Refer to NEET UG Chemistry Surface Chemistry MCQs provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Full Syllabus Chemistry with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by NEET, NCERT and KVS. Surface Chemistry Full Syllabus MCQ are an important part of exams for Full Syllabus Chemistry and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for NEET Full Syllabus Chemistry and also download more latest study material for all subjects
MCQ for Full Syllabus Chemistry Surface Chemistry
Full Syllabus Chemistry students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Surface Chemistry in Full Syllabus.
Surface Chemistry MCQ Questions Full Syllabus Chemistry with Answers
Important Points
ˆ The study of chemistry regarding the boundary separating two bulk states or phases is called surface chemistry. This boundary surface is known as interface. It is expressed as hyphen (–) or slash (/). Dissolution, crystallization, catalysis, metallic corrosion are surface phenomena.
ˆ The surface should be completely pure which can be obtained by vacuum generating method and can be stored also.
ˆ In this unit, surface phenomena like adsorption, catalysis, colloid and emulsion are studied.
ˆ In adsorption, the substance which is in solid form and on which other gas or liquid is adsorbed is called adsorbent. The substance that is adsorbed is called adsorbate and the whole phenomenon is called adsorption. The phenomenon opposite to adsorption is called desorption.
ˆ Absorption is such a phenomenon in which there is homogeneous system viz. any coloured solution but if solid adsorbent like charcoal is added to it then there is decrease in intensity of the colour which is adsorption. The combined phenomenon of adsorption and absorption is called sorption. In adsorption the concentration of adsorbate is more than that in the bulk. More porous the adsorbent more will be adsorption. Adsorption is an exothermic phenomenon.
ˆ In adsorption, the residual particles on the surface are responsible for the adsorption that is due to difference in forces of attraction.
ˆ Adsorption is of two types– Physical and Chemical. The points of difference between them are given in the unit.
ˆ Adsorption is used in many fields as well as in everyday life viz. To wear gas mask in which there is adsorbent to save from the poisonous gas like chlorine. Silica gel is used as adsorbent for keeping the electronic instruments moisture free. In the removal of yellow colour from sugar, the phenomenon of adsorption is used.
ˆ The factors affecting adsorption are (1) nature of adsorbate (2) nature of adsorbent (3) specific area of adsorbent surface (4) pressure of adsorbed gas (5) temperature. The detailed discussion about each one is included in the unit.
ˆ The study of Freundlich isotherm can be understood by the study of demonstration experiment in practicals book. There are many uses of adsorption which are described in the unit.
ˆ Catalysis is also a surface phenomenon. Some chemical reactions are slow. To increase their rates, the substance used in small proportion is called catalyst. This phenomenon is called catalysis. The catalyst is obtained back in original form at the end of the reaction.
ˆ There are two types of catalysis (1) Homogeneous and (2) Heterogeneous. In homogeneous catalysis, catalyst and the reactant are in one phase e.g. hydrolysis of methyl acetate in presence of H+ (2) In heterogeneous catalysis the catalyst and the reactants are in different phases e.g. Production of sulphuric acid in presence of V2O5 by contact process. There are many uses of homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis as shown in the unit.
ˆ The characteristics of catalysis are activity, selectivity that is specific reaction; selection of specific catalyst e.g. zeolite. The zeolite named ZSM-5 is used to obtain gasoline from alcohol. Catalyst increases the rate of reaction but does not affect the equilibrium because it affects equally both the forward and the reverse reaction. Hence, more product is not obtained. ˆ Enzymes are proteins and are necessary for biochemical reaction. For every reaction separate and specific enzyme works viz. invertase can transform sugar into glucose and fructose. Urease can decompose urea into ammonia and carbon dioxide.
ˆ For enzyme catalysis the lock and key model or induced fit model are proposed. As the lock can be opened by suitable key, similarly for a particular reaction suitable enzyme will be required. The enzymes work at the temperature of the body i.e. 298-310 K temperature is considered the best.
ˆ Colloid chemistry is also a surface phenomenon. The colloidal solution is called sol. There are two components called dispersing phase and dispersion medium in it. The particles are of some particular size so this is a heterogeneous system. Colloids are of two types-Lyophilic and Lyophobic. The colloid which has attraction for solvent (dispersion medium) is used called lyophilic colloid e.g. gum. The colloid which has repulsion towards the solvent (dispersion medium is called lyophobic colloid. If water is as a medium then they are respectively called hydrophilic and hydrophobic. Colloids are of eight types which depend on the dispersing phase and dispersion medium. This is shown in the unit. Multimolecular, macromolecular and associated colloids are also known. In associated colloids molecules come nearer and form an association which is called micelle.
ˆ The certain temperature, at which the micelle is formed is called Kraft's temperature (TK). Below the critical micelle concentration (CMC), it remains in colloidal state and at higher than that concentration it is changed to solid in the form of precipitates. The formation micelle is obtained in the cleansing action of soap. Molecules like soap are shown as RCOONa, and their ionization form will be RCOO–Na+. From this RCOO–, R part combines with organic impurity and drags inside. It is called tail. The upper charged part COO– attracts dust etc. and removes the dirt. It is called head.
ˆ The methods of preparation of colloids are as follows :
Question. Which of the following statements about chemisorption is not applicable?
(A) It involves chemical forces between adsorbent and absorbate
(B) It is irreversible in nature
(C) It involves high heat of adsorption
(D) It does not require activation energy
Answer : D
Question. A catalyst increases rate of reaction by :
(A) Decreasing enthalpy
(B) Decreasing internal energy
(C) Decreasing activation energy
(D) Increasing activation energy
Answer : C
Question. Some type of gels like gelatin loose water slowly. The process is known as :
(A) Synerisis
(B) Thixotropy
(C) Peptisation
(D) Imbibition
Answer : A
Question. Gold number of a lyophilic sol is such property that:
(A) the larger its value, the greater is the peptising power
(B) the lower its value, the greater is the peptising power
(C) the lower its value, the greater is the protecting power
(D) the larger its value, the greater is the protecting power
Answer : C
Question. Small liquid droplets dispersd in another liquid is called :
(A) Suspension
(B) Emulsion
(C) Gel
(D) True solution
Answer : B
Question. Protective sols are:
(A) lyophilic
(B) lyophobic
(C) both (A) and (B)
(D) none of (A) and (B)
Answer : A
Question. For the coagulation of 200 mL of As2S3 solution, 10 mL of 1 M NaCl is required. What is the coagulating value (number of milli moles of solute needed for coagulation of 1 liter of solution) of NaCl.
(A) 200
(B) 100
(C) 50
(D) 25
Answer : C
Question. Which of the following factors affects the adsorption of a gas on solid?
(A) Tc(critical temp.)
(B) Temperature of gas
(C) Pressure of gas
(D) All of them
Answer : D
Question. Colloidal solution of gold prepared by different methods of different colours because of :
(A) different diameters of colloidal gold particles
(B) variable valency of gold
(C) different concentration of gold particles
(D) impurities produced by different methods
Answer : A
Question. Volume of N2 at NTP required to form a mono layer on the surface of iron catalyst is 8.15 ml/gram of the adsorbent. What will be the surface area of the adsorbent per gm if each nitrogen molecule occupies 16 × 10–22 m2.
(A) 16 × 10–16 cm2
(B) 0.35 m2/g
(C) 39 m2/g
(D) 22400 cm2
Answer : B
Question. Which of the following ions is most effective in the coagulation of ferric hydroxide solution ?
(A) Cl¯
(B) Br–
(C) NO2¯
(D) SO42–
Answer : D
Question. All colloids
(A) are suspensions of one phase in another
(B) are two-phase systems
(C) contain only water-soluble particles
(D) are true solutions
Answer : B
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MCQs for Surface Chemistry Chemistry Full Syllabus
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