NEET Chemistry The S Block Elements MCQs Set B

Refer to NEET Chemistry The S Block Elements MCQs Set B provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Full Syllabus Chemistry with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by NEET, NCERT and KVS. The S Block Elements Full Syllabus MCQ are an important part of exams for Full Syllabus Chemistry and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for NEET Full Syllabus Chemistry and also download more latest study material for all subjects

MCQ for Full Syllabus Chemistry The S Block Elements

Full Syllabus Chemistry students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for The S Block Elements in Full Syllabus.

The S Block Elements MCQ Questions Full Syllabus Chemistry with Answers



Question:  On heating which of the following releases CO2 most easily?

  • a) MgCO3
  • b) CaCO3
  • c) K2CO3 
  • d) Na2CO3

Answer:  MgCO3


Question: The function of "Sodium pump" is a biological process operating in each and every cell of all animals. Which of the following biologically important ions is also a constituent of the pump?

  • a) Fe2+
  • b) Ca2+ 
  • c) Mg2+ 
  • d) K+

Answer:  K+


Question: Solubility of the alkaline earth's metal sulphates in water decreases in the sequence

  • a) Ba > Mg > Sr > Ca
  • b) Mg > Ca > Sr > Ba
  • c) Ca > Sr > Ba > Mg
  • d) Sr > Ca > Mg > Ba

Answer: Mg > Ca > Sr > Ba


Question:  Which one of the alkali metals, forms only, the normal oxide, M2O on heating in air? 

  • a) Li
  • b) Na
  • c) Rb
  • d) K

Answer: Li


Question: Equimolar solutions of the following substances were prepared separately. Which one of these will record the highest pH value?

  • a) LiCl
  • b) BeCl2
  • c) BaCl2  
  • d) AlCl3

Answer:  BaCl2  


Question: Which of the following compounds has the lowest melting point?

  • a) CaF2  
  • b) CaCl2
  • c) CaBr2  
  • d) CaI2

Answer:  CaI2


Question: Which one of the following is present as an active ingredient in bleaching powder for bleaching action?

  • a) CaCl2  
  • b) CaOCl2
  • c) Ca(OCl)2 
  • d) CaO2Cl

Answer:  Ca(OCl)2 


Question: Which of the following statements is incorrect ?

  • a) Aluminium reacts with excess NaOH to give Al(OH)3
  • b) NaHCO3 on heating gives Na2CO3
  • c) Pure sodium metal dissolves in liquid ammonia to give blue solution
  • d) NaOH reacts with glass to give sodium silicate

Answer:  Aluminium reacts with excess NaOH to give Al(OH)3


Question:   Match list-I with list-II for the composition of substances and select the correct answer using the code given below the lists

NEET Chemistry The s-Block Elements Online Test Set C

  • a) (A) (B) (C) (D) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
  • b) (A) (B) (C) (D) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)
  • c) (A) (B) (C) (D) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)
  • d) (A) (B) (C) (D) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)

Answer: (A) (B) (C) (D) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)


Question: Which of the following alkaline earth metal sulphates has hydration enthalpy higher than the lattice enthalpy ?

  • a) CaSO4  
  • b) BeSO4
  • c) BaSO4  
  • d) SrSO4

Answer:  BeSO4


Question: Property of the alkaline earth metals that increases with their atomic number

  • a) Solubility of their hydroxides in water
  • b) Solubility of their sulphates in water
  • c) Ionization energy
  • d) Electronegativity

Answer: Solubility of their hydroxides in water


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Question: Which one of the following compounds is a peroxide ?

  • a) KO2 
  • b) BaO2
  • c) MnO2  
  • d) NO2

Answer:  BaO2


Question:  The compound A on heating gives a colourless gas and a residue that is dissolved in water to obtain B. Excess of CO2 is bubbled through aqueous solution of B, C is formed which is recovered in the solid form. Solid C on gentle heating gives back A. The compound is 

  • a) CaCO3  
  • b) Na2CO3
  • c) K2CO3
  • d) CaSO4.2H2O

Answer:  CaCO3  


Question: Which of the following oxides is not expected to react with sodium hydroxide ?

  • a) CaO
  • b) SiO2
  • c) BeO
  • d) B2O3

Answer: CaO


Question: The alkali metals from salt-like hydrides by the direct synthesis at elevated temperature. The thermal stability of these hydrides decreases in which of the following orders ?

  • a) LiH > NaH > KH > RbH > CsH
  • b) CsH > RbH > KH > NaH > LiH
  • c) KH > NaH > LiH > CsH > RbH
  • d) NaH > LiH > KH > RbH > CsH

Answer: LiH > NaH > KH > RbH > CsH


Question: In which of the following the hydration energy is higher than the lattice energy ?

  • a) SrSO4  
  • b) BaSO4
  • c) MgSO4 
  • d) RaSO4

Answer:  MgSO4 


Question:  The correct order of increasing thermal stability of K2CO3, MgCO3, CaCO3 and BeCO3 is

  • a) K2CO3< MgCO3< CaCO3< BeCO3  
  • b) BeCO3< MgCO3< K2CO3< CaCO3
  • c) BeCO3< MgCO3< CaCO3< K2CO3  
  • d) MgCO3< BeCO3< CaCO3< K2CO3

Answer:  BeCO3< MgCO3< CaCO3< K2CO3  


Question: The correct order of the mobility of the alkali metal ions in aqueous solution is

  • a) Li+ > Na+ > K+ > Rb+
  • b) Na+ > K+ > Rb+ > Li+ 
  • c) K+ > Rb+ > Na+ > Li+
  • d) Rb+ > K+ > Na+ > Li+

Answer:  Rb+ > K+ > Na+ > Li+


Question: In Castner-Kellner cell for production of sodium hydroxide :

  • a) Brine is electrolyzed with Pt electrodes
  • b) Brine is electrolyzed using graphite electrodes
  • c) Molten sodium chloride is electrolysed
  • d) Sodium amalgam is formed at mercury cathode

Answer: Sodium amalgam is formed at mercury cathode


Question:  In the replacement reaction

NEET Chemistry The s-Block Elements Online Test Set C-20

The reaction will be most favourable if M happens to be

  • a) Na
  • b) K
  • c) Rb
  • d) Li

Answer: Rb


Question: The solubility in water of sulphate down the Be group is Be > Mg > Ca > Sr > Ba. This is due to

  • a) Decreasing lattice energy
  • b) High heat of solvation for smaller ions like Be2+
  • c) Increase in melting points
  • d) Increasing molecular weight

Answer:  High heat of solvation for smaller ions like Be2+


Question:  The sodium is made by the electrolysis of a molten mixture of about 40% NaCl and 60% CaCl2 because

  • a) Ca++ can displace Na from NaCl 
  • b) This mixture has a lower melting point than NaCl
  • c) CaCl2 helps in conduction of electricity
  • d) Ca++ can reduce NaCl to Na

Answer: This mixture has a lower melting point than NaCl


Question: Identify the correct statement

  • a) Plaster of Paris can be obtained by hydration of gypsum
  • b) Plaster of Paris is obtained by partial oxidation of gypsum
  • c) Gypsum contains a lower percentage of calcium than Plaster of Paris
  • d) Gypsum is obtained by heating Plaster of Paris

Answer: Gypsum contains a lower percentage of calcium than Plaster of Paris


Question: When a substance (a) reacts with water it produces a combustible gas (b) and a solution of substance (c) in water. When another substance (d) reacts with this solution of (c), it also produces the same gas (b) on warming but (d) can produce gas (b) on reaction with dilute sulphuric acid at room temperature. Substance (a) imparts a deep golden yellow colour to a smokeless flame of Bunsen burner. Then (a), (b), (c) and (d) respectively are

  • a) Ca, H2, Ca(OH)2, Sn
  • b) K, H2, KOH, Al 
  • c) Na, H2, NaOH, Zn  
  • d) CaC2, C2H2, Ca(OH)2, Fe

Answer:  Na, H2, NaOH, Zn  


Question: Calcium is obtained by

  • a) Reduction of calcium chloride with carbon
  • b) Electrolysis of molten anhydrous calcium chloride
  • c) Roasting of limestone
  • d) Electrolysis of solution of calcium chloride in H2O

Answer: Electrolysis of molten anhydrous calcium chloride


Question: Among the oxides of group 2, least basic is

  • a) MgO
  • b) CaO
  • c) SrO
  • d) BaO

Answer: MgO


Question: Which is not the compound of sodium?

  • a) Chile salt petre
  • b) Salt petre
  • c) Glauber's salt
  • d) Soda ash

Answer: Salt petre


Question: Sodium is usually kept under

  • a) Alcohol
  • b) Kerosene oil
  • c) Water
  • d) Petrol

Answer: Kerosene oil


Question: Which one of the following statements concerning the compounds of Lithium is false?

  • a) The hydroxide, carbonate, nitrate, decompose to give the oxide on heating
  • b) It is the most electronegative among alkali metals
  • c) The hydrogen carbonate cannot be isolated as a stable solid
  • d) It forms a peroxide but not superoxide

Answer: It forms a peroxide but not superoxide


Question: The thermal stability of alkaline earth metal carbonates increases from Be to Ba. This is because

  • a) Covalent nature decreases and Ionic nature increases
  • b) Lattice energy increases
  • c) Electropositive nature decreases
  • d) None of these

Answer: Covalent nature decreases and Ionic nature increases

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MCQs for The S Block Elements Chemistry Full Syllabus

Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to NCERT book for Full Syllabus Chemistry to develop the Chemistry Full Syllabus MCQs. If you download MCQs with answers for the above chapter you will get higher and better marks in Full Syllabus test and exams in the current year as you will be able to have stronger understanding of all concepts. Daily Multiple Choice Questions practice of Chemistry will help students to have stronger understanding of all concepts and also make them expert on all critical topics. After solving the questions given in the MCQs which have been developed as per latest books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Full Syllabus Chemistry. We have also provided lot of MCQ questions for Full Syllabus Chemistry so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter. After solving these you should also refer to Full Syllabus Chemistry MCQ Test for the same chapter.

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