Refer to NEET Biology Environmental Issues MCQs Set C provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Full Syllabus Biology with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by NEET, NCERT and KVS. Environmental Issues Full Syllabus MCQ are an important part of exams for Full Syllabus Biology and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for NEET Full Syllabus Biology and also download more latest study material for all subjects
MCQ for Full Syllabus Biology Environmental Issues
Full Syllabus Biology students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Environmental Issues in Full Syllabus.
Environmental Issues MCQ Questions Full Syllabus Biology with Answers
Question: For the given statement which option is correct?
(X)Unleaded petrol should be used in automobiles with catalytic converter to reduce pollution.
(Y)Lead in the petrol inactivates Rhodium and palladium .
- a) Both X and Y are correct.Y gives correct explanation for X
- b) Both X and Y are correct.Y does not give correct explanation for X
- c) X is correct, Y is wrong
- d) X is wrong and Y is correct
Answer: Both X and Y are correct.Y gives correct explanation for X
Question: For the given statement which option is correct?
(X)DDT and plastic both are nonbiodegradable Waste
(Y) As the time passes, Pollutants of domestic sewage does not remain pollutants.
- a) Both X and Y are correct.Y does not give correct explanation for X
- b) Both X and Y are correct.Y gives correct explanation for X
- c) X is correct, Y is wrong (D) X is wrong and Y is correct
- d) None of this
Answer: Both X and Y are correct.Y does not give correct explanation for X
Question: For the given statement which option is correct?
(X)Organic farming means agriculture with the help of chemicals.
(Y)500 members of Haryana Kissan welfare club have adopted this agricultural practice.
- a) X is wrong and Y is correct
- b) X is correct, Y is wrong
- c) Both X and Y are correct.Y does not give correct explanation for X
- d) Both X and Y are correct.Y gives correct explanation for X
Answer: X is wrong and Y is correct
Question: For the given statement which option is correct?
(X)Deforestation is one of the important factor for global warming.
(Y)Green house gas CO2 increases due to deforestation. .
- a) Both X and Y are correct.Y gives correct explanation for X
- b) Both X and Y are correct.Y does not give correct explanation for X
- c) X is correct, Y is wrong
- d) X is wrong and Y is correct
Answer: Both X and Y are correct.Y gives correct explanation for X
Question: Which gas is responsible for increase in atmosphere temperature?
- a) CO2
- b) O2
- c) SO2
- d) CO
Answer: CO2
Question: Slash and burn agriculture means
- a) Jhum cultivation
- b) Reforestation
- c) Cultivation on hills
- d) Agriculture on desert land
Answer: Jhum cultivation
Question: Which of the following is responsible for protection of living organism on earth?
- a) Ozone layer
- b) Troposphere
- c) Green house strategy
- d) Uvrays
Answer: Ozone layer
Question: With respect to value of BOD, arrange the following in descending order.
i) Distilled water ii) Tap water
iii)Industrial effluent iv)Sewage discharge in the river
- a) iii –iv – ii - i
- b) ii – I – iv – iii
- c) iv –iii – ii - i
- d) i– ii – iii - iv
Answer: iii –iv – ii - i
Question: Domestic sewage with -------% impurities is unfit for human use
- a) 0.1%
- b) 0.02%
- c) 0.01%
- d) 0.2%
Answer: 0.1%
Question: Green house Effect is the cumulative result of the influence of certain gases.
Identify the gas which is not involved in the influence
- a) N2
- b) CH4
- c) CFC
- d) CO
Answer: N2
Question: If fertilizers are added to fresh water
- a) Eutropication will occur
- b) Overall animal population will decrease
- c) Plants will die
- d) Fish population will decrease
Answer: Eutropication will occur
Question: With the help of electrostatic precipitator which Air pollutant produced by cement factory is separated?
- a) SPM
- b) SO2
- c) CO
- d) NO2
Answer: SPM
Question: Which of the following does not occur when the sewage is discharged into the river?
- a) Eutropication
- b) Depletion of O2
- c) Algal bloom
- d) Increase in O2
Answer: Eutropication
Question: What is correct for the region labeled as a,b,c and d?
- a) a- CO2 60% ,b- CH4 20% , c- CFC 14% ,d-N2O 6%
- b) a- CFC60% ,b- CH4 20% , c- CO2 14% ,d-N2O 6%
- c) Both
- d) None of this
Answer: a- CO2 60% ,b- CH4 20% , c- CFC 14% ,d-N2O 6%
Question: In the given chart of biological magnification what does a and b indicate?
Fish eating birds-DDT -25ppm
- a)
a= Zooplanktons , b=large fish
Small fish-DDT - 0.5ppm
- b)
a=phytoplanktons,b=insects eating bird
- c)
- d)
Water- DDT -0.0003ppm
a= Zooplanktons , b=large fish
Small fish-DDT - 0.5ppm
Question: In which form earth ‘s surface reemits heat?
- a)
- b) Gamma rays
- c) Infrared radiation
- d) None of this
Question: Which metal is the main air pollutant in metro cities?
- a) Lead
- b) Copper
- c) Magnesium
- d) Iron
Answer: Lead
Question: To safeguard our water resource the amendment was passed in the year.
- a) 1974
- b) 1981
- c) 1986
- d) 1987
Answer: 1974
Question: Thinning of eggshell and their premature breaking is due to
- a) Biological magnification
- b) Global warming
- c) Eutrophication
- d) Green house effect
Answer: Biological magnification
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Question: Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) is
- a) Methane
- b) Propane
- c) Ethane
- d) Butane
Answer: Methane
Question: The electrostatic precipitator can remove over ____ particulate matter
- a) 99%
- b) 100%
- c) 89%
- d) 45%
Answer: 99%
Question: World’s most problematic aquatic weed is
- a) Eichhornia
- b) Wolffia
- c) Azolla
- d) Trapa
Answer: Eichhornia
Question: Among the 41 most polluted cities of the world, Delhi ranked
- a) Fourth
- b) Second
- c) Third
- d) First
Answer: Fourth
Question: By the end of 2002 in Delhi which step is completed for reducing vehicular pollution?
- a) Buses were converted to run on CNG
- b) Phasing out of old vehicles
- c) Uses of unleaded petrol
- d) Use of catalytic converters
Answer: Buses were converted to run on CNG
- a) a(v), b(iii), c(iv), d(ii), e(i)
- b) a(i), b(ii), c(iv), d(v), e(iii)
- c) a(v), b(ii), c(iv), d(i), e(iii)
- d) a(i), b(iii), c(iv), d(v), e(ii)
Answer: a(v), b(iii), c(iv), d(ii), e(i)
Question: Ramesh Chandra Dagar includes _____ for case study of organic farming
- a) All of these
- b) Water harvesting
- c) Dairy management
- d) Bee-keeping
Answer: All of these
Question: The domestic sewage in large cities
- a) Is processed by aerobic and then anaerobic bacteria in the secondary treatment in Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs)
- b) Has a high BOD as it contains both aerobic and anaerobic bacteria
- c) When treated in STPs does not really require the aeration step as the sewage contains adequate oxygen
- d) Has very low amounts of suspended solids and dissolved salts
Answer: Is processed by aerobic and then anaerobic bacteria in the secondary treatment in Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs)
Question: Prime contaminants leading to cultural or accelerated eutrophication are
- a) Phosphates and nitrates
- b) Fecal matter and paper fibres
- c) Sand and clay
- d) Nitrates and sulphates
Answer: Phosphates and nitrates
Question: Euro-II is emission norms for reducing
- a) Sulphur and aromatic hydrocarbons
- b) O3 and CO
- c)
- d) None of these
Answer: Sulphur and aromatic hydrocarbons
Question: Ecosanitation is
- a) Sustainable system for handling human excreta
- b) Sustainable system for handling agricultural wastes
- c) Sustainable system for handling industrial effluents
- d) Sustainable system for handling biomagnification
Answer: Sustainable system for handling human excreta
Question: Hospital wastes are
- a) Hazardous and disposed by incinerator
- b) Hazardous and disposed into water
- c) Non-hazardous and disposed by incinerator
- d) Non-hazardous and disposed into water
Answer: Hazardous and disposed by incinerator
Question: In an aquatic food chain, if water body is having 0.003 ppb of DDT, its maximum concentration can be observed in
- a) Fish eating birds
- b) Small fish
- c) Phytoplanktons
- d) Large fish
Answer: Fish eating birds
Question: The raw material for making polyblend is
- a) Plastic film waste
- b) Any biodegradable waste
- c) Bitumen
- d) Recycled plastic
Answer: Plastic film waste
Question: Integrated organic farming has been adopted in India by
- a) Ramesh Chandra Dagar
- b) Ahmed Khan
- c) Amrita Devi
- d) Panduranga Hegde
Answer: Ramesh Chandra Dagar
Question: During the past century, the temperature of earth has increased by
- a) 0.6°C
- b) 1.6°C
- c) 33°C
- d) 15°C
Answer: 0.6°C
Question: What percentage of forest for hills has been recommended by National Forest Polices (1988) of India?
- a) 67%
- b) 19.4%
- c) 23%
- d) 33%
Answer: 67%
Question: Recognizing the deleterious effects of ozone depletion an international treaty known as ______ was signed at _____
- a) Montreal Protocol, Canada
- b) Earth Summit, Montreal
- c) Kyoto Protocol, Brazil
- d) World Summit, South Africa
Answer: Montreal Protocol, Canada
Question: Snow blindness is caused by
- a) UV-B
- b) UV-A
- c) X-rays
- d) UV-C
Answer: UV-B
Question: Govenment of India has introduced a concept to work closely with local communities for protection and management of forests called
- a) Joint Forest Management
- b) Chipko movement
- c) Jhum cultivation
- d) Appiko movement
Answer: Joint Forest Management
- a) a(iv), b(ii), c(iii), d(i)
- b) a(iii), b(iv), c(ii), d(i)
- c) a(i), b(ii), c(iii), d(iv)
- d) a(ii), b(iii), c(iv), d(i)
Answer: a(iv), b(ii), c(iii), d(i)
Question: Chipko movement is related to conservation of forests in
- a) Garhwal Himalayan
- b) South India
- c) Rajasthan
- d) Gujarat
Answer: Garhwal Himalayan
Question: Jhum cultivation leads to
- a) Deforestation
- b) Conservation of forests
- c) Afforestation
- d) Soil pollution
Answer: Deforestation
Question: Overcultivation and unrestricted grazing are examples of
- a) Improper resource utilisation
- b) Jhum cultivation
- c) Deforestation
- d) Greenhouse effect
Answer: Improper resource utilisation
Question: Algal bloom in a lake
- a) All of these
- b) Leads to oxygen depletion
- c) Kills fishes
- d) Increases CO2 level
Answer: All of these
Question: Thermal pollution is more prevalent near
- a) Coal based power plants
- b) Tropical zones
- c) Hot water springs
- d) Temperate zones
Answer: Coal based power plants
Question: Most hazardous pollutant of automobile exhaust is
- a) Lead
- b) Arsenic
- c) Copper
- d) Mercury
Answer: Lead
Question: The major source of noise pollution, world wide is due to
- a) Transport system
- b) Sugar, textile and paper industries
- c) Oil refineries and thermal power plants
- d) Office equipment
Answer: Transport system
Question: Pollutants which can be removed by a scrubber
- a) SO2
- b) Sewage
- c) Unburnt hydrocarbon
- d) Particulate matter
Answer: SO2
Question: Consider the following statements
a. 40% of the forest has been lost in tropics.
b. JFM was introduced in 1965 by the UNCED.
c. Bishnoi community belongs to Odisha who played a major role in conservation of forest.
d. Chipko movement started in Garhwal Himalayas.
- a) b & c are incorrect
- b) c is correct
- c) a & c are correct
- d) c & d are correct
Answer: b & c are incorrect
Question: In a polluted lake
- a) BOD is high and DO is low
- b) BOD is low and DO is high
- c) BOD and DO are high
- d) Both are low
Answer: BOD is high and DO is low
Question: In automobiles catalytic converters change unburnt hydrocarbons into
- a) Carbon dioxide and water
- b) Carbon dioxide and methane
- c) Methane
- d) Carbon monoxide
Answer: Carbon dioxide and water
Question: Which of the following is correct?
- a) CFC is discharged in the lower part of the atmosphere, move upward and reach stratosphere
- b) Montreal protocol was signed to reduce CO2
- c) Ozone hole is a small pore created in tropospheric ozone layer
- d) Jhum cultivation is a method of afforestation
Answer: CFC is discharged in the lower part of the atmosphere, move upward and reach stratosphere
Question: Black foot disease is due to
- a) Arsenic
- b) Cooper
- c) Mercury
- d) Oil spills
Answer: Arsenic
Question: __________ is highly hazardous to animal health but on plants this gas does not seen to show adverse effect
- a) CO
- b) CO2
- c) SO2
- d) NO2
Answer: CO
Question: NOx contributes to all, except
- a) Pheophytization
- b) Secondary pollutant formation
- c) Acid rains
- d) Photochemical smog
Answer: Pheophytization
Question: Which of the following device can control air pollution?
- a) Both
- b) Scrubbers
- c) Electrostatic precipitator
- d) None of these
Answer: Both
Question: Acoustic zoning is related with
- a) Noise pollution
- b) Water Pollution
- c) Air pollution
- d) Soil pollution
Answer: Noise pollution
Question: Which one of the following pair is not correctly matched?
- a) Byssinosis – Lung fibrosis due to iron particles
- b) NEERI – Nagpur
- c) Hay fever – Skin allergy and asthma
- d) Photochemical smog – Inhibits ETS
Answer: Byssinosis – Lung fibrosis due to iron particles
Question: Acid rain
(a) Causes necrosis
(b) Convert chlorophyll-a into phaeophytin
(c) Responsible for formation of PAN
- a) Only (a) and (b) are correct
- b) Only (a) is correct
- c) Only (b) and (c) are correct
- d) Only (c) is correct
Answer: Only (a) and (b) are correct
Question: Which is not an effect of acidic rain in a pond?
- a) Increased growth of green algae
- b) Increased fungal growth
- c) Decreased insect population
- d) None of these
Answer: Increased growth of green algae
Question: A chemical weed in troposphere and protectant in stratosphere is
- a) O3
- b) CFC
- c) NO2
- d) NO3
Answer: O3
Question: Eutrophication includes all, except
- a) Finally decreased COD
- b) Decreased DO
- c) Death of submerged organism
- d) Heavy growth of BGA
Answer: Finally decreased COD
Question: Presence of E.coli in water indicates
- a) Faecal pollution
- b) Water is clear
- c) Water is fully polluted
- d) Inorganic pollution
Answer: Faecal pollution
Question: Release of phosphates and nitrates in water bodies (i.e., in rivers and lakes) leads to
- a) Increased algal growth
- b) Nutrient enrichment (eutrophication)
- c) Reduced algal growth
- d) Increased growth of decomposers
Answer: Increased algal growth
Question: Spraying of pesticide is an example of
- a) Diffuse water pollution
- b) Pyrolysis
- c) Point source water pollution
- d) None of these
Answer: Diffuse water pollution
Question: Select the correct statement from the following
- a) High concentrations of DDT disturb calcium metabolism in birds.
- b) A mere 0.1% impurities cannot make domestic sewage unfit for human use
- c) Phaeophytization in lichens is caused due to nitrogen oxides
- d) ‘Bad’ ozone as well as ‘good’ ozone both are found in the upper part of the atmosphere
Answer: High concentrations of DDT disturb calcium metabolism in birds.
Question: Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched?
- a) Decrease in BOD of pond water – Increase in global temperature
- b) Eutrophication – Increase in nitrogen and phosphorus content in aquatic bodies
- c) Depletion of ozone layer – Release of CFCs in the atmosphere
- d) Production of sulphur dioxide – Burning of coal
Answer: Decrease in BOD of pond water – Increase in global temperature
Question: Water pollution is best assessed by determining
- a) BOD and turbidity
- b) Hardness and alkalinity
- c) DO
- d) DO and acidity
Answer: BOD and turbidity
Question: Non-point source of water pollution is
- a) Agricultural runoff
- b) Sewage outlet
- c) Effluents from a factory
- d) All of these
Answer: Agricultural runoff
Question: DO(dissolved O2) of water ______ with an increase in temperature
- a) Decreases
- b) Increases
- c) First increases then decreases
- d) Remains constant
Answer: Decreases
Question: The controlled aerobic combustion of wastes inside chambers at temperature of 900-1300ºC is known as
- a) Incineration
- b) Recycling
- c) Pyrolysis
- d) Sanitary dumping
Answer: Incineration
Question: Ecological backlash (or Ecological Boomerang) is
- a) Production of adverse ecological effect by a previously useful chemical
- b) Formation of secondary pollutant from reaction of primary pollutants
- c) Production of useful ecological effect by a previously useful chemical
- d) Heat emission due to bomb explosion
Answer: Production of adverse ecological effect by a previously useful chemical
Question: Oil slick causes mass scale death of fishes due to
- a) Clogging of gills
- b) Non-availability of food
- c) Disruption of food chain
- d) All of these
Answer: Clogging of gills
Question: Wastes may be sealed in concrete-filled drums and discharged to a depth of about 500 m. This specific statement is true for
- a) All radioactive pollutants
- b)
- c)
- d) U.V. radiation pollutants
Answer: All radioactive pollutants
Question: Select the incorrect statement for e-wastes
- a) Bulk of the waste is biodegradable
- b) They are buried in landfills or incinerated
- c) Recycling is the only solution for treatment
- d) Used to recover metals like copper, iron, silicon, nickel and gold
Answer: Bulk of the waste is biodegradable
Question: Select incorrect one
- a) I.A.P. – Indian Atmospheric Pollution
- b) U.N.E.P. – United Nation’s Environment Programme
- c) C.C.C. – Convention on Climate Change
- d) O.D.P. – Ozone Depleting Potential
Answer: I.A.P. – Indian Atmospheric Pollution
Question: Reduction in soil fertility due to erosion is an example of
- a) Negative pollution
- b) Positive pollution
- c) Third pollution
- d) Landscape pollution
Answer: Negative pollution
Question: The e-wastes
- a) Are buried in land fills or incinerated
- b) Is produced in developing countries and exported to developed countries
- c) Represents municipal solid
- d) Does not involve recycling
Answer: Are buried in land fills or incinerated
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MCQs for Environmental Issues Biology Full Syllabus
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