Refer to NEET Biology Biological Classification MCQs Set A provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Full Syllabus Biology with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by NEET, NCERT and KVS. Biological Classification Full Syllabus MCQ are an important part of exams for Full Syllabus Biology and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for NEET Full Syllabus Biology and also download more latest study material for all subjects
MCQ for Full Syllabus Biology Biological Classification
Full Syllabus Biology students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Biological Classification in Full Syllabus.
Biological Classification MCQ Questions Full Syllabus Biology with Answers
Question. Two kingdom system classification was given by
(a) Linnaeus
(b) John Ray
(c) Copeland
(d) Whittaker
Answer: A
Question. Which kingdom was introduced in 4 kingdom classification and who proposed it?
(a) Protista and Copeland
(b) Plantae and linnaeus
(c) Monera and Whittaker
(d) Monera and Copeland
Answer: D
Question. Which of the following is the major group in Monera?
(a) Eubacteria
(b) Cyanobacteria
(c) Archaebacteria
(d) All of these
Answer: A
Question. Term bacteria was given by
(a) Koch
(b) Pasteur
(c) Ehrenberg
(d) Stanley
Answer: C
Question. 70S ribosomes, chromatophores, circular DNA, mesosomes are found in
(a) All eukaryotes
(b) All prokaryotes
(c) Some prokaryotes
(d) Some eukaryotes and some prokaryotes
Answer: C
Question. A bacterium that bears flagella all over the surface is called
(a) Lophotrichous
(b) Cephalotrichous
(c) Peritrichous
(d) Amphitrichous
Answer: C
Question. A distinct lipo-polysaccharide layer is found in
(a) Gram (+) bacteria
(b) Gram (-) bacteria
(c) All bacteria
(d) Mycoplasma
Answer: B
Question. In bacteria, the respiratory enzymes are situated in the
(a) Cytoplasm
(b) Cell membrane
(c) Ribosomes
(d) Mitochondria
Answer: B
Question. Cell wall in Gram positive bacteria is composed of
(a) Lipid and protein
(b) Murein
(c) Proteins only
(d) Cellulose and pectin
Answer: B
Question. One of the following is a filamentous bacteria
(a) Pseudomonas
(b) Clostridium
(c) Actinomyces
(d) Azotobacter
Answer: C
Question. Pili represent
(a) Extra chromosomal genetic elements
(b) Protoplasmic outgrowths of donor cells
(c) Small flagella
(d) Special bacterial cilia
Answer: B
Question. Plasmids represent
(a) A group of monerans
(b) Small parasitic organisms
(c) Genetic elements
(d) Extra chromosomal genetic elements
Answer: D
Question. The resting spores produced by bacteria in unfavourable conditions are called
(a) Oidia
(b) Endospores
(c) Exospores
(d) Chlamydospores
Answer: B
Question. Conjugation in bacteria was discovered by
(a) Beadle and Tatum
(b) Zinder and Lederberg
(c) Griffith
(d) Lederberg and Tatum
Answer: C
Question. Genophore is the name of
(a) DNA of eukaryoles
(b) DNA of bacteria
(c) Genes of Drosophila
(d) Genes of Neurospora
Answer: B
Question. There is no alternation of generation in Escherichia coli because of the absence of
(a) Syngamy
(b) Reduction division
(c) Conjugation
(d) Both (a) & (b)
Answer: D
Question. The following bacterium is associated with denitrification
(a) Azotobacter
(b) Rhodospirillum
(c) Pseudomonas
(d) Rhizobium
Answer: C
Question. Bacteria which can survive in the absence of oxygen are known as
(a) Obligate anaerobes
(b) Facultative anaerobes
(c) Obligate aerobes
(d) Facultative aerobes
Answer: B
Question. Streptomycin is produced by
(a) Streptomyces venezuelae
(b) Streptomyces griseus
(c) Streptomyces arythreus
(d) Streptomyces aureofaciens
Answer: B
Question. Food poisoning is caused by
(a) Clostridium tetani
(b) Clostridium botulinum
(c) Salmonella typhi
(d) Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Answer: B
Question. Rhizobium is
(a) Symbiotic and Gram negative bacterium
(b) Symbiotic and Gram positive bacterium
(c) Free living nitrogen fixing bacterium
(d) Parasitic and nitrogen fixing bacteria
Answer: A
Question. Syphilis is caused by
(a) Neisseria gonorrhoeae
(b) Treponema pallidum
(c) Hemophilous pertusis
(d) Pasteurella pestis
Answer: B
Question. Jacob and Wollman coined the term
(a) Plasmid
(b) Episome
(c) Circular DNA
(d) Chromosome
Answer: B
Question. Branched chain lipids occur in the cell membranes of
(a) Archaebacteria
(b) Mycoplasma
(c) Actinomycetes
(d) Streptomyces
Answer: A
Question. Monerans producing conidia for reproduction belong to
(a) Eubacteria
(b) Archaebacteria
(c) Actinomycetes
(d) Mycoplasma
Answer: C
Question. Smallest known moneran lacking cell wall are
(a) Spirochaete
(b) Mycoplasma
(c) Cyanobacteria
(d) Archaebacteria
Answer: B
Question. Cyanobacteria do not possess
(a) Gene recombinations
(b) Flagella
(c) Plasmids
(d) Lamellasomes
Answer: B
Question. Heterocyst present in Nostoc is specialised for
(a) Fragmentation
(b) Nitrogen fixation
(c) Storage
(d) Photosynthesis
Answer: B
Question. 'Contagium vivum fluidium (i.e., living fluid infectant) term has been given by
(a) Mayer
(b) lvanowsky
(c) Beijerinck
(d) Bawden and Pirie
Answer: C
Question. Anaerobic monerans which are endosymbiotically associated with cattles rumen are
(a) Bacillus
(b) Methanobacterium
(c) Halococcus
(d) Thermoacidophiles
Answer: B
Question. Gange's water purity is maintained by
(a) Bdellovibrio
(b) Clostridium
(c) Ferrobaciflus
(d) Tolypothrix
Answer: A
Question. Bivalved siliceous shell or frustule occur in
(a) Diatoms
(c) Zooflagellates
(b) Radiolarians
(d) Archaebacteria
Answer: A
Question. Diatomaceous earth is due to
(a) Silicon
(b) Zinc
(c) Phosphorus
(d) Calcium
Answer: A
Question. Reserve food in Euglena is
(a) Paramylum
(b) Starch
(c) Glycogen
(d) Mannitol
Answer: A
Question. Special type of red pigment present in the eye-spot of Euglena and Crustacea is called
(a) Phycoerythrin
(b) Astaxanthin
(c) carotene
(d) Xanthphyll
Answer: B
Question. Mixotrophic nutrition occurs in
(a) Paramecium
(b) Euglena
(c) Plasmodium
(d) Amoeba
Answer: B
Question. The structure formed in the life cycle of cellular slime-mould due to chemotactic movement is
(a) Pseudoplasmodium
(b) Swarm cells
(c) Macrocyst
(d) Capillitia
Answer: A
Question. Myxamoeba are formed in the life cycle of
(a) Physarum
(c) Entamoeba
(b) Amoeba
(d) Diatoms
Answer: A
Question. De Bary considered slime moulds to be closely related to animals and called them
(a) Protozoa
(c) Mycetozoa
(b) Metazoa
(d) Mycotina
Answer: C
Question. De Bary was a leading
(a) Phycologist
(c) Bryologist
(b) Mycologist
(d) Pteridologist
Answer: B
Question. Asexual spores of fungi (thallophytes) are commonly known as
(a) Oospores
(b) Mitospores
(c) Meiospores
(d) Zygospores
Answer: B
Question. Oidia resemble yeasts in
(a) Fermentation
(b) Budding
(c) Unicellular nalure
(d) All of these
Answer: D
Question. Which one of the following shows haplodiplontic life cycle with four ascospores in the ascus?
(a) Budding yeast
(b) Fission yeast
(c) Helobial yeast
(d) False yeast
Answer: A
Question. Gametangial copulation (conjugation) is common in
(a) Ascomycetes
(b) Zygomycetes
(c) Basidiomycetes
(d) Deuleromyceles
Answer: B
Question. Molile sperms (or motile sperm cells) are absent in
(a) Rhizopus
(b) Funarla
(c) Fem
(d) Cycas
Answer: A
Question. If the thallus of an organism like a fungus is entirely converted into one or more reproductive structures it is called as
(a) Eucarpic
(b) Holocarpic
(c) Holozoic
(d) Hornothallic
Answer: B
Question. Subterranean masses of hyphae which pass the unfavourable periods in donnant stage are known as
(a) Sclerotia
(b) Mycelium
(c) Rhizomorph
(d) Puff balls
Answer: C
Question. Asexual reproduction by aplanospore formation is the feature of
(a) Sac fungi
(b) Fungi impertect
(c) Conjugating fungi
(d) Club fungi
Answer: C
Question. Haploid sexual spore produced exogenously is
(a) Ascospore
(b) Oospcre
(c) Basidiospore
(d) Zygospore
Answer: C
Question. White rust of crucifers is caused by
(a) Albugo candida
(b) Sclerospora
(c) Phytophthora infestans
(d) Pythium debaryanum
Answer: A
Question. Coenocytic mycelium occurs in
(a) Zygomycetes
(b) Phycomycetes
(c) Both (a) & (b)
(d) Deuteromycetes
Answer: C
Question. Ascomycetes are known as
(a) Club fungi
(b) Sac fungi
(c) Fungi imperfecti
(d) Fission fungi
Answer: B
Question. One of the following is helobial yeast
(a) Saccharomyces
(b) Schizosaccharomyces
(c) Saccharomycokies
(d) Schizomycetes
Answer: C
Question. One of the following is a true yeast
(a) Canedida
(b) Myoodenna
(c) Cryptococcus
(d) Saccharomyces
Answer: D
Question. Fungi differs from bacteria in
(a) Mode of nutrition
(b) Having NAG in cell wall
(c) Flagella structure
(d) Reserve food material as glycogen
Answer: C
Question. Penicillin is obtained from
(a) Penicillium griseofulvum
(b) Penicillium chrysogenum
(c) Penicillium camemberti
(d) Penicillium roqueforti
Answer: B
Question. Branched conidiophores are found in
(a) Penicillium
(b) Rhizopus
(c) Uslifago
(d) Saccharomyces
Answer: A
Question. Fruiting body in Aspergillus (or Penicillium) is known as
(a) Cleistothecium
(b) Apothecium
(c) Perithecium
(d) Hysterothecium
Answer: A
Question. A mushroom having hallucinating properties similar to LS.D. is
(a) Morchella
(b) Psaliota
(c) Psilocybe
(d) Armillaria
Answer: C
Question. Powdery mildew of cereals is due to
(a) Puccinia graminis
(b) Claviceps purpurea
(c) Ustilago tritici
(d) Erysiphe graminicola
Answer: D
Question. Ergot is a product of
(a) Rhizopus
(b) Claviceps purpurea
(c) Aspergillus
(d) Sclerospora
Answer: B
Question. The famous Irish famine is related to a disease of potato known as
(a) Late blight of potato
(b) Early blight of potato
(c) Dry rot of potato
(d) Potato scab
Answer: A
Question. A fungus, which grows on rotting wood, is
(a) Rhizopus
(b) Pythium
(c) Peziza
(d) Aspergilfus
Answer: C
Question. A dolipore septum is a characteristic feature of
(a) Phycomycetes
(b) Ascomycetes
(c) Basidiomycetes
(d) Zygomycetes
Answer: C
Question. Fertile layer of gills is known as
(a) Hymenium
(b) Trama
(c) Paraphyses
(d) Basidia
Answer: A
Question. An edible part at mushroom is
(a) Primary mycelium
(b) Secondary mycelium
(c) Rhizomorph
(d) Basidiocarp
Answer: D
Question. Pioneer work on wheat rust was done by
(a) Mundkur
(b) Tutsane
(c) KG. Mehta
(d) Subramaniam
Answer: C
Question. The soredium is a reproductive structure of
(a) Ascomycetes
(b) Zygomycetes
(c) Basidiomycetes
(d) Lichens
Answer: D
Question. Symptom not seen in plants due to viruses is
(a) Mosaic formation
(b) Leaf rolling and curling
(c) Yellowing, vein clearing
(d) Root knot
Answer: D
Question. Viroids were discovered by
(a) Alper
(b) Randle
(c) Diener
(d) lvanowsky
Answer: C
Question. Five kingdom system of classification is mainly based on
(a) Complexity of cell structure
(b) Mode of nutrition
(c) Complexity of body organisation
(d) Ecological role
Answer: B
Question. Bacteria are considered primitive organisms because they
(a) Possess incipient nucleus
(b) Are small, microscopic plants, which are not seen by the naked eyes
(c) Cause serious diseases to human being, domesticated animals and crop plants
(d) Produce endospores which are very resistant to adverse conditions
Answer: A
Question. The part of the bacterial chromosome that is homologous to a genome fragment transferred from the donor to the recipient cell in the formation of a merozygote is known as
(a) Exogenote
(b) Endogenote
(c) Dysgenic
(d) Eugenic
Answer: B
Question. Broad spectrum antibiotic is that which
(a) Acts on both pathogens and hosts
(b) Acts on all bacteria and viruses
(c) Acts on a variety of pathogenic microorganisms
(d) Is effective in very small amounts
Answer: C
Question. A cyanelle is
(a) A BGA associated with human intestine
(b) A BGA associated with protists
(c) A free living BGA
(d) Any symbiotic BGA
Answer: B
Question. Bacterial cell divides every one minute. It takes 15 minutes a cup to be one-fourth full. How much time will it take to fill the cup?
(a) 30 minutes
(b) 45 minutes
(c) 60 minutes
(d) 17 minutes
Answer: D
Question. Highly resistance nature of endospore is due to the presence of
(a) Dipicolinic acid and peptidoglycan in spore coat
(b) Peptidoglycan in exosporium
(c) Dipicolinic acid and Ca in cortex
(d) Dipicolinic acid and Ca in cell membrane
Answer: C
Question. Find the correct match
Column I Column II
a. Streptomycin (i) Streptomyces griseus
b. Terramycin (ii) S. venezuelae
c. Chloramphenicol (iii) S. rimosus
d. Bacitracin (IV) Bacillus licheniformis
(a) a(i), b(iii), c(ii), d(iv)
(b) a(ii), b(i), c(iii), d(iv)
(c) a(iii), b(ii), c(i), d(iv)
(d) a(i), b(ii), c(iii), d(iv)
Answer: A
Question. The photosynthetic protists are
(a) Diatoms, euglenoids and slime moulds
(b) Sacrodines, dinoflagellates and diatoms
(c) Euglenoids, diatoms and dinoflagellates
(d) Ciliates, zooflagellates and dinoflagellates
Answer: C
Question. Sea water glows during night mainly due to occurrence of
(a) Gonyaulax
(b) Euglena
(c) Noctiluca
(d) Cyetoletta
Answer: B
Question. Rejuvenescent spore of diatom is
(a) Haploid and exospore
(b) Diploid and statospore
(c) Haploid and statospore
(d) Diploid and auxospore
Answer: D
Question. Leucosin (Chrysolaminarin) is a carbohydrate which is stored as reserve food in case of
(a) Diatom
(b) Euglena
(c) Dinoflagellates
(d) Paramecium
Answer: A
Question. Flagellation in Euglena is
(a) Uniflagellation and stichonematic
(b) Isakon! and whiplash type
(c) Heterokont and whiplash type
(d) Heterokont and stichonematic
Answer: D
Question. Paraflagellar body of Euglena helps in
(a) Locomotion
(b) Photoreception
(c) Reproduction
(d) Osmoregulation
Answer: B
Question. Difference between a red sea and red tide is
(a) Red tide takes place in red sea
(b) Associated with a cyanobacteria and protist respectively
(c) One is by virus and other by bacteria
(d) Associated with Rhodophyceae and diatoms respectively
Answer: B
Question. Find the correct match
Column I Column II
a. Gill fungi (i) Salmon disease
b. Cup fungi (ii) Trama
c. Black mould (iii) Penicillin
d. Blue I green mould (iv) Zygophore
(v) Apothecium
(a) a(ii), b(iii), c(i), d(v)
(b) a(ii), b(v), c(iv), d(i)
(c) a(ii), b(v), c(iv), d(iii)
(d) a(ii), b(iii), c(i), d(iv)
Answer: C
Question. Select incorrectly matched pair
(a) Mucor mucedo – Coprophilous
(b) Albugo candida – Facultative parasite
(c) Agaricus bisporus – Edible basidiocarp
(d) Puccinia graminis – Heteroecious fungi
Answer: B
Question. When two host species are required for completion of a parasitic fungus life cycle, this condition is described as
(a) Autoecious
(b) Heteroecious
(c) Autotrophic
(d) Heterokaryotic
Answer: B
Question. The most common chlorophycobiont in a lichen is
(a) Chlorella
(b) Trebouxia
(c) Gonium
(d) Chlamydomonas
Answer: B
Question. Viruses possess all the following properties, except
(a) They are non-cellular organisms
(b) Possess both DNA and RNA
(c) Capsid protects nucleic acid
(d) Have inert crystalline structure outside living cells
Answer: B
Question. Select correct match w.r.t. Whittaker' system of classification
(a) Monera : Unicellular and multicellular, osmotrophs, producers and decomposers, true cellulosic cell wall
(b) Protista : Unicellular, eukaryotic, photoautotrophs and chemoautolrophs
(c) Fungi : Multicellular/loose tissue , eukaryotic, osmotrophs, chitinous wall
(d) Animalia : Multicellular, eukaryotic, organ or organ system, holozoic, no saprobic
Answer: C
Question. Read the given features carefully and select incorrect set of features for a respective member.
a. LPS layer present b. Diazotroph c. Peritrichous d. Sewage disposal
e. Obligate anaerobes f. Chemoautotrophs g. L-Lysine absent h. Aerobic
(a) Clostridium - a, c, d , e
(b) Rhizobium - a, b, c
(c) Azotobacter - a, b, g, h
(d) Methanogens - e, f, a, g
Answer: A
Question. Endospores formed by certain bacteria are actually the means for
(a) Reproduction
(b) Perennation
(c) Bioluminescence
(d) Red snow formation
Answer: B
Question. Pyrrophytes ·are similar to Euglenophytes but differ from chrysophytes in
(a) Mode of nutrition
(b) Motility and nature of flagella
(c) Presence of primary photosynthetic pigments
(d) Occurrence and cell wall composition
Answer: B
Question. Consider the following statements and select correct set of features W.r.t. the life cycle of Physarum
a. Haploid vegetative stage as myxamoebae
b. Diploid vegetative stage as plasmodium
c. Holocarplc and polycentric
d. Holocarpic and monocentric
e. Sporeic meiosis
f. Isogamous sexual reproduction
g. Anisogamous sexual reproduction with zygotic meiosis
(a) a, c, g
(b) b, c, g
(c) b, d, e, f
(d) b, c, e, f
Answer: D
Question. Mycelium with compact mass of hyphae as pseudo parenchymatous structure can be observed in the
(a) Fructification stage of slime moulds
(b) Gill of mushroom
(c) Asexual stage of bread mould
(d) Uredia stage of rust fungi
Answer: B
Question. Which one of the following combination of characters is correct for the given fungal group?
(a) Algal fungi : Coenocylic, cellulosic wall, zoospore, zygospore, dikaryophase present
(b) Conjugating fungi : Septate mycelium, chitinous wall, sporangiospore, shorter (n + n) phase
(c) Sac fungi : Septate mycelium, Ascogonium, Crozier stage, meiospores as ascospores, shorter dikaryophase
(d) Club fungi : Shorter primary mycelium stage, No sex organs , dominant dikaryophase, zygosporic meiosis
Answer: C
Question. Read the statements carefully
a. Hartig net is the network of intracellular mycelium of Boletus
b. Ectomycorrhiza forms ten percent of total mycorrhiza
c. Fungal partner of VAM belongs to zygomycetes or phycomycetes
(a) Only a & c are correct
(b) Only b & c are correct
(c) Only c is correct
(d) All are correct
Answer: B
Question. Identify A, Band C given below
(a) A - DNA virus - Cauliflower mosaic virus
B - RNA virus - Pox virus
C - Relerovirus - HIV
(b) A - RNAvirus - T.M.V
B - DNA virus - T4
C - Retero virus - HIV
(c) A - RNA virus - Hepatitis B virus
B - Reterovirus - T.M.V
C - DNA virus - Φ × 174
(d) A - Reterovirus - Hepatitis B virus
B - RNA virus - T4
C - DNA virus - Pox virus
Answer: B
Question. Read the following statements carefully and identify correct statements w.r.t. Lichens
a. The association cannot tolerate air pollution, especially due to sulphur dioxide
b. lichens are annuals and their growth is slow
c. The fungal partner shows controiled parasitism
d. Soredia are most efficient means of asexual reproduction
e. Orchids seldom occur without this association
f. Foliose lichens are pioneers of succession on bare rock
(a) c, d, F
(b) a, c, d, f
(c) a, b, e
(d) a, c, d
Answer: D
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