Refer to NEET Biology Body Fluids and Circulation MCQs Set I provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Full Syllabus Biology with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by NEET, NCERT and KVS. Body Fluids and Circulation Full Syllabus MCQ are an important part of exams for Full Syllabus Biology and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for NEET Full Syllabus Biology and also download more latest study material for all subjects
MCQ for Full Syllabus Biology Body Fluids and Circulation
Full Syllabus Biology students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Body Fluids and Circulation in Full Syllabus.
Body Fluids and Circulation MCQ Questions Full Syllabus Biology with Answers
Question: For analysis, the blood drawn from a patient will not be placed in a tube having .
- a) Sodium oxalate
- b) Heparin
- c) Calcium bicarbonate
- d) Been chilled
Answer: Calcium bicarbonate
Question: Which one is not a blood group .
- a) ABO and Rh
- b) Rh and MN
- c) Buffs and Kips
- d) Lewis and Duffy
Answer: Buffs and Kips
Question: Mitral valve is also called .
- a) Tricuspid valve
- b) Semilunar valve
- c) Bicuspid valve
- d) None of the above
Answer: Bicuspid valve
Question: English physician who discovered blood circulation was .
- a) J.C. Bose
- b) A. Vesalius
- c) William Harvey
- d) H.G.Khurana
Answer: William Harvey
Question: ' Heart of heart' is
- a) SA node
- b) AV node
- c) Bundle of His
- d) Purkinje fibres
Answer: SA node
Question: mammalian erythrocytes have short life span due to absence of .
- a) Endoplasmic reticulum
- b) Mitochondria
- c) Nucleus
- d) Golgi complex
Answer: Nucleus
Question: Which one the first to receive lymphatic duct from lungs..
- a) Right lymphatic duct
- b) Thoracic lymphatic duct
- c) Left subclavian vein
- d) Right subclavian vein
Answer: Thoracic lymphatic duct
Question: Haemoglobin first appears during development of RBC in ..
- a) Reticulocyte
- b) Early normoblasts
- c) Intermediate normoblasts
- d) Late normoblasts
Answer: Intermediate normoblasts
Question: Cell fragments of megakaryocytes yield ..
- a) Erythrocytes
- b) Granulocytes
- c) Agranulocytes
- d) Blood platelets
Answer: Blood platelets
Question: Find the correct explanations about blood not clotting inside the vessels 1.Speedy flow prevents accumulation of fibrin threads if formed. 2. Absence of anticoagulant heparin having antithrombin activity. 3. Smoothness of endothelial lining preventing rupturing of platelets and formation of thromboplastin. 4. Presence of a layer of negatively charged protein over the inner surface of endothelium that attracts clotting factors.
- a) 1, 2, 3 correct
- b) 1, 2 correct
- c) 2, 4 correct
- d) 1, 3 correct
Answer: 1, 3 correct
Question: Oval depression or fossa is observed over .
- a) Inter-atrial septum
- b) Interventricular septum
- c) Right auriculo - ventricular septum
- d) Left auriculoventricular septum
Answer: Inter-atrial septum
Question: A man with blood group A marries AB blood group woman. Which type of progeny indicate that the man is not homozygous?
- a) AB
- b) B
- c) A
- d) O
Answer: B
More Questions....................................
Question: Neurogenic heart is characteristic of ..
- a) Humans
- b) Lower invertebrates
- c) Rat
- d) Rabbit
Answer: Lower invertebrates
Question: Which layer of the following serves the dual purpose of forming the inner layer of the pericardium and forming the outermost wall of the heart?
- a) Fibrous pericardium
- b) Parietal pericardium
- c) Visceral pericardium
- d) Myocardium
Answer: Visceral pericardium
Question: Artery supplying blood to pericardium is .
- a) Brachial artery
- b) Vertebral artery
- c) Coronary artery
- d) Internal mammary artery
Answer: Internal mammary artery
Question: If heart sound recording and ECG are superimposed, the first heart sound would occur
- a) At P-wave
- b) Just after P-wave
- c) Just before QRS complex
- d) Just after QRS complex
Answer: Just after QRS complex
Question: What is true ..
- a) All arteries carry oxygenated blood
- b) All veins carry oxygenated blood
- c) All veins carry oxygenated blood except one
- d) All arteries carry oxygenated blood except one
Answer: All arteries carry oxygenated blood except one
Question: Number of RBC/mm3 in healthy female is .
- a) 4.5 - 5.0 million
- b) 5.5 - 6.0 million
- c) 3.5 - 4.0 million
- d) 6.5 - 7.0 million
Answer: 4.5 - 5.0 million
Question: Which one regulate heart beat? .
- a) Purkinje fibres
- b) Cardiac branch of vagus nerve
- c) SA node
- d) AV node
Answer: Cardiac branch of vagus nerve
Question: Vitamin K is required for .
- a) Blood clotting
- b) Respiration
- c) Carbohydrate metabolism
- d) Calcium phosphorus metabolism
Answer: Blood clotting
Question: Problem related to Rh factor arises when Rh+ and Rh- blood mix up .
- a) In test tube
- b) Through transfusion
- c) Through pregnancy
- d) Both A and B
Answer: Through transfusion
Question: ECG is employed for study of .
- a) Lung ailments
- b) Brain defects
- c) Heart problems
- d) Kidney defects
Answer: Brain defects
Question: Artery is a vessel that carries blood .
- a) Towards the heart
- b) Away from heart
- c) Away from tissue
- d) Towards the liver
Answer: Away from heart
Question: Rh -ve person donated blood to Rh +ve person for second time. Then ..
- a) Rh –ve blood starts reacting to Rh - Ve blood
- b) Rh +ve person will die
- c) Rh -ve person will die
- d) Nothing happens to Rh-ve person
Answer: Nothing happens to Rh-ve person
Question: Important function of lymph is
- a) transport oxygen to brain
- b) Transport CO2 to lungs
- c) Return RBCs to lymph nodes
- d) Return interstitial fluid to blood
Answer: Return interstitial fluid to blood
Question: In extrinsic clotting pathway, which of the following factors gets activated ..
- a) X and XI
- b) III and VII
- c) IX and XI
- d) XI and XII
Answer: III and VII
Question: Second heart sound is associated with the .
- a) Lub - closure of semilunar valves
- b) Lub - closure of tricuspid and bicuspid valves
- c) Dupp - closure of tricuspid and bicuspid valves
- d) Dupp - closure of semilunar valves
Answer: Dupp - closure of semilunar valves
Question: In a typical heart, if EDV is 120ml and ESV is 50ml, the stroke volume (SV) is ..
- a) 120 -50 = 70 ml
- b) 120 × 50 = 6000 ml
- c) 120 + 50 = 170 ml
- d) 120/50 = 2.4 ml
Answer: 120 -50 = 70 ml
Question: Heart wall is made of .
- a) Myocardium
- b) Epicardium
- c) Endocardium
- d) All the above
Answer: All the above
Question: blood vessel that supplies oxygenated blood to cardiac tissue is .
- a) Coronary sinus
- b) Coronary vein
- c) Coronary artery
- d) Pulmonary artery
Answer: Coronary artery
Question: Lymph is colorless because
- a) WBC are absent
- b) WBC are present
- c) Haemoglobin is absent
- d) RBC are absent
Answer: RBC are absent
Question: QRS complex of a standard ECG represents ..
- a) Excitation or depolaristaion of atria
- b) Depolarisation of ventricles
- c) Repolarisation of ventricles
- d) None of the above
Answer: Depolarisation of ventricles
Question: Mitral/ Bicuspid valve connects .
- a) Left atrium and left ventricle
- b) Left atrium and right ventricle
- c) Right atrium and left ventricle
- d) Right atrium and right ventricle
Answer: Left atrium and left ventricle
Question: Find the correct descending order of percentage proportion of leucocytes in human blood..
- a) Neutrophils → Basophils → Lymphocytes →Acidophils→ Monocytes
- b) Neutrophils → Monocytes → Lymphocytes →Acidophils→ Basophils
- c) Neutrophils → Lymphocytes → Monocytes →Acidophils→ Basophils
- d) Neutrophils →Acidophils→ Basophils → Lymphocytes → Monocytes
Answer: Neutrophils → Lymphocytes → Monocytes →Acidophils→ Basophils
Question: The life of the erythrocytes in mammalian blood is about .
- a) 120 days
- b) 150 days
- c) 190 days
- d) 180 days
Answer: 120 days
Question: Chordae tendineae are found in ..
- a) Atria of heart
- b) Ventricles of heart
- c) Joints of legs
- d) Ventricles of brain
Answer: Ventricles of heart
Question: Systole causes ..
- a) Entry of blood into lungs
- b) Entry of blood into heart
- c) Exit of blood from heart
- d) Exit of blood from ventricles
Answer: Exit of blood from ventricles
Question: Heart beat is heard on left side as .
- a) Aorta is on left side
- b) Heart is on left side
- c) Ventricles are on left side
- d) Left ventricle is on left side
Answer: Ventricles are on left side
Question: Identify correctly matched pairs 1. Uremia - excessive amount of urea in blood 2. Hyperglycemia - Excess glucose in blood 3. Absence of factor VII - haemophilia 4. X-linked disorder - Glycosuria .
- a) 1, 2, 3 correct
- b) 1, 2 correct
- c) 2, 4 correct
- d) 1, 3 correct
Answer: 1, 2, 3 correct
Question: Which one is the common anticoagulant used for preserving blood ?
- a) Sodium hydroxide
- b) Sodium chloride
- c) Sodium oxalate
- d) Sodium bicarbonate
Answer: Sodium oxalate
Question: First heart transplant was performed by
- a) William Harvey
- b) Watson
- c) Christian Barnald
- d) Khorana
Answer: Christian Barnald
Question: Ridges present in the ventricles are
- a) Columnae carneae
- b) Papillary muscles
- c) Chordae tendineae
- d) Musculipectinati
Answer: Columnae carneae
Question: Cells formed in bone marrow include ..
- a) RBC
- b) RBC and leucocytes
- c) Leucocytes
- d) Lymphocytes
Answer: RBC and leucocytes
Question: Blood enters heart when muscles of .
- a) Atria contract
- b) Ventricles contract
- c) Atria relax
- d) Ventricles relax
Answer: Atria relax
Question: The lymph differ from blood in having .
- a) More RBC less WBC
- b) Less RBC more WBC
- c) No RBC less WBC
- d) No RBC more WBC
Answer: No RBC less WBC
Question: Which leucocytes secrete both heparin and histamine?
- a) Acidophils
- b) Monocytes
- c) Basophils
- d) Neutrophils
Answer: Basophils
Question: lymphocytes of lower vertebrates are produced in .
- a) Liver
- b) Spleen
- c) Bone marrow
- d) Vertebrae
Answer: Liver
Question: Which one secretes anticoagulant? .
- a) Mast cells
- b) Nerve cells
- c) Adipose cells
- d) Plasma cells
Answer: Mast cells
Question: Blood of which of the following is colourless .
- a) Earthworm
- b) Cockroach
- c) Leech
- d) Frog
Answer: Cockroach
Question: Purkinje fibres arise from .
- a) Apex of ventricles
- b) Middle of ventricles
- c) Anterior part of auricles
- d) Posterior part of auricles
Answer: Middle of ventricles
Question: Enteroheptic circulation is related to ..
- a) Bile ducts
- b) Bile pigments
- c) Cholesterol
- d) Cholecystokinin
Answer: Bile pigments
Question: Erythrocyte maturing factor is ..
- a) Folic acid
- b) Cyanocobalamin
- c) Vitamin B2
- d) Vitamin C
Answer: Folic acid
Question: Carotid artery carries ..
- a) Impure blood to brain
- b) Oxygenated blood to brain
- c) Impure blood to kidneys
- d) Oxygenated blood to heart
Answer: Oxygenated blood to brain
Question: In human beings duration of cardiac cycle is .
- a) 0.08 second
- b) 0.8 second
- c) 0.5 second
- d) 8.0 second
Answer: 0.8 second
Question: A person with blood group AB is .
- a) Homozygous
- b) Hemizygous
- c) Heterozygous
- d) Allelomorph
Answer: Heterozygous
Question: Match the columns
- a) a - r , b - s, c- q, d - p
- b) a - s , b - r, c- q, d - p
- c) a - q , b - p, c- s, d - r
- d) a - p , b - q, c- r, d - s
Answer: a - q , b - p, c- s, d - r
Question: Formation of blood corpuscles is known as ...
- a) Haemolysis
- b) Rouleaux
- c) Hematopoiesis
- d) Phagocytosis
Answer: Hematopoiesis
Question: Absolute refractory period of heart is during .
- a) Contraction when the heart is in non-responding period
- b) Expansion
- c) Negative charge
- d) Positive charge
Answer: Contraction when the heart is in non-responding period
Question: Wall of blood capillary is formed of .
- a) Haemocyte
- b) Parietal cells
- c) Endothelial cells
- d) Oxyntic cells
Answer: Endothelial cells
Question: Blood platelets produce .
- a) Fibrinogen
- b) Thromboplastin
- c) Haemoglobin
- d) Calcium
Answer: Thromboplastin
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MCQs for Body Fluids and Circulation Biology Full Syllabus
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