NEET UG Chemistry D and F Block Elements MCQs

Refer to NEET UG Chemistry D and F Block Elements MCQs provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Full Syllabus Chemistry with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by NEET, NCERT and KVS. D and F Block Elements Full Syllabus MCQ are an important part of exams for Full Syllabus Chemistry and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for NEET Full Syllabus Chemistry and also download more latest study material for all subjects

MCQ for Full Syllabus Chemistry D and F Block Elements

Full Syllabus Chemistry students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for D and F Block Elements in Full Syllabus.

D and F Block Elements MCQ Questions Full Syllabus Chemistry with Answers



ˆ d-block elements are in periods 4 to 7.

ˆ f-block elements are in periods 6 and 7.

Elements of d-block (Transition metal elements)

ˆ The elements which in their ground state or any one of their oxidation states, d-orbital is

incompletely filled are called transition elements.

ˆ Amongst the d-block elements Zn, Cd and Hg do not act as transition elements.

ˆ All the transition elements are metallic elements.

ˆ In the first transition series, atomic radii decrease from Sc to V, while atomic radius remains same in elements Cr to Cu and the atomic radius of Zn is found increasing instead of decreasing.

ˆ Not much difference is observed in first and second ionization enthalpies of two neighbouring transition elements but the value of second ionization enthalpy of Cr and Cu are more than those of their neighbouring elements.

ˆ Most of the ionic and covalent compounds of transition elements are coloured.

ˆ Compounds of transition elements act as catalysts in certain chemical reactions.

ˆ The magnetic moment of transition element compounds, m = √n (n+2) where m = magnetic moment. n = number of unpaired element The unit of magnetic moment is BM (Bohr Magneton)

ˆ The capacity to form complex compounds is much more than other elements because of definite characteristics of transition elements.

ˆ In the formation of crystals of transition metals, the voids are there in which non-metal elements (H, C, N, B) arrange and form interstitial compounds.

ˆ Scientists Hume and Rothery suggested the rules for the alloys and accordingly alloys having useful properties are obtained from transition metal elements.

ˆ The compounds of transition element- KMnO4 and K2Cr2O7 are very useful in laboratory and in synthesis of organic compounds.

f-Block elements (Innertransition elements)

ˆ f-Block elements are divided in to (1) Lanthanide series and (2) Actinide series.

Lanthanide series

ˆ Lanthanide series : In period-6 Ce (Z = 58) to Lu (Z = 71)

ˆ Elements of lanthanide series are called lanthanoids which are shown by symbol Ln.

ˆ All the lanthanoids possess stable oxidation state (+3).

ˆ The general electronic configuration of lanthanoids : [Xe]4f1–145d0–16s2

ˆ Amongst lanthanoids, promethium (Pm) is radioactive.

Actinide series

ˆ Actinide series : In perod-7 Th (Z = 90) to Lr (Z = 103).

ˆ Elements of actinide series are called actinoids.

ˆ The stable oxidation state in actioids is found to be from (+2) to (+6).

ˆ The general electronic configuration of actinoids is : [Rn]5f0–146d0–27s2

ˆ All the actinoids are radioactive.

1. Whieh groups of elements are called d-block elements in modern periodic table ?
(A) 1 to 2 (B) 3 to 10 (C) 3 to 12 (D) 13 to 18
2. Which block elements are more electropositive in modern periodic table ?
(A) s (B) p (C) d (D) f
3. Which block elements are less electropositive in modern periodic table ?
(A) s (B) p (C) d (D) f
4. Which elements transist between more electropositive and less electropositive elements ?
(A) s (B) p (C) d (D) f
5. In modern periodic table, by which name d-block elements are known ?
(A) More electropositive elements (C) Transition elements
(B) Less electropositive elements (D) Inner transition elements
6. Which of the following is an electronic configuration at Th ?
(A) [Rn] 5f o 6d2 7s2 (C) [Rn] 5f 2 6d2 7so
(B) [Rn] 5f 2 6d2 7s2 (D) [Rn] 5f' 6d2 7so
7. By which reason, element -Th is introduce in f-block ?
(A) According to electronic configuration (B) According to physical properties
(C) According to chemical properties (D) According to practical properties
8. When d-block elements are consider as d-block elements ?
(A) d-orbital is fully filled in ground state.
(B) d-orbital is half filled in ground state.
(C) d-orbital is fully filled in all oxidation states.
(D) d-orbital is fully filled in only anyone oxidation state.
9. Which of the following elements are first transition element ?
(A) Ac, Rt (B) Ac, Re (C) Rf, La (D) Y, Rf
NEET UG Chemistry D and F Block Elements MCQs
13. Which of the following does not considered as transition element ?
(A) Cd (B) Pd (C) Ag (D) Ru
14. Which of the following does not considered as transition element ?
(A) Au (B) Hg (C) La (D) Pt
15. Which of the following does not relevant with transition elements ?
(A) Melting points of transition elements are high.
(B) Some ions of transition elements possesses paramagetic properties.
(C) All transition elements dissolves in acid.
(D) Transition elements processes various oxidation state.
NEET UG Chemistry D and F Block Elements MCQs-
20. Which elements have low ionisation enthalpy as compare to their neighbour element in first transition element ?
(A) Cr, Cu (B) Cr, Zn (C) Cr, Mn (D) Cu, Zu
21. Thermal stability of transition metal elements depends upon which of the following ?
(A) Atomic radii (B) Magnitude of ionisation enthalpy
(C) On electrode potential (D) Shielding effect
NEET UG Chemistry D and F Block Elements MCQs-1
NEET UG Chemistry D and F Block Elements MCQs-2
NEET UG Chemistry D and F Block Elements MCQs-3
31. In which of the following compound of trantion metal ion has 4.90 BM magnetic momentum?
(A) KMnO4 (B) NiCl2 (C) CoCl2 (D) FeSO4
32. Which of the following sentence is not suitable for the capacity of transition metal to form complex compounds ?
(A) Transition metal ions are small in size.
(B) Nuclear charge of trantion metal ion in comparatively more.
(C) Co-ordination covalent bond is not directional.
(D) Transition metal ions possesses different oxidation states.
33. Which of the following rules to prepare alloys should be obey ?
(A) Difference in atomic radii should be less than 15%.
(B) Valence electron configuration should not be equal.
(C) Atomic volume should not same.
(D) Crystal lattice structure are different.
34. What is the difference in atomic radii of two metallic elements to prepare alloys ?
(A) 15% (B) more than 15%
(C) less than 15% (D) 24.5 %
35. What is the difference of atomic radii of Au and Cu in 22 carate gold ?
(A) 15% (B) more than 15%
(C) less than 15% (D) 24.5%
36. Mn, Co, Cu metals are generally useful to prepare alloys because
(A) the difference in their atomic volume is more than 15%.
(B) the difference in their atomic volume is less than 2%.
(C) the difference in their atomic volume is 15%.
(D) the difference in their atomic volume is 2%.
37. Which alloy is used in preparation of coins ?
(A) Brass (B) Bronze
(C) German-Silver (D) Nichrome
38. Which alloy is used in preparation of antic - piece ?
(A) Nitinol (B) Bronze
(C) Cupronickle (D) German-Silver
39. Which alloy possesses facinating property of memory ?
(A) Brass (B) Nitinol
(C) Nichrom (D) Cupronicle
 NEET UG Chemistry D and F Block Elements MCQs-4
NEET UG Chemistry D and F Block Elements MCQs-5
NEET UG Chemistry D and F Block Elements MCQs-6
NEET UG Chemistry D and F Block Elements MCQs-7
49. Where potasium dicromate is used ?
(A) In leather industry (B) In textile industry
(C) As germiside (D) As bleaching agent in cotton cloths.
50. What is atomic volume of Au and Cu in 22 carrate gold ornaments ?
(A) 134 pm 118 pm (B) 133 pm 118 pm
(C) 134 pm 117 pm (D) 135 pm 117 pm
NEET UG Chemistry D and F Block Elements MCQs-8 
54. Potassium permangnate is used as _____
(A) As reducing agent (B) As corrosion inhibitors
(C) As decolouring agent in textile industry (D) In preparation of azo compound
55. Which of following is used in dry cell ?
(A) KMnO4 (B) MnO2 (C) K2 Cr2 O7 (D) K2MnO2
56. Which of alloy is used to fill dental cavities ?
(A) Sodium amalgam (B) Zinc chloride
(C) Mercury (D) Mercury Amalgam
57. Which of following is used as gernlicide
(A) K2Cr2O7  (B)KMnO4  (C) FeSO4  (D) K2MnO4
58. Which of following elements are include in Lanthanoide series ?
(A) La to Lu (B) Ce to Lu (C) La to yb (D) Ce to yb
59. Which of general symbol is used to represent Lanthanoides ?
(A) Ln (B) La (C) Le (D) Li
60. Which of following elements are include in actinide ?
(A) Th to Lr (B) Ac to Lr
(C) Ac to No (D) Th to No
NEET UG Chemistry D and F Block Elements MCQs-9
NEET UG Chemistry D and F Block Elements MCQs-10
69. Which of following radioactive elements in Lanthanodies.
(A) Promethium (Pm) (B) Lutetium (Lu)
(C) Yetterbium (Yb (D) Samarium (Sm)
70. Which of following is used in gas lighters ?
(A) CeO2 (B) Pyrophoric Misch metal
(C) Gadolinium sulphate (D) Ceric compounds
71. Which of following is used as oxidizing agent in volumetric analysis ?
(A) Ceric compounds (B) CeO2
(C) Oxides of lanthanoids (D) Gadolinium sulphate
72. Which of following is used in preparation of optical glass of camera having high refractive index ?
(A) ceric compounds (B) CeO2
(C) Oxides of lanthanoids (D) Gadolinium sulphate
73. Which of following is used to produce very low temperature by magnetic field ?
(A) Pyrophoric misch metal (B) Uranium
(C) Thorium (D) Gadolinium sulphate
74. What is the constitution of metals in pyrophoric misch metal ?
(A) ce-50%, ca-40%, Fe-10% (B) Ce-50%, La-40%, Fe-7%, other-5%
(C) Ce-40%, La-50%, Fe-5%, other-5% (D) Ce-40%, La-50%, Fe-10%
NEET UG Chemistry D and F Block Elements MCQs-11
76. Which of following statement is wrong ?
(A) Atoms of all transition elements are paramagnetic.
(B) All transition elements are metals.
(C) All elements of d-block are transition elements.
(D) d-block elements are present in between s & p block elements in periodic table.
77. Why do theoritical value of magnetic moment differ from their practical value ?
(A) Due to decrease in volume of metal ion.
(B) Due to unsymmetrical arrangement of dipoles in orbital.
(C) Due to rotation-orbital combination.
(D) Both are different methods to calculate magnetic moment.
78. What is the value of magnetic moment of central metal ion in K2MnO4 ?
(A) 0.0 BM (B) 1.73 BM
(C) 2.83 BB (D) 3.87 BM
NEET UG Chemistry D and F Block Elements MCQs-12
85. What will be obtained when managanese dioxide is fused with KOH in presence of oxidizing agent like KNO3 ? What will be the colour of product ? 
(A) K2 MnO4 Dark green (B) KMnO4, Violet
(C) Mn2O3, Grey (D) Mn2O4, Black
86. Which of following group of transition metal is used to prepare currency coins ?
(A) Cu, Ag, Au (B) Ru, Rh, Pd
(C) Fe, Co, Ni (D) Os, Ir, Pt
87. Ce is an important member of Lanthenoid series which of following is wrong statement for Ce ?
(A) The general oxidation state of Ce is +3 and +4.
(B) +3 oxidation state of Ce is more stable than +4.
(C) +4 oxidation state of Ce is not available in its aqueous solution.
(D) Ce (IV) behave as oxidizing agent.
 NEET UG Chemistry D and F Block Elements MCQs-13
91. Lanthanide contraction is caused due to ____
(A) The appreciable shilding on outer electrons by 4f electrons from the nuclear charge.
(B) The appreciable shilding on outer electrons by 5d electrons from the nuclear charge.
(C) The same effective nuclear charge from Ce to Lu.
(D) The poor shilding on outer electrons by 4f electrons from the nucluear charge.
92. The actinides exhibit more number of oxidation states in general than the lanthanide, because ____
(A) The 5f-orbitals are more spread in place than the 4f orbitals.
(B) Energy differnce between 5f and 6d orbitals is less than that of 4f and 5d orbitals.
(C) Energy difference between 5f and 6d orbital is more than that of 4f and 5d orbitals.
(D) Actinides are more reactive than that of lanthanides.
93. The general oxidation state of Lanthanide elements is +3. Which of following is incorrect statement for them ? 
(A) Ln (III) hydroxides are mainly basic in character.
(B) Because of the large size of the Ln (III) ions, the bonding in its compounds is ionic in character.
(C) Ln (III) Compounds are generally colourless.
(D) The ionic sizes of Ln (III) decreases with increase in atomic number.
94. Which of following statement is wrong for transition element ? 
(A) Once the d5 configuration nis exceeded the tendency to involve all the 3d electrons in bonding decreases.
(B) In addition to the normal oxidation states, the zero oxidation state is also shown by these elements in complexes.
(C) In the highest oxidation states, the transition metals show basic.
(D) In the highest oxidation states of the first five (transition elements (Sc to Mn) all the 4s & 3d electrons are used for bonding ?
95. Which of following is wrong statement ?
(A) La (OH)3 is less basic than Lu(OH)3.
(B) In lanthanide series, ionic radius decreases while moving Ce3+ to Lu3+ ion.
(C) La is actually tranusition element.
(D) Due to Lanthanide contraction atomic radius of Zn and Hf are same.
NEET UG Chemistry D and F Block Elements MCQs-14
101. What is oxidation no. of Cr in K2 Cr2 O7 
(A) +2 (B) +4 (C) +6 (D) +7
102. Which of following Lanthanide element has +2 and +3 general oxidation state. 
(A) La (B) Nd (C) Ce (D) Eu
103. Which of following compound is coloured ? 
(A) TiCl3 (B) FeCl3 (C) CoCl2 (D) All above
104. Which of following statement is correct for transition elements ? 
(A) They are very active.
(B) They show variable valencies.
(C) They show lower melting point.
(D) They are stong electropositive elements.
105. A element having atomic no. 56 is included in 
(A) Lanthanides (B) Actindies
(C) Alkaline earth metals (D) None of above
106. What is percentage proportion of silver in german silver ?
(A) 0% (B) 1%
(C) 5% (D) None of above
107. Which of similarity is seen in Lanthanoids & actinides ?
(A) Electronic configuration (B) Oxidation states
(C) Ionisation energy (D) Formation of complexes
NEET UG Chemistry D and F Block Elements MCQs-15
112. Which of following is use of potassium dichromate ? 
(A) To oxidise ferrous ions into ferric ions in acidic medium as an oxidizing agent.
(B) As an insecticide (C) In electroplating
(D) As a reducing agent
113. Which of Lanthanide compound is used in pigment ? 
(A) Tb (OH) 3 (B) Lu (OH)3 (C) Ce (OH)3 (D) CeO2
114. On which factor, does the stability of an oxidation state in lanthanide elements depend ? 
(A) Combined effect of hyadration energy and ionization energy.
(B) Electronic configuration (C) Enthalpy (D) Internal energy
115. What is the atomic number of the element with M2+ ion having electronic configuration [Ar] 3d8
(A) 26 (B) 27 (C) 28 (D) 25
116. Which of canthanide element show +2 and +3 oxidation state ? 
(A) La (B) Nd (C) Ce (D) Eu
117. Which of following is correct order of ionic radii of Y+3, La3+, Eu3+, Lu3+ ?
(A) Y3+ , < La3+ , < Eu3+ , > Lu3+ (B) Y3+ , < Lu3+ , < Eu3+ , < La3+
(C) Lu3+ , < Eu3+ , < La3+ , < Y3+ (D) La3+ , < Eu3+ , < Lu+3 , < Y3+
118. Lanthanide contraction is observed due to increase in____
(A) Atomic radii (B) Volume of 4f orbital
(C) Effective nuclear charge (D) Atomic number
119. In _____ elements, atomic volume decrease with increase in atomic number. 
(A) p-Block (B) f-Block
(C) Radioactive series (D) Super heavy elements
120. Which of aqueous solution is coloured ?
(A) Zn (NO3)2 (B) LiNO3 (C) Co (NO3)2 (D) Potash Alum
NEET UG Chemistry D and F Block Elements MCQs-16
Chemistry in Everyday Life
NEET UG Chemistry in Everyday Life MCQs

MCQs for D and F Block Elements Chemistry Full Syllabus

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