NEET Biology Life Processes Control and Coordination MCQs Set A

Refer to NEET Biology Life Processes Control and Coordination MCQs Set A provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Full Syllabus Biology with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by NEET, NCERT and KVS. Life Processes Control and Coordination Full Syllabus MCQ are an important part of exams for Full Syllabus Biology and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for NEET Full Syllabus Biology and also download more latest study material for all subjects

MCQ for Full Syllabus Biology Life Processes Control and Coordination

Full Syllabus Biology students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Life Processes Control and Coordination in Full Syllabus.

Life Processes Control and Coordination MCQ Questions Full Syllabus Biology with Answers

Question. A plant placed near a window bends outward because
(A) its tip is able to obtain more light
(B) its tip is able to receive necessary warmth
(C) the auxin content on the shaded side is higher than that on the lighter side and as a result the shaded side elongate more than the cells on the illuminated side and the tip bends outward.
(D) its tip is able to get more oxygen
Answer: C
Question. Phototropic and geotropic movements in plants have been traced to be linked with
(A) enzymes
(B) starch
(C) gibberellins
(D) auxins
Answer: D
Question. Phototropic movements of roots and stems are due to
(A) action of gravity
(B) effect of light
(C) differential hormonal effect
(D) epinasty and hyponasty
Answer: C
Question. Bending of growing shoot towards sunlight is called
(A) heliotropism
(B) hydrotropism
(C) photonasty
(D) phototropism
Answer: A
Question. Clinostat is the apparatus, which is used to
(A) measure growth of stem
(B) eliminate the effect of gravity causing geotropism
(C) identify the chemicals present in stem tip
(D) measure growth rate
Answer: B
Question. Thigmotropism is best exhibited by
(A) tendrils
(B) stem apex
(C) root apex
(D) leaf apex 
Answer: A
Question. Pneumatophores are
(A) positive geotropic
(B) negative phototropic
(C) thigmotropic
(D) ageotropic 
Answer: D
Question. Indian telegraph plant commonly known as
(A) Desmodium gyrans
(B) Crotolaria juncea
(C) Butea monosperma
(D) Malva indica
Answer: A
Question. The closure of lid of pitcher in pitcher plant is
(A) a paratonic movement
(B) a tropic movement
(C) a turgor movement
(D) an autonomous movement
Answer: A
Question. Auxanometer is meant for
(A) photosynthetic activity
(B) growth activity
(C) the amount of auxins
(D) respiratory activity
Answer: B
Question. Movements of leaves of the sensitive plant Mimosa pudica is due to
(A) thermonasty
(B) seismonasty
(C) photonasty
(D) nyctinasty
Answer: B
Question. Which of the following movements in plants is NOT related to changes in auxin levels?
(A) Nyctinastic leaf movements
(B) Movement of roots towards soil
(C) Movement of sunflower tracking the direction of sun
(D) Movement of shoot towards light
Answer: A
Question. Movement of hairs in Drosera is
(A) photonastic
(B) thermonastic
(C) thigmonastic
(D) seismonastic
Answer: C
Question. Leaves of many grasses are capable of folding and unfolding because they
(A) are isobilateral
(B) have specialised bulliform cells
(C) have parallel vascular bundles
(D) are very thin
Answer: B
Question. Agent orange is a herbicide that contains synthetic
(A) auxin
(B) cytokinin
(C) gibberellins
(D) pigments
Answer: A
Question. Avena coleoptile test to find out growth promoting hormones was performed by:-
(A) Went
(B) Lysenko
(C) Butler
(D) Borthwick
Answer: A
Question. Which of the following effects of auxins is of wide application:-
(A) Induction of fruit development
(B) Induction of root initiation
(C) Prevention of abscission
(D) All of the above
Answer: D
Question. Stem elongation is affected by :-
(A) Gibberellin and florigen
(B) Auxin and gibberellin
(C) Florigen and kinin
(D) Kinin and auxin
Answer: B
Question. Apical dominance means:
(A) Supression of growth of apical bud by axillary buds
(B) Supression of growth of axillary buds by the presence of apical bud
(C) Stimulation of growth of axillary buds by removal of apical bud
(D) Inhibition of growth of axillary buds by removal of apical bud
Answer: B
Question. Which of the following is not natural occuring plant hormone:-
(A) 2, 4-D
(B) Cytokinin
(C) Gibbrellin
(D) I.A.A
Answer: A
Question. Parthenocarpy is the production of :-
(A) Fruits with pollination
(B) Fruits without fertilization
(C) Seeds with fertilization
(D) Only seeds and no fruits
Answer: B
Question. Phytohormone term was coined by -
(A) Gregory and Purvis
(B) F.W. Went
(C) Thimann
(D) L.J. Audus
Answer: C
Question. Cytokinin:-
(A) Is a hormone whose main function is to induce the cell division
(B) Is the process of cell division
(C) Retards cell division
(D) Causes dormancy
Answer: A
Question. Gibberellin was first extracted from -
(A) Gibberella
(B) Gellidium
(C) Gracillaria
(D) Aspergillus
Answer: A
Question. Which of the following breaks the dormancy of seeds-
(B) GA
(C) Ethylene
(D) All of the above
Answer: B
Question. Abscisic acid induces-
(A) Shoot elongation
(B) Cell elongation and cell wall formation
(C) Cell division
(D) Leaf fall and dormancy
Answer: D
Question. Which of the following is a hypothetical hormone-
(A) Gibberellin
(B) Auxin
(C) Cytokinin
(D) florigen
Answer: D
Question. Which plant is LDP -
(A) Tobacco
(B) Glycine
(C) Mirabilis
(D) Spinach
Answer: D
Question. Mimosa (touch me not plant) shows:-
(A) Thigmotropism movement
(B) Chemotactic movement
(C) Thigmonasty
(D) Seismonasty
Answer: D
Question. The two systems that regulate the activities of other systems of an animal are-
(A) nervous system and muscular system
(B) endocrine system and respiratory system
(C) nervous system and endocrine system
(D) muscular system and sense organs
Answer: C
Question. In which direction does the nerve impulse travel once it is received by the receptor?
(A) Terminal branches, axon, cell body and dendrite
(B) Dendrite, axon, cell body and terminal braches
(C) Axon, dendrite, axon, cell body and terminal branches
(D) Cell body, axon, dendrite and terminal branches
Answer: B
Question. The effect of myelin sheath on an impulse is
(A) to affect the speed of the incoming impulse
(B) to moderate the speed of the incoming impulse
(C) to increase the speed of conduction of the impulse
(D) It is insulating material and has nothing to do with the speed of the impulse
Answer: C
Question. At most of the synapses-
(A) an electric current jumps a gap
(B) there is contact between two neurons
(C) heat is produced
(D) neurohumors or neurohormones are released
Answer: D
Question. Learning, abstract thinking, memory and behaviour of a person are governed by:-
(A) cerebellum
(B) cerebrum
(C) thalamus
(D) medulla
Answer: B
Question. The cerebellum is concerned with:-
(A) coordination of muscular movements
(B) memorization of facts
(C) perception
(D) regulation of the working of the heart and lungs
Answer: A
Question. Reflex action in a body is not :-
(A) inborn
(B) automatic and quick
(C) protective in nature
(D) voluntary
Answer: D
Question. The number of cranial nerves is :-
(A) ten pairs in man and ten pairs in a toad
(B) thirteen pairs in man and ten pairs in a toad
(C) twelve pairs in man and ten pairs in a toad
(D) twelve pairs in man and twelve pairs in a toad
Answer: C
Question. The following are not the functions of medulla of the brain:-
(A) control of voluntary actions, memory and judgement
(B) respiration and coughing
(C) circulation and heart beat
(D) swallowing and vomiting
Answer: A
Question. Neurohumors released by the terminal branches of neurons are:-
(A) acetylcholine and noradrenaline
(B) sympathin and thyroxine
(C) acetylcholine and cholinesterase
(D) cholinesterse and noradrenaline
Answer: A
Question. Maximum developed cerebrum is found in :
(A) sharks
(B) rabbit
(C) man
(D) whale
Answer: C
Question. Dorsal nerve cord is characteristic of :-
(A) earthworm
(B) hydra
(C) amoeba
(D) primates
Answer: D
Question. The conditioned reflex was discovered by :-
(A) Watson and Crick
(B) Pavlov
(C) Morgan
(D) Mendel
Answer: B
Question. The main portion (s) of a neuron is /are :-
(A) cyton with dendrites
(B) axon with or without sheath
(C) terminal branch
(D) All of the above
Answer: D
Question. Grey matter of the brain contains:-
(A) cell bodies
(B) cell bodies with processes
(C) cell bodies with processes and a large number of synapses
(D) sensory and motor nerve cells
Answer: C
Question. Hypothalamus controls the following function of the body, excluding:-
(A) sleep
(B) body temperature
(C) osmoregulation
(D) analysis of stimuli received through sense organs
Answer: D
Question. The longest cell in the body of an animal is
(A) osteocytes
(B) neuron
(C) chromatophores
(D) lymph corpuscles
Answer: B
Question. Which cell stops dividing after birth?
(A) Glial cells
(B) Epithelium
(C) Liver
(D) Neuron
Answer: D
Question. The largest number of cell bodies of neurons in our body is found in :-
(A) brain
(B) spinal cord
(C) tongue
(D) retina
Answer: A
Question. Which of the following is NOT a function of neuron ?
(A) Receive information
(B) Conduct a signal
(C) Form the myelin sheath
(D) Co-ordinate metabolic activities
Answer: D
Question. Hearing is controlled by :-
(A) temporal lobes
(B) cerebrum
(C) hypothalamus
(D) parietal lobe
Answer: A
Question. Thermostat is an insturment by which one can regulate the temperature of an oven, a heater or a refrigerator. Functionally a similar mechanism is located in the mammalian brain in the region of the -
(A) cerebrum
(B) hypothalamus
(C) cerebellum
(D) medulla oblongata
Answer: B
Question. Spinal cord passes through:-
(A) obturator foramen
(B) condylar canal
(C) sphenopalatine foramen
(D) foramen magnum
Answer: D
Question. Receptors of pressure present in deep layers of skin are:-
(A) Krause’s end bulb
(B) Meissner’s corpuscles
(C) Corpuscls of Ruffini
(D) Pacinian corpuscles
Answer: D
Question. The speed at which impulses are conducted increase with :-
(A) incresing diameter of the soma
(B) increasing diameter of the axon
(C) increasing number of dendrites
(D) increasing branching of the dendrites
Answer: B
Question. Find out the correct seq. of a simple reflex
(A) Brain →Spinal cord → Effector
(B) Effector→CNS→Sensory Nerve→Receptor
(C) Muscles→Spinal cord →Brain→Receptor
(D) Receptor→Sensory Nerve→CNS→Effector
Answer: D
Question. Nissl’s body found in neuron are-
(A) made up of DNA
(B) made up of ribosomes & RER
(C) helps in formation of neurofibrils
(D) mass of mitochondria
Answer: B
Question. Insulin and glucagon are produced in the :-
(A) liver
(B) thyroid
(C) Islets of Langerhans present in the pancreas
(D) spleen
Answer: C
Question. Insulin is :-
(A) an enzyme which digests protein
(B) a hormone which helps metabolism of sugar
(C) a hormone which promotes growth
(D) an enzyme which convert invertase into glucose
Answer: B
Question. Injecting a tadpole with thyroxine would lead to :-
(A) giant but normal tadpoles
(B) precocious metamorphosis
(C) stoppage of metamorphosis
(D) atrophy of gonads
Answer: B
Question. A very high level of calcium in the blood suggest malfunction of the :-
(A) parathyroid
(B) thyroid
(C) thymus
(D) adrenal gland
Answer: A
Question. Cortisone is used for the treatment of infammation, allergy and arthritis. Which of the following endocrine glands produces cortisone-
(A) Thyroid
(B) Pancreas
(C) Adrenal
(D) Gonads
Answer: C
Question. Proprioceptors are:-
(A) meant for detecting pressure in the skin
(B) for magnifying sound in the internal ear
(C) internal sense organs which occur most frequently in muscles
(D) for the detection of direction of waves in fishes
Answer: C
Question. Production of ADH, monitor of temperature and blood pressure, is mainly controlled by:-
(A) cerebellum
(B) cerebrum
(C) hypothalamus
(D) medulla
Answer: C
Question. The amount of glucose in the blood is controlled by:-
(A) water
(B) combined action of insulin and adrenaline
(C) adrenaline alone
(D) insulin alone
Answer: B
Question. Islets of Langerhans produce:-
(A) insulin and secretin
(B) glucagon and adrenaline
(C) insulin and glucagon
(D) ACTH and noradrenaline
Answer: C
Question. The type of behaviour in which a substitute stimulus evokes the same response as the original stimulus is called :-
(A) reflex action
(B) conditioned reflex action
(C) operon
(D) habit
Answer: B
Question. The gland whose hormones affects the functions of many other endocrine glands is
(A) thyroid gland
(B) pituitary gland
(C) pancreas
(D) parathyroid
Answer: B
Question. A man suddenly sees a tiger. His heartbeat goes up, blood pressue increases, etc. Which hormone is released at this time in his body:-
(A) Parathormone
(B) Adrenaline
(C) Corticoid
(D) Thyroxine
Answer: B
Question. The first hormone to be isolated was:-
(A) thyroxine
(B) testosterone
(C) epinephrine
(D) secretin
Answer: D
Question. According to the accepted concept of hormone action, if receptor molecules are removed from target organs :-
(A) the target organ will continue to respond to the hormone without any difference
(B) the target organ will continue to respond to the hormone but will require higher
(C) the target organ will not respond to the hormone
(D) the target organ will continue to respond to the hormone but in the opposite way.
Answer: C
Question. In an accident the anterior pitutary of a four year old boy was severely damaged but the boy survived. What is likely to happen:-
(A) High levels of thyroxine will be released
(B) Spermatogenesis will be released
(C) The boy will not grow much in height
(D) The growth of mammary glands will be stimulated
Answer: C
Question. A gorilla like man with huge hand and legs.
This is due to the abnormal secretion of :-
(A) pituitary FSH
(B) pituitary LH
(C) pituitary GH
(D) thyroid
Answer: C
Question. LH and FSH are called :-
(A) antistress hormones
(B) gonadotropic hormones
(C) emergency hormone
(D) neurohormones
Answer: B
Question. FSH is to estrogen as LH is to :-
(A) vasopressin
(B) testosterone
(C) progesterone
Answer: C
Question. Failure of insulin production results in :-
(A) addison’s disease
(B) cushing’s disease
(C) diabetes insipidus
(D) diabetes mellitus
Answer: D
Question. Deficiency of the thyroxine / hypothyroidism in adults results in
(A) diabetes mellitus
(B) diabetes insipidus
(C) myxodema
(D) exopthalamic goitre & adrenal
Answer: C
Question. Which of the following process occurs only in animals-
(A) Hormonal control
(B) Respiration
(C) Nervous control
(D) Nutrition
Answer: C
Question. Diabetes is due to -
(A) Hormonal deficiency
(B) Sodium deficiency
(C) Iodine deficiency
(D) Enzyme deficiency
Answer: A
Question. Which hormone when secreted increases heart beats-
(A) Insulin
(B) Adrenalin
(C) Cortisone
(D) Testosterone
Answer: B
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