NEET Biology Body Fluids and Circulation MCQs Set F

Refer to NEET Biology Body Fluids and Circulation MCQs Set F provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Full Syllabus Biology with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by NEET, NCERT and KVS. Body Fluids and Circulation Full Syllabus MCQ are an important part of exams for Full Syllabus Biology and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for NEET Full Syllabus Biology and also download more latest study material for all subjects

MCQ for Full Syllabus Biology Body Fluids and Circulation

Full Syllabus Biology students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Body Fluids and Circulation in Full Syllabus.

Body Fluids and Circulation MCQ Questions Full Syllabus Biology with Answers



Question: Lub sound produced by heart is caused by

  • a) Ventricular systole
  • b) Ventricular diastole
  • c) Atrial diastole
  • d) Atrial systole

Answer: Ventricular systole


Question: Which of the following is not a lymphoid organ

  • a) Spleen
  • b) Thymus
  • c) Kidney
  • d) Lymph nodes

Answer: Kidney


Question: In blood

  • a) WBCs are more than RBCs
  • b) RBCs are more than WBCs
  • c) RBCs are less than platelets
  • d) Platelets are less than WBCs

Answer: RBCs are more than WBCs


Question: Difference systolic and diastolic pressure is

  • a) Blood pressure
  • b) Pulse pressure
  • c) Cardiac output
  • d) Pulse

Answer: Pulse pressure


Question: The cation(mineral) necessary for coagulation of blood is

  • a) Na
  • b) Ca
  • c) K
  • d) Cl

Answer: Ca


Question: Volume of blood that enters aorta with each ventricular systole is

  • a) Vital capacity
  • b) Cardiac cycle
  • c) Stroke volume
  • d) Cardiac output

Answer: Stroke volume


Question: Arteries are best defined as vessels which

  • a) Break up into capillaries which reunite to form a vein
  • b) Carry blood away from heart to different organs
  • c) Supply oxygenated blood to different organs
  • d) Carry blood from one visceral organ to another visceral organ

Answer: Carry blood away from heart to different organs


Question: In which of the following situations, there is risk of erythroblastosisfoetalis

  • a) Mother Rh+, father Rh+
  • b) Mother Rh-, father Rh- 
  • c) Mother Rh-, father Rh+
  • d) Mother Rh+, father Rh-

Answer: Mother Rh-, father Rh+


Question: Rh factor can produce

  • a) AIDS
  • b) Erythroblastosis foetalis
  • c) Turner's syndrome
  • d) Sickle cell anaemia

Answer: Erythroblastosis foetalis


Question: Which one prevents blood clotting in blood vessels?

  • a) Heparin
  • b) Fibrinogen
  • c) Albumin
  • d) Globulins

Answer: Heparin


Question: Cardiac output is determined by

  • a) Blood flow
  • b) Heart rate
  • c) Stroke volume
  • d) Both b and C

Answer: Both b and C


Question: Which is not detected in ECG?

  • a) Arrhythmia
  • b) Myocardial infection
  • c) Heart block
  • d) Valvular defects

Answer: Valvular defects


Question: heart of Cockroach has

  • a) 14 chambers
  • b) 13 chambers
  • c) 4 chambers
  • d) 3 chambers

Answer: 13 chambers


Question: Rh- persons are 

  • a) Homozygous dominant
  • b) Homozygous recessive
  • c) Heterozygous recessive
  • d) None of the above

Answer: Homozygous recessive


Question: Blood protein which initiate blood coagulation is

  • a) Prothrombin
  • b) Thrombin
  • c) Fibrinogen
  • d) Fibrin

Answer: Prothrombin


Question: The heart sound murmur is heard during

  • a) closing of bicuspid and tricuspid valve
  • b) closing of aortic and pulmonary semilunar valves
  • c) leaking of blood through one of valve
  • d) None of the above

Answer: leaking of blood through one of valve


Question: For safe blood transfusion

  • a) Donor's RBC should not contain antibodies against recipient's serum
  • b) Recipient's serum should not contain antigens against donor's antibodies
  • c) Recipient's serum should not contain antibodies against RBC of donors
  • d) Recipient's RBC should not contain antibodies against donor's antigens

Answer: Recipient's serum should not contain antibodies against RBC of donors


Question: Which organ receives only oxygenated blood

  • a) Gill
  • b) Spleen
  • c) Lung
  • d) Liver

Answer: Spleen


Question: Erythroblastosisfoetalis occurs when a factor from mother passes into foetus through placenta

  • a) Rh antigens
  • b) Agglutinins
  • c) Rh antibodies
  • d) ABO antibodies.

Answer: Rh antibodies


Question: O blood group is universal donor because the blood has

  • a) Antigen A
  • b) Antigen B
  • c) Both antigens A and B
  • d) No antigens

Answer: No antigens


More Questions................................


Question: Blood buffer is formed of

  • a) Haemoglobin and oxyhaemoglobin
  • b) Oxygen and carbon dioxide
  • c) Albumin and globulin
  • d) Sodium bicarbonate and carbonic acid

Answer: Sodium bicarbonate and carbonic acid


Question: The most common type of haemophilia is due to congenital absence of

  • a) Factor II
  • b) Factor V
  • c) Factor VIII
  • d) Factor XI

Answer: Factor VIII


Question: The ratio of RBC to WBC in humans is

  • a) 6 : 1
  • b) 60 : 1
  • c) 600 : 1
  • d) 6000 : 1

Answer: 600 : 1


Question: Blood leaving liver and moving to heart will have more concentration of .

  • a) Bile
  • b) Glycogen
  • c) Amino acids
  • d) Urea

Answer: Urea


Question: 'Dup' sound is produced during closure of

  • a) Semilunar valves
  • b) Bicuspid valve
  • c) Tricuspid valve
  • d) Both B and C

Answer: Semilunar valves


Question: Parasympathetic nervous system

  • a) Decreases heart beat
  • b) Increases heart beat
  • c) Starts heart beat
  • d) Has no effect on heart beat

Answer: Decreases heart beat


Question: Increase in blood pressure is

  • a) Arteriosclerosis
  • b) Atherosclerosis
  • c) Hypertension
  • d) None

Answer: Hypertension


Question: Which one of the following is important phagocyte?

  • a) RBC
  • b) Basophils
  • c) Eosinophils
  • d) Monocytes

Answer: Monocytes


Question: Pace maker is

  • a) Instrument for measuring heart beat
  • b) Instrument for measuring pulse rate
  • c) Auriculo-ventricular node that provides impulse for heart beat
  • d) Sinu-auricular node that provides impulse for heart beat

Answer: Sinu-auricular node that provides impulse for heart beat


Question: Pulse pressure is

  • a) Diastolic pressure
  • b) Systolic pressure
  • c) Difference between B and A
  • d) Pressure in great veins

Answer: Difference between B and A


Question: How does the spleen help maintain blood?

  • a) Platelets are stored there
  • b) Defective RBCs and platelets are removed
  • c) Red blood cells are produced there until death
  • d) A and B are correct

Answer: A and B are correct


Question: Which is incorrect?

  • a) Veins are typically larger in diameter than arteries.
  • b) Because of their small size, blood flows more rapidly in capillaries than in other parts of circulatory system.
  • c) Walls of arteries are elastic enabling them to stretch and shrink during changes in blood pressure
  • d) Veins contain more blood than any other part of circulatory system

Answer: Veins contain more blood than any other part of circulatory system


Question: Identify correct statement regarding transport of respiratory gases through blood

  • a) Only oxygen is transported
  • b) Only CO2 is transported
  • c) haemoglobin is necessary for transport of O2 and carbonic anhydrase for CO2 
  • d) haemoglobin is necessary for transport of CO2 and carbonic anhydrase for O2

Answer:  haemoglobin is necessary for transport of O2 and carbonic anhydrase for CO2 


Question: Why open circulatory system is advantageous to some animals

  • a) They uses less metabolic energy
  • b) They help animal to move faster
  • c) They don’t need heart
  • d) None of the above

Answer: They uses less metabolic energy




1. Plasma constitutes 45% of blood.

2. Albumin is plasma protein involved in osmotic balance.

3. Blood clotting factors are present in blood.

4. Plasma without clotting factor in serum.

5. Minerals are not found in blood.

  • a) 1 -4 correct, 5 wrong
  • b) 1 -2 correct, 3,4,5 wrong
  • c) 2,3,4 correct, 1 and 5 wrong
  • d) 2 and 4 correct, 1,3,5 wrong

Answer: 2,3,4 correct, 1 and 5 wrong


Question: Amino acid functioning as buffer in blood is

  • a) Histidine
  • b) Glutamine
  • c) Glutamic acid
  • d) Lysine

Answer: Histidine


Question:  Match the following

NEET Bilology-2

  • a) 1-c, 2 – a, 3 – e, 4 – b, 5 – d
  • b) 1-d, 2 – a, 3 – e, 4 – c, 5 – d
  • c) 1-d, 2 – a, 3 – c, 4 –e, 5 – b
  • d) 1-c, 2 – b, 3 – e, 4 – b, 5 – a

Answer: 1-d, 2 – a, 3 – c, 4 –e, 5 – b


Question: Which is phagocytic structure of blood?

  • a) Eosinophil
  • b) Basophil
  • c) Platelet
  • d) Monocyte

Answer: Monocyte


Question: Which blood transfusion is correct

  • a) A → AB
  • b) B → A 
  • c) AB → A 
  • d) O → B

Answer:  O → B


Question: Largest number of white blood corpuscles are

  • a) Eosinophils
  • b) Basophils
  • c) Neutrophils
  • d) Monocytes

Answer: Neutrophils


Question: Which has the thickest wall?

  • a) Right auricle
  • b) Right ventricle
  • c) Left auricle
  • d) Left ventricle

Answer: Left ventricle


Question: Carotid artery carries

  • a) Deoxygenated blood to brain
  • b) Oxygenated blood to brain
  • c) Oxygenated blood to heart
  • d) None of the above

Answer: Oxygenated blood to brain


Question: Largest heart if of

  • a) Giraffe
  • b) Elephant
  • c) Crocodile
  • d) Lion

Answer: Elephant


Question: The volume of blood present in an adult

  • a) 1 litre
  • b) 2 litres
  • c) 5 litres
  • d) 10 litres

Answer: 5 litres


Question: The coagulation of blood occurs due to

  • a) Destruction of RBC
  • b) Destruction of WBC
  • c) Destruction of lymph
  • d) Destruction of blood platelets

Answer: Destruction of blood platelets


Question: Blood groups agglutinogen A and B are found

  • a) In plasma
  • b) On blood platelets
  • c) On WBCs
  • d) On RBCs

Answer: On RBCs


Question: The amount of water present in blood plasma is

  • a) 90%
  • b) 80%
  • c) 70%
  • d) 60%

Answer: 90%


Question: A vein that breaks up into capillaries is

  • a) Pelvic vein
  • b) Pulmonary vein
  • c) renal vein
  • d) Hepatic portal vein

Answer: Hepatic portal vein


Question: Sometimes RBCs form a pile or stack known as

  • a) Lacuna
  • b) Islet
  • c) Rouleaux
  • d) Canaliculi

Answer: Rouleaux


Question: A woman with blood group O marries a man of AB blood group. The blood group of their child would be

  • a) AB and O
  • b) A or B
  • c) AB
  • d) O

Answer: A or B


Question: What is correct about haemoglobin?

1. Oligomeric protein .

2. Chromoprotein

3. Monomeric protein

4. Keratin Options

  • a) 1, 2, 3 correct
  • b) 1, 2 correct
  • c) 2, 4 correct
  • d) 1, 3 correct

Answer: 1, 2 correct


Question: Interstitial fluid resembles

  • a) fresh water
  • b) ground water
  • c) sea water
  • d) none of the above

Answer: ground water


Question: Which term does not apply to human heart?

  • a) Neurogenic
  • b) Pacemaker
  • c) Four chambered
  • d) Mitral valve

Answer: Neurogenic


Question: Which one is present in tunica media?

  • a) Collagen fibres and smooth muscles
  • b) Yellow fibres and smooth muscles
  • c) Yellow fibres and striated muscles
  • d) Squamous epithelium and striated muscles

Answer: Yellow fibres and smooth muscles


Question: The difference between systolic and diastolic pressure in humans is

  • a) 40 mmHg
  • b) 80 mmHg
  • c) 120 mmHg
  • d) 200 mmHg

Answer: 40 mmHg


Question: Arteries are best defined as vessels which

  • a) Break up into capillaries which reunite to form a vein
  • b) Carry blood away from heart to different organs
  • c) Supply oxygenated blood to different organs
  • d) Carry blood from one visceral organ to another visceral organ

Answer: Carry blood away from heart to different organs


Question: Right atrium receives blood from

  • a) Sinus venosus
  • b) Pulmonary veins
  • c) Inferior vena cava
  • d) Superior and inferior vena cava

Answer: Superior and inferior vena cava


Question: Compared to those of humans, erythrocyte of Frog are

  • a) With nucleus but without haemoglobin
  • b) Nucleated and with haemoglobin
  • c) Smaller and fewer
  • d) Without nucleus

Answer: Nucleated and with haemoglobin


Question: Deoxygenated blood from wall of heart is carried by

  • a) Coronary sinus
  • b) Inferior vena cava
  • c) Superior vena cava
  • d) Pulmonary artery

Answer: Coronary sinus


Question: From which part of heart does the largest artery arise

  • a) Left ventricle
  • b) Right ventricle
  • c) Left atrium
  • d) Right atrium

Answer: Left ventricle

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MCQs for Body Fluids and Circulation Biology Full Syllabus

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