false
- d) A = false, R = correct
Answer: A and R both correct, R is explanation of A.
A : Adventitious roots develop by auxin in plants.
R : Auxin, removes the dominant effect of apical bud.
- a) A and R both correct but R is not explanation A.
- b) A and R both correct, R is explanation of A.
- c) A = correct, R = false
- d) A = false, R = correct
Answer: A and R both correct but R is not explanation A.
A : Cytokinin is cytoplasmic hormone.
R : Cytokinin induced cell division
- a) A = false, R = correct
- b) A = correct, R = false
- c) A and R both correct but R is not explanation A.
- d) A and R both correct, R is explanation of A.
Answer: A = false, R = correct
A : Nastism is undirectional.
R : Induced factors are essential for nastism.
- a) A and R both correct, R is explanation of A.
- b) A and R both correct but R is not explanation A.
- c) A = correct, R = false
- d) A = false, R = correct
Answer: A and R both correct, R is explanation of A.
A : Ethylene inhibits logitudinal growth of root stem and leaves.
R : Ethylene is growth inhibitor, maturation hormone.
- a) A = correct, R = false
- b) A = false, R = correct
- c) A and R both correct but R is not explanation A.
- d) A and R both correct, R is explanation of A.
Answer: A = correct, R = false
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