Refer to NEET UG Biology Reproduction in Organisms MCQs provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Full Syllabus Biology with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by NEET, NCERT and KVS. Reproduction in Organisms Full Syllabus MCQ are an important part of exams for Full Syllabus Biology and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for NEET Full Syllabus Biology and also download more latest study material for all subjects
MCQ for Full Syllabus Biology Reproduction in Organisms
Full Syllabus Biology students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Reproduction in Organisms in Full Syllabus.
Reproduction in Organisms MCQ Questions Full Syllabus Biology with Answers
Reproduction is biological process in which organism give rise to offspring similar to itself. In living orgamism there are two types of reproduction. (1) Asexual reproduction and (2) Sexual reproduction. In a sexual reproduction single parent is involved and capable of producing offspring . Fission, sporulation, budding and fragmenation are the comman modes of a sexual reproduction seen in animals and plants.
Zoospore, conidia etc are the comman a sexual structures formed in several algae and fungi. In flowering plants vegetative reproduction, are natural and artificial. In natural method the development of new plant takes place under suitable environmental conditions from some organ like stem,leaf,root or even flower of the mother plant.runners,offsets,stolons and suckers are the common other natural methods of reproduction seen in angiosperms.The artificial method of propagation are cutting,layering and grafting. Sexual reproductin involves formation and fusion of is a complex and slow process as compared to a sexual reproduction.Events of sexual reproduction may be categorized into the pre-fertilization, fertilization and post-fertilzation events.
Pre-fertilization events of sexual reproduction are found prior to the fusion of gametes. The two main pre-fertilization events are gametogenesis and gamete transfer. Gametes are always haploid and homogametes or heterogametes. After formation, the male and female gametes are brought together to facilitiate fertilization. The fusion of two similar or disssimilar gametes is called syngamy and its result in Formation of diploid zygote is formed, this process is known as fertilization. It is external or internal. The formation of zygote and the process of development of embryo are called post fertilization events. Zygote is the vital link that ensures continuity of species between organisms of one generation and the next. Embryogenesis is the process of development of embryo from the zygote during embryogenesis zygote undergoes cell division and cell differentiation cell divisions increase the number of cells while differentiation helps group of cells to under go certain modification to form specialized tisse and organs to form an organism.
For the given options select the correct options (a, b, c, d) each carries one mark.
1. Which animals have developed capacity of regeneration ?
(a) Hydra, Starfish (b) Plasmodium (c) Earthworm (d) Spongilla
2. Sporulation occurs in ____
(a) Plasmodium (b) Hydra (c) Starfish (d) Spongilla
3. Which plant reproduce vegetatively by roots ?
(a) Oxalis (b) Bryophyllum (c) Onion (d) Dahlia
4. Which plant performs vegetative reproduction with the help of floral buds ?
(a) Agave (b) Bryophyllum (c) Ginger (d) Asparagus
5. Which part of the plant bryophyllum performs vegetative reproduction ?
(a) Stem (b) Floral buds (c) Underground roots (d) Buds on life margin
6. What types of chromosomes are always present in gametes ?
(a) Haploid (b) Diploid (c) Triploid (d) Tetraploid
7. Which physiological process is necessary for birth, growth, death, production of offspring and for continuity of the species ?
(a) Digestion (b) Transportation (c) Reproduction (d) Nutrition
8. In which type of reproduction single parent is essential for reproduction ?
(a) Asexual (b) Sexual (c) Vegetative (d) Fragmentation
9. In which type of reproduction two individual of opposite sex are essential ?
(a) Asexual (b) Sexual (c) Vegetative (d) Fragmentation
10. In which type of organism asexual reproduction is seen ?
(a) Unicellular (b) Bicellular (c) Multicellular (d) Both a and c
11. How does Amoeba reproduce ?
(a) Binary fission (b) Budding (c) Sporulation (d) Both a and c
12. What are ciliated spore ?
(a) Non-motile spores (b) Zoospores (c) Homospores (d) Heterospores
13. Non-flagellate spores are called conidia ? In which organism they are seen ?
(a) Pencillium (b) Hydra (c) Amoeba (d) Chlamydomonas
14. Which animals reproduce by exogenous budding ?
(a) Hydra (b) Spongilla (c) Plasmodium (d) Amoeba
15. Which animal reproduce by multiple fission ?
(a) Hydra (b)Plasmodium (c) Spongilla (d) Euglena
16. In which metohd of asexual reproduction the division of cytoplasm is not possible ?
(a) Amitotic division (b) Binary fission (c) Division (d) Budding
17. During which process cyst is formed ?
(a) Binary fission (b) Multiple fission (c) Sporulation (d) Budding
18. In which method pseudopodiospores are formed ?
(a) Binary fission (b) Multiple fission (c) Sporulation (d) Budding
19. In which organism other than amoeba,sporulation is seen ?
(a) Paramoecium (b) Plasmodium (c) Hydra (d) Planaria
20. In which animal,formation of exogenous budding takes place from parent body ?
(a) Hydra (b) Planaria (c) Amoeba (d) Paramoecium
21. Which special method of reproduction is found on Nephrolepis ?
(a) Offsets (b) Stolons (c) Runner (d) Suckers
22. Which of the following is not a natural method of vegetative reproduction ?
(a) Suckers (b) Cutting (c) Runners (d) Offsets
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MCQs for Reproduction in Organisms Biology Full Syllabus
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