Refer to NEET Chemistry Hydrocarbons MCQs Set C provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Full Syllabus Chemistry with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by NEET, NCERT and KVS. Hydrocarbons Full Syllabus MCQ are an important part of exams for Full Syllabus Chemistry and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for NEET Full Syllabus Chemistry and also download more latest study material for all subjects
MCQ for Full Syllabus Chemistry Hydrocarbons
Full Syllabus Chemistry students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Hydrocarbons in Full Syllabus.
Hydrocarbons MCQ Questions Full Syllabus Chemistry with Answers
Question: When CH3CH2CHCl2 is treated with NaNH2 , the product formed is
- a) CH3– CH = CH2
- b) CH3– C ≡ CH
- c)
- d)
Answer: CH3– C ≡ CH
Question: 2-Bromopentane is heated with potassium ethoxide in ethanol. The major product obtained is
- a) trans-pent-2-ene
- b) Pent-1-ene
- c) 2-ethoxypentane
- d) cis-pent-2-ene
Answer: trans-pent-2-ene
Question: In the following reaction
the product ‘X’ is
- a) C6H5CH2OCH2C6H5
- b) C6H5CH2OH
- c) C6H5CH3
- d) C6H5CH2CH2C6H5
Answer: C6H5CH3
Question: When 3, 3-dimethyl 2-butanol is heated with H2SO4 , the major product obtained is
- a) 2, 3-dimethyl 2-butene
- b) cis and trans isomers of 2, 3-dimethyl 2-butene
- c) 2, 3-dimethyl 1-butene
- d) 3, 3-dimethyl 1-butene
Answer: 2, 3-dimethyl 2-butene
Question: Identify Z in the sequence of reaction
- a)
- b) CH3– CH2– CH2– CH2– Br
- c)
- d) None of these
Answer: CH3– CH2– CH2– CH2– Br
Question: In the following reaction
The major product is
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
Question: What products are formed when the following compound is treated with Br2 in the presence of FeBr3?
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
Question: One of the following which does not observe the anti-Markownikoff’s addition of HBr, is
- a) Pent-2-ene
- b) Propene
- c) But-2-ene
- d) But-1-ene
Answer: But-2-ene
Question: Which of the compounds with molecular formula C5H10 yields acetone on ozonolysis?
- a) 3-methylbut-1-ene
- b) Cyclopentane
- c) 2-methylbut-1-ene
- d) 2-methylbut-2-ene
Answer: 2-methylbut-2-ene
More Questions............................................
Question: In preparation of alkene from alcohol using Al2O3 which is the effective factor?
- a) Porosity of Al2O3
- b) Temperature
- c) Concentration
- d) Surface area of Al2O3
Answer: Temperature
Question: Dihedral angle in staggered form of ethane is
- a) 0°
- b) 120°
- c) 60°
- d) 180°
Answer: 60°
Question: 2-butene shows geometrical isomerism due to
- a) Restricted rotation about double bond
- b) Free rotation about double bond
- c) Free rotation about single bond
- d) Chiral carbon
Answer: Restricted rotation about double bond
Question: Gammexane is
- a) Bromobenzene
- b) Benzyl Chloride
- c) Chlorobenzene
- d) Benzene hexachloride
Answer: Benzene hexachloride
Question: In Friedel-Crafts reaction, toluene can be prepared by
- a) C6H6+ CH3Cl
- b) C6H5Cl + CH4
- c) C6H6+ CH2Cl2
- d) C6H6+ CH3COCl
Answer: C6H6+ CH3Cl
Question: When acetylene is passed through dil. H2SO4 in the presence of HgSO4 , the compound formed is
- a) Acetic acid
- b) Ketone
- c) Ether
- d) Acetaldehyde
Answer: Acetaldehyde
Question: In the commercial gasolines, the type of hydrocarbons which are more desirable is
- a) Linear unsaturated hydrocarbon
- b) Toluene
- c) Branched hydrocarbon
- d) Straight-chain hydrocarbon
Answer: Branched hydrocarbon
Question: Which one of these is not compatible with arenes?
- a) Electrophilic additions
- b) Delocalisation of π-electrons
- c) Greater stability
- d) Resonance
Answer: Electrophilic additions
Question: The cylindrical shape of alkyne is due to
- a) Two sigma C–C and one π C–C bonds
- b) One sigma C–C and two π C–C bonds
- c) Three sigma C–C bonds
- d) Three π C–C bonds
Answer: One sigma C–C and two π C–C bonds
Question: Which of the following is used as an anti-knocking material?
- a) Glyoxal
- b) Freon
- c) T.E.L.
- d) Ethyl alcohol
Answer: T.E.L.
Question: The bond length between central carbon atom and other carbon atom is minimum in
- a) Propene
- b) Propyne
- c) Propane
- d) Pentane
Answer: Propyne
Question: Geometrical isomers differ in
- a) Position of functional group
- b) Position of atoms
- c) Spatial arrangement of atoms
- d) Length of carbon chain
Answer: Spatial arrangement of atoms
Question: Liquid hydrocarbons can be converted to a mixture of gaseous hydrocarbons by
- a) Oxidation
- b) Cracking
- c) Distillation under reduced pressure
- d) Hydrolysis
Answer: Cracking
Question: Eclipsed form of ethane has higher energy due to
- a) Torsional strain
- b) Steric strain
- c) Angle strain
- d) Both (1) & (2)
Answer: Both (1) & (2)
Question: The difference in potential energy between eclipsed and staggered form of ethane is
- a) 4 kJ/mol
- b) 12.55 kJ/mol
- c) 2 kJ/mol
- d) 44 kJ/mol
Answer: 12.55 kJ/mol
Question: Which one is most stable?
- a) Cyclopropane
- b) Cyclobutane
- c) Cyclopentane
- d) Cyclohexane
Answer: Cyclohexane
Question: In iodination ; for preparation of iodomethane compound used is
- a) HIO3
- b) HgO
- c) Both (1) & (2)
- d) HI
Answer: Both (1) & (2)
Question: In chlorination the relation rate of abstraction of H in 3°, 2° and 1°C atom respectively
- a) 5 : 3.8 : 2
- b) 5 : 3.8 : 1
- c) 1600 : 82 : 1
- d) 1600 : 5 : 82
Answer: 5 : 3.8 : 1
Question: In which alkane isomerization will not occur?
- a) C2H6
- b) C4H10
- c) C5H10
- d) C6H14
Answer: C2H6
Question: C6H5CH2CH2CH3 is when oxidised in the presence of alk. KMnO4, the product obtained is
- a) C6H5CHO
- b) C6H5COOH
- c) C6H5CH2CH2CHO
- d) C6H5COCH3
Answer: C6H5COOH
Question: Liquid hydrocarbons can be converted to a mixture of gaseous hydrocarbons by
- a) Oxidation
- b) Cracking
- c) Distillation under reduced pressure
- d) Hydrolysis
Answer: Cracking
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MCQs for Hydrocarbons Chemistry Full Syllabus
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