Refer to NEET Chemistry Aldehydes Ketones and Carboxylic Acids MCQs Set A provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Full Syllabus Chemistry with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by NEET, NCERT and KVS. Aldehydes Ketones and Carboxylic Acids Full Syllabus MCQ are an important part of exams for Full Syllabus Chemistry and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for NEET Full Syllabus Chemistry and also download more latest study material for all subjects
MCQ for Full Syllabus Chemistry Aldehydes Ketones and Carboxylic Acids
Full Syllabus Chemistry students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Aldehydes Ketones and Carboxylic Acids in Full Syllabus.
Aldehydes Ketones and Carboxylic Acids MCQ Questions Full Syllabus Chemistry with Answers
Question: The general formula of both aldehyde and ketone is
- a) CnH2n+2O
- b) CnH2nO
- c) CnH2n–2O
- d) CnH2n+4O
Answer: CnH2nO
Question: The IUPAC name of following structure is
- a) 1-Hydroxy-4-methylpentan-3-one
- b) 2-Methyl-5-hydroxy-3-pentanone
- c) 4-Methyl-3-oxo-1-pentanol
- d) Hexanol-1-one-3
Answer: 1-Hydroxy-4-methylpentan-3-one
Question: IUPAC name of CCl3CHO is
- a) Chloral
- b) Trichloro acetaldehyde
- c) 1,1,1-trichloroethanal
- d) 2,2,2-trichloroethanal
Answer: 2,2,2-trichloroethanal
Question: Which of the following is mixed ketone?
- a) Pentanone
- b) Acetophenone
- c) Benzophenone
- d) Propanone
Answer: Acetophenone
Question: In the following reaction product P is
- a) RCH2OH
- b) RCOOH
- c) RCHO
- d) RCH3
Answer: RCHO
Question: Dry heating of calcium acetate gives
- a) Acetaldehyde
- b) Ethane
- c) Acetic acid
- d) Acetone
Answer: Acetone
Butanone, R is
- a) Hg+2
- b) KMnO4
- c) KClO3
- d) K2Cr2O7
Answer: Hg+2
Question: Which of the following pathways produces 2-hexanone?
(i) 1-Hexyne is treated with
(ii) 3-Methylhept-2-ene is treated with O3 followed by hydrolysis.
(iii) n-butyl magnesium bromide reacts with acetaldehyde followed by hydrolysis and then oxidation with chromic acid.
(iv) Hydroboration-oxidation of 1-hexyne.
- a) (i), (ii) and (iii)
- b) (i) and (ii) only
- c) (i), (ii) and (iv)
- d) (i) and (iii) only
Answer: (i), (ii) and (iii)
Question: An alkene of molecular formula C9H18 on ozonolysis gives 2,2-dimethylpropanal and butan-2-one, then the alkene is
- a) 2,2,4-trimethylhex-3-ene
- b) 2,2,6-trimethylhex-3-ene
- c) 2,3,4-trimethylhex-2-ene
- d) 2,2,4-trimethylhex-2-ene
Answer: 2,2,4-trimethylhex-3-ene
'X' can be
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
Question: Select the reagent for the following reaction.
- a) SeO2
- b) O3, Zn/H2O
- c) O3, H2O2—CH3COOH
- d) PCC
Answer: O3, Zn/H2O
Question: Acetyl chloride is reduced with LiAlH4, the product formed is
- a) Methyl alcohol
- b) Ethyl alcohol
- c) Acetaldehyde
- d) Acetone
Answer: Ethyl alcohol
Question: Which factors will increase the reactivity of
(i) Presence of a group with positive inductive effect
(ii) Presence of a group with (–ve) inductive effect
(iii) Presence of large alkyl group
- a) Only (i)
- b) Only (ii)
- c) Both (i) & (iii)
- d) Both (ii) & (iii)
Answer: Only (ii)
Question: The increasing order of the rate of HCN addition to compounds A–D is
(C) PhCOCH3 (D) PhCOPh
- a) A < B < C < D
- b) D < B < C < A
- c) D < C < B < A
- d) C < D < B < A
Answer: D < C < B < A
Question: The correct order of reactivity of PhMgBr towards given compounds
- a) (i) > (ii) > (iii)
- b) (iii) > (ii) > (i)
- c) (ii) > (iii) > (i)
- d) (i) > (iii) > (ii)
Answer: (ii) > (iii) > (i)
Question: Predict the product
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
- a) Electrophilic substitution
- b) Nucleophilic addition
- c) Nucleophilic substitution
- d) Electrophilic addition
Answer: Nucleophilic addition
Question: Reaction of aldehyde with HCN followed by hydrolysis gives a compound which shows
- a) Optical isomerism
- b) Geometrical isomerism
- c) Metamerism
- d) Tautomerism
Answer: Optical isomerism
Question: Correct order of reactivity of CH3CHO, C2H5COCH3 and CH3COCH3 with HCN
In the above sequence of reactions A and B are
- a) (CH3)2C(OH)CN, (CH3)2C(OH)COOH
- b) (CH3)2C(OH)CNH2, (CH3)2C(OH)2
- c) (CH3)2C(OH)CN, (CH3)2CHCOOH
- d) (CH3)2C(OH)CNH2, (CH3)2C == O
Answer: (CH3)2C(OH)CN, (CH3)2C(OH)COOH
Question: Aldol condensation will not be observed in
- a) Chloral
- b) Phenyl acetaldehyde
- c) Hexanal
- d) Ethanal
Answer: Chloral
Question: Which of the following gives aldol condensation reaction?
- a) C6H5OH
- b)
- c)
- d)
Question: The diketone
on intramolecular aldol condensation gives the final product
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
Question: What will be the product, when carboxy phenol, obtained by Reimer-Tiemann's process, is deoxidised with Zn powder?
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
Question: When m-chlorobenzaldehyde is treated with 50% Ba(OH)2 solution, the product(s) obtained is(are)
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
Question: Benzyl alcohol and sodium benzoate is obtained by the action of concentrated sodium hydroxide on benzaldehyde. This reaction is known as
- a) Perkin reaction
- b) Cannizzaro reaction
- c) Sandmeyer reaction
- d) Claisen condensation
Answer: Cannizzaro reaction
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
Question: Which of the following compound will exhibits positive Fehling test as well as iodoform test?
- a) Methanal
- b) Ethanol
- c) Propanone
- d) Ethanal
Answer: Ethanal
Question: Dimethyl ketones are usually characterised through
- a) Tollens reagent
- b) Iodoform test
- c) Schiff's test
- d) Benedict's reagent
Answer: Iodoform test
Question: Trichloroacetaldehyde, CCl3CHO reacts with chlorobenzene in presence of sulphuric acid and produces
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
More Questions............................................
Question: An aromatic compound 'X' with molecular formula C9H10O gives the following chemical tests
(i) Forms 2,4-DNP derivative
(ii) Reduce Tollens reagent
(iii) Undergoes Cannizzaro reaction and
(iv) On vigorous oxidation, 1,2-benzenedicarboxylic acid is obtained
The compound
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
Identify 'X'
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
Question: The IUPAC name of phthalic acid
- a) Benzene-1,2-dicarboxylic acid
- b) Benzene-1,4-dioic acid
- c) Cyclo-1,3,5-trien-1,2-dioic acid
- d) Benzene-1,3-dicarboxylic acid
Answer: Benzene-1,2-dicarboxylic acid
Question: Which of the following is optically active?
- a) Ethylene glycol
- b) Oxalic acid
- c) Glycerol
- d) Tartaric acid
Answer: Tartaric acid
Question: Saponification of ethyl benzoate with caustic soda as alkali gives
- a) Benzyl alcohol and ethanoic acid
- b) Sodium benzoate and ethanol
- c) Benzoic acid and sodium ethoxide
- d) Phenol and ethanoic acid
Answer: Sodium benzoate and ethanol
Question: The major product obtained on reaction of phenol with sodium hydroxide and carbon dioxide is
- a) Benzoic acid
- b) Salicylaldehyde
- c) Salicylic acid
- d) Phthalic acid
Answer: Salicylic acid
Question: Which of the following does not give benzoic acid on hydrolysis?
- a) Phenyl cyanide
- b) Benzoyl chloride
- c) Benzyl chloride
- d) Methyl benzoate
Answer: Benzyl chloride
Question: Acetic acid is obtained when
- a) Methyl alcohol is oxidised with potassium permanganate
- b) Calcium acetate is distilled in the presence of calcium formate
- c) Acetaldehyde is oxidised with potassium dichromate and sulphuric acid
- d) Glycerol is heated with sulphuric acid
Answer: Acetaldehyde is oxidised with potassium dichromate and sulphuric acid
Question: Which of the following aromatic acids is most acidic?
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
Identify X
- a) CH3COCH3
- b) CH3CHO
- c) (CH3CO)2O
- d) CH4
Answer: (CH3CO)2O
Question: A liquid was mixed with ethanol and a drop of concentrated H2SO4 was added. A compound with a fruity smell was formed. The liquid was
- a) CH3OH
- b) HCHO
- c) CH3COCH3
- d) CH3COOH
Answer: CH3COOH
Question: Which one of the following orders of acid strength is correct?
- a) RCOOH > HC ≡ CH > HOH > ROH
- b) RCOOH > ROH > HOH > HC ≡ CH
- c) RCOOH > HOH > ROH > HC ≡ CH
- d) RCOOH > HOH > HC ≡ CH > ROH
Answer: RCOOH > HOH > ROH > HC ≡ CH
Question: Which of the following acids has the smallest value of dissociation constant?
Answer: BrCH2CH2COOH
Question: The correct order of acidic strength of the carboxylic acid is
- a) Formic acid < Benzoic acid < Acetic acid
- b) Formic acid < Acetic acid < Benzoic acid
- c) Acetic acid < Formic acid < Benzoic acid
- d) Acetic acid < Benzoic acid < Formic acid
Answer: Acetic acid < Benzoic acid < Formic acid
Question: Treatment of benzoic acid with Cl2/FeCl3 will give
- a) p-chlorobenzoic acid
- b) o-chlorobenzoic acid
- c) 2-4-dichlorobenzoic acid
- d) m-chlorobenzoic acid
Answer: m-chlorobenzoic acid
Question: Which of the following presents the correct order of the acidity in the given compounds?
Question: The reaction,
is called
- a) Hell-Volhard-Zelinsky reaction
- b) Birch reaction
- c) Rosenmund reaction
- d) Hunsdiecker reaction
Answer: Hell-Volhard-Zelinsky reaction
Identify 'A'
- a) Benzene
- b) Phthalimide
- c) Benzamide
- d) Acetaldehyde
Answer: Phthalimide
Question: Identify the wrong statement from the following.
- a) Salicylic acid is a monobasic acid
- b) Methyl salicylate is an ester
- c) Salicylic acid gives violet colour with neutral ferric chloride as well as brisk effervescence with sodium bicarbonate
- d) Methyl salicylate does not occur in natural oils
Answer: Methyl salicylate does not occur in natural oils
C and D are respectively
- a) Adipic acid, δ-lectone
- b) Cyclobutane, γ-lectone
- c) Cyclobutanone, δ-lectone
- d) Adipic acid, γ-lectone
Answer: Cyclobutanone, δ-lectone
Question: In the reaction
If one equivalent of each is taken, the major product will be
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
Product of the reaction is
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
Question: The number of total final products formed in given reaction
- a) 1
- b) 2
- c) 3
- d) 4
Answer: 2
Question: Iodoform reaction is given by
- a)
- b)
- c) CH3– CH2– CHO
- d) All of these
Question: In esterification
- a) OH– of acid is replaced by C6H5OH
- b) H+ of acid is replaced by sodium metal
- c) OH– of alcohol is replaced by chlorine
- d) OH– of acid is replaced by RO– group
Answer: OH– of acid is replaced by RO– group
Question: Which of the following statement is incorrect about the reaction of ammonia derivatives with carbonyl compounds?
- a) pH of solution is maintained between 3 to 4
- b) Addition of ammonia derivatives occurs followed by elimination of H2O
- c) At very low pH (less than 3) ammonia derivatives are protonated and do not act as nucleophile
- d) At very high pH reaction becomes explosive
Answer: At very high pH reaction becomes explosive
Question: Clemmensen reduction of a ketone is carried out in the presence of which of the following?
- a) H2 and Pt as catalyst
- b) Glycol with KOH
- c) Zn-Hg with HCl
- d) LiAlH4
Answer: Zn-Hg with HCl
Question: Acetic acid exist in dimer state in benzene due to
- a) Condensation reaction
- b) Hydrogen bonding
- c) Presence of carbonyl group
- d) Strong polar nature
Answer: Hydrogen bonding
Question: Aromatic aldehydes undergoes condensation on heating with an ethanolic solution of KCN. This reaction is called as
- a) Perkin reaction
- b) Benzoin condensation
- c) Claisen condensation
- d) Cannizzaro’s reaction
Answer: Benzoin condensation
Question: The reactivity of carbonyl compounds towards nucleophilic addition reaction gets affected by
- a) Magnitude of positive charge on carbonyl carbon atom
- b) Steric hindrance
- c) Presence of electron withdrawing groups surrounding carbonyl group
- d) All of these
Answer: All of these
Question: Following compounds are given
Which of the above compound(s), on being warmed with iodine solution and NaOH, will give iodoform?
- a) a, c & d
- b) Only b
- c) a, b & c
- d) a & b
Answer: a, b & c
Question: A strong base can abstract an α-hydrogen from
- a) Alkane
- b) Alkene
- c) Ether
- d) Ketone
Answer: Ketone
Question: Iodoform test is not given by
- a) Ethanal
- b) Ethanol
- c) 2-pentanone
- d) 3-pentanone
Answer: 3-pentanone
Question: Which one of the following can be oxidized to the corresponding carbonyl compound?
- a) 2-hydroxy-propane
- b) Ortho-nitro-phenol
- c) Phenol
- d) 2-methyl-2-hydroxy-propane
Answer: 2-methyl-2-hydroxy-propane
Question: Which of the following reactions will not result in the formation of carbon-carbon bonds?
- a) Friedel-Craft’s acylation
- b) Reimer-Tiemann reaction
- c) Cannizzaro reaction
- d) Wurtz reaction
Answer: Cannizzaro reaction
Question: In a set of reactions acetic acid yielded a product D.
The structure of D would be
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
Question: In the following sequence of reactions
the end product (C) is
- a) Acetaldehyde
- b) Ethyl alcohol
- c) Acetone
- d) Methane
Answer: Ethyl alcohol
Question: An organic compound 'A' on treatment with NH3 gives 'B' which on heating gives 'C' when treated with Br2 in presence of KOH produces ethylamine. Compound 'A' is
- a)
- c) CH3COOH
Answer: CH3CH2COOH
Question: The correct order of decreasing acid strength of trichloroacetic acid (A), trifluoroacetic acid (B), acetic acid (C) and formic acid (D) is
- a) A > B > C > D
- b) A > C > B > D
- c) B > A > D > C
- d) B > D > C > A
Answer: B > A > D > C
Question: Which one of the following products is formed when adipic acid is heated?
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
Question: Which of the following compound gives benzoic acid on hydrolysis?
- a) Chlorobenzene
- b) Benzoyl chloride
- c) Chlorophenol
- d) Chlorotoluene
Answer: Benzoyl chloride
Question: Aspirin is an acetylation product of
- a) m-Hydroxybenzoic acid
- b) o-Dihydroxybenzene
- c) o-Hydroxybenzoic acid
- d) p-Dihydroxybenzene
Answer: o-Hydroxybenzoic acid
Question: Which one of the following compounds will react with NaHCO3 solution to give sodium salt and carbon dioxide?
- a) Acetic acid
- b) n-hexanol
- c) Phenol
- d) Both (2) & (3)
Answer: Acetic acid
Question: In a set of the given reactions, acetic acid yielded a product C
Product C would be
- a) CH3CH(OH)C2H5
- b) CH3COC6H5
- c) CH3CH(OH)C6H5
- d)
Question: Ethyl benzoate can be prepared from benzoic acid by using
- a) Ethyl alcohol
- b) Ethyl alcohol and dry HCl
- c) Ethyl chloride
- d) Sodium ethoxide
Answer: Ethyl alcohol and dry HCl
Question: The OH group of an alcohol or carboxylic acid can be replaced by –Cl using
- a) Phosphorus pentachloride
- b) Hypochlorous acid
- c) Chlorine
- d) Hydrochloric acid
Answer: Phosphorus pentachloride
Question: Propionic acid with Br2/ P yields a dibromo product. Its structure would be
- a)
- b) CH2Br—CHBr—COOH
- c)
- d) CH2Br—CH2—COBr
Question: In a set of reactions, ethyl benzene yielded a product D.
‘D’ would be
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
Question: What is Z in following sequence of reactions?
- a) Benzene
- b) Toluene
- c) Benzaldehyde
- d) Benzoic acid
Answer: Benzoic acid
The product Y is
- a) Lactic acid
- b) n-propyl amine
- c) Ethylamine
- d) Alanine
Answer: Alanine
Major product.
Product of the reaction is
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
Question: Which of the following is the correct sequence of decreasing reactivity towards hydroxide ion promoted hydrolysis among the following compounds?
- a) I > II > III > IV
- b) II > I > IV > III
- c) III > II > IV > I
- d) I > III > II > IV
Answer: I > III > II > IV
Y and X respectively are
Question: The product D of the reaction
- a) HCONH2
- b) CH3CN
- c) CH3CH2NH2
- d) CH3CONH2
Answer: CH3CONH2
Question: The relative reactivities of acyl compounds towards nucleophilic substitution are in the order of
- a) Acyl chloride > Ester > Acid anhydride > Amide
- b) Acyl chloride > Acid anhydride > Ester > Amide
- c) Ester > Acyl chloride > Amide > Acid anhydride
- d) Acid anhydride > Amide > Ester > Acyl chloride
Answer: Acyl chloride > Ester > Acid anhydride > Amide
Question: Reaction of a carbonyl compound with one of the following reagents involves nucleophilic addition followed by elimination of water. The reagent is
- a) Hydrocyanic acid
- b) Sodium hydrogen sulphite
- c) A Grignard reagent
- d) Hydrazine in presence of feebly acidic solution
Answer: Hydrazine in presence of feebly acidic solution
Question: Which one of the following esters gets hydrolysed most easily under alkaline conditions?
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
Question: The oxidation of benzene by V2O5 in the presence of air produces
- a) Benzoic acid
- b) Benzaldehyde
- c) Benzoic anhydride
- d) Maleic anhydride
Answer: Maleic anhydride
Question: Treatment of cyclopentanone
with methyl lithium gives which of the following species?
- a) Cyclopentanonyl biradical
- b) Cyclopentanonyl anion
- c) Cyclopentanonyl cation
- d) Cyclopentanonyl radical
Answer: Cyclopentanonyl anion
Question: An organic compound "X" having molecular formula C5H10 O yields phenyl hydrazone and gives negative response to the Iodoform test and Tollen's test. It produces n-pentane on reduction. 'X' could be :
- a) n-amyl alcohol
- b) Pentanal
- c) 2-pentanone
- d) 3-pentanone
Answer: 3-pentanone
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