CBSE Class 10 Social Science History The Making of a Global World Assignment

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Assignment for Class 10 History India And Contemporary World II Chapter 3 The Making Of A Global World

Class 10 History students should refer to the following printable assignment in Pdf for India And Contemporary World II Chapter 3 The Making Of A Global World in Class 10. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 10 History will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks

India And Contemporary World II Chapter 3 The Making Of A Global World Class 10 History Assignment

Brief Concepts of the Lesson - Trade is the activity of buying selling or exchanging goods or services between people firms or countries.
Indentured labour—A bonded labourer under contract to work for an employer for a specific amount to work for an employer for a specific amount of time to pay off his passage to a new country or home.
Tariff – Tax imposed on a country’s imports from the rest of the world. Tariff are levied at the point of entry i.e. the border or the airport.
Corn laws—The laws allowing the British Govt. to restrict the import of corn were popularly known as the corn laws.
Assembly line production – The assembly line is a manufacturing process in sequential manner to added to a product in sequential manner to create a finished product.

Objective Questions

Question : Which of the following was not a destination for Indian indentured migrants?
(a) Caribbean islands
(b) Fiji
(c) Japan
(d) None of the aboe
Answer : C
Question : Who later joined the Allies during the First World War?
(a) First World War
(b) Second World War
(c) Third World War
(d) None of these
Answer : A
Question : In which state, British Government built a network of irrigation, known as canal colonies?
(a) Punjab
(b) Rajasthan
(c) Uttar Pradesh
(d) Bengal
Answer : A
Question : When was the active coastal trade linked the Indus Valley Civilisations with present day West Asia?
(a) As early as 500 BCE
(b) As early as 1000 BCE
(c) As early as 2000 BCE
(d) As early as 3000 BCE
Answer : D
Question : Around the world, lands were cleared and food production expanded to meet the ......... demand.
(a) American
(b) French
(c) German
(d) British
Answer : D
Question : The First World War (1914-18) was mainly fought in?
(a) Asia
(b) America
(c) Europe
(d) Russia
Answer : C
Question : In the 18th century, which among the following was not a rich country?
(a) Peru
(b) China
(c) India
Answer : A
Question : When was the long-distance spread of disease carrying germs traced?
(a) 4th century
(b) 5th century
(c) 6th century
(d) 7th century
Answer : A
Question : How much span of time can be referred for globalisation?
(a) Since the last 25 years
(b) Since the last 50 years
(c) Since the last 75 years
(d) Since the last 100 years
Answer : B
Question : Which was the tabled city of gold?
(a) Peru
(b) Mexico
(c) El Dorado
(d) Spain
Answer : C
Question : Why were Europeans attracted to Africa?
(a) Resources
(b) Weather
(c) Economic development
(d) All of the above
Answer : A

Question. What was the Bretton wood system?
(a) Post war the military system
(b) Post war political system
(c) Post war international economic system
(d) None of these
Answer: C

Question. What did indentured labour mean?
(a) Cheap Labour
(b) Free Labour
(c) Bonded Labour
(d) None of these
Answer: C

Question. What were ‘Canal Colonies’?
(a) Large Colonies
(b) Sea Ports
(c) Large Canals
(d) Irrigated areas
Answer: D

Question. Which food traveled west from china to be called “Spaghetti’?
(a) Soya
(b) Groundnuts
(c) Potato
(d) Noodles
Answer: D

Question. Which disease spread like wild fire in Africa in the 1890’s?
(a) Cattle plague
(b) Small pox
(c) Pneumonia
(d) None of these
Answer: A

Question. Which was the Tabled city of gold?
(a) Peru
(b) Mexico
(c) El Doeodo
(d) Spain
Answer: C

Question. Who adopted the concept of assembly line to produce automobiles?
(a) Samuel Morse
(b) Henry Ford
(c) T. Cuppla
(d) Imam Husain
Answer: B

Question. The Descendants of indentures workers is a Noble Prize winning writer is-
(a) Bob Morley
(b) V. S. Naipaul
(c) Amartya Sen
(d) Ram Naresh Sarwan
Answer: B

Question. The great Depression begin in
(a) 1927
(b) 1928
(c) 1929
(d) 1930
Answer: C

Question. The Chutney music popular in-
(a) North America
(b) South America
(c) Japan
(d) China
Answer: B

Question. Rinderpest is a?
(a) Cattle disease in Africa
(b) Cattle disease in China
(c) Cattle disease in India
(d) Cattle
Answer: A

Question. Which of the following is not a economic exchange?
(a) Flow of Labour
(b) Flow of Capital
(c) Flow of Knowledge
(d) Flow of Trade
Answer: C

Question : What ‘technology’ helped in transporting perishable goods?
(a) Refrigerated aircrafts
(b) Refrigerated railways
(c) Refrigerated ships
(d) Both (a) and (b)
Answer : C
Question : The silver metal was not available in:
(a) Peru
(b) Mexico
(c) Canada
(d) None of the aboe
Answer : A
Question : Which Conference was held in July 1944 at Bretton Woods? 
(a) Earth Conference
(b) United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference
(c) United nation Development programme Conference
(d) United Nations Financial and Monetary Conference
Answer : B
Explanation: United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference was held in July 1944 at Bretton Woods in New Hampshire, USA. 
Question : Identify the personality with the help of given information :
i. He was the pioneer of mass production in factories.
ii. He adapted the assembly line of a Chicago slaughterhouse. 
(a) Paul Bernard
(b) Henry Ford
(c) Louis Philippe
(d) John Maynard Keynes
Answer : B 
i. Henry Ford, the founder of the Ford Motors was the pioneer of mass production in factories.
ii. Henry Ford adapted(modified) the assembly line of a Chicago slaughterhouse (in which slaughtered animals Were picked apart by butchers as they came down a conveyor belt) to his new car plant in Detroit.
Question : Rinderpest wiped off ______ of the cattle population of Africa during this period. 
(a) 60%
(b) 90%
(c) 80%
(d) 50%
Answer : B 
Explanation: Rinderpest is a disease which affects cattle. The example of rinderpest in Africa shows that even a cattle disease can widely alter the power equations in a geographical area.Rinderpest wiped off 90% of the cattle population of Africa during this period. 
Question : Give one word for - Movement of people, goods and services across the nations. 
(a) Privatization
(b) Globalisation
(c) Liberalisation
(d) Communalism
Answer : B 
Explanation: Movement of people, goods and services across the nations has been termed as globalisation.


DIRECTION : Complete the following statements with appropriate word(s). 
Question : The Brelton Woods conference established the _____ to deal with external surpluses and deficits of its members nations.
Answer : International Monetary Fund (IMF) 
Question : The colonisation of Africa was completed in 1885 and called _______.
Answer : Paper Partition 


DIRECTION : Read each of the following statements and write if it is true or false. 
Question : The great depression began around 1929 and lasted till the mid-1930s.
Answer : True  
Question : Germany, Britain and France were Allied Powers.
Answer : False 


DIRECTION : Mark the option which is most suitable :
(a) If both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
(b) If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
(c) If assertion is true but reason is false.
(d) If both assertion and reason are false.
Question : Assertion : The Portuguese and Spanish conquest and colonisation of Antarctica was decisively under way by the mid-sixteenth century.
Reason : The most powerful weapon of the Spanish conquerors was the germs such as those of Swine flu that they carried on their person.
Answer : (d) Both assertion and reason are false.
The Portuguese and Spanish conquest and colonisation of America was decisively under way by the mi- sixteenth century. The most powerful weapon of the Spanish conquerors was not a conventional military weapon but they carried germs of small pox on themselves. Thus, both the assertion and reason are false.
Question : Assertion : ‘Chutney music’, popular in Trinidad and Guyana, is another creative contemporary expression of the post-indenture experience.
Reason : Some of the Naipaul’s early novels capture their sense of loss and alienation. 
Answer : (b) Both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
The reason and assertion do not match each other.
Question : Assertion : The First World War involved the world’s leading industrial nations which harnessed the vast powers of modem industry to inflict the greatest possible destruction of enemies.
Reason : It was the first modern industrial war, which saw the use of robots and satellites on a massive scale.
Answer : (c) Assertion is true but reason is false. 
It was the first modem industrial war, which saw the use of machine guns, tanks, aircraft, chemical weapons, etc, on a massive scale. Therefore, the assertion is true but reason is false.
Question : Assertion : During the Great Depression, agricultural regions and communities were worst affected.
Reason : The fall in agricultural prices was greater and more prolonged than that in the prices of industrial goods.
Answer : (a) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
The reason explains the assertion.

Very Short Answer Type Questions  

Question : Which European country first conquered America? 
Answer :  The European country, Spanish first conquered America. 
Question : Name the first European country that conquered America? 
Answer : Spain was the first European country that conquered America. 
Question : What steps were taken by the economists and politicians of the world to meet the global economic crisis that arose after the Second World War?
Answer :  1929-30 
Question :  During which year did the Great Depression occur? 
Answer :  The Great Depression occurred during the year 1929-1930s.   
Question :  Name the economist who thought that Indian gold exports during the Great Depression of 1929 promoted global economic recovery. 
Answer :  The economist that thought Indian gold exports promoted global economic recovery was John Maynard Keynes.

Short /Long Answer Type Questions 

Question : Explain any three factors responsible for the Great Depression of 1929. 
Answer : The three factors responsible for the Great Depression of 1929 are:
i. Due to agricultural over production, prices slumped and income declined.
Farmers expanded the production to maintain their overall income. This worsened the glut in the market.
ii. In the mid-1920s, US financed many countries through loans but in 1929 these countries faced an acute crisis. US loan withdrawal affected the whole Europe.
iii. Major banks collapsed along with currencies, such as British pound and sterling.
The US attempts to protect its economy in depression by doubling its import duties affected the world badly.
Question : Explain the impact of the Great Depression of 1929-1934 on the world economy. 
Answer : The impact of the Great Depression of 1929-1934 on the world’s economy was:
i. There was deterioration of the economic conditions of the capitalists.
ii. There had been great fall in the industrial production as the demand for goods of
all types also fell.
iii. Unemployment soared very high.
iv. There was a great fall in the living standard of the people.
v. Agricultural prices fell disastrously.

Question. Explain the impacts of the First World War?
1. It was the first modern industrial was which involved industrial nations.
2. Machine guns, tanks, aircraft, chemical weapons etc are used on a massive scale.
3. Unthinkable death and destruction.
4. Most of the people killed and injured were man of working age.
5. Declined the household income.
6. Men were forced to join in the war.
7. Women slapped into undertake jobs which they were not used to.

Question. What were the effects of the great Depression on the Indian economy?
1. The economy depression immediately affected Indian Trade, as India’s exports and imports nearly halved between 1928-1934
2. Agriculture prices fell sharply, but the colonial government refused to reduce revenues.
Peasants producing for the world markets were worst hit.
3. Raw jute was produced, processed in the industries to make gunny bags. Its exports
collapsed and prices fell by 60% peasants of Bengal fell into debt traps.
4. Peasants used up their savings mortgaged lands and sold their precious jewelry
to meet their expanses.

Question. 19th century indenture has been described as a ‘New system of slavery’. Explain .
Answer: In the 19th century, hundreds of thousands of Indians and Chinese laborers went to work on plantations in mines and in mines and in road and railways construction projects around the world.
1. In India, indentures laborers were hired under contracts which promises return travel to India after they had worked for five years on plantations.
2. Gradually in India cottage industries declined, land rents rose, land were cleared for mines and plantations.
All this affected the lines of the poor. They failed to pay their rents become indebted, and were forced to migrate in search of work.
3. The main destinations of Indian indentured migrants were the Caribbean islands, Trinidad, Guyana, Surinam, Mauritius, Fiji and Ceylon and Malaya.
4. Recruitment was done by agent engaged by employers and paid small commission.

Question. “One important feature of the US economy in the 1920’s was mass production.” Explain.
1. A well known pioneer of mass production was the car manufacturer, ‘Henry Ford’.
2. He adopted an assembly line technique of a slaughter house.
3. He realized that the ‘Assembly line’ method would allow a faster and cheaper way of producing vehicles.
4. This method forced workers to repeat a single task mechanically and continuously
5. This was a way of increasing output per worker by speeding up the pace of work.
6. This doubling go daily wages was considered ‘best cost – cutting decision’ he had ever made.

Question : The First World War was a war like no other before. Explain any three features about the war that supports the statement. 
Answer : The First World War was regarded as a war like no other due important reasons which are as follows:
i. It involved the world's leading Industrial nations. The major economies of the world like USA, UK, Russia and Germany fought the war with the might of all their industries and strength of the economy and defence.
ii. This war was the first modern industrial war. Machine guns, tanks, aircraft, chemical weapons, were used on a massive scale.
iii. Most of those who were maimed were men of working age. The scale of death and destruction was great. These deaths and injuries reduced the workforce.
iv. Industries during the war were restructured to produce war-related products.
v. The war led to the snapping of economic links between the world's largest economic powers which were now fighting with each other to pay for them. The war transformed the US from being an international debtor to an international creditor.
Question : Briefly explain the key lessons which economists and politicians drew out from interwar economic experiences. 
Answer :  The key lessons which economists and politicians drew out from inter-war economic experiences are:
i. An industrial society based on mass production cannot be sustained without mass consumption for which there was a need for stable incomes guaranteed by stable employment. This economic stability had to be ensured by the government.
ii. The goal of full employment could only be achieved if governments had power to control flows of goods, capital and labour.
iii. The main aim of the post war international economic system was to preserve economic stability and full employment in the industrial world.  
Question :  Explain the role of New International Economic Order (NIEO). 
Answer :  G-77 or the Group of 77 demanded a New International Economic Order (NIEO).
By the New International Economic Order (NIEO) they meant a system that would give them:
i. Real control on their own natural resources.
ii. More development assistance from advanced or western countries.
iii. The fairer price for raw material and better access for their manufactured goods in developed countries’ markets. 
Question : From where did Henry Ford draw inspiration, regarding the assembly line method? Describe the assembly line method in the industrial production sector. 
Answer :  Henry Ford was car manufacturer. He drew inspiration regarding the assembly line method from a Chicago slaughter house. He adapted this method to his new car plant in Detroit.
i. The assembly line forced workers to repeat a single task mechanically and continuously – such as fitting a particular part to the car – at a pace dictated by the conveyor belt
ii. This was way of increasing the output per worker by speeding up the pace of work as he could not afford to delay the motion or take a break.
iii. Standing in front of a conveyor belt no worker could afford to delay the motions, take a break or have even a friendly word with the workmate. As a result, Henry Ford’s cars came off the assembly line at a three-minute intervals. 

Question :  What was the importance of the Indian trade for the British?
Answer : 1. Trade Surplus – Britain had a Trade Surplus with Indian. Britain used this Surplus to balance its trade deficit with other countries.

2. Home Charges – Britain’s trade Surplus in India also helped to pay the so called home charges that included private remittance home by British officials and traders, interest payments on India’s external debt and pensions of British officials in India.

3. Major Supplier of cotton – India remained a major supplier of raw cotton to British which was required to feed the cotton textile industry of Britain.

4. Supplier if indenture workers – Many indenture workers from Bihar, U.P., central India migrated to other countries to work in mines and plantations.


Question : How Bretton Woods System Worked?
Answer : 1. The international monetary system is the system linking national currencies and monetary system.

2. The Briton woods system was based on fixed exchange rates. In this system the national currencies were pegged to the dollar at a fixed exchange rate.

3. The Bretton woods system inaugurated an era of unprecedented growth of trade and incomes for the western industrial nations.

Question : What were the effects of the British Government’s decision to abolish the corn laws?
Answer : 1. Food could be imported into Britain more cheaply than it would be produced within the country.

2. British agriculture was unable to compete with imports. Vast Areas of land were left uncultivated and people started migrating to cities or other countries.

3. As food prices fell, consumption in Britain rose. Faster industrial growth in Britain also led to higher incomes and therefore more food imports.

4. Around the world in eastern Europe, Russia, America and Australia land were cleared and food production expanded to meet the British demand.

Question :  What were the advantages of invention of refrigerated ship?
Answer : 1. This reduced the shipping costs and lowered meat prices in Europe.
2. The poor in Europe could now consume a more varied diet.
3. To the earlier, monotony of Bread and Potatoes many, not all could add meat, butter or egg.
5. Better living conditions promoted social peace within the country and support for imperialism abroad.

Question : Describe any five factors that led to the end of the Bretton Woods System and the beginning of globalisation.
Answer : The five factors are : (i) Decline in economic power of the USA.

(a) US dollar no longer commanded confidence.

(b) US dollar could not maintain its value in relation to gold.

(c) Collapse of fixed exchange rates on floating exchange rates.

(ii) Change in the international finance : The International Monetary Fund and the World Bank were created to meet the financial needs of the industrial countries. International financial system changed, and developing countries were forced to borrow from western commercial banks.

(iii) Unemployment in industrialised countries : Industrial world was hit by unemployment. The number of unemployed started rising and people travelled long distances looking for any work they could find.

(iv) Shifting to production enterprises : MNCs shifted their production units to Asian countries because of abundant labour and low wages.

(v) Changes in China : China became an attractive destination for investment by foreign MNCs.

Question : How did Rinderpest become instrumental in subjugating the Africans?
Answer : (i) The loss of 90% of the cattle destroyed African livelihood.

(ii) Planters, mine owners and colonial government now successfully monopolised what little cattle resources remained, to strengthen their power and forced Africans into the labour market.

(iii) Control over the scarce resource of cattle enabled European colonisers to conquer and subdue Africa.

Question : 19th century indenture had been described as a new system of slavery. Explain the statement briefly.
Answer : New system of slavery :

(i) Recruiting agents tempted the poor people by giving false information about the nature of work, final destinations, living and working conditions, mode of travel, etc.

(ii) Less willing workers were, at times, forcibly abducted by the agents.

(iii) On arrival at the plantations, when labourers found conditions to be different, many of them escaped into the wilds while other developed new forms of individual and collective self expression.

Question : Write any three factors responsible for indentured labour migration from India.
Answer : Factors responsible for indentured labour migration from India :

(i) In the mid-19th century, cottage industries declined, land rents rose, lands were cleared for mines and plantations. This affected poor people because they were highly indebted and were forced to migrate for work.

(ii) Temptations : As the agents provided false information about final destinations, nature of work and living and working conditions, many poor people were tempted to go and work.

(iii) In order to escape poverty or oppression at home and in villages, many migrants agreed to work.

Question : ‘The First World War was a war like no other’. Explain any three features about the war to support the statement.
Answer : (i) It involved the world’s leading industrial nations.

(ii) This was was the first modern industrial war. Machine guns, tanks, aircrafts, chemical weapons, were used on a massive scale.

(iii) Most of those who were maimed were young and men of working age. The scale of death and destruction was great. These deaths and injuries reduced the workforce.

(iv) Industries during the war were restructured to produce war-related products.

(v) The war led to the snapping of economic links between the world’s largest economic powers which were now fighting with each other. The war transformed the US from being an international debtor to an international creditor.

Question : What was the impact of industrialisation in Britain and on the Indian economy? Explain.
Answer : The Industrial Revolution in England became an important cause of India's poverty. (i) The Industrial Revolution enabled England to produce more goods than needed there. So the Indian markets were flooded by the machines made goods from England. As a result of this, India which was at one time an exporting country was reduced to a big consumer of the English goods.

Question : Explain the destruction caused during the Second World War. Mention two crucial influences which shaped post-war reconstruction
Answer : (i) Unlike earlier wars, most of the deaths took place outside the battlefields.

(ii) More civilians than soldiers died from war.

(iii) Vast parts of Asia and Europe were devastated.

(iv) Cities were destroyed.

(v) There was immense amount of economic devastation. Two crucial influences: First : U.S’s emergence as military power in the western world. Second : Dominance of the Soviet Union.

Question : Describe the contribution of indentured labours towards the cultural fusion in emerging global world.

Answer : Indentured labour made a huge contribution towards cultural fusion.
(i) Cultural fusion is a phenomenon, which emerges when two or more cultures inter-mingle and produce a new culture.

(ii) Indentured labourers used to live and work in very harsh conditions. This forced them to seek new avenues of comfort and relaxation. This blended different cultural forms.

(iii) Examples : (a) Hosay : In Trinidad, the annual Muharram procession was transformed into a riotous carnival called ‘Hosay’ in which workers of all races and religions joined.

(b) Chutney Music : It is another creative contemporary expression of the post indentured experience.

(c) Rastafarianism : The protest religion of ‘Rastafariansim’ is also said to reflect social and cultural links with Indian migrants to the Carribean.

Question : What attracted the Europeans to Africa? Give any three reasons.
Answer : (i) Europeans were attracted due to the resources of land and minerals of Africa.

(ii) They came to Africa to establish plantations and exploit mines.

(iii) African countries were militarily weak and backward. So, it was easy to conquer them.

Question : State three reasons why Europeans fled to America in the 19th century.

Answer : Europeans fled to America in the 19th century because :

(i) Until the 19th century, power and hunger were common in Europe.

(ii) Cities were crowded and deadly diseases were widespread.

(iii) Religious conflicts were common and religious dissenters were persecuted.

(iv) In America, plantations were growing cotton and sugar for the European market. These plantations were worked on by slaves.

Question : “Indian trade had played a crucial role in the late nineteenth century world economy.” Analyze the statement.
Answer : The role on Indian economy in the nineteenth century world economy can be explained as follows :

(i) India was a major exporter of raw materials to Britain most importantly items such as cotton, spices, indigo etc.

(ii) Indian markets were flooded with the British manufactured goods, giving huge profits to the British companies.

(iii) There was a trade surplus for Britain while trading with India. This trade surplus was used in many ways by Britain. This was used to pay for the private remittances by the British officials.

(iv) Not only with Britain, India also traded with China mainly in opium.

(v) In the nineteenth century, thousands of Indian labourers went to work on plantations in mines and in rood and railway construction projects around the world as indentured labor.

Question : Describe the impact of ‘Rinderpest’ in Africa in the 1890s.
Answer : Rinderpest or cattle -plague was the fastspreading and devastating disease of cattle. Rinderpest arrived in Africa in the late 1880s.It was carried by infected cattle imported from British Asia to feed the Italian soldiers invading Eritrea in East Africa. Entering Africa in the east, rinderpest moved to the west like forest fire reaching Africa’s Atlantic coast in 1892.It killed 90% of the cattle on the way. It affected the Africans in following ways:

(i) 90% of cattle were killed.

(ii) The loss of cattle destroyed African livelihoods.

(iii) Earlier people rarely worked for a wage. They possessed land and livestock. Due to Rinderpest, they were forced to work for wages and so it affected the economy.

(iv) Colonial government forced the Africans into labor market.

(v) Thus, this worked as a gods gift to the colonizers as now they could easily have cheap labor to meet their colonial needs.

Question : “Trade and cultural exchange always went hand in hand”. Explain the statement in the light of silk routes.
Answer : (i) The silk routes are a good example of vibrant pre-modern trade and cultural links between distant parts of the world.

(ii) The name ‘silk routes’ points to the importance of west-bound Chinese silk cargoes along this route. Precious metals — gold and silver, etc. flowed from Europe to Asia. Chinese potteries, textiles from China and spices from India were traded.

(iii) Various food item offer very good examples of long distance cultural exchanges.

(iv) Christian missionaries, Muslim preachers and Buddhist monks travelled through this route.

Question : After 19th century, how did the indentured labourers discover their own ways of survival? Explain?
Answer : (i) Initially the indentured labourers found it difficult to adjust to the harsh living conditions of the plantation. But very soon they discovered new ways of survival.

(ii) They developed new forms of individual and collective self expression, blended art, cultural forms, old and new.

(iii) In Trinidad, the cultural Muharram Procession was transformed into a riotous carnival called ‘Hosay’ in which workers of all races and religions joined.

(iv) The protest-religion ‘Rastafarianism’ is also said to reflect social and cultural links with Indian migrants to the Caribbean

(v) ‘Chutney music’ popular in Trinidad and Guyana is another creative expression of the post indenture experience.

Write in Brief

Question. Give two examples of different types of global exchanges which took place before the seventeenth century, choosing one example from Asia and one from the Americas.
Answer : Examples of the different types of global exchanges which took place before the seventeenth century:
• Textiles, spices and Chinese pottery were exchanged by China, India and Southeast Asia in return for gold and silver from Europe.
• Gold and foods such as potatoes, soya, groundnuts, tomatoes and chillies were first exported from the Americas to Europe.

Question. Explain how the global transfer of disease in the pre-modern world helped in the colonisation of the Americas.
Answer : The global transfer of disease in the pre-modern world helped in the colonisation of the Americas because the native American Indians were not immune to the diseases that the settlers and colonisers brought with them. The Europeans were more or less immune to small pox, but the native Americans, having been cut off from the rest of the world for
millions of years, had no defence against it. These germs killed and wiped out whole communities, paving the way for foreign domination. Weapons and soldiers could be destroyed or captured, but diseases could not be fought against.

Question. Write a note to explain the effects of the following:
(a) The British government’s decision to abolish the Corn Laws.
(b) The coming of rinderpest to Africa.
(c) The death of men of working-age in Europe because of the World War.
(d) The Great Depression on the Indian economy.
(e) The decision of MNCs to relocate production to Asian countries.
Answer : (a) The British government’s decision to abolish the Corn Laws was the inflow of cheaper agricultural crops from America and Australia. Many English farmers left their profession and migrated to towns and cities. Some went overseas. This indirectly led to global agriculture and rapid urbanisation, a prerequisite of industrial growth. 
(b) The coming of rinderpest to Africa caused a loss of livelihood for countless Africans. Using this situation to their advantage, colonising nations conquered and subdued Africa by monopolising scarce cattle resources to force Africans into the labour market.
(c) Most of the victims of world war belonged to young generations of working men. As a result, it reduced the workforce in Europe, thereby reducing household income. The role of women increased and led to demand for more equality of status. It made the feminist movement stronger. Women started working alongside men in every field. Women and youngsters became more independent and free with long-term effects.
(d) The impact of the Great Depression in India was felt especially in the agricultural sector. It was evident that Indian economy was closely becoming integrated to global economy. India was a British colony and exported agricultural goods and imported manufactured goods. The fall in agricultural price led to reduction of farmers’ income and agricultural export. The government did not decrease their tax and so, many farmers and landlords became more indebted to moneylenders and corrupt officials. It led to a great rural unrest in India.

Question. Give two examples from history to show the impact of technology on food availability.
Answer : Two examples from history to show the impact of technology on food availability were:
• Faster railways, lighter wagons and larger ships helped transport food more cheaply and quickly from production units to even faraway markets.
• Refrigerated ships helped transport perishable foods such as meat, butter and eggs over long distances.

Question. What is meant by the Bretton Woods Agreement?
Answer : The Bretton Woods Agreement was finalised in July 1944 at Bretton Woods in New Hampshire, USA. It established the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank to preserve global economic stability and full employment in the industrial world. These institutions also dealt with external surpluses and deficits of member nations, and financed post-war reconstructions.


Question. Explain the three types of movements or flows within international economic exchange. Find one example of each type of flow which involved India and Indians, and write a short account of it.
Answer : The three types of movements or flows within the international economic exchange are trade flows, human capital flows and capital flows or investments. These can be explained as—the trade in agricultural products, migration of labour, and financial loans to and from other nations.
India was a hub of trade in the pre-modern world, and it exported textiles and spices in return for gold and silver from Europe. Many different foods such as potatoes, soya, groundnuts, maize, tomatoes, chillies and sweet potatoes came to India from the Americas after Columbus discovered it.
In the field of labour, indentured labour was provided for mines, plantations and factories abroad, in huge numbers, in the nineteenth century. This was an instrument of colonial domination by the British.
Lastly, Britain took generous loans from USA to finance the World War. Since India was an English colony, the impact of these loan debts was felt in India too. The British government increased taxes, interest rates, and lowered the prices of products it bought from the colony. Indirectly, but strongly, this affected the Indian economy and people.

Question. Explain the causes of the Great Depression.
Answer : The Great Depression was a result of many factors: 
• Prosperity in the USA during the 1920s created a cycle of higher employment and incomes. It led to rise in consumption and demands. More investment and more employment created tendencies of speculations which led to the Great Depression of 1929 upto the mid-1930s.
• Stock market crashed in 1929. It created panic among investors and depositors who stopped investing and depositing. As a result, it created a cycle of depreciation.
• Failure of the banks. Some of the banks closed down when people withdrew all their assets, leaving them unable to invest. Some banks called back loans taken from them at the same dollar rate inspite of the falling value of dollar. It was worsened by British change in policy to value pound at the pre-war value.

Question. Explain what is referred to as the G-77 countries. In what ways can G-77 be seen as a reaction to the activities of the Bretton Woods twins?
Answer : G-77 countries is an abbreviation for the group of 77 countries that demanded a new international economic order (NIEO); a system that would give them real control over their natural resources, without being victims of neo-colonialism, that is, a new form of colonialism in trade practised by the former colonial powers.
The G-77 can be seen as a reaction to the activities of the Bretton Woods twins (the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank) because these two institutions were designed to meet the financial needs of industrial and developed countries, and did nothing for the economic growth of former colonies and developing nations.

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CBSE Class 10 History India And Contemporary World II Chapter 3 The Making Of A Global World Assignment

We hope you liked the above assignment for India And Contemporary World II Chapter 3 The Making Of A Global World which has been designed as per the latest syllabus for Class 10 History released by CBSE. Students of Class 10 should download and practice the above Assignments for Class 10 History regularly. We have provided all types of questions like MCQs, short answer questions, objective questions and long answer questions in the Class 10 History practice sheet in Pdf. All questions have been designed for History by looking into the pattern of problems asked in previous year examinations. You can download all Revision notes for Class 10 History also absolutely free of cost. Lot of MCQ questions for Class 10 History have also been given in the worksheets and assignments for regular use. All study material for Class 10 History students have been given on studiestoday. We have also provided lot of Worksheets for Class 10 History which you can use to further make your self stronger in History.

What are benefits of doing Assignment for CBSE Class 10 History India And Contemporary World II Chapter 3 The Making Of A Global World?

a. Score higher marks: Regular practice of History Class 10 Assignments for chapter India And Contemporary World II Chapter 3 The Making Of A Global World will help to improve understanding and help in solving exam questions correctly.
b. As per CBSE pattern: All questions given above follow the latest Class 10 History Sample Papers so that students can prepare as per latest exam pattern.
c. Understand different question types: These assignments include MCQ Questions for Class 10 History with answers relating to India And Contemporary World II Chapter 3 The Making Of A Global World, short answers, long answers, and also case studies.
d. Improve time management: Daily solving questions from India And Contemporary World II Chapter 3 The Making Of A Global World within a set time will improve your speed and accuracy.
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How to Solve CBSE Class 10 History India And Contemporary World II Chapter 3 The Making Of A Global World Assignment effectively?

a. Start with Class 10 NCERT and syllabus topics: Always read the chapter carefully before attempting Assignment questions for Class 10 History India And Contemporary World II Chapter 3 The Making Of A Global World.
b. Solve without checking answers: You should first attempt the assignment questions on India And Contemporary World II Chapter 3 The Making Of A Global World yourself and then compare with provided solutions.
c. Use Class 10 worksheets and revision notes: Refer to NCERT Class 10 History worksheets, sample papers, and mock tests for extra practice.
d. Revise tricky topics: Focus on difficult concepts by solving Class 10 History MCQ Test.
e. Maintain notebook: Note down mistakes in India And Contemporary World II Chapter 3 The Making Of A Global World assignment and read them in Revision notes for Class 10 History

How to practice CBSE Class 10 History India And Contemporary World II Chapter 3 The Making Of A Global World Assignment for best results?

a. Solve assignments daily: Regular practice of India And Contemporary World II Chapter 3 The Making Of A Global World questions will strengthen problem solving skills.
b.Use Class 10 study materials: Combine NCERT book for Class 10 History, mock tests, sample papers, and worksheets to get a complete preparation experience.
c. Set a timer: Practicing Class 10 History India And Contemporary World II Chapter 3 The Making Of A Global World assignment under timed conditions improves speed and accuracy.

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Latest syllabus issued for current academic year by CBSE has been used to design assignments for India And Contemporary World II Chapter 3 The Making Of A Global World Class 10

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