Refer to NEET Biology Classification Of Plant Kingdom MCQs Set B provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Full Syllabus Biology with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by NEET, NCERT and KVS. Classification Of Plant Kingdom Full Syllabus MCQ are an important part of exams for Full Syllabus Biology and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for NEET Full Syllabus Biology and also download more latest study material for all subjects
MCQ for Full Syllabus Biology Classification Of Plant Kingdom
Full Syllabus Biology students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Classification Of Plant Kingdom in Full Syllabus.
Classification Of Plant Kingdom MCQ Questions Full Syllabus Biology with Answers
Question: Which of the following is included in five kingdom classification.
- a) Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, Animalia
- b) Monera, Protista, Animalia, Plantae, Algae
- c) Virus, Prokaryota, Fungi, Plantae, Animalia
- d) Algae, Fungi, Bryophyta, Pteridophyta, Gymnosperm
Answer: Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, Animalia
Question: Who is the “Father of Taxonomy” among the following ?
- a) Linnaeus
- b) Aristotle
- c) Maheshwari
- d) Birbal Sahani
Answer: Linnaeus
Question: Helophiles is also called....
- a) Archae bacteria
- b) Eubacteria
- c) Actinomycetes
- d) Cynobacteria
Answer: Archae bacteria
Question: According to Whittaker’s classification, prokaryotes are placed in ________
- a) Monera
- b) Plantae
- c) Protista
- d) Animalia
Answer: Monera
Question: Example of blue green algae is in ________
- a) Monera
- b) Fungi
- c) Protista
- d) Plantae
Answer: Monera
Question: By how many criteria, living organisms have been classified into five kingdom
- a) Four
- b) Two
- c) Three
- d) Five
Answer: Four
Question: In which of the following kingdoms, bacteria and blue-green algae are included ?
- a) Monera
- b) Plantae
- c) Animalia
- d) Protista
Answer: Monera
Question: Prokaryotes are included in the kingdom ________ .
- a) Monera
- b) Protista
- c) Protozoa
- d) Basidiomycetes
Answer: Monera
Question: Which one of the following is also called halophiles ?
- a) Archaebacteria
- b) Cyanobacteria
- c) Actinomyces
- d) Eubacteria
Answer: Archaebacteria
Question: Match the following. A B (p) Archaea (i) Cell wall is made up of either cellulose or Fungal-cellulose (q) Bacteria (ii) Cell wall does not contain peptidoglycan (r) Eukarya (iii) Cell wall is made up of peptidoglycan
- a) p - (ii), q - (iii), r - (i)
- b) p - (i), q - (ii), r - (iii)
- c) p - (iii), q - (i), r - (ii)
- d) p - (ii), q - (i), r - (iii)
Answer: p - (ii), q - (iii), r - (i)
Question: Viroids were discovered by
- a) Diener
- b) Woese
- c) Pasteur
- d) Iyengar
Answer: Diener
Question: Viroid consists of..........
- a) RNA
- b) DNA
- c) Protein
- d) none of above
Answer: RNA
Question: Which of the following diseases is caused by viroid ?
- a) Alzheimers
- b) Diphtheria
- c) Typhoid
- d) Polio
Answer: Alzheimers
Question: The name virus was given by ________
- a) Pasteur
- b) Ivanowsky
- c) Diener
- d) Hershey
Answer: Pasteur
Question: Virus have ....
- a) DNA or RNA core, Protein coat
- b) DNA containing nucleus, lipid envelope
- c) DNA or RNA core, plasma membrane
- d) DNA core, Lipid coat
Answer: DNA or RNA core, Protein coat
Question: A virus contains ________
- a) DNA or RNA
- b) DNA and RNA
- c) RNA
- d) DNA
Answer: DNA or RNA
Question: TMV virus was discovered by ________
- a) Ivanowsky
- b) W. M. Stanley
- c) S. L. Miller
- d) Pasteur
Answer: Ivanowsky
Question: The main structural component of virus is ________ .
- a) nucleic acid and protein
- b) nucleic acid or protein
- c) nucleic acid
- d) Protein
Answer: nucleic acid and protein
Question: The first existing group of plant is ________
- a) Alage
- b) Fungi
- c) Lichens
- d) Pteridophytes
Answer: Alage
Question: The first existing group of plant is ________
- a) Alage
- b) Fungi
- c) Lichens
- d) Pteridophytes
Answer: Alage
More Questions.........................................
Question: Match the following : A B (p) Chlamydomonas (i) Colonial Forms (q) Volvox (ii) Unicellular (r) Ulothrix (iii) Filamentous forms (s) Nostoc (iv) Cyanophyceae
- a) p - (ii), q - (i), r - (iii), s-(iv)
- b) p - (ii), q - (iii), r - (i), s-(iv)
- c) p - (i), q - (ii), r - (iii), s-(iv)
- d) p - (iii), q - (i), r - (iv), s-(ii)
Answer: p - (ii), q - (i), r - (iii), s-(iv)
Question: The study of fungi is ________ .
- a) Mycology
- b) Cytology
- c) Virology
- d) Algology
Answer: Mycology
Question: Protista include :
- a) Paramecium, Euglena, Dinoflagellates
- b) Hydra, Amoeba, Paramoecium
- c) Yeast, Euglena, Dinoflagellates
- d) Mushroom, Paramoecium, Euglena
Answer: Paramecium, Euglena, Dinoflagellates
Question: Unicellular eukaryotic microorganisms comprise ________
- a) Plants
- b) Monera
- c) Protista
- d) Fungi
Answer: Plants
Question: The study of algae is called ________ .
- a) Algology
- b) Mycology
- c) Taxonomy
- d) Lichenology
Answer: Algology
Question: Fungus cell wall is made up of ________ .
- a) Chitin
- b) Carbohydrates
- c) Protein
- d) Cellulose
Answer: Carbohydrates
Question: Fungus cell wall is made up of ________ .
- a) Chitin
- b) Carbohydrates
- c) Protein
- d) Cellulose
Answer: Chitin
Question: In Fungi reserved food materials are _______
- a) Glycogen and Lipid droplets
- b) Protein
- c) Starch
- d) Lipid
Answer: Glycogen and Lipid droplets
Question: Match the following : A B (p) Yeast (i) Bread mould (q) Mucor (ii) Mushroom (r) Agaricus (iii) Unicelluar
- a) p - (iii), q - (i), r - (ii)
- b) p - (ii), q - (i), r - (iii)
- c) p - (i), q - (ii), r - (iii)
- d) p - (iii), q - (ii), r - (i)
Answer: p - (iii), q - (i), r - (ii)
Question: Study of lichens is called _______ .
- a) Lichenology
- b) Cytology
- c) Mycology
- d) Algology
Answer: Lichenology
Question: Lichens were first discovered by _______ .
- a) Tulsane
- b) Iyengar
- c) Pasteur
- d) Shiv Ram Kashyap
Answer: Tulsane
Question: In lichens Algal component is known as _______
- a) Phycobiont
- b) mycobiont
- c) A & B
- d) none of these
Answer: Phycobiont
Question: In lichens fungal component is known as _______
- a) mycobiont
- b) phycobiont
- c) A & B
- d) none of these
Answer: mycobiont
Question: The plant cell without chloroplast is ____
- a) Fungi
- b) Algue
- c) Bryophytes
- d) pteridophytes
Answer: Fungi
Question: The shape of Fruting body of lichens is _______
- a) perithecium - flask shaped
- b) apothecium - flask shaped
- c) perithecium - cup shaped
- d) apothecium - Disc chaped
Answer: perithecium - flask shaped
Question: On the basis of external form lichen are _______
- a) All of the three
- b) Fruticose
- c) Foliose
- d) Crustose
Answer: All of the three
Question: Fruting body” is characteristic of _______ .
- a) Lichens
- b) Algae
- c) Bryophytes
- d) Pteridophytes
Answer: Lichens
Question: Symbiotic relationship is found in _______
- a) Lichens
- b) Bryophytes
- c) Fungi
- d) Algae
Answer: Lichens
Question: Plant of this group possess naked seed
- a) Gymnosperms
- b) Bryophytes
- c) Angiosperms
- d) Pteridophytes
Answer: Gymnosperms
Question: The father of Indian Bryology is _______
- a) Pro. Shiv Ram Kashyap
- b) Professor Iyengar
- c) Tulsane
- d) Ivanowsky
Answer: Pro. Shiv Ram Kashyap
Question: Rothmelur has diveded the Bryophytes into _______
- a) 3 classes
- b) 4 classes
- c) 5 classes
- d) 6 classes
Answer: 3 classes
Question: Which sentence is true for Bryophytes ?
- a) All of the three
- b) They are autotropic
- c) Vascular tissues are absent
- d) Fertilization takes plasce in the presence of water
Answer: All of the three
Question: In which plant, gametophytic phase is main and sporophytic phase is subsidiary
- a) Bryophytes
- b) Pteridophytes
- c) Gymnosperms
- d) Angiosperms
Answer: Bryophytes
Question: The first land plant on earth was _______
- a) Pteridophytes
- b) Bryophytes
- c) Gymnosperms
- d) Angiosperms
Answer: Pteridophytes
Question: Match the following : A B (p) Nephrolepis (i) heterosporous (q) Equisetum (ii) Fossil (r) Selaginella (iii) homosporous (s) Rhynia (iv) Common
- a) p - (iv), q - (iii), r - (i), s -(ii)
- b) p - (iv), q - (ii), r - (iii), s - (i)
- c) p - (iv), q - (iii), r - (ii), s - (i)
- d) p - (iv), q - (i), r - (ii), s - (iii)
Answer: p - (iv), q - (iii), r - (i), s -(ii)
Question: In which plant, the gametophytic phase is main and sporophytic phase is subsidiary.
- a) Anthoceros
- b) Equisetum
- c) Selaginella
- d) Nephrolepis
Answer: Anthoceros
Question: The tallest living tree in the world is _______
- a) Sequoia sp.
- b) Wolffia sp.
- c) Eucalyptus sp.
- d) Zamia sp.
Answer: Sequoia sp.
Question: The smallest gymnosperm is _______Zamia sp.
- a) Zamia sp.
- b) Eucalyptus
- c) Wolfia sp.
- d) Sequoia sp.
Answer: Zamia sp.
Question: Xerophytic Characters are present in _______
- a) Gymnosperms
- b) Angiosperms
- c) Pteridophytes
- d) Bryophytes
Answer: Gymnosperms
Question: Microsporophyll : Stamen then Megasporophyll : ______
- a) gynoecium
- b) anther
- c) Pollen grains
- d) ovule
Answer: gynoecium
Question: Match the following : A B (p) Microsporophyll (i) Pollen grain (q) Microsporangium (ii) Stemen (r) microspores (iii) anther (s) megasporophyll (iv) gynoecium
- a) p - (ii), q - (iii), r - (i), s - (iv)
- b) p - (ii), q - (i), r - (iii), s - (iv)
- c) p - (iii), q - (ii), r - (i), s - (iv)
- d) p - (iv), q - (iii), r - (i), s - (ii)
Answer: p - (ii), q - (iii), r - (i), s - (iv)
Question: Which is the Fossil member ?
- a) Bennettites
- b) Cycas
- c) Thuja
- d) Pinus
Answer: Bennettites
Question: The biggest and dominant group is _______
- a) Angiosperms
- b) Gymnosperms
- c) Pteridophytes
- d) Bryophytes
Answer: Angiosperms
Match the following :
(p) Wolffia globosa (i) largest plant
(q) Eucalyptus sp (ii) largest flower
(r) Rafflesia arnoldii (iii) smallest plant
(s) Agave sp. (iv) largest infloresence
- a) p - (iii), q - (i), r - (ii), s - (iv)
- b) p - (iii), q - (ii), r - (i), s - (iv)
- c) p - (iii), q - (i), r - (iv), s - (ii)
- d) p - (i), q - (ii), r - (iii), s - (iv)
Answer: p - (iii), q - (i), r - (ii), s - (iv)
Question: Pre-fertilized endosperm is characteristic of _______
- a) Gymnosperms
- b) Bryophytes
- c) Angiosperms
- d) Pteridophytes
Answer: Gymnosperms
Question: Class dicotyledon is dived into _______
- a) 3 sub classes
- b) 2 sub classes
- c) 5 sub classes
- d) 7 sub classes
Answer: 3 sub classes
Question: Who classified the Angiosperms into two classes ?
- a) Bentham and Hooker
- b) Linnaeus
- c) Aristotle
- d) Theophratus
Answer: Bentham and Hooker
Question: Presence of rigid cell wall is characterized by kingdom ______
- a) Monera
- b) Animalia
- c) Plantae
- d) Protista
Answer: Monera
Question: The tallest living tree of a Angioperm is _______
- a) Sequoia sp.
- b) Eucalyptus sp.
- c) Zamia sp.
- d) Wolffia sp.
Answer: Zamia sp.
Question: The tallest living tree of a Angioperm is _______
- a) Sequoia sp.
- b) Eucalyptus sp.
- c) Zamia sp.
- d) Wolffia sp.
Answer: Sequoia sp.
Question: If the seeds are formed from the megasporophylls and not enclosed in a fruits the plant belongs to _______ .
- a) Gymnosperms
- b) Angiosperms
- c) Bryophytes
- d) Pteridophytes
Answer: Gymnosperms
Question: Embryo is not formed in _______
- a) Algae
- b) Bryophytes
- c) Gymnosperms
- d) Pteriodophytes
Answer: Algae
Question: Which classification system had been given by Whittaker ?
- a) Five kingdom classification
- b) Artificial classification
- c) Binomial classification
- d) Three domain classification
Answer: Five kingdom classification
Question: Which bacteria are utilized in the biogas plant?
(a) Methanogens
(b) Nitrifying
(c) Ammonifying
(d) Denitrifying
Answer : A
Question: One of the most important functions of botanical garden is-
(a) One can observe tropical plants there
(b) They allow Ex-situ conservation of germplasm
(c) They provide the natural habitat for wildife
(d) They provide a beautiful area for recreation
Answer : B
Question: Which of the following is correctly characterizes the plant body of Funaria?
(a) Predominantly gametophyte with dependent sporophyte
(b) Completely gametophyte with independent sporophyta
(c) Predominantly sporophyte with dependent gametophyte
(d) Completely sporophyte
Answer : A
Question: Select the correct in statement.
(a) Algin is obtained from Algae.
(b) Cyanobecteria from mycorrhizae which helps in the absorption of phosphate.
(c) Salvinia, Selaginella and Azolla shows heterospory.
(d) The genome of TMV is RNA.
Answer : B
Question: In lichens sexual reproduction is performed by
(a) Fungal partner only
(b) Algal partner only
(c) Fungal and Algal partner partner (both)
(d) Either Fungal partner and Algal partner (not both)
Answer : A
Question: Which of the following statement is correct regarding liverworts?
(a) The thallus is dorsiventral and closely appressed to the substrate.
(b) They are monoecious as well as dioecious.
(c) Asexual reproduction by fragmentation or gemma cups.
(d) All options are correct
Answer : D
Question: In Selaginella, male gametes are
(a) Aflagellated
(b) Monoflagellated
(c) Biflagellated
(d) Multflagellated
Answer : C
Question: Kelps and rockweed Fucus are examples of
(a) Green algae
(b) Brown algae
(c) Red algae
(d) Golden brown algae
Answer : B
Question: In algae, meiosis takes place in
(a) Cell in filament
(b) Holdfast
(c) Zygote
(d) Zoospore
Answer : C
Question: Match the fungus with its group.
(a) 1-iii-b, 2-i-a, 3-iv-c, 4-ii-d
(b) 1-ii-c, 2-i-b, 3-iv-a, 4-iii-d
(c) 1-iv-c, 2-iii-a, 3-i-d, 4-ii-b
(d) 1-i-d, 2-ii-c, 3-iii-b, 4-iv-a
Answer : B
Question: Complete the following paragraph by selecting the correct option for the blanks A, B, and C from the option given below.
The symbiotic association formed by fungi with roots of higher plants is known as ……A….. It is mainly formed by members from the genus ……B….. The fungal symbiotic in these association is responsible for absorbing ……C….. from the soil and passing in to the plant. It also has many other benefits like resistance to root borne pathogen, tolerance to salinity and drought, etc. ….D…. seeds cannot germinate and establish without the presence of ….A….. .
(a) A:Lichen, B:Rizobium, C:Phosphorus, D:Cycas
(b) A:Mycorrhiza, B:Glomus, C:Potassium, D:Cycas
(c) A:Mycorrhiza, B:Glomus, C: Phosphorus, D:Pinus
(d) A:Lichen, B:Rizobium, C:Phosphorus, D:Pinus
Answer : C
Question: Red tide is caused by an organism which closely resembles which of these structures?
(a) a
(b) b
(c) c
(d) d
Answer : A
Question: Identify the option that has correct statements regarding bio fertilizers
a. Rhizobium and Azotobacter are symbiotic microorganisms.
b. Azotobacter and Rhodospirillum algae are non-symbiotic microorganisms.
c. Mycorrhizae is the symbiotic phosphate solubilizing organism.
d. Actinomycetes is the non-symbiotic nitrogen-fixing microorganisms.
(a) a and b are correct
(b) a and d are correct
(c) b and c are correct
(d) b and d are correct
Answer : C
Question: What is a herbarium?
(a) Store house of collected plant specimen
(b) Store house of collected animal specimen
(c) A green house
(d) Store house of books
Answer : A
Question: Recognize the following flow diagram and find correct option according to taxonomic hierarchy.
(a) 1-Polymoniales, 2-Sapindales, 3-Poales, 4-Dicotyledonae, 5-Monocotyledonae, 6-Angiospermae.
(b) 1-Solanaceae, 2-Anacardiaceae, 3-Poaceae, 4-Leguminaceae, 5-Poales, 6-Angiospermae.
(c) 1-Solanum, 2-Mangifera, 3-Triticum, 4-Dicotyledonae, 5- Monocotyledonae, 6-Gymnospermae
(d) 1-Polymoniales, 2- Sapindales, 3- Poales, 4- Angiospermae, 5- Monocotyledonae, 6-Metazoa
Answer : A
Question: List some of the plants are given below. How many plants is/are vascular and monoecious?
Chara, Pinus, Cycas, Sphagnum, Maize, Papaya.
(a) One
(b) Two
(c) Four
(d) Three
Answer : B
Question: Recognize the figure and find out the correct match-
(a) a- leaves, b- stem, c-rhizoid, d-psilopsida
(b) a- fronds, b- stem, c-rhizoid, d-sphenopsid
(c) a- leaves, b- fronds, c-root, d-pteropsida
(d) a- leaves, b- stem, c-root, d-lycopsida
Answer : D
Question: Which of the following disease in plants is different from the others?
(a) Mosaic formation
(b) Leaf rolling and curling
(c) Yellowing and vein cleaning
(d) Potato spindle tuber disease
Answer : D
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