Refer to NEET Chemistry Haloalkanes and Haloarenes MCQs Set B provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Full Syllabus Chemistry with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by NEET, NCERT and KVS. Haloalkanes and Haloarenes Full Syllabus MCQ are an important part of exams for Full Syllabus Chemistry and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for NEET Full Syllabus Chemistry and also download more latest study material for all subjects
MCQ for Full Syllabus Chemistry Haloalkanes and Haloarenes
Full Syllabus Chemistry students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Haloalkanes and Haloarenes in Full Syllabus.
Haloalkanes and Haloarenes MCQ Questions Full Syllabus Chemistry with Answers
Question: Which of the following is least reactive towards nucleophilic substitution?
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
Question: Among the following
The correct order of reactivity towards ArSN mechanism is
- a) I > III > II > IV
- b) I > II > IV > III
- c) III > II > IV > I
- d) I > IV > II > III
Answer: I > IV > II > III
Question: Which of the following does not give yellow precipitate with AgNO3?
- a) (CH3)3C—CH2—I
- b) CH2==CH—CH2—I
- c)
- d)
What is C?
- a) CH3–CH3
- b)
- c)
- d) CH2= CH2
Answer: CH3–CH3
The product (C) is
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d) Mixture of (1) & (2)
Answer: Mixture of (1) & (2)
Question: In the given reaction
The product will be
- a) Cis-2-butene
- b) Trans-2-butene
- c) 2-butyne
- d) Buta-1, 3-diene
Answer: Trans-2-butene
Question: Under identical conditions, solvolysis of which of the following substrate would lead to maximum racemisation?
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
Question: The correct orders of reactivity towards SN1 reaction is
- a) I > II > III
- b) II > III > I
- c) III > II > I
- d) I > III > II
Answer: II > III > I
Question: When cis-but-2-ene is treated with Br2 in CCl4 medium the product formed will be
- a) (2R, 3S) dibromobutane
- b) (2R, 3R) dibromobutane
- c) (2S, 3S) dibromobutane
- d) Mixture of (2R, 3R) and (2S, 3S) dibromobutane
Answer: Mixture of (2R, 3R) and (2S, 3S) dibromobutane
Above equilibrium is more towards right because
- a) NaI is more reactive than NaCl
- b) CH3I is more reactive than CH3Cl
- c) NaCl is less soluble than NaI in acetone
- d) It is Finkelstein’s reaction
Answer: NaCl is less soluble than NaI in acetone
Question: Two possible stereo-structures of CH3CHOH.COOH, which are optically active, are called
- a) Enantiomers
- b) Mesomers
- c) Diastereomers
- d) Atropisomers
Answer: Enantiomers
Question: In an SN1 reaction on chiral centres, there is
- a) 100% retention
- b) 100% inversion
- c) 100% racemization
- d) Inversion more than retention leading to partial racemization
Answer: Inversion more than retention leading to partial racemization
Question: In which of the following compounds, the C – Cl bond ionisation shall give most stable carbonium ion?
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
Question: What products are formed when the following compound is treated with Br2 in the presence of FeBr3?
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
Question: Which of the following compounds will undergo racemisation when solution of KOH hydrolyses ?
- a) (i) and (ii)
- b) (ii) and (iv)
- c) (iii) and (iv)
- d) (i) and (iv)
Answer: (i) and (iv)
Question: In the replacement reaction
The reaction will be most favourable if M happens to be
- a) Na
- b) K
- c) Rb
- d) Li
Answer: Li
Question: Which of the following compounds undergoes nucleophilic substitution reaction most easily ?
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
Question: Consider the reactions
The mechanisms of reactions (i) and (ii) are respectively
- a) SN2 and SN2
- b) SN2 and SN1
- c) SN1 and SN2
- d) SN1 and SN1
Answer: SN2 and SN2
Question: The correct order of increasing reactivity of C–X bond towards nucleophile in the following compound is
- a) I < II < IV < III
- b) II < III < I < IV
- c) IV < III < I < II
- d) III < II < I < IV
Answer: I < II < IV < III
Question: Which one is most reactive towards SN1 reaction ?
- a) C6H5CH(C6H5)Br
- b) C6H5CH(CH3)Br
- c) C6H5C(CH3) (C6H5)Br
- d) C6H5CH2Br
Answer: C6H5C(CH3) (C6H5)Br
More Questions............................................
Question: Which of the following reactions is an example of nucleophilic substitution reaction?
- a) 2 RX + 2 Na → R–R + 2 NaX
- b) RX + H2→RH + HX
- c) RX + Mg →RMgX
- d) RX + KOH →ROH + KX
Answer: RX + KOH →ROH + KX
A (predominantly) is
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
Question: In a SN2 substitution reaction of the type
Which one of the following has the highest relative rate?
- a) CH3CH2Br
- b) CH3–CH2–CH2Br
- c)
- d)
Answer: CH3CH2Br
Question: If there is no rotation of plane polarized light by a compound in a specific solvent, thought to be chiral, it may mean that
- a) The compound may be a racemic mixture
- b) The compound is certainly a chiral
- c) The compound is certainly meso
- d) There is no compound in the solvent
Answer: The compound is certainly meso
Question: Which of the following undergoes nucleophilic substitution exclusively by SN1 mechanism ?
- a) Benzyl chloride
- b) Ethyl chloride
- c) Chlorobenzene
- d) Isopropyl chloride
Answer: Benzyl chloride
Question: The chirality of the compound
- a) R
- b) S
- c) Z
- d) E
Answer: R
Question: For the following
a. I–
b. Cl–
c. Br–
The increasing order of nucleophilicity would be
- a) Br– < Cl– < I–
- b) I– < Br– < Cl–
- c) Cl– < Br– < l–
- d) I– < Cl– < Br–
Answer: Cl– < Br– < l–
‘C’ has the formula C5H12 which can give four isomeric monochloro derivative. What is the structure of C5H11Br?
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
Question: CD2= CH – CH2– Br is subjected to SN1 and SN2 reactions separately, which of the following statement is correct?
- a) Both SN1 and SN2 give two products
- b) Both SN1 and SN2 give only one product
- c) SN1 gives two products but SN2 gives only one product
- d) SN1 gives one product but SN2 gives two products
Answer: SN1 gives two products but SN2 gives only one product
Question: In the following reaction,
the product 'X' is
- a) C6H5CH2OCH2C6H5
- b) C6H5CH2OH
- c) C6H5CH3
- d) C6H5CH2CH2C6H5
Answer: C6H5CH3
Question: In Finkelstein reaction when acetone is replaced by water then
- a) Reaction occurs in forward direction via SN1 pathway
- b) Reaction occurs in forward direction via SN2 pathway
- c) Reaction occurs in backward because NaCl formed in right hand side is soluble in water and cannot ppt.out
- d) Reaction is not possible
Answer: Reaction occurs in backward because NaCl formed in right hand side is soluble in water and cannot ppt.out
Question: Which graph is incorrect?
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
Question: Which will undergo fastest SN2 substitution reaction when treated with NaOH?
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
Question: Given reaction
Y in the reaction is
- a) Hexane
- b) Cyclohexane
- c) Cyclohexylcyclohexane
- d) Cyclohexyl ether
Answer: Cyclohexane
Question: Which one of the following alkyl bromides undergoes most rapid solvolysis in methanol solution to give corresponding methyl ether?
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
Question: Grignard reagent is prepared by the reaction between
- a) Magnesium and alkane
- b) Magnesium and aromatic hydrocarbon
- c) Zinc and alkyl halide
- d) Magnesium and alkyl halide
Answer: Magnesium and alkyl halide
Question: Monobromination of 2-methylbutane gives how many distinct structural isomers?
- a) One
- b) Two
- c) Three
- d) Four
Answer: Four
Question: The following reaction is described as
- a) SN2
- b) SN0
- c) SE2
- d) SN1
Answer: SN2
Question: 2-Bromopentane is heated with potassium ethoxide in ethanol. The major product obtained is
- a) trans-pentene-2
- b) Pentene-1
- c) 2-ethoxypentane
- d) cis-pentene-2
Answer: trans-pentene-2
Question: Reactivity order of halides for dehydrohalogenation is
- a) R – F > R – Cl > R – Br > R – I
- b) R – I > R – Br > R – Cl > R – F
- c) R – I > R – Cl > R – Br > R – F
- d) R – F > R – l > R – Br > R – Cl
Answer: R – I > R – Br > R – Cl > R – F
Question: Which of the following is not chiral
- a) 2-hydroxypropanoic acid
- b) 2-butanol
- c) 2,3-dibromopentane
- d) 3-bromopentane
Answer: 3-bromopentane
Question: An organic compound A(C4H9Cl) on reaction with Na/diethyl ether gives a hydrocarbon which on monochlorination gives only one chloro derivative then, A is
- a) t-butyl chloride
- b) Secondary butyl chloride
- c) Isobutyl chloride
- d) n-butyl chloride
Answer: t-butyl chloride
Question: Which of the following compounds is not chiral?
- a) CH3CHDCH2Cl
- b) CH3CH2CHDCl
- c) DCH2CH2CH2Cl
- d) CH3CHClCH2D
Answer: DCH2CH2CH2Cl
Question: Which of the following is a secondary alkyl halide?
- a) Isobutyl chloride
- b) Isopentyl chloride
- c) Neopentyl chloride
- d) Isopropyl chloride
Answer: Isopropyl chloride
Question: Which of the following solvent is suitable for SN1 reaction?
- a) Non-polar
- b) Polar protic
- c) Polar aprotic
- d) All of these
Answer: Polar protic
Question: Chloropicrin is obtained by the reaction of
- a) Steam on carbon tetrachloride
- b) Nitric acid on chlorobenzene
- c) Chlorine on pricric acid
- d) Nitric acid on chloroform
Answer: Nitric acid on chloroform
Question: Which of the following is least reactive in a nucleophilic substitution reaction?
- a) (CH3)3C – Cl
- b) CH2= CHCl
- c) CH3CH2Cl
- d) CH2= CHCH2Cl
Answer: CH2= CHCl
Question: Ethylidene chloride reacts with aq. KOH to form which of the following compound?
- a) Acetaldehyde
- b) Ethylene glycol
- c) Ethyl alcohol
- d) Acetic acid
Answer: Acetaldehyde
Question: Grignard reagent is prepared by the reaction between
- a) Magnesium and alkane
- b) Magnesium and aromatic hydrocarbon
- c) Zinc and alkyl halide
- d) Magnesium and alkyl halide
Answer: Magnesium and alkyl halide
Question: Chloropicrin is obtained by the reaction of
- a) Steam on carbon tetrachloride
- b) Nitric acid on chlorobenzene
- c) Chlorine on pricric acid
- d) Nitric acid on chloroform
Answer: Nitric acid on chloroform
The major product ‘P’ is
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
Question: Which of the following is not chiral?
- a) 2-hydroxypropanoic acid
- b) 2-butanol
- c) 2,3-dibromopentane
- d) 3-bromopentane
Answer: 3-bromopentane
Question: Which of the following is least reactive in a nucleophilic substitution reaction?
- a) (CH3)3C – Cl
- b) CH2= CHCl
- c) CH3CH2Cl
- d) CH2= CHCH2Cl
Answer: CH2= CHCl
Question: Which of the following compounds is not chiral?
- a) CH3CHDCH2Cl
- b) CH3CH2CHDCl
- c) DCH2CH2CH2Cl
- d) CH3CHClCH2D
Answer: DCH2CH2CH2Cl
Question: Monobromination of 2-methylbutane gives how many distinct structural isomers?
- a) One
- b) Two
- c) Three
- d) Four
Answer: Four
Question: Two possible stereo-structures of CH3CHOH.COOH, which are optically active, are called
- a) Enantiomers
- b) Mesomers
- c) Diastereomers
- d) Atropisomers
Answer: Enantiomers
Above equilibrium is more towards right because
- a) NaI is more reactive than NaCl
- b) CH3I is more reactive than CH3Cl
- c) NaCl is less soluble than NaI in acetone
- d) It is Finkelstein’s reaction
Answer: NaCl is less soluble than NaI in acetone
Question: In the given reaction
The product will be
- a) Cis-2-butene
- b) Trans-2-butene
- c) 2-butyne
- d) Buta-1, 3-diene
Answer: Trans-2-butene
What is C?
- a) CH3–CH3
- b)
- c)
- d) CH2= CH2
Answer: CH3–CH3
Question: Chloropicrin is obtained by the reaction of
- a) Steam on carbon tetrachloride
- b) Nitric acid on chlorobenzene
- c) Chlorine on pricric acid
- d) Nitric acid on chloroform
Answer: Nitric acid on chloroform
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MCQs for Haloalkanes and Haloarenes Chemistry Full Syllabus
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