Refer to NEET Biology Body Fluids and Circulation MCQs Set C provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Full Syllabus Biology with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by NEET, NCERT and KVS. Body Fluids and Circulation Full Syllabus MCQ are an important part of exams for Full Syllabus Biology and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for NEET Full Syllabus Biology and also download more latest study material for all subjects
MCQ for Full Syllabus Biology Body Fluids and Circulation
Full Syllabus Biology students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Body Fluids and Circulation in Full Syllabus.
Body Fluids and Circulation MCQ Questions Full Syllabus Biology with Answers
Question: During high blood pressure, regulations of heart beat and circulation are controlled by
- a) Vasodilator and vasoconstrictor centres.
- b) Cardio-stimulatory and vasoconstrictor centres
- c) Cardio-inhibitory and vasoconstrictor centres
- d) Cardio - inhibitory and vasodilator centres
Answer: Cardio-inhibitory and vasoconstrictor centres
Question: Purkinje fibres are connected with impulse conducting system of
- a) Heart
- b) Brain
- c) Skin
- d) Kidney nephron
Answer: Heart
Question: Which one are granulocytes...
- a) Neutrophils, basophils, lymphocytes
- b) Eosinophils, basophils, monocytes
- c) Basophils, monocytes, lymphocytes
- d) Neutrophils, Eosinophils, basophils
Answer: Neutrophils, Eosinophils, basophils
Question: Thoracic duct is associated with
- a) Purkinje fibres
- b) Hepatic duct
- c) Innominate vein
- d) Aorta
Answer: Innominate vein
Question: Purkinje fibres are present in
- a) Heart
- b) Cerebrum
- c) Semicircular canals
- d) Voluntary muscles
Answer: Heart
Question: Bundle of His is a network of
- a) Muscle fibres distributed throughout heart walls
- b) Muscle fibres found only in ventricle wall
- c) Nerve fibres distributed in ventricles
- d) Nerve fibres found throughout the heart
Answer: Muscle fibres found only in ventricle wall
Question: Pulmonary artery drains deoxygenated blood from
- a) Right ventricle
- b) Right atrium
- c) Left atrium
- d) Left ventricle
Answer: Right ventricle
Question: Abnormal rise in erythrocyte count is
- a) Leucopenia
- b) Polycythemia
- c) Anaemia
- d) Pneumonia
Answer: Polycythemia
Question: Oedema is due to
- a) Increased permeability of capillary walls
- b) Reduced return of lymph
- c) Increased capillary pressure
- d) All the above
Answer: Reduced return of lymph
Question: If husband has blood group O and wife blood group AB, the blood group of the child cannot be
- a) A
- b) B
- c) AB
- d) O or AB
Answer: O or AB
Question: Normal pulse pressure is
- a) 80 mmHg
- b) 120 mmHg
- c) 40 mgHg
- d) 320 mmHg
Answer: 40 mgHg
Question: kidney-shaped nucleus occurs in
- a) Neutrophil
- b) Eosinophil
- c) Monocyte
- d) Lymphocyte
Answer: Monocyte
Question: Serum is
- a) Blood minus fibrinogen
- b) Lymph minus corpuscles
- c) Lymph
- d) Blood minus corpuscles and fibrinogen
Answer: Blood minus corpuscles and fibrinogen
Question: Amount of blood received by brain every minute is
- a) 2500 ml
- b) 1000 ml
- c) 750 ml
- d) 450 ml
Answer: 750 ml
Question: Which one is not a WBC?
- a) Lymphocyte
- b) Thrombocyte
- c) Monocyte
- d) Basophil
Answer: Thrombocyte
Question: Mark the correct match
- a) Malleus - Anvil
- b) SA node - Pacemaker
- c) Laucocytes - Lymphocytes
- d) Haemophilia - Blood cancer
Answer: SA node - Pacemaker
Question: Person with AB blood group can .
- a) Not receive universally
- b) Universally donate
- c) Universally receive
- d) Received only from O
Answer: Universally receive
Question: Blood vessel of a diaphragm is called
- a) Coronary
- b) Cardiac
- c) Phrenic
- d) Pulmonary
Answer: Phrenic
Question: Which one of the following substances, if introduced in blood stream would cause coagulation of blood at the site of its introduction?
- a) Prothrombin
- b) Fibrinogen
- c) Thromboplastin
- d) Heparin
Answer: Thromboplastin
Question: Diapedesis is
- a) Bursting of WBC
- b) Production of pus
- c) Production of WBC
- d) Passage of WBC out of blood capillaries to the site of injury
Answer: Passage of WBC out of blood capillaries to the site of injury
More Questions..................................
Question: Heparin present normally in blood is formed by
- a) Agranulocytes
- b) Clumped platelets
- c) Mast cell granules
- d) Monocytes
Answer: Mast cell granules
Question: What makes the lymph fluid move through the body?
- a) Gravity and skeletal muscle contractions
- b) Muscle contractions and gravity
- c) Pressure changes caused by breathing and gravity
- d) Muscle contractions and pressure changes caused by breathing
Answer: Muscle contractions and pressure changes caused by breathing
Question: Organs functioning as modulator and effector for homeostatic control of blood sugar are respectively
- a) Liver and islets of Langerhans
- b) Islets of Langerhans and hypothalamus
- c) Hypothalamus and islets of Langerhans
- d) Hypothalamus and liver
Answer: Liver and islets of Langerhans
Question: Right aortic arch is found in
- a) Mammals
- b) Birds
- c) Mammals and birds
- d) Reptiles
Answer: Birds
Question: A person with blood group A requires blood. The blood group which can be given is
- a) A and B
- b) A and AB
- c) A and O
- d) A, B, AB and O
Answer: A and O
Question: What happens when the pacemaker becomes non-functional?
- a) Only auricles contract rhythmically
- b) Only ventricles contracts rhythmically
- c) Cardiac muscles do not undergo coordinated rhythmic movements
- d) Cardiac muscles contract in coordinated manner rhythmically
Answer: Cardiac muscles do not undergo coordinated rhythmic movements
Question: In ECG, what does T wave represent
- a) Diastole of auricles
- b) Diastole of ventricles
- c) Systole of ventricles
- d) Diastole of auricles and/ repolarisation of ventricles
Answer: Diastole of auricles and/ repolarisation of ventricles
Question: Platelets are given in case of
- a) Anaemia
- b) Polycythemia
- c) Thrombocytopenia
- d) Leukemia
Answer: Thrombocytopenia
Question: Largest internal vein from alimentary canal to liver is
- a) Aorta
- b) Hepatic artery
- c) Hepatic vein
- d) Hepatic portal vein
Answer: Hepatic portal vein
Question: In uraemia there is
- a) Increasing urine output
- b) Increased urea in blood
- c) Increased serum cholesterol
- d) Increased blood sugar
Answer: Increased urea in blood
Question: During blood clotting, the factor which is activated first is
- a) Factor I
- b) Factor VII
- c) Factor IX
- d) Factor XII
Answer: Factor VII
Question: Match the column
- a) a - q, b - t, c - r, d - p
- b) a - t, b - p, c - q, d - r
- c) a - t, b - r, c - p, d - q
- d) a - t, b - p, c - r, d - q
Answer: a - t, b - p, c - r, d - q
Question: Pulmonary artery develops from
- a) Aorta
- b) Renal artery
- c) Coronary artery
- d) Pulmonary artery
Answer: Pulmonary artery
Question: Chances of erythroblastosisfetalis occurring during second pregnancy when the baby is
- a) Rh+ and mother Rh-
- b) Rh+ and mother Rh+
- c) Rh- and mother Rh+
- d) Rh- and mother Rh-
Answer: Rh+ and mother Rh-
Question: Universal recipient blood group is
- a) A
- b) AB
- c) B
- d) O
Answer: AB
Question: A correct systemic circulation pathway is
- a) Right auricle → Left ventricle → Aorta → Tissues → Veins
- b) Right ventricle→ Pulmonary aorta → Tissues → Pulmonary vein → Left auricle
- c) Left auricle → Left ventricle → Aorta → Arteries → Tissues → Veins → Right atrium
- d) Left auricle → Left ventricle → Pulmonary aorta → Tissues → Right auricle
Answer: Left auricle → Left ventricle → Aorta → Arteries → Tissues → Veins → Right atrium
Question: First sound recorded in sphygmomano-meter indicates
- a) Systolic pressure
- b) Diastolic pressure
- c) Lubb
- d) Dup
Answer: Systolic pressure
Question: Battery of artificial pacemaker is built of
- a) Nickel
- b) Lithium
- c) Photosensitive material
- d) Dry cadmium
Answer: Lithium
Question: Anaemia is due to deficiency of
- a) Ca
- b) Fe
- c) Mg
- d) P
Answer: Fe
Question: Normal glucose level of blood is
- a) 10 gm/litre (1%)
- b) 1 gm/litre (0.1%)
- c) 100 gm/litre (10%)
- d) 0.1 gm/litre (0.01%)
Answer: 1 gm/litre (0.1%)
Question: Most probable cause of heart attack is
- a) Vasomotion
- b) Systolic pressure of 120 mmHg
- c) Arteriosclerosis
- d) High level of HDL
Answer: Arteriosclerosis
Question: Fully mature human RBC has
- a) A nucleus
- b) No nucleus
- c) Nucleus may or may not be present
- d) None of the above
Answer: No nucleus
Question: A portion of cardiovascular system that transport oxygen depleted blood from the heart to the lungs brings oxygenated blood back to heart is
- a) Pulmonary circulation
- b) Coronary circulation
- c) Systemic circulation
- d) Single circulatory system
Answer: Pulmonary circulation
Question: If due to some injury, chordae tendineae of tricuspid valve of the heart, are partially non functional, what will be the immediate effect
- a) The 'Pace-maker' will stop working
- b) Blood will tend to flow back into left atrium
- c) Flow of blood into pulmonary artery will be reduced
- d) between the right atrium and the right ventricle.
Answer: Flow of blood into pulmonary artery will be reduced
Question: Fastest distribution of some injectable material/ medicine and with no risk of any kind can be achieved by injecting into
- a) Artery
- b) Vein
- c) Muscle
- d) Lymph vessel
Answer: Vein
Question: Foramen ovale
- a) Connects the two atria in the foetal heart
- b) Connects pulmonary trunk and aorta in foetus
- c) Is condition in which heart valve do not completely close
- d) Is a shallow depression in the interventricular septum
Answer: Connects the two atria in the foetal heart
Question: Which is incorrect
- a) Blood group 'O' RBCs have both A and B antigens
- b) Eosinophils resist infections and take part in allergic reactions
- c) RBCs contain carbonic anhydrase
- d) T-wave of ECG represents end of ventricular depolarisation
Answer: Blood group 'O' RBCs have both A and B antigens
Question: Erythropoiesis is assisted by
- a) Mg2+
- b) Ca2+
- c) Cu2+
- d) Fe2+
Answer: Fe2+
Question: Choose the correct statement
- a) T-wave in ECG represents excitation of ventricles
- b) Sum of P and T wave can determine heart beat rate
- c) End of P-wave marks end of systole
- d) In standard ECG, a person is connected to machine with three electrical leads
Answer: In standard ECG, a person is connected to machine with three electrical leads
Question: RBC placed in distilled water will
- a) Burst
- b) Shrink
- c) Stick to one another
- d) Divide
Answer: Burst
Question: Donor X and recipient Y belong to same blood group. transfusion has led to RBS agglutination because
- a) X is Rh+, Y is Rh-
- b) X is Rh-, Y is Rh+
- c) Both are Rh+
- d) Both are Rh-
Answer: X is Rh+, Y is Rh-
Question: The problem of electrical discontinuity due to connective tissue separating atria from ventricles is solved by connecting through
- a) vagus nerve
- b) Ectopic pacemaker
- c) AV node
- d) Bundle of His
Answer: Bundle of His
Question: Blood group B means the person
- a) Canform antibody for B
- b) Cannot form antibody for B
- c) Cannot receive blood group O
- d) both b and c
Answer: Cannot form antibody for B
Question: Rh factor occurs in
- a) All reptiles
- b) Man and Rhesus Monkey
- c) All mammals
- d) All vertebrates
Answer: Man and Rhesus Monkey
Question: Which of the following genotypes have blood group B?
- a) A/B, +/ +
- b) A/A, +/A
- c) +/+, B/B, +/B
- d) BB, +/B
Answer: BB, +/B
Question: Hypotension may not be due to
- a) Loss of fluid
- b) Loss of blood
- c) Endocrine disorder
- d) Excessive fluid intake
Answer: Excessive fluid intake
Question: Which is false?
- a) RBCs are also called leucocytes
- b) White blood corpuscles are part of body's defence mechanism
- c) Platelets are also called thrombocytes d)
- d) Oxygen is carried in blood after combining with haemoglobin
Answer: RBCs are also called leucocytes
Question: ECG is employed for study of
- a) Lung ailment
- b) Brain defects
- c) Heart problems
- d) Kidney defects
Answer: Heart problems
Question: The one devoid of muscular coat is
- a) Vein
- b) Artery
- c) Arteriole
- d) Capillary
Answer: Capillary
Question: Child death may occur in the marriage of
- a) Rh+ man and Rh+ woman
- b) Rh+ man and Rh- woman
- c) Rh- man and Rh+ woman
- d) Rh- man and Rh+ woman
Answer: Rh+ man and Rh- woman
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MCQs for Body Fluids and Circulation Biology Full Syllabus
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