Refer to NEET UG Biology Chemical Coordination and Control MCQs provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Full Syllabus Biology with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by NEET, NCERT and KVS. Chemical Coordination and Control Full Syllabus MCQ are an important part of exams for Full Syllabus Biology and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for NEET Full Syllabus Biology and also download more latest study material for all subjects
MCQ for Full Syllabus Biology Chemical Coordination and Control
Full Syllabus Biology students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Chemical Coordination and Control in Full Syllabus.
Chemical Coordination and Control MCQ Questions Full Syllabus Biology with Answers
Animals maintain dynamic equilibrium amongst different physiological processes. Endrocrine glands play an important role in regulating various physiological processes, in contantly changing enviornment. ADH secretion either stops or decreases, when water amount in body increases. Hence concentration of urine decrease and surplus water of body is removed. When sugar in blood increases , immediately insulin will convert this surplus glucose into glycogen and minimum required glucose level of the blood is maintained. Endocrine glands are ductless gland, its secretion is poured in the blood. Endocrine gland are very sepcific vary greatly in their location, embryonic origin and functions.
Pituitary gland and pineal gland are found in head region. Thyroid gland is present in neck, Thymus gland is present in thoracic region, Adrenal gland and ovary are presnt in abdominal region. Testes are present outside body in scrotum (As development of sperm require comparatively less temperature, than normal body temperature).
The secretions of endocrine glands are different from each other in their chemical nature. Hormones of Pituitary, Pineal and cells of islet of Langerhans are chemically peptide or polypeptie and protien. Hormones of adrenal cortex are steroids. Epinephrin (Hormone of adrenal ) is derivative of amino acid. Hypothalamus regulate secretion of anterion pituitary gland through various releasing hormones (RH). Posterior pituitary lobes hormone are secreted by hypothalamus neurons directly Other than GH, every hormone of anterior pituitary strimulates some other gland of body to relase its homrone,
Hence these hormones are called tropic hormone. GH directly act on the cells and tissues and regulates their growth. Pineal glands secretion mainly regulates 24 hours rhythm of body Hormones of thyroid gland [Thyroxine, TCT] controls processes like carbohydrate metabolism. ATP synthesis and osteoblast. Hormones of parathyroid gland regulate Ca+2 level in blood. Thymus gland atrophies in adult, its hormone provide immunity to the body. they stimulate development and differentiation of T-lymphocytes. It also gives humoral immunity and stimulates antibody production.
The adrenal gland is presnet in abdominal region and it is divided in to two disnict regions; cortex and medulla. Hormones of cortex regulates carbohydrate metabolism and osmoregulation, Glucocorticoids of cortex region regulates carbohydrate metabolisum, mineralocorticoids of cortex region regulates level of water and mineral ions. Sexcorticoids of adrenal cortex enhances secondary sexual characters. Adrenal medulla secretion epinephrine and non-epinephrine, which are called catecholamine. All physiological changes, which arises in stress conditions are under the effect of these hormones. Cells of islet of langerhans make endocrine part of pancreas. Insulin and glucogon are secreted by endocrine part of pancreas and they regulate sugar level in blood.
Ovary and testes are endocrine glands. Ovary secretes Estrogen, progesterone and relaxin. Testes secretes androgens. Testosterone is the most potent hormone. These hormone regulates expression of secondary sexual characteristics.
Other endrocrine gland, there are several non-endrocrine cells/ tissuse known to secrete certain secretions, which are known as growth factors. these growth factors have role in general growth and the process like regeneration. ANF (secreted by atrial wall of heart). Etrythropoietin (secreted by JGA), CCK, GIP (secreted by gastro-intestinal wall) are examples of growth factors. Precisely hormones are chemical messangers, which regulates growth and development by accelerating or inhibiting enzyme activity.
For the given questions select the correct option (a, b, c, d) each carries one mark.
1. By which structure, hypothalamus is connected with anteriore lobe of pituitary gland?
(a) Dendrites of neurohypophysis
(b) Axons of neurohypophysis
(c) Bands of white fibres from cerebellar region
(d) Hypophysial portal system
2. What does “a” indicate in the given diagram?
(a) Arterial circulaton (b) Portal circulation
(c) Hypothalamus glomerulus (d) None of the given
3. If secretary cells of GHRH are damaged then ......
(a) The process of cell division will be adversely affected
(b) Urine amount will increase
(c) Sugar level in blood increases
(d) ADH secretion will increase
4. Pituitary gland is located in a, which is b of c bone?
(A) a = Sella turcica
b = Raised surface
c = Ethmoid
(B) a = Reketh’s pauchb = Depression
c = Nasal
(C) a = Sella turcica
b = Depression
c= Sphenoid
(D) a = Reketh’s pauch
b = Depression
c = Sphenoid
5. Which of the following hormone is directly acting on tissue cells?
(a) STH (b) TSH (c) LTH (d) ACTH
6. Which of the following is not effect of GH?
(a) Dwarfism (b) Cretinism (c) Development of all tissue (d) Giantism
7. Which of the following is correct for somatotropic hormone?
(a) Less secretions of it causes Giantism
(b) More secretion of it causes Dwarfism
(c) Optimal secretion of it can retards protein synthesis
(d) In adult, its more secretion causes enlargement of lower jaw
8. Write full form of ACTH?
(a) Adrenal Cortical Tropic hormone (b) Adrenocortico Target hormone
(c) Adrenocortex Tropic hormone (d) Adrenocortico Tropic hormone
9. Which of the following option indicates correctly matched pairs for the column I and column II
Column I Column II
(p) PH (i) Contraction of smooth muscles of body
(q) LH (ii) Secretion of Glucocorticoids
(r) ACTH (iii) Secretion of milk after delivery
(s) Oxytocin (iv) Secretion of male sex hormone
(a)(p - i) (q- ii) (r - iii) (s - iv)
(b)(p - iii) (q- iv) (r - ii) (s - i)
(c)(p - ii) (q- iii) (r - iv) (s - i)
(d)(p - iii) (q- iv) (r - i) (s - ii)
10. Which of the following are effects of Vasopressin?
(a) Incresed glucose level
(b) High BMR
(c) Accumulation of fat under skin
(d) Reabsorption of water and electrolytes
11. Which of the following option is correct for the location of pineal gland?
(a) Under corpus callosum and between cerebral hemisphere
(b) Above corpus callosum and between cerebral hemisphere
(c) Under corpus collosum and between cerebellar hemisphere
(d) Lateral to cerebellar hemisphere
12. Which hormone regulate 24-hr rhythm of our body?
(a) Somatotropic (b) LTH (c) Melatonin (d) T4 and T3
13. It is correct for the function of pineal gland?
(a) To maintain ovarian follicle
(b) Self defense capability
(c) To maintain mineral ions in body
(d) Loss of water from body
14. It stimulates reabsorption of water from distal tubule of kidney
(a) ADH (b) Oxytocin
(c) Glucagon (d) None of the given
15. Which cells are present on the wall of thryoid follicle?
(a) Squamous (b) Cuboidal
(c) Columnar (d) Ciliated squamous
16. Which of the following shows abnormality in skin, stunted growth and deaf-mutism?
(a) Exophthalmic goiter
(b) Hypothrodism, myxoadema
(c) Hypothrodism, cretinism
(d) Hyperthrodism, cretinism
17. Which of the following causes formation of osteoblast?
(a) Thyroxine (b) PTH (c) Thyrocalcitonin (d) T3
18. What is cause of exophthalmic goiter?
(a) Less secretion of thyroid (b) Under secretion of parathyroid
(c) Oversecretion of parathroid (d) Oversecretion of thyroid
19. a and b hormones together maintain Ca+2 level of body?
(a) PTH and TCT
(b) PTH and aldosterone
(c) TCT and ADH
(d) T3 and T4
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MCQs for Chemical Coordination and Control Biology Full Syllabus
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