Refer to NEET UG Biology Locomotion and Movement MCQs provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Full Syllabus Biology with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by NEET, NCERT and KVS. Locomotion and Movement Full Syllabus MCQ are an important part of exams for Full Syllabus Biology and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for NEET Full Syllabus Biology and also download more latest study material for all subjects
MCQ for Full Syllabus Biology Locomotion and Movement
Full Syllabus Biology students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Locomotion and Movement in Full Syllabus.
Locomotion and Movement MCQ Questions Full Syllabus Biology with Answers
- Movement is one of the significant features of all living organism. Movement of flagella, cilia and tentacles are shown by many living animals. Human beings can move jaws, eyelids, tongue, limbs etc.
- Some of the movement bringing change of place or position such voluntary movements are i called locomotion. Running, walking, flying, swimming, climbing are the examples of it.
- Three type of locomotion : amoeboid, ciliary and muscular. Organisms locomote commonly for shelter, search of food, escape from enemies or predators, mute, suitables breeding grounds or favorable climate conditions.
- Muscles are mesoderm origin. Three types of it : (1) Striated muscles tissue (2) Non-striated muscles tissue 3. Cardiac muscles tissue.
- In the structure of striated muscles dark band and light band is found. It function under the voluntary control of the nervous system. In the non-striated muscles there are no transverse stripes. They functioning under autonomic nervous system. Cardiac muscles having intercalated; disc. It contraction is rhythmically and controling and blood supply is abundant.
- In striated muscle tissue A, I, H, Z bands are found. A-band made up by myosin and I-band by action. The distance between two successive Z-band is called sarcomere. It is the functional unit of striated muscle.
- The hard, supportive system used to protect soft organ of body, The study of skelelon is called osteology. The important role of skeletal system is for locomotion & movement of body parts. The structure of skeleton system consists of bones and cartilage type connective tissue.
- In human skeleton system made up by 206 bones and a few cartilage. It is divided into main two parts
(1) Axial skeletal system
(2) Appendicular skeleton system.
- Axial skeleton constitute the skull, vertebral column, sternum and ribs. It is located in longitudinal axis of body and made up by 80 bones.
- The bones of the limbs along with their girdles constitute the appendicular skeleton. In the appendicular skeleton fore limb bones and hind limb bones are included. Each limbs made up by 30 bones. In girdles; pectoral girdle and pelvic girdle are included.
- The structural arrengement of tissues which connects two or more bones together at their place of meeting is termed as joint. Joints are essential for all types of movements involving the bony part of body.
- Joints classified into three types :
(1) Immovable or fibrous joints.
(2). Cartilagenous joint and
(3) Freely movable joints.
Disorders Related to Bones :
- Rheumatoid Arthritis : A probility exists of arthritis in synovial joints. In this disease, the synovial membrane becomes inflammed. It becomes thick. Degradatory changes occur and joint becomes almost immobile. It becomes very painful when movement occur. There is evidence that the autoimmune reaction is responsible for this.
- Osteoarthritis : Osteoarthritis occurs in aged persons. In this disease, the cartilage on the head of the head of the bones become degraded. As this occurs, the ends of two bones which are near each other become rough and deshaped. Osteoarthritis occurs in such joints which are used most often. which is more common in hands, knee and vertebral column.
- Gouty Arthritis : Gouty arthritis occurs due to excessive, accumulation of uric acid in joints. The amount of uric acid increases due to irregularities of metabolism. It accumulates in joints and combines with the sodium salts. Their crystals become collected in joints and induce inflammation. Pain results. Probabiity of joint becoming immobile.
- Osteoporosis : This a disease of increasing porosity of bones with increasing age. This disease is an outcome of imbalance between activities of osteoblasts (bone forming cells) and osteoclasts (bone destroying cells.)
Disorders Related to Muscles :
* Myasthenia Gravis : It is an auto immune disorder that effects neuromuscula junction leading to fatigue, weakening and paralysis of skeletal muscle.
* Tetuny : It is a muscular disorder in which rapid spasms in muscle occur due to lessea ca+2 in the body fluid.
For the given options select the correct options (a, b, c, d) each
1. What is important character of all living organism ?
(a) Movement (b) Locomotion (c) Reproduction (d) All a, b, c.
2. Which is not a example of movement in human ?
(a) Movement of jaws (b) Movement of eyelash and tongue
(c) Movement of appendices (d) Hearing process
3. By which Amoeba, Paramoecium and Hydra respectively indicate movement ?
(a) Pseudopodia, cilia, tentacles (b) Cilia, flagella, tentacles
(c) Tentacles, Cilia, Pseudopodia (d) Cilia,Tentacles, Pseudopodia
4. Which are the example of autonomous movement in organism ?
(a) Running, Walking (b) Flying, Swimming (c) Gliding, Sliding (d) All a, b, c.
5. By which process performs plant movement its parts ?
(a) Photropism (b) Geotropsim (c) Chemotropism (d) All a, b, c.
6. What are the main aims of locomotion in animal ?
(a) For shelter, search of food (b) For the escape of enemy, for predation
(c) To get a place for reproduction (d) All a, b, c.
7. What is not included in the type of the movement in organisms ?
(a) Amoeboid movement (b) Ciliary movement
(c) Muscular movement (d) joining process
8. Who shows amoeboid movement ?
(a) Amoeba (b) Leucocytes (c) Macrophage (d) All a, b, c.
9. In which of the following cilliary movement can be seen ?
(a) In trachea (b) In oviduct (c) In vasa efferentia (d) All a, b, c.
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MCQs for Locomotion and Movement Biology Full Syllabus
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