NEET Biology Body Fluids and Circulation MCQs Set H

Refer to NEET Biology Body Fluids and Circulation MCQs Set H provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Full Syllabus Biology with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by NEET, NCERT and KVS. Body Fluids and Circulation Full Syllabus MCQ are an important part of exams for Full Syllabus Biology and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for NEET Full Syllabus Biology and also download more latest study material for all subjects

MCQ for Full Syllabus Biology Body Fluids and Circulation

Full Syllabus Biology students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Body Fluids and Circulation in Full Syllabus.

Body Fluids and Circulation MCQ Questions Full Syllabus Biology with Answers



Question: Vagus nerve slows down heart beat due to secretion of ..

  • a) Adrenaline
  • b) Acetylcholine
  • c) Norepinephrine
  • d) Dopamine

Answer: Acetylcholine


Question: A blood group with no antibodies but with both antigens is

  • a) O
  • b) A
  • c) B
  • d) AB

Answer: AB


Question: AB blood group person has ..

  • a) A and B antigens
  • b) a and b antibody
  • c) A antigen and antibody
  • d) B antigen and a antibody

Answer: A and B antigens


Question: Q305) What is correct?

  • a) Rabbit has renal portal system only
  • b) Frog has renal portal system only
  • c) Rabbit has both renal and hepatic systems
  • d) Frog has both renal and hepatic portal systems

Answer: Frog has both renal and hepatic portal systems


Question: If blood pressure reads 140 systole and 90 diastole, the condition is called

  • a) Hypertension
  • b) Normal
  • c) Hypotension
  • d) Ischemia

Answer: Hypertension


Question: What is correct regarding blood pressure ...

  • a) 105/50 mm Hg makes one very active
  • b) 100/55 mmHg is considered an ideal blood pressure
  • c) 190/110 mm Hg may harm vital organs like brain and kidneys
  • d) 130/90 mmHg is considered as high and requires treatment.

Answer: 190/110 mm Hg may harm vital organs like brain and kidneys


Question: In a healthy adult man, the diastolic pressure is .

  • a) 80 mmHg
  • b) 90 mmHg
  • c) 100 mmHg
  • d) 120 mmHg

Answer: 80 mmHg


Question: Amount of blood pumped by heart into body per minute is ..

  • a) Atrial output
  • b) Ventricular output
  • c) Cardiac output
  • d) Stroke volume

Answer: Cardiac output


Question: In case of emergency ( e.g. serious accident with great blood loss) which blood group could be safely transfused .

  • a) AB Rh- 
  • b) O Rh+
  • c) AB Rh+ 
  • d) O Rh-

Answer: O Rh-


Question: Systolic pressure is 120 mmHg. Diastolic pressure is 80 mmHg. Pulse pressure is .

  • a) 120 ×80 = 9600 mmHg
  • b) 120 + 80 = 200 mmHg
  • c) 120 - 80 = 40 mmHg
  • d) 120/80 = 1.5 mmHg

Answer: 120 - 80 = 40 mmHg


Question: Which one takes part in blood clotting ..

  • a) RBC
  • b) WBC
  • c) Thrombocytes
  • d) Lymphocytes

Answer: Thrombocytes


Question: Given below are four statements, a - d, regarding human blood circulatory system which are true statement (a) Arteries are thick-walled and have narrow lumen as compared to veins (b) Angina is acute chest pain when the blood circulation to brain is reduced. (c) Persons with blood group AB can donate blood to any person with any blood group under ABO system (d) Calcium ions play a very important role in blood clotting

  • a) a and b
  • b) a and d
  • c) b and c
  • d) c and d

Answer: a and d


Question: Collecting of WBCs at the site of injury occurs due to ..

  • a) Phagocytosis
  • b) Hemolysis
  • c) Diapedesis
  • d) All the above

Answer: Diapedesis


Question: Hepatic portal system starts from ..

  • a) Digestive system to liver
  • b) Kidney to liver
  • c) Liver to heart
  • d) Liver to kidney

Answer: Digestive system to liver


Question: Function of vertebral arteries is to supply ..

  • a) Deoxygenated blood to kidneys
  • b) Deoxygenated blood to liver
  • c) Oxygenated blood to limbs
  • d) Oxygenated blood to cerebellum

Answer: Oxygenated blood to cerebellum


Question: Lymph consists of .

  • a) RBCs, WBCs and plasma
  • b) RBCs, proteins and platelets
  • c) All components of blood except RBCs and some proteins
  • d) WBCs and serum

Answer: WBCs and serum


Question: In ECG, P-wave refers to ..

  • a) End of atrial contraction
  • b) Beginning of atrial contraction/depolarisation
  • c) Beginning of ventricular contraction
  • d) None of the above

Answer: Beginning of atrial contraction/depolarisation


Question: Blood capillaries are made of .

  • a) Endothelium, connective tissue and muscle fibres
  • b) Endothelium and muscle fibres
  • c) Endothelium and connective tissue
  • d) Endothelium only

Answer: Endothelium only


Question: Plasma proteins perform .

  • a) Nutritive function
  • b) Physicochemical function
  • c) Transport function
  • d) All the above

Answer: All the above


More Questions....................................


Question: Closed blood vascular system occurs in

  • a) Earthworm
  • b) Housefly
  • c) Cockroach
  • d) Euglena

Answer: Earthworm


Question: Second heart sound is associated with the

  • a) Lub - closure of semilunar valves
  • b) Lub - closure of tricuspid and bicuspid valves
  • c) Dupp - closure of tricuspid and bicuspid valves
  • d) Dupp - closure of tricuspid and bicuspid valves

Answer: Dupp - closure of tricuspid and bicuspid valves


Question: value of cardiac output is .

  • a) Auricular volume × ventricular volume
  • b) Stroke volume × Rate of heart beat
  • c) Blood pumped in one minute
  • d) Both B and C

Answer: Both B and C


Question: The value of diastolic blood pressure is .

  • a) 120 mmHg
  • b) 80 mmHg
  • c) 120/80 mmHg
  • d) 40 mmHg

Answer: 80 mmHg


Question: Impulse originating from SA node is transmitted to

  • a) Pacemaker
  • b) AV node
  • c) Bundle of HIS
  • d) Purkinje system

Answer: AV node


Question: Sympathetic nervous system

  • a) Decreases heart beat
  • b) Increases heart beat
  • c) Not related to heart beat
  • d) Controls heart beat

Answer: Increases heart beat


Question: High carboxyhaemoglobin content indicates that the patient has inhaled excessive

  • a) Carbon disulfide
  • b) Chloroform
  • c) Carbon dioxide
  • d) Carbon monoxide

Answer: Carbon monoxide


Question: Which one produces antibodies?

  • a) Macrophages
  • b) Plasma cells / Lymphocytes
  • c) Mast cells
  • d) Fibroblasts

Answer: Plasma cells / Lymphocytes


Question: Increase in count of RBC is .

  • a) Polycythemia
  • b) Leucocytopenia
  • c) Anaemia
  • d) Leucopenia

Answer: Polycythemia


Question: In leucopenia .

  • a) Leucocytes increase above 6000
  • b) Leucocytes decrease below 5000
  • c) Bone marrow is destroyed
  • d) Total number of lymphocytes decrease from 2% to 0.5%

Answer: Leucocytes decrease below 5000


Question: Which is used to prevent bleeding?

  • a) Vitamin A
  • b) Vitamin C
  • c) Vitamin B12 
  • d) Vitamin K

Answer: Vitamin K


Question: Human / mammalian/elephant heart is .

  • a) Myogenic
  • b) Neurogenic
  • c) Cardiogenic
  • d) Digenic

Answer: Myogenic


Question: Which one is odd combination ..

  • a) Peyer's patches - Lymphatic gland
  • b) Leydig cells - Testis
  • c) HCl - Oxyntic cells
  • d) Blood capillary wall - Connective tissue

Answer: Blood capillary wall - Connective tissue


Question: Bundle of His passes stimulus of concentration to .

  • a) AV node
  • b) SA node
  • c) Purkinje fibres
  • d) Atrium

Answer: Purkinje fibres


Question: What is correct about ECG? .

  • a) P-depolarisation of atria
  • b) R-repolarisation of ventricles
  • c) T-start of systole
  • d) T-end of diastole

Answer: P-depolarisation of atria


Question: Circulatory system is absent in

  • a) Annelids
  • b) Arthropods
  • c) Flatworms
  • d) Cephalopods

Answer: Flatworms


Question: Circulatory system does not help in

  • a) Transport of gases
  • b) Transport of nutrients
  • c) Transport of hormones
  • d) Passage of impulses

Answer: Passage of impulses


Question: A mismatch during transfer of blood causes

  • a) Agglutination
  • b) Erythroblastosis
  • c) Haemopoiesis
  • d) None of the above

Answer: Agglutination


Question: Lymph

  • a) Transports O2 to brain 
  • b) Transports CO2 to lungs 
  • c) Returns interstitial fluid to blood
  • d) Returns RBCs and WBCs to lymph nodes

Answer: Returns interstitial fluid to blood


Question: The disease erythroblastosis foetalis of human baby is due to ..

  • a) Incompatibility of blood groups of the couple
  • b) Incompatibility of blood group of embryo and mother
  • c) Maladjustment of Rh factor
  • d) All the above

Answer: Maladjustment of Rh factor


Question: Lymph nodes from

  • a) Hormones
  • b) Lymph
  • c) Antigens
  • d) Anti-bodies

Answer: Anti-bodies


Question: Artificial pacemaker is implanted subcutaneously for correcting .

  • a) 90% blockage of coronary arteries
  • b) High blood pressure
  • c) Arteriosclerosis
  • d) Irregularity of heart rhythm

Answer: Irregularity of heart rhythm


Question:  Although blood carries a lot of CO2, it does not become acidic due to 

  • a) CO2 combines with water to form H2CO3 which nutralises by Na2CO3 
  • b) In CO2 transport blood buffers play an important part 
  • c) CO2 is absorbed by leucocytes 
  • d) CO2 continuously diffuses through tissues and does not accumulate.

Answer: In CO2 transport blood buffers play an important part 


Question: Which one indicates hypertension .

  • a) 140/100
  • b) 120/85
  • c) 110/70
  • d) 90/60

Answer: 140/100


Question: Louder sound of heart beat occurs during closure of .

  • a) Tricuspid valve
  • b) Auriculo-ventricular valves
  • c) Mitral valve
  • d) Semilunar valve

Answer: Auriculo-ventricular valves


Question: If liver is removed, the component that increases in blood

  • a) Protein
  • b) Urea
  • c) Uric acid
  • d) Ammonia

Answer: Ammonia


Question: Iron is attached to globin part of haemoglobin by .

  • a) Coordinate bond
  • b) Ionic bond
  • c) Covalent bond
  • d) Hydrogen bond

Answer: Coordinate bond


Question: Cardiac impulse that accomplishes heart beat is delayed at .

  • a) Internodal tracts
  • b) AV node
  • c) Bundle of His
  • d) Purkinje fibres

Answer: AV node


Question: The genotype of B-group father of and mother O-group child is .

  • a) IOIO 
  • b) IBIB
  • c) IAIB 
  • d)  IBIO

Answer:  IBIO


Question: Even during vigorous exercise, the blood supply does not increase in case of .

  • a) Heart
  • b) Brain
  • c) Kidney
  • d) Skin

Answer: Brain


Question: Mitochondria are absent in .

  • a) WBC
  • b) Cartilage
  • c) RBC
  • d) All the above

Answer: RBC


Question: Pericardial fluid is secreted by .

  • a) Myocardium
  • b) Parietal peritoneum
  • c) Visceral peritoneum
  • d) None of the above

Answer: Visceral peritoneum


Question: In circulatory system, valves occur in

  • a) Heart and blood vessels of both vertebrates and invertebrates as well as vertebrate lymphatic
  • b) Both vertebrate and invertebrate hearts
  • c) Vertebrate heart only
  • d) Both vertebrate and invertebrate hearts and their blood vessels

Answer: Heart and blood vessels of both vertebrates and invertebrates as well as vertebrate lymphatic


Question: All veins have deoxygenated blood except

  • a) renal artery
  • b) hepatic vein
  • c) hepatic portal vein
  • d) pulmonary veins

Answer: pulmonary veins


Question: Which is blood of genotypes IBIB and IBIO

  • a) O
  • b) A
  • c) B
  • d) AB

Answer: B


Question: Enteroheptic circulation is related to____

  • a) Bile ducts
  • b) Bile pigment
  • c) Cholesterol
  • d) Cholecystokinin

Answer: Cholecystokinin


Question: Purkinje fibres arise from .

  • a) Apex of ventricles
  • b) Middle of ventricles
  • c) Anterior part of auricles
  • d) Posterior part of auricles

Answer: Middle of ventricles


Question: At the time of diastole, heart is filled with____

  • a) Mixed blood
  • b) Venous blood
  • c) Deoxygenated blood
  • d) Oxygenated blood

Answer: Venous blood


Question: Choose the correct blood supply____

  • a) 10% heart, 10% brain, 10% liver, 40% kidney, 15% bones, 15% other
  • b) 5% heart, 20% brain, 20% liver, 15% kidney, 5% bones, 4% other
  • c) 5% heart, 25% brain, 25% liver, 25% kidney, 5% bones, 15% other
  • d) 20% heart, 10% brain, 10% liver, 25% kidney, 10% bones, 25% other

Answer: 5% heart, 25% brain, 25% liver, 25% kidney, 5% bones, 15% other


Question: pH of blood in arteries and veins is____

  • a) Higher in arteries and lower in veins
  • b) Higher in veins and lower in arteries
  • c) Same
  • d) Variable in both

Answer: Higher in arteries and lower in veins


Question: Splenic artery arises from_____

  • a) Anterior mesenteric artery
  • b) Coeliac artery
  • c) Posterior mesenteric artery
  • d) Intestinal artery

Answer: Coeliac artery

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MCQs for Body Fluids and Circulation Biology Full Syllabus

Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to NCERT book for Full Syllabus Biology to develop the Biology Full Syllabus MCQs. If you download MCQs with answers for the above chapter you will get higher and better marks in Full Syllabus test and exams in the current year as you will be able to have stronger understanding of all concepts. Daily Multiple Choice Questions practice of Biology will help students to have stronger understanding of all concepts and also make them expert on all critical topics. After solving the questions given in the MCQs which have been developed as per latest books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Full Syllabus Biology. We have also provided lot of MCQ questions for Full Syllabus Biology so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter. After solving these you should also refer to Full Syllabus Biology MCQ Test for the same chapter.

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