Refer to NEET Biology Photosynthesis In Higher Plants MCQs Set B provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Full Syllabus Biology with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by NEET, NCERT and KVS. Photosynthesis In Higher Plants Full Syllabus MCQ are an important part of exams for Full Syllabus Biology and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for NEET Full Syllabus Biology and also download more latest study material for all subjects
MCQ for Full Syllabus Biology Photosynthesis In Higher Plants
Full Syllabus Biology students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Photosynthesis In Higher Plants in Full Syllabus.
Photosynthesis In Higher Plants MCQ Questions Full Syllabus Biology with Answers
Question: In C4 plants, mesophyll cells and bundle sheath cells are specialised to perform respectively
- a) Light reaction and dark reaction
- b) Light reaction and photorespiration
- c) Dark reaction and light reaction
- d) Photorespiration and dark reaction
Answer: Light reaction and dark reaction
Question: Agranal chloroplasts are found in
- a) Bundle sheath of sugarcane leaves
- b) Bundle sheath of mango leaves
- c) Mesophyll of pea leaves
- d) Mesophyll of maize leaves
Answer: Bundle sheath of sugarcane leaves
Question: Find odd one (w.r.t. double carboxylation)
- a) Pisum sativum
- b) Sorghum
- c) Zea mays
- d) Sugarcane
Answer: Pisum sativum
Question: Photosynthesis of maize plant differ from wheat plant in
- a) All of these
- b) Having spatial separation in both carboxylations
- c) Number of ATP required per CO2 fixation
- d) Having PEPcase activity
Answer: All of these
Question: In C4 plants, the bundle sheath cells
- a) Have a high density of chloroplasts
- b) Have large intercellular spaces
- c) Have thin walls to facilitate gaseous exchange
- d) Are rich in PEP carboxylase
Answer: Have a high density of chloroplasts
Question: C4 plants are less efficient at low temperature due to
- a) Cold sensitivity of PEP synthetase enzyme
- b) High energy requirement for CO2 fixation
- c) Low O2 affinity of PEPcase
- d) Reduced rate of decarboxylation of organic acids
Answer: Cold sensitivity of PEP synthetase enzyme
Question: C4 plants can tolerate saline conditions due to
- a) Occurrence of organic acids
- b) Presence of PEP synthetase enzyme
- c) Absence of photorespiration
- d) Presence of PEP carboxylase enzyme
Answer: Occurrence of organic acids
Question: Which group of plants are not benefitted by CO2 fertilisation effect?
- a) Plants with Kranz anatomy
- b) Plants having single carboxylation
- c) Plants requiring 3 ATP per CO2 fixation
- d) Plants having high rate of photorespiration
Answer: Plants with Kranz anatomy
- a) Conversion of Pyruvate to PEP
- b) Conversion of PEP to Malate
- c) Conversion of PEP to OAA
- d) Conversion of Malate to Oxaloacetate
Answer: Conversion of Pyruvate to PEP
Question: The oxygen evolved during photosynthesis comes from water molecules. Which one of the following pairs of elements is involved in this reaction?
- a) Manganese and Chlorine
- b) Magnesium and Molybdenum
- c) Magnesium and Chlorine
- d) Manganese and Potassium
Answer: Manganese and Chlorine
Question: Anoxygenic photosynthesis is characteristic of
- a) Rhodospirillum
- b) Spirogyra
- c) Chlamydomonas
- d) Ulva
Answer: Rhodospirillum
- a) Photorespiration
- b) Transpiration
- c) Glycolysis
- d) Photosynthesis
Answer: Photorespiration
Question: The correct sequence of cell organelles during photorespiration is
- a) Chloroplast, – mitochondria, – peroxisome
- b) Chloroplast, – vacuole, – peroxisome
- c) Chloroplast, – Golgibodies, – mitochondria
- d) Chloroplast, – Rough endoplasmic reticulum, – Dictyosomes
Answer: Chloroplast, – mitochondria, – peroxisome
Question: In Kranz anatomy, the bundle sheath cells have
- a) Thick walls, no intercellular spaces and large number of chloroplasts
- b) Thin walls, many intercellular spaces and no chloroplasts
- c) Thick walls, many intercellular spaces and few chloroplasts
- d) Thin walls, no intercellular spaces and several chloroplasts
Answer: Thick walls, no intercellular spaces and large number of chloroplasts
Question: CAM helps the plants in
- a) Conserving water
- b) Secondary growth
- c) Disease resistance
- d) Reproduction
Answer: Conserving water
Question: PGA as the first CO2 fixation product was discovered in photosynthesis of
- a) Alga
- b) Bryophyte
- c) Gymnosperm
- d) Angiosperm
Answer: Alga
- a) Presence of larger number of chloroplasts in the leaf cells
- b) Presence of thin cuticle
- c) Higher leaf area
- d) Lower rate of photorespiration
Answer: Presence of larger number of chloroplasts in the leaf cells
More Questions..........................................
- a) B and D
- b) A and B
- c) B and C
- d) C and D
Answer: B and D
Question: Kranz anatomy is one of the characteristics of the leaves of
- a) Sugarcane
- b) Wheat
- c) Mustard
- d) Potato
Answer: Sugarcane
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
Question: Oxygenic photosynthesis occurs in:
- a) Oscillatoria
- b) Rhodospirillum
- c) Chlorobium
- d) Chromatium
Answer: Oscillatoria
Question: Cyclic photophosphorylation results in the formation of
- a) ATP
- b) NADPH
- c) ATP, NADPH and O2
- d) ATP and NADPH
Answer: ATP
Question: Stroma in the chloroplasts of higher plant contains
- a) Light-independent reaction enzymes
- b) Ribosomes
- c) Light-dependent reaction enzymes
- d) Chlorophyll
Answer: Light-independent reaction enzymes
- a) They have more chloroplasts
- b) The CO2 compensation point is more
- c) CO2 generated during photorespiration is trapped and recycled through PEP carboxylase
- d) The CO2 efflux is not prevented
Answer: They have more chloroplasts
- a) Quinone
- b) Cytochrome - f
- c) Cytochrome - b
- d) Ferredoxin
Answer: Quinone
Question: The first acceptor of electrons from an excited chlorophyll molecule of photosystem II is
- a) Quinone
- b) Cytochrome
- c) Iron-sulphur protein
- d) Ferredoxin
Answer: Quinone
- a) Mesophyll
- b) Bundle sheath
- c) Phloem
- d) Epidermis
Answer: Mesophyll
Question: In photosystem-I, the first electron acceptor is
- a) An iron-sulphur protein
- b) Plastocyanin
- c) Cytochrome
- d) Ferredoxin
Answer: An iron-sulphur protein
Question: During photorespiration, the oxygen consuming reaction(s) occur in
- a) Stroma of chloroplasts and peroxisomes
- b) Stroma of chloroplasts and peroxisomes
- c) Stroma of chloroplasts and mitochondria
- d) Grana of chloroplasts and peroxisomes
Answer: Stroma of chloroplasts and peroxisomes
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
Question: As compared to a C3 plant, how many additional molecules of ATP are needed for net production of one molecule of hexose sugar by C4 plants
- a) 12
- b) 0
- c) 6
- d) 2
Answer: 12
Question: Photosynthetic Active Radiation (PAR) has the following range of wavelengths
- a) 400 - 700 nm
- b) 450 - 950 nm
- c) 340 - 450 nm
- d) 500 - 600 nm
Answer: 400 - 700 nm
Question: Chlorophyll-a molecule at its carbon atom 3 of the pyrrole ring II has one of the following
- a) Methyl group
- b) Aldehyde group
- c) Magnesium
- d) Carboxylic group
Answer: Methyl group
Question: Which fractions of the visible spectrum of solar radiations are primarily absorbed by carotenoids of the higher plants?
- a) Violet and blue
- b) Red and violet
- c) Green and red
- d) Blue and green
Answer: Violet and blue
Question: During light reaction of photosynthesis, which of the following phenomenon is observed during cyclic phosphorylation as well as non-cyclic phosphorylation?
- a) Formation of ATP
- b) Involvement of PS I & PS II pigment systems
- c) Formation of NADPH
- d) Release of O2
Answer: Formation of ATP
Question: NADPH2 is generated through
- a) Photosystem I
- b) Glycolysis
- c) Anaerobic respiration
- d) Photosystem II
Answer: Photosystem I
Question: The first step for initiation of photosynthesis will be
- a) Excitement of chlorophyll molecules due to absorption of light
- b) Photolysis of water
- c) ATP formation
- d) Glucose formation
Answer: Excitement of chlorophyll molecules due to absorption of light
Question: Which pigment system is inactivated in red drop?
- a) PS-II
- b) None of these
- c) PS-I
- d) PS-I and PS-II
Answer: PS-II
Question: In photosynthesis, energy from light reaction to dark reaction is transferred in the form of
- a) ATP
- b) RuDP
- c) Chlorophyll
- d) ADP
Answer: ATP
Question: Which of the following absorb light energy for photosynthesis?
- a) Chlorophyll
- b) RuBP
- c) Water molecule
- d) O2
Answer: Chlorophyll
Question: How many electrons, protons and photons are involved in the lysis of water to evolve one molecule of oxygen?
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
- a) Ribulose 1, 5-diphosphate (RuDP
- b) Ribulose monophosphate (RMP)
- c) Phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP)
- d) Phosphoglyceric acid (PGA)
Answer: Ribulose 1, 5-diphosphate (RuDP
Question: What will be the number of Calvin cycles to generate one molecule of hexose?
- a) 6
- b) 4
- c) 9
- d) 8
Answer: 6
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
Question: Which one of the following represents photophosphorylation ?
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
- a) 3-phosphoglyceric acid
- b) Malic acid
- c) Oxaloacetic acid
- d) Phosphoglyceraldehyde
Answer: 3-phosphoglyceric acid
Question: Bundle sheath cells
- a) Are rich in RuBisCo
- b) Lack RuBisCo
- c) Are rich in PEP carboxylase
- d) Lack both RuBisCo and PEP carboxylase
Answer: Are rich in RuBisCo
Question: Which one of the following organisms is correctly matched with its three characteristics?
- a) Maize : C3 pathway, Closed vascular bundles, Scutellum
- b) Onion : Bulb, Imbricate aestivation, Axile placentation
- c) Tomato : Twisted aestivation, Axile placentation, Berry
- d) None of these
Answer: Maize : C3 pathway, Closed vascular bundles, Scutellum
Question: Presence of bundle sheath is a characteristic of
- a) C4 plants
- b) Xerophytic plants
- c) Members of the grass family
- d) C3 plants
Answer: C4 plants
Question: In C4 plants, the bundle sheath cells
- a) Have a high density of chloroplasts
- b) Have large intercellular spaces
- c) Have thin walls to facilitate gaseous exchange
- d) Are rich in PEP carboxylase
Answer: Have a high density of chloroplasts
Question: The CO2 fixation during C4 pathway occurs in the chloroplast of
- a) Mesophyll cells
- b) Spongy parenchyma
- c) Bundle sheath cells
- d) Guard cells
Answer: Mesophyll cells
- a) Mesophyll cells
- b) Sclerenchyma
- c) Sclerenchyma
- d) Guard cells
Answer: Mesophyll cells
- a) Phosphoenol pyruvate
- b) Phosphoglyceric acid
- c) Phosphoglyceraldehyde
- d) Ribulose monophosphate
Answer: Phosphoenol pyruvate
- a) PEP carboxylase
- b) RuBisCo
- c) Phosphoric acid
- d) RuDP carboxylase
Answer: PEP carboxylase
Question: Which pair is wrong?
- a) C3 -Maize
- b) Calvin cycle-PGA
- c) C4 -Kranz anatomy
- d) Hatch and Slack cycle – OAA
Answer: C3 -Maize
- a) Phosphoenol pyruvic acid carboxylase
- b) Fructose phosphatase
- c) Ribulose biphosphate carboxylase
- d) Ribulose phosphate kinase
Answer: Phosphoenol pyruvic acid carboxylase
Question: Which one of the following is wrong in relation to photorespiration ?
- a) It is a characteristic of C4 plants
- b) Ist oxidation in chloroplast
- c) It occurs in day time only
- d) None of these
Answer: It is a characteristic of C4 plants
Question: Maximum absorption of light occurs in the region of
- a) 400 - 700 nm
- b) 700 – 900 nm
- c) 1500 – 2000 nm
- d) 1000 - 1200 nm
Answer: 400 - 700 nm
Question: The rate of photosynthesis is higher in
- a) Red light
- b) Green light
- c) Continuous light
- d) Very high light
Answer: Red light
Question: The law of limiting factors’ was proposed by
- a) Blackman
- b) Arnon
- c) Hatch and Slack
- d) Leibig
Answer: Blackman
Question: Plants adapted to low light intensity have
- a) Larger photosynthetic unit size than the sun plants
- b) More extended root system
- c) Leaves modified to spines
- d) None of these
Answer: Larger photosynthetic unit size than the sun plants
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