NEET Biology Cockroach Comparative Study MCQs Set A

Refer to NEET Biology Cockroach Comparative Study MCQs Set A provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Full Syllabus Biology with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by NEET, NCERT and KVS. Cockroach Comparative Study Full Syllabus MCQ are an important part of exams for Full Syllabus Biology and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for NEET Full Syllabus Biology and also download more latest study material for all subjects

MCQ for Full Syllabus Biology Cockroach Comparative Study

Full Syllabus Biology students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Cockroach Comparative Study in Full Syllabus.

Cockroach Comparative Study MCQ Questions Full Syllabus Biology with Answers

Cockroach show characteristic features in segmentation, symmentry and body organization. Its scientific name is Periplaneta americana.
Morphology - Body is covered with hard chitinous exoskeleton. Size about 25 to 45 mm long cm and 8 to 12 broad found all over the world colour varies. Body is divisible into three regions. Head, thorax, abdomen. Each having segmented appedages to perform various functions.
Anatomy : (Internal structure) Body wall cockroach has three layers. Digestive system complete - hepatic cacae and malpighian tubules present figure blood vascular system. Open type - Heart has 13 units with valved ostia. Haemocoel has two types of cells. Respiratory system is made up of network of branched tracheal tubes through out the body. Terminal branches are called tracheols. Ten pairs of spiracles formed and protected by chitinous bristles. Excretory system has malpighian tubules is haemolymph. Urecotelic animal. Nervous system is made up of paired ganglia, nerve cords and nerves.
Nerve-ring is present sense organs are antenae, eyes, maxillary palps, tarsus of walking legs and anal circus. Reproductive system unisexual male slightly bigger. Internal fertilization 14-16 eggs are fertilized in Ootheca vlymphal stage, youngones look alike parents develop into adult by under going ecdytis severl times.

Question. Generally Cockroach is____or ______colored insect, however in tropical regions, they havebeen reported to be_____, _____and _____colored.
(A) Brown or red, Yellow, Green and White
(B) Brown or Black, Yellow, Red and Green
(C) Brown or Yellow, Red, Green and White
(D) Red or Yellow, Brown, Green and Black

Answer: B

Question. In case of common species of Cockroach, Morphologically which statement is correct ?
(A) The size of female is slightly bigger than male.
(B) In both male and female, numbers of abdominal segments are different.
(C) The size of male and female are equal.
(D) The size of male is slightly bigger than female.

Answer: D

Question. Exoskeleton of periplaneta is protected due to ______.
(A) Calcium carbonate
(B) Cutin
(C) Chitin
(D) Mucous

Answer: C

Question. Head of the Cockroach is formed by the fusion of____segments.
(A) Six
(B) four
(C) two
(D) eight

Answer: A

Question. Why head of the Cockroach can move easily in all the directions ?
(A) In Cockroach head and thorax fuse to form Cephalothorax.
(B) Anatomy of mouthpart, are so arranged that head can move easily in all the directions.
(C) Head is attached to thorax through a flexible neck.
(D) Abdomen of Cockroach is made of three segments.

Answer: C

Question. On the head region of Cockroach____pairs of ____and ____shaped eyes occur.
(A) One pair, sessile compound and kidney shaped
(B) Two pairs, stalked compound and round shaped
(C) Many pairs, sessile simple and kidney shaped
(D) Many pairs, stalked compound and kidney shaped

Answer: A

Question. Mouthparts of periplaneta are consist of _____different types of articulations.
(A) four
(B) eight
(C) six
(D) three

Answer: C

Question. On the lateral side of alimentary canal of cockroach ____glands are found.
(A) Acid secreting
(B) Salivary
(C) Degestive
(D) Reproductive

Answer: B

Question. Each walking leg of periplaneta is made up of ____segments.
(A) five
(B) four
(C) six
(D) nine

Answer: A

Question. A segment attached to the ventral side of the thorax nearer to the body of Cockroach is ____
(A) Trochanter
(B) Femur
(C) Coxa
(D) Tarsus

Answer: C

Question. Walking legs of periplaneta are attached to____and divided into _____segments.
(A) Dorsal tergum, Five
(B) Ventral sternum, Five
(C) Dorsal tergum, six
(D) Ventral sternum, Six

Answer: B

Question. Third segment of walking leg of Cockroach is_____.
(A) Coxa
(B) Trochanter
(C) Femur
(D) Tibia

Answer: C

Question. Fifthe segment of walking leg of Cockroach is _____.
(A) Coxa
(B) Tarsus
(C) Femur
(D) Tibia

Answer: B

Question. What is the name of second segment of walking leg of Cockroach ?
(A) Coxa
(B) Femur
(C) Tarsus
(D) Trochanter

Answer: D

Question. Each abdominal segment of Ccokroach are covered with_____ outer layers ____ plearae.
(A) One, Two
(B) Two, Two
(C) Two, One
(D) One, One

Answer: C

Question. Howmany segment are present in an abdomen of the Cockroach ?
(A) Eight
(B) Ten
(C) Seven
(D) Nine

Answer: B

Question. In Cockroach which tergum possesses a median groove ?
(A) Tenth
(B) First
(C) Ninenth
(D) Third

Answer: A

Question. Which is the peculiarity of ninenth sternum of maleCockroach ?
(A) Anus occurs under it
(B) A piar of anal cerci is associated with it
(C) Seventh and Eighth sternum are covered with it
(D) Male genital openings occurs there

Answer: B

Question. Which number of sternum is boatshaped in the Cockroach ?
(A) Fifth
(B) Sixth
(C) Seventh
(D) Tenth

Answer: C

Question. In Cockroach which segment has female genital opening ?
(A) Seventh
(B) Ninth
(C) Tenth
(D) Eighth

Answer: D

Question. Which segment has male genital opening is Cockroach ?
(A) Ninth
(B) Tenth
(C) Seventh
(D) Eighth

Answer: A

Question. Which structure is sound receptor in Cockroach ?
(A) Tarsus
(B) Anal cerci
(C) Compound eye
(D) Walking leg

Answer: B

Question. Which segments joint to form a genital pouch in female Cockroach ?
(A) Seventh and Eighth
(B) Nineth and Tenth
(C) Eighth and Nineth
(D) Sixth and Seventh

Answer: C

Question. The distal segment of walking leg of a Cockroach is____?
(A) Torchanter
(B) Coxa
(C) Tibia
(D) Tarsus

Answer: D

Question. In which succession the three main layers of the body wall of a Cockroach from outer to Inner side are arraged ?
(A) Epidermis, Cuticle and basement membrane
(B) Cuticle, Epidermis and basement membrane
(C) Basement membrane, Cuticle and Epidermis
(D) Epidermis, Basement membrane and Cuticle

Answer: B

Question. The Epidermis of body wall of the Cockroach is made up of_____?
(A) Squamous epithelium
(B) Ciliated epithelium
(C) Columnar epithelium
(D) Cuboidal epithelium

Answer: C

Question. In Cockroach how many stuctures named after malpighian are present ?
(A) One
(B) Two
(C) Three
(D) Four

Answer: B

Question. In Cockroach the cavities of foregut and hindgut are lined with____
(A) Salivary glands
(B) Gizzard
(C) Cuticle
(D) Chitinous teeth

Answer: C

Question. In the alimentary canal of Cockroach the shape of region following the mouth is____
(A) Folded
(B) Swollen bag like
(C) Norrow tubular
(D) Thin fibriller

Answer: C

Question. How many secreting lobes are present in each salivary gland of Cockroach ?
(A) Two
(B) Two pairs
(C) Three
(D) Six

Answer: A

Question. In Cockroch _____on salivary glands and_____reservoirs are present ?
(A) Two, One
(B) One, Two
(C) Two, Four
(D) Three, Two

Answer: C

Question. Crop of the Cockroach occurs at ____in almentary canal.
(A) Posterior end of oesophagus
(B) Near midgut
(C) Posterior end of pharynx
(D) At the juction of midgut and hindgut.

Answer: A

Question. In which of the following regions crop of the Cockroach is located ?
(A) Thorax
(B) Abdomen
(C) Thorax and abdomen
(D) Through out the gut

Answer: C

Question. In Cockroach, gizzard is _____ organ and _____ occur inside it.
(A) Glandular, six dentin teeth
(B) Muscular, six chitinous teeth
(C) Muscular, four chitinous teeth
(D) Glandular, six chitinous teeth

Answer: B

Question. Where are sieve like structures present in the alimentary canal of Cockroach ?
(A) Anterior end of gizzard
(B) In hepatic cacae
(C) Posterior end of crop
(D) Posterior end of gizzard

Answer: D

Question. Where are eight blind hepatic caeca present in Cockroach ?
(A) With crop
(B) At the juction of midgut and hindgut
(C) at the midgut
(D) at the foregut.

Answer: C

Question. Malpigian tubules in Cockroach are____organs.
(A) Digestive
(B) Secretory
(C) Excretory
(D) Respiratory

Answer: C

Question. In Cockroach malpighian tubules open in ______
(A) At the junction of midgut and hindgut.
(B) At the end of hindgut.
(C) Near rectum
(D) At the posterior end of gizzard.

Answer: A

Question. In Cockroach, morphologically rectum is_____shaped and _____ from inside.
(A) Tubular, bag like
(B) Bag like, folded
(C) Folded, baglike
(D) Villi, baglike

Answer: B

Question. In Cockroach, colon is presnet at the posterior region of _____
(A) Foregut
(B) Hindgut
(C) Hepatic caecae
(D) Gizzard

Answer: B

Question. Cockroach is_____ animal.
(A) Herbivorous
(B) Insectivorous
(C) Omnivorous
(D) Carnivorous

Answer: C

Question. Cockroach searches its food with the help of_____
(A) Walking legs
(B) Mandibles
(C) Eye
(D) Antennae

Answer: D

Question. In alimentary canal of Cockroach _____cells of midgut and hepatic caeca secrete enzymes.
(A) Columnar
(B) Cuboidal
(C) Ciliated
(D) Striated

Answer: A

Question. The haemolymph of Cockroach is mostly composed of _____ and _____.
(A) Haemoglobin and blood cells.
(B) Plasma and uncertain shaped cells.
(C) Haemocynin and plasma.
(D) Plasma and certain shaped cells.

Answer: B

Question. The heart of Cockroach is made up of_____units.
(A) Thirteen
(B) Ten
(C) Twelve
(D) Four

Answer: A

Question. Name the small cells of haemolymph of Cockroach ?
(A) Phagocytes
(B) Proleucocytes
(C) Enocytes
(D) Excretory

Answer: B

Question. Blood from sinuses enters in the heart of Cockroch through _____
(A) Artery
(B) Vein
(C) Arteriole
(D) Ostia

Answer: D

Question. ______numbers of Ostia are present at the posterior end of heart of Cockroach ?
(A) One
(B) Two
(C) Three
(D) Ten

Answer: B

Question. Which is the path of blood circulation in Cockroach ?
(A) Heart - artery - organs - heart
(B) Heart - sinuses - heart
(C) Sinuses - artery - organs - vein - heart
(D) Heart - artery - heart

Answer: B

Question. Total howmany spiracles occur in Cockroach ?
(A) Ten
(B) Twenty
(C) Thirteen
(D) Twenty six

Answer: B

Question. In Cockroach how many spiracles are present in thoracic region and howmany spiracles are present in abdominal region ?
(A) Two pairs and eight pairs
(B) Two and eight
(C) Eight pairs and two pairs
(D) Eight and two

Answer: A

Question. The walls of spiracles are framed from ______
(A) Blood vessels
(B) Tissue fluid
(C) Chitinous Bristles
(D) Ostia

Answer: C

Question. In respiratory system of Cockroach _____ function as filters.
(A) Spiracles
(B) Chitinous bristles
(C) Ostia
(D) Tracheoles

Answer: B

Question. Main excretory units in Cockroach are______
(A) A pair of kidney
(B) Haemolymph
(C) Chitinous bristles
(D) Malpighian tubules

Answer: D

Question. Write location and numbers of malpighian tubules in periplaneta.
(A) At the junction of midgut and hindgut, about 150.
(B) At the junction of foregut and midgut, about 150.
(C) Surrounding gizzard, eight.
(D) At the junction of colon and rectum, eight.

Answer: A

Question. In Cockroch colour of malpighian tubules is _____ and their _____ end is blind.
(A) Green, anterior
(B) Green, posterior
(C) Yellow, anterior
(D) Yellow, free (distal)

Answer: D

Question. In Cockroach wall of each malpighian tubule is lined by ..........and ..........cells.
(A) Secretory and non-ciliated surface
(B) Glandular and ciliated
(C) Squamous and smooth surfaced
(D) Striated and ciliated

Answer: B

Question. Which of the following is the function of malpighian tubules of Cockraoch ?
(A) Absorption of waste from haemolymph and convert them into uric acid.
(B) Removes CO2
(C) Store solid excretory material
(D) Reabsorption of water from the hindgut.

Answer: A

Question. In Cockroach by which process malpighian tubules absorb waste from the haemocoel ?
(A) Osmosis
(B) Endosmosis
(C) Diffusion
(D) Exosmosis

Answer: C

Question. In Cockroach waste products collected is malpighian tubules will first enter in ____
(A) Gizzard
(B) Hepatic caeca
(C) Haemocoel
(D) Hindgut

Answer: D

Question. With reference to excretion, Cockroach is ____animal.
(A) Ammonotelic
(B) Uricotelic
(C) Ureotelic
(D) Ammonia and uricotelic

Answer: B

Question. Out of following which ganglia unite to from nervering in nervous system of Cockroach ?
(A) Suboesophageal, supraesophegeal and circum oesophageal commisures unite to form nervering.
(B) Three ganglia in thorax region and six ganglia of abdominal region unite to form nervering.
(C) Three pairs of ganglia in thorax region and six pairs in abdominal regions.
(D) Three pairs supraoesophageal and one pair suboesophageal ganglia unit to form nervering.

Answer: A

Question. In Cockroach_____ganglia innervate the mouth pairs.
(A) Supraoesophageal
(B) Suboesophageal
(C) Circumoesophageal
(D) Three ganglia of thorax region

Answer: B

Question. How many ganglia are present in abdominal region of Cockroach ?
(A) 3 pairs
(B) 6 pairs
(C) 4 pairs
(D) 8 pairs

Answer: B

Question. Which of the following is a group of senseorgans in Cockroach ?
(A) Antennae, eyes, maxillary palps, anal cerci
(B) Antennae, compound aye, maxillary palps
(C) Antennae, ommatidia, maxillary palps, sternum
(D) Antennae, eyes, maxillary palps, tarsus of walking legs and cerci.

Answer: D

Question. Which is the coorect word for vision of Cockroach ?
(A) Three dimentional
(B) Two dimentional
(C) Mosaic
(D) Cockroach donot have vision

Answer: C

Question. ____ is the accessory reproductive gland with testis in male Cockroch.
(A) Chitinous gonapophysis
(B) Ejaculatory duct
(C) Vas deferens
(D) Mashroom shaped gland

Answer: D

Question. In male Cockroach the sperms stored in seminal vesicles form ____
(A) Spermatophores
(B) Zygote
(C) Testis
(D) Ejaculatoryduct

Answer: A

Question. In male Cockroach testes are present in _____ segments of abdomen while mushroom glands occurs in ____segments.
(A) 4 to 6, 5 to 6
(B) 4 to 6, 6 to 7
(C) 5 to 6, 4 to 6
(D) 6 to 7, 4 to 6

Answer: B

Question. Sperms from the spermatophores in male Cockroach are discharged during _____.
(A) Fertilization
(B) Meiotic division
(C) Copulation
(D) Spermatogenesis

Answer: C

Question. In each ovary of female Cockroach the most developed ova are placed at _______.
(A) Anywhere is ovarian tubules
(B) At the origin of ovarian tubules
(C) In the innerlayer of ovary
(D) At the distal free end of ovarian tubule

Answer: D

Question. During copulation, in female Cockroach ovum comes in the_____which is present in _____ cockroach.
(A) Ejaculatory duct is male
(B) Ovarian tubule is female
(C) Genital chamber in female
(D) Genital chamber is male

Answer: C

Question. Fertilization occurs in Cockroach in _______.
(A) Ovary
(B) Ovarian tubule
(C) Genital chamber
(D) Ootheca

Answer: C

Question. Cockroach is a _____ animal and development is______.
(A) Viviparous, direct
(B) Oviparous, direct
(C) Oviparous, indirect
(D) Ovoviviparous, direct

Answer: C

Question. Ootheca of Cockroach has______ eggs which are _____.
(A) 14 to 16, fertilized
(B) 12 to 14, fertilized
(C) 14 to 16 unfertilized
(D) 12 to 14 unfertilized

Answer: A

Question. The nymph of Cockroach grows into an adult Cockroach by moulting _____ times.
(A) 10 to 12
(B) 6 to 7
(C) 8 to 10
(D) 14 to 16

Answer: B

Question. Howmany abdominal segments are present in male and female Cockroach ? 
(A) 10, 10
(B) 9, 10
(C) 8, 10
(D) 9, 9

Answer: A

Question. Excretory matter of Cockroach is mainly ____
(A) Uric acid
(B) Urea
(C) Ammonia
(D) Amino acid

Answer: A

Question. Which animal secrete uric acid ? 
(A) Frog
(B) Man
(C) Earthworm
(D) Cockroach

Answer: D

Question. Which statement is true for Cockroach ? 
(A) Ten ovirioles in ovary
(B) Nymph is catterpillar form
(C) Anal cerci are absent in female animal
(D) It is ureatelic animal

Answer: C

Question. Which is the correct option is case of Cockroch in following column A and B ?
(P) Mouth parts of Cockroach (i) Anal cerci
(Q) Segments of walking leg (ii) Malpighian tubule
(R) Sound receptor structure (iii) Mandibles, maxillae
(S) Excretory unit (iv) Coxa, trochanter
(A) P, Q, R, S = i, ii, iii, iv
(B) P, Q, R, S = iii, iv, ii, i
(C) P, Q, R, S = iii, iv, i, ii
(D) P, Q, R, S = iv, iii, i, ii

Answer: C

Question. Select the correct option from following columns is case of Cockroach ?
(p) Gizzard (i) Sound receptor
(q) Rectum (ii) Chitin
(r) Anal cerci (iii) Cuticle
(s) Foregut and midgut (iv) 10th tergum
(A) p, q, r, s, = i, iii, ii,iv
(B) p, q, r, s = ii, iv, i, iii
(C) p, q, r, s = i, iv, iii, ii
(D) p, q, r, s = i, ii, iii, iv

Answer: B

* Answer following questions by selecting correct S and R from given options.
S - Statement, R - Reason
Option for Question number 83 to 90
(A) S - correct, R - Incorrect, R is explaination of S.
(B) Both S and R correct but R is not a explaination of S.
(C) S - correct, R - incorrect
(D) S-incorrect, R - correct

Question. S : Ootheca is formed in female Cockroach by the group of fertile eggs.
R : Nymph of Cockroach grows with adult by undergoing moulting process several times.

Answer: B

Question. S : Each eye of Cockroach consist of 2000 ommatidia.
R : Vision of Cockroach is known as mosaic vision.

Answer: A

Question. S : In Cockroach nine pairs of spiracles occur.
R : Walls of spiracles are framed from chitinous bristles.

Answer: D

Question. S : Head of the Cockraoch is attached to the thorax through a flexible neck.
R : Head of the Cockroach cannot move easily is all the directions.

Answer: C

Question. S : Cockroach is nocturnal and omnivorous.
R : Species of Cockroach are found all over the world.

Answer: B

Question. S : Heart of Cockroach is made up of thirteen units.
R : Blood vascular system of Cockroach is an open type.

Answer: B

Question. S : In cockroach gizzard has hard chitinous teeth.
R : Mouth of Cockroach cant not cut down the food into small pieces.

Answer: B

Question. In following diagram label a and b parts succesively.
(A) Coxa, tarsus
(B) Trochanter, coxa.
(C) Tarsus, coxa.
(D) tibia, coxa.

Answer: C

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