Refer to NEET Chemistry Alcohols Phenols and Ethers MCQs Set B provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Full Syllabus Chemistry with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by NEET, NCERT and KVS. Alcohols Phenols and Ethers Full Syllabus MCQ are an important part of exams for Full Syllabus Chemistry and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for NEET Full Syllabus Chemistry and also download more latest study material for all subjects
MCQ for Full Syllabus Chemistry Alcohols Phenols and Ethers
Full Syllabus Chemistry students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Alcohols Phenols and Ethers in Full Syllabus.
Alcohols Phenols and Ethers MCQ Questions Full Syllabus Chemistry with Answers
B is
- a) (CH3)3CHO
- b)
- c) (CH3)2CHCOCH3
- d)
Product (C) is
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
Question: Ethyl chloride is converted into diethyl ether by
- a) Perkin’s reaction
- b) Grignard reaction
- c) Wurtz synthesis
- d) Williamson’s synthesis
Answer: Williamson’s synthesis
Question: Ethylene oxide when treated with Grignard reagent yields
- a) Primary alcohol
- b) Secondary alcohol
- c) Tertiary alcohol
- d) Cyclopropyl alcohol
Answer: Primary alcohol
Product (C) is
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
- a) Alkyl iodide
- b) Vinyl chloride
- c) Vinyl iodide
- d) Allyl chloride
Answer: Allyl chloride
The product is
- a)
- b)
- c) Mixture of (1) & (2)
- d) No reaction
What is B?
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
Product (C) is
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
Question: Reaction of phenol with chloroform in presence of dilute sodium hydroxide finally introduces which one of the following functional group?
- a) –CHCl2
- b) –CHO
- c) –CH2Cl
- d) –COOH
Answer: –CHO
Question: Which of the following is not the product of dehydration of
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
Question: Which of the following reaction(s) can be used for the preparation of alkyl halides?
- a) (IV) only
- b) (III) and (IV) only
- c) (I), (III) and (IV) only
- d) (I) and (II) only
Answer: (I), (III) and (IV) only
Question: The reaction
is called
- a) Gatterman - Koch reaction
- b) Williamson synthesis
- c) Williamson continuous etherification process
- d) Etard reaction
Answer: Williamson synthesis
Question: Among the following sets of reactants which one produces anisole ?
- a) CH3CHO; RMgX
- b) C6H5OH; NaOH; CH3I
- c) C6H5OH; netural FeCl3
- d) C6H5–CH3; CH3COCl; AlCl3
Answer: C6H5OH; NaOH; CH3I
Question: Among the following ethers, which one will produce methyl alcohol on treatment with hot concentrated HI ?
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d) CH3–CH2–CH2–CH2–O–CH3
Question: In the following reaction :
The major product is
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
Question: Identity Z in the sequence of reactions
- a) CH3–(CH2)3–O–CH2CH3
- b) (CH3)2CH2–O–CH2CH3
- c) CH3(CH2)4–O–CH3
- d) CH3CH2–CH(CH3)–O–CH2CH3
Answer: CH3–(CH2)3–O–CH2CH3
Question: In the following reactions,
The major products (A) and (C) are respectively
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
Question: Which among the following show tautomerism?
- a) Alcohols
- b) Phenol
- c) Ethers
- d) Anisole
Answer: Phenol
Question: Among the following four compounds
a. Phenol
b. Methyl phenol
c. m-Nitrophenol
d. P-nitrophenol
The acidity order is
- a) d > c > a > b
- b) c > d > a > b
- c) a > d > c > b
- d) b > a > c > d
Answer: d > c > a > b
Question: When glycerol is treated with excess of HI, it produces
- a) 2-iodopropane
- b) Allyl iodide
- c) Propene
- d) Glycerol triiodide
Answer: 2-iodopropane
Question: Which one of the following compounds has the most acidic nature ?
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
Question: Which one of the following compounds will be most readily dehydrated ?
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
Question: Which of the following conformers for ethylene glycol is most stable?
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
Question: Consider the following reaction,
- a) CH3CH2–O–CH2–CH3
- b) CH3–CH2–O–SO3H
- c) CH3CH2OH
- d) CH2= CH2
Answer: CH3CH2OH
Question: Consider the following reaction
The product Z is
- a) Benzaldehyde
- b) Benzoic acid
- c) Benzene
- d) Toluene
Answer: Benzoic acid
Question: H2COH.CH2OH on heating with periodic acid gives
- a) 2HCOOH
- b)
- c)
- d) 2 CO2
Question: The major organic product in the reaction, CH3–O– CH(CH3)2+ HΙ→ Product is
- a) CH3OH + (CH3)2CHI
- b) ΙCH2OCH(CH3)2
- c)
- d) CH3 Ι + (CH3)2CHOH
Answer: CH3 Ι + (CH3)2CHOH
Question: Ethylene oxide when treated with Grignard reagent yields
- a) Secondary alcohol
- b) Tertiary alcohol
- c) Cyclopropyl alcohol
- d) Primary alcohol
Answer: Primary alcohol
Question: Which one of the following compounds is most acidic?
- a) Cl–CH2–CH2–OH
- b)
- c)
- d)
Question: When 3, 3-dimethyl 2-butanol is heated with H2SO4, the major product obtained is
- a) 2, 3-dimethyl 2-butene
- b) cis and trans isomers of 2, 3-dimethyl 2-butene
- c) 2, 3-dimethyl 1-butene
- d) 3, 3-dimethyl 1-butene
Answer: 2, 3-dimethyl 2-butene
Question: Decreasing order of reactivity of hydrogen halide acids in the conversion of ROH → RX is
- a) HCl > HBr > HI > HF
- b) HI > HBr > HCl > HF
- c) HF > HCl > HBr > HI
- d) HF > HBr > HI > HCl
Answer: HI > HBr > HCl > HF
Question: Which reagent converts propene to 1-propanol?
- a) H2O, H2SO4
- b) B2H6, H2O2, OH–
- c) B2H6, H2O2, OH–
- d) Aq. KOH
Answer: B2H6, H2O2, OH–
Question: n-propyl alcohol and isopropyl alcohol can be chemically distinguished by which reagent?
- a) PCl5
- b) Reduction
- c) Oxidation with potassium dichromate
- d) Ozonolysis
Answer: Oxidation with potassium dichromate
Question: Which one of the following will not form a yellow precipitate on heating with an alkaline solution of iodine?
- a) CH3CH(OH)CH3
- b) CH3CH2CH(OH)CH3
- c) CH3OH
- d) CH3CH2OH
Answer: CH3OH
Question: The general molecular formula, which represents the homologous series of alkanols is
- a) CnH2n + 2O
- b) CnH2nO2
- c) CnH2nO
- d) CnH2n + 1O
Answer: CnH2n + 2O
Question: On heating glycerol with conc. H2SO4, a compound is obtained which has bad odour. The compound is
- a) Acrolein
- b) Formic acid
- c) Allyl alcohol
- d) Glycerol sulphate
Answer: Acrolein
Question: The correct acidic order of the following is
- a) I > II > III
- b) III > I > II
- c) II > III > I
- d) I > III > II
Answer: III > I > II
Question: When phenol is treated with CHCl3 and NaOH, the product formed is
- a) Benzaldehyde
- b) Salicylaldehyde
- c) Salicylic acid
- d) Benzoic acid
Answer: Salicylaldehyde
Question: The compound which does not react with sodium, is
- a) CH3COOH
- b) CH3– CHOH – CH3
- c) C2H5OH
- d) CH3– O – CH3
Answer: CH3– O – CH3
Question: Reaction of
with RMgX leads to formation of
- a) RCH2CH2OH
- d)
Answer: RCH2CH2OH
Question: Which of the following will not be soluble in sodium hydrogen carbonate?
- a) 2,4,6-trinitrophenol
- b) Benzoic acid
- c) o-Nitrophenol
- d) Benzenesulphonic acid
Answer: o-Nitrophenol
Question: IUPAC name of HOCH2CH2OH is:
- a) Ethylene glycol
- b) Ethane-1,2-diol
- c) Ethyl-1,2-diol
- d) Ethylene diol
Answer: Ethane-1,2-diol
Question: Which among the following show tautomerism?
- a) Alcohols
- b) Phenol
- c) Ethers
- d) Anisole
Answer: Phenol
Question: Alcohols and ethers are
- a) Position isomers
- b) Functional isomers
- c) Chain isomers
- d) Metamers
Answer: Functional isomers
Question: How many minimum number of carbons are needed for an optically active ether?
- a) 2
- b) 3
- c) 4
- d) 5
Answer: 5
The final product is
- a) Alkyl chloride
- b) Alkyl sulphate
- c) Alkene
- d) Ether
Answer: Alkyl chloride
Question: Grignard reagent is suitable reagent for the preparation of which of the following, from carbonyl compound?
- a) 1° alcohols
- b) 2° alcohols
- c) 3° alcohols
- d) All of these
Answer: All of these
Question: Lowest boiling point is for
- a) Butanol
- b) Pentanol
- c) 2-methyl propane-2-ol
- d) 2-methyl butane-2-ol
Answer: 2-methyl propane-2-ol
Question: 3° alkyl halides form alcohols preferably via
- a) SN2
- b) SN1
- c) Transition state
- d) SNi
Answer: SN1
Question: 1° alcohols preferably undergo dehydration via
- a) E1
- b) E2
- c) SN1
- d) SN2
Answer: E2
Question: Lucas test is used to distinguish
- a) Phenols
- b) Ethers
- c) Alcohols
- d) Alkyl halides
Answer: Alcohols
Question: In Lucas test immediate turbidity is caused by
- a) 3° alcohols
- b) 2° alcohols
- c) 1° alcohols
- d) Phenol
Answer: 3° alcohols
Question: Phenols can be distinguished from alcohols by
- a) FeCl3(neutral)
- b) Fehling solution
- c) Tollen’s reagent
- d) 2,4-DNP
Answer: FeCl3(neutral)
Question: Electrophile in Reimer-Tiemann reaction
- a) CHCl3
- b) : CH2
- c) : CCl2
- d) CO2
Answer: : CCl2
Question: Order of nucleophilicity is
- a) CH3O– < C2H5O–
- b) C2H5O– < C2H5S–
- c) CH3O– < CH3S–
- d) All of these
Answer: All of these
Question: In Reimer-Tiemann reaction, the major product is
- a) Ortho isomer due to intra molecular H-bonding
- b) Meta isomer
- c) Para isomer due to symmetry
- d) None of these
Answer: Ortho isomer due to intra molecular H-bonding
Question: Which of the following will not give positive test with neutral FeCl3?
- a) Nitrophenol
- b) Phenol
- c) Allyl alcohol
- d) o-cresol
Answer: Allyl alcohol
Question: Reaction of t-butyl bromide with sodium methoxide produces
- a) Sodium t-butoxide
- b) t-butyl methyl ether
- c) Isobutane
- d) Isobutylene
Answer: Isobutylene
Question: More acidic than ethanol is
- b) CH3CO2CH2CH3
- d) CH3COCH3
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MCQs for Alcohols Phenols and Ethers Chemistry Full Syllabus
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