Refer to NEET Chemistry Environmental Chemistry MCQs Set B provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Full Syllabus Chemistry with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by NEET, NCERT and KVS. Environmental Chemistry Full Syllabus MCQ are an important part of exams for Full Syllabus Chemistry and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for NEET Full Syllabus Chemistry and also download more latest study material for all subjects
MCQ for Full Syllabus Chemistry Environmental Chemistry
Full Syllabus Chemistry students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Environmental Chemistry in Full Syllabus.
Environmental Chemistry MCQ Questions Full Syllabus Chemistry with Answers
Question: Measurement of dissolved oxygen that would be needed by the microorganism to oxidise the compounds is known as
- a) Acid rain
- b) BOD
- c) COD
- d) Ozone layer depletion
Answer: BOD
Question: Green house gases
- a) Allow shorter wavelength to enter earth’s atmosphere while doesn’t allow longer wavelength to leave the earth’s atmosphere
- b) Allow longer wavelength to enter earth atmosphere while doesn’t allow shorter wavelength to leave the surface
- c) Don’t have wavelength specific character
- d) Near to earth show wavelength specific behaviour while far from earth have wavelength independent behaviour
Answer: Allow shorter wavelength to enter earth’s atmosphere while doesn’t allow longer wavelength to leave the earth’s atmosphere
Question: Which of the following is the correct match?
- a) Classical smog – NO2
- b) Photochemical smog – SO2
- c) Green house gas – CH4
- d) Both (1) & (3)
Answer: Green house gas – CH4
Question: Which group correctly represent the photochemical smog produced during reaction of hydrocarbon in the combustion chamber of an engine?
- a) Formaldehyde and PAN
- b) Acrolein and PAN
- c) Formaldehyde and acrolein
- d) Formaldehyde, acrolein and PAN
Answer: Formaldehyde, acrolein and PAN
Question: Freons which cause damage to ozone layer are
- a) Chemically unreactive
- b) Non toxic
- c) Odourless
- d) All of these
Answer: All of these
Question: Which of the following is herbicide?
- a) DDT
- b) (CH3)2Hg
- c) NaClO3
- d) C2H2
Answer: NaClO3
Question: Ozone depletion over Antarctica is maximum in the month of
- a) September and October
- b) March and April
- c) June and July
- d) December and January
Answer: September and October
Question: Heat pollution affects mainly
- a) Vegetation
- b) Aquatic creature
- c) Rocks
- d) Air
Answer: Aquatic creature
Question: Bhopal gas tragedy was caused by
- a) CH3CN
- b) CH3NC
- c) CH3N = C = O
- d) CH3—N = O
Answer: CH3N = C = O
Question: What is the name of chlorine containing antibiotic?
- a) Chloretone
- b) Chloroform
- c) Chloromycetin
- d) Carbontetrachloride
Answer: Chloromycetin
Question: How much percentage of air by mass is present in troposphere?
- a) 40
- b) 60
- c) 80
- d) 100
Answer: 80
Question: Which one of the following is not a common component of Photochemical Smog?
- a) Ozone
- b) Acrolein
- c) Peroxyacetyl nitrate
- d) Chlorofluorocarbons
Answer: Chlorofluorocarbons
Question: Which one of the following statements regarding photochemical smog is not correct?
- a) Photochemical smog is formed through photochemical reaction involving solar energy
- b) Photochemical smog does not cause irritation in eyes and throat
- c) Carbon monoxide does not play any role in photochemical smog formation
- d) Photochemical smog is an oxidising agent in character
Answer: Photochemical smog does not cause irritation in eyes and throat
Question: Which one of the following statement is not true ?
- a) Oxides of sulphur, nitrogen and carbon are the most widespread air pollutant
- b) pH of drinking water should be between 5.5 – 9.5
- c) Concentration of DO below 6 ppm is good for the growth of fish
- d) Clean water would have a BOD value of less than 5 ppm
Answer: Concentration of DO below 6 ppm is good for the growth of fish
Question: Green chemistry means such reactions which
- a) Study the reactions in plants
- b) Produce colour during reactions
- c) Reduce the use and production of hazardous chemicals
- d) Are related to the depletion of ozone layer
Answer: Reduce the use and production of hazardous chemicals
Question: Which of the following is a secondary pollutant?
- a) CO2
- b) N2O
- c) SO2
- d) PAN
Answer: PAN
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Question: ‘White lung cancer’ is caused by
- a) Asbestos
- b) Silica
- c) Textiles
- d) Paper
Answer: Textiles
Question: BOD5 is
- a) Waste decomposed in 5 days
- b) Oxygen used in 5 days
- c) Microorganisms killed in 5 days
- d) Dissolved oxygen left after 5 days
Answer: Oxygen used in 5 days
Question: Which one of the following is responsible for depletion of the ozone layer in the upper strata of the atmosphere?
- a) Polyhalogens
- b) Ferrocene
- c) Fullerenes
- d) Freons
Answer: Freons
Question: Ozone in the stratosphere is deleted by
- a) CF2Cl2
- b) C7F16
- c) C6H6Cl6
- d) C6F6
Answer: CF2Cl2
Question: Pick up the correct statement :
- a) CO which is a major pollutant resulting from the combustion of fuels in automobiles plays a major role in photochemical smog
- b) Classical smog has an oxidizing character while the photochemical smog is reducing in character
- c) Photochemical smog occurs in day time whereas the classical smog occurs in the morning hours
- d) During formation of smog the level of ozone in the atmosphere goes down
Answer: Photochemical smog occurs in day time whereas the classical smog occurs in the morning hours
Question: The smog is essentially caused by the presence of
- a) O2 and O3
- b) O2 and N2
- c) Oxides of sulphur and nitrogen
- d) O3 and N2
Answer: Oxides of sulphur and nitrogen
Question: In Antartica, ozone depletion is due to the formation of the following compound
- a) Acrolein
- b) Peroxy acetyl nitrate
- c) SO2 and SO3
- d) Chlorine nitrate
Answer: Chlorine nitrate
Question: High concentration of fluoride is poisonous and harmful to bones and teeth at levels over
- a) 1 ppm
- b) 3 ppm
- c) 5 ppm
- d) 10 ppm
Answer: 10 ppm
Question: Nitrogen dioxide and sulphur dioxide have some properties in common. Which property is shown by one of these compounds, but not by the other?
- a) Is used as a food-preservative
- b) Forms 'acid-rain'
- c) Is a reducing agent
- d) Is soluble in water
Answer: Is used as a food-preservative
Question: The layer of atmosphere which extends upto 10 km from sea level is called
- a) Troposphere
- b) Stratosphere
- c) Ionosphere
- d) Mesosphere
Answer: Troposphere
Question: Those pollutants which are readily degradable by natural process are called
- a) Biodegradable pollutant
- b) Non-biodegradable pollutant
- c) Primary pollutant
- d) Secondary pollutant
Answer: Biodegradable pollutant
Question: Troposphere pollutant contains
- a) Dust
- b) Water vapours
- c) Mist
- d) All of these
Answer: All of these
Question: Which one of the following is a secondary pollutant?
- a) CO
- b) O3
- c) Pb
- d) CH4
Answer: O3
Question: Which of the following is not a greenhouse gas?
- a) CO2
- b) CH4
- c) O3
- d) N2
Answer: N2
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MCQs for Environmental Chemistry Chemistry Full Syllabus
Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to NCERT book for Full Syllabus Chemistry to develop the Chemistry Full Syllabus MCQs. If you download MCQs with answers for the above chapter you will get higher and better marks in Full Syllabus test and exams in the current year as you will be able to have stronger understanding of all concepts. Daily Multiple Choice Questions practice of Chemistry will help students to have stronger understanding of all concepts and also make them expert on all critical topics. After solving the questions given in the MCQs which have been developed as per latest books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Full Syllabus Chemistry. We have also provided lot of MCQ questions for Full Syllabus Chemistry so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter. After solving these you should also refer to Full Syllabus Chemistry MCQ Test for the same chapter.
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