Read and download free pdf of CBSE Class 10 Social Science Civics Outcomes of Democracy Assignment. Get printable school Assignments for Class 10 Civics. Class 10 students should practise questions and answers given here for Democratic Politics II Chapter 7 Outcomes Of Democracy Civics in Class 10 which will help them to strengthen their understanding of all important topics. Students should also download free pdf of Printable Worksheets for Class 10 Civics prepared as per the latest books and syllabus issued by NCERT, CBSE, KVS and do problems daily to score better marks in tests and examinations
Assignment for Class 10 Civics Democratic Politics II Chapter 7 Outcomes Of Democracy
Class 10 Civics students should refer to the following printable assignment in Pdf for Democratic Politics II Chapter 7 Outcomes Of Democracy in Class 10. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 10 Civics will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks
Democratic Politics II Chapter 7 Outcomes Of Democracy Class 10 Civics Assignment
The most basic outcome of democracy is to provide political and social quality to the citizens. The democracy isexpected to produce a government that works according to the needs and expectations of citizens.
Democracy is better because it :
(i) Promotes equality among citizens;
(ii) Enhances the dignity of the individual;
(iii) Improves the quality of decision-making;
(iv) Provides a method to resolve conflicts;
(v) Allows room to correct mistakes.
If some of our expectations are not met, we start blaming the idea of democracy. The first step towards thinking carefully about the outcomes of democracy is to recognise that democracy is just a form of government. It can only create conditions for achieving something. The citizens have to take advantage of those conditions and achieve there goals.
One of the basic outcome of democracy is that it produces a government that is accountable, representative, responsible and legitimate to the needs and expectations of the citizens.
(i) Democracy produces an Accountable and Representative Government : In a democracy people have the right to choose their rulers and people will have control over the rulers, i.e., the representative government. Whenever possible and necessary, a citizen should be able to participate in decision making that affects all. So, a citizen who wants to know if a decision was taken through the correct procedures can find this out. He or she has the right and the means to examine the process of decision making. This signifies that democracy produces an accountable government.
(ii) Democracy produces Responsible and Legitimate Government : Democracy is a responsible government, is responsible to the people of the country.
(A) It promotes the formation of public opinion and cares about the opinions, needs and expectations of the citizens. Besides, democracy is a legitimate government as well, because a democratic government is people’s own government.
(B) In India after every five years the representatives of the people are elected by secret ballot and the majority party or groups of political parties form the government.
One of the failures of democracy is that it lags behind dictatorships in economic growth.
Economic growth depends on the :
(i) Size of the population of a country
(ii) Global situation
(iii) Cooperation from other countries and
(iv) Economic policies adopted by the country.
Many surveys have shown that dictatorial regimes, in an average, have a better record of economic growth.
The truth is that what is more needed is removal of economic disparities. Development without equitable distribution of wealth is not true democracy.
Democracies are based on political equality. All citizens have equal right in electing representatives but it is not so in the economic field. The poor are becoming poorer and sometimes they find it difficult to meet the basic needs of life (food, clothing, housing, education and health). Democratic governments have failed in this area. In Bangladesh more than half of its population lives below the poverty line. Many countries depend even for their food supplies on the rich countries.
(i) Percentage of population below poverty line in India.
(ii) The Human Development Index shows where India stands in the world as far as health education and income are concerned. India’s ranking is 127 among 177 countries.
Democracies accommodate various social divisions. Democracies usually develope a procedure to conduct their competition. This reduces the possibility of tensions that normally a democracy faces from becoming explosive or violent. No society can fully and permanently resolve conflicts among different groups. But we can certainly learn to respect these differences and we can also evolve mechanisms to negotiate the differences. Ability to handle social differences and conflicts is a definite plus point of democratic regimes. Democracy must fulfill two conditions in order to achieve this outcome :
(i) It is necessary to understand that democracy is not simply rule by majority opinion. The majority always needs to work with the minority so that governments function to represent the general view.
(ii) It is also necessary that rule by majority does not become rule by majority community in terms of religion or race or linguistic group, etc. Rule by majority means that in case of every decision or in case of every election, different persons and groups may and can form a majority.
Democracy stands much superior to any other form of government in promoting dignity and freedom of the individual. The passion for respect and freedom, are the basis of democracy. Democracies throughout the world have recognised this, atleast in principle. This has been achieved in various degrees in various democracies.
(i) For societies which have been built for long on the basis of subordination and domination, it is not a simple matter to recognise that all individuals are equal.
(ii) We can take the case of dignity of women. Most societies across the world were historically male dominated societies. Long struggle by women have created some sensitivity today that respect to and equal treatment of women are necessary ingredients of a democratic society. And once the principle is recognised, it becomes easier for women to wage a struggle.
(iii) On the other hand in a non-democratic set up, the principle of individual freedom and dignity would not have the legal and moral force.
(iv) Democracy in India has also strenghtened the claims of the disadvantaged and discriminated castes for equal status and equal opportunity. There are instances still of caste-based inequalities and atrocities, but these lack the moral and legal foundations. Perhaps, it is the recognition that makes ordinary citizens value their democratic rights.
Objective Questions
Question : How many countries of the world have democratic set-up of government?
(a) More than hundred countries
(b) Less than hundred countries
(c) Less than fifty countries
(d) More than fifty countries.
Answer : A
Question : What is the most distinctive feature of democracy?
(a) Its examination never gets over.
(b) Its examination gets over after a period.
(c) It never fulfills people’s demands.
(d) None of the above.
Answer : A
Fill In The Blank
Question : Decisions taken by Non-democratic governments are likely to be more acceptable to the people and more effective?
Answer : False
Question : No regime can fully and permanently resolve conflicts among different groups.
Answer : True
Question : Democracies are very much different from each other in terms of their social, economic and cultural achievements.
Answer : True
Question : How does democracy produce an accountable, responsive and legitimate government?
Answer : 1. Democracy is a form of govt. in which people rule themselves through the representatives who are elected by them
2. The elected members from the govt. and make policies and run the administration of the country.
3. The govt. elected by the people is also accountable to them.
Question : List the various aspects and qualifications which help in giving a clear definition of democracy.
Answer : 1. The rulers elected by the people must take all the major decisions
2. Elections must offer a choice and fair opportunity to the people to change the existing rulers.
3. Choice and opportunity should be available to all the people on an equal basis
4. Besides political rights, some social and economical rights are offered to the citizens by the democracy.
5. Power sharing is the spirit of democracy and is necessary between government and social groups in a democracy.
Question : “Democratic governments are better than its alternatives”. Explain the statement?
Answer : 1. Democratic government is a legitimate government
2. It may be slow, less efficient, not always very responsive or clean. But it is the people’s own govt.
3. There is overwhelming support for the idea of democracy all over the world ; in countries with democratic regimes as well as countries without democratic regimes.
Question : How democracy accommodates social diversity?
Answer : 1. It is necessary to understand that democracy is not simply rule by majority opinion. The majority always needs to work with the minority so that governments function to represent the general view.2. It is also necessary that rule by majority does not become rule by majority community. In terms of religion, or race or linguistics groups. Rule by majority means that in case of every decision or in case of every election, different persons or groups may and can form a majority.
3. Democracy remains a democracy only as long as every citizen has a choice of living in majority, at some point of time.
Question : What is meant by transparency?
Answer : Any citizen can examine the process of decision-making in a democracy.
Question : How can you say that democracies are based on political equality?
Answer : individuals have equal weight in electing representatives.
Question : Why is a democratic government better than other alternatives?
Answer : it is legitimate, accountable, responsive, promotes equality among citizens, enhances dignity of the individual
Question : Which form of government is considered the best?
Answer : Democratic form of government is considered the best as it enhances dignity of the individual.
Question : In what way democracy produces an accountable, responsive and legitimate government?
Answer : By providing citizens the right to examine the process through which decisions are made.
Question : Which one of the following is an example of outcomes of a democracy that produces an accountable government?
(a) Open to public debates on major policies and legislation
(b) Open in promoting economic development
(c) Open in reducing economic inequalities
(d) Open to rulers elected by the people
Answer : A
Question : Which one of the following is the most popular form of government in the contemporary world?
(a) Dictatorship
(b) Monarchy
(c) Military rule
(d) Democracy
Answer : D
Question : To measure democracies on the basis of expected outcomes, which of the following practices and institutions would one look for?
(a) Regular, free and fair elections
(b) Open public debate on major policies
(c) Citizens’ right to information about the government
(d) All of the above
Answer : D
Important Questions NCERT Class 10 Social Science Chapter 7 Outcomes of Democracy
Question : Why is a democratic government better than other alternatives?
Answer : (i) It promotes equality among citizens.
(ii) It enhances the dignity of the individual.
Question : Examine the political outcome of democracy.
Answer : (i) Democracy provides right to the citizens to choose their leaders and keep a check on them.
(ii) If required people can participate in decision making either directly or through representatives.
(iii) It produces accountable, responsible and legitimate government.
Question : What are the two conditions to accommodate social diversities in a democracy? Mention any one exception to this.
Answer : (i) It is necessary to understand that democracy is not simply rule by majority. The majority always needs to work with the minority so that governments function to represent the general view.
(ii) It is also necessary that rule by majority does not become rule by majority community in terms of religion or race or linguistic group.
The exception is in the government of Sri Lanka where majoritarianism is followed leading to many problems.
Question : “A public expression of dissatisfaction with democracy shows the success of democratic project.” Justify the statement.
Answer : “A public expression of dissatisfaction with democracy shows the success of democracy.
(i) It shows that people have developed awareness and the courage to ask questions.
(ii) When people look critically at the government, democracy becomes better.
(iii) When people complain, government begins to perform better.
(iv) They value their democratic rights and make use of it.
Question : Are democracies based on political and economic equalities? Explain.
Answer : Democracy are based on political equality :
(i) All citizens have equal role in electing representatives.
(ii) Parallel to the process of bringing individuals into the political arena, we find growing economic inequalities.
(iii) Democracy does not appear to be very successful in reducing economic inequalities.
(iv) The ultra-rich enjoy a highly disproportionate share of wealth and opportunities.
(v) It is often difficult to meet the basic needs of life, such as food, clothing, house, education for the poor thus, democracies cannot be said to be based on economic equality.
Question : “Democracy stands much superior in promoting dignity and freedom of the citizens”. Justify the statement.
Answer : “Democracy stands much superior in promoting dignity and freedom to the citizens”:
(i) Every individual wants to receive respect from fellow beings. Democracy provides fundamental rights to every citizen.
(ii) Freedom from coercion is basis of any democracy, where everyone can have faith of choice.
(iii) In a democracy people have equal opportunities so they can come up in life. They are not discriminated on the basis of caste or gender.
(iv) Long struggles by women have got them respect and equal treatment. In many democracies, women were deprived of their right to vote for a long time which they have achieved now. In India 1/3rd of seats have been reserved for women in local bodies.
(v) Democracy has strengthened the claims of the disadvantaged and discriminated castes for equal status and equal opportunity.
Question : Describe the role of citizens in a democracy.
Answer : The role of citizens in a democracy are as follows :
(i) Citizens must exercise their rights and freedom to get benefited from democratic set-up.
(ii) They must be aware of their rights and duties.
(iii) They should be aware of the local issues and greater problems the country is facing.
(iv) They must cooperate in maintaining law and order.
(v) People must be sensitive to the needs and interest of others.
Question : “Democracy is very important for promoting dignity and freedom of the citizens.” Support the statement with arguments.
Answer : The above statement is proved with the help of following arguments :
(a) Democracy provides fundamental rights to all its citizens.
(b) Democratic govt. is answerable to the people.
(c) It provides people the right to change the govt after a fixed period if its function is not up to the expectation.
(d) It provides the right for peaceful demonstration.
(e) It reduces the possibility of conflict and thus maintains social harmony.
Question : Mention any two conditions that democracy must fulfil in order to achieve its outcome.
Answer : (i) It is necessary to understand that democracy is not simply a rule by majority opinion. The majority always needs to work with the minority so that government can function to represent the general view.
(ii) It is also necessary that a rule by majority does not become a rule by majority in terms of religion or race or linguistic group etc. rule by majority means that in case of every decision or in case of every election, different persons and groups may and can form a majority. Democracy remains democracy only as long as every citizen has a chance of being in majority at some point of time.
Question : Why do people prefer democracy? Explain with four reasons.
Answer : Democracy is better than other forms of government such as dictatorship, monarchy etc because of the following reasons:
1. It promotes equality among citizens.
2. It enhances the dignity of the individuals.
3. It improves the quality of decision-making.
4. It provides a method to resolve conflicts.
5. It allows room to correct mistakes.
6. It is a legitimate government.
7. It is people’s own government.
8. It gives equal status to women and weaker sections.
Question : Democracy has not been successful in reducing economic inequalities. Give reasons to support your answer.
Answer : (i) The wealth and means are accumulated in hands of a few people and their share in the total income of the country has been increasing.
(ii) However, the people at the bottom of society find it difficult to meet even their basic needs of life such as food, clothing, house, education and health. Not only that, their incomes have been declining.
(iii) The deprived people are a large ratio of voters and no party will like to lose their votes.
(iv) Yet democratically elected governments do not appear to be attentive to the cause of the poor. Thus democracies do not appear to be very successful in reducing economic inequalities.
Question : Why do some people think that democracy produces less effective government?
Answer : According to these people democracy takes much time in decision-making and its implementation.
Question : Democracy is based on dignity and freedom. Explain.
How does democracy stand much superior to any other form of government in promoting dignity and freedom of the individual? Explain with suitable examples.
“Democracy is a better form of government than the other forms of government.” Justify the statement.
Answer : Democracy supports dignity and freedom of the citizens. Every man wants to get respect from fellow persons in the society. A lot of conflicts take place among human beings because some feel they are not treated with due respect. The passion for respect and freedom are the basis of democracy. Democracies throughout the world have recognised this, at least in principle. This has been achieved in various degrees in various democracies. We can take the case of dignity of women. Most societies across the world were historically male
dominated. Long struggles by women have created some sensitivity today that respect to and equal treatment of women are necessary ingredients of a democratic society. The same is true of caste inequalities. Democracy in India has strengthened the claims of the disadvantaged and discriminated castes for equal status and equal opportunity.
Democratic government is legitimate government. It may be slow, less efficient, not always very responsive or clean. But a democratic government is people’s own government. That is why there is an overwhelming support for the idea of democracy all over the world.
Question : What is known as transparency in a democracy?
Answer : In a democracy, a citizen who wants to know if a decision was taken through the correct procedures can find this out. He/She has the right and means to examine the process of decision-making. This is known as transparency.
Question : Mention the one point on which the record of democracies is not good or impressive.
Answer : Democratic governments do not have a very good record when it comes to sharing information with citizens.
Question : How are complaints treated as testimony to the success of democracy? Explain.
The fact that people are complaining is itself a testimony to the success of democracy. Justify the statement with appropriate points.
Answer : (i) Democracy supports dignity and freedom of the citizens. Every man wants to get respect from fellow persons in the society. A lot of conflicts take place among human beings because some feel they are not treated with due respect. The passion for respect and freedom are the basis of democracy.
(ii) Democracy in India has strengthened the claims of the disadvantaged and discriminated castes for equal status and equal opportunity.
(iii) As democracy passes one test, it produces another test. As people get some benefits of democracy, they ask for more and want to make democracy even better.
(iv) That is why, when we ask people about the way democracy functions, they will always come up with more expectations, and many complaints. The fact that people are complaining is itself a testimony to the success of democracy.
Question : Why is there an overwhelming support for the idea of democracy all over the world?
Answer : It is because a democratic government is people’s own government.
Question : Explain four ways in which democracies have been able to reduce inequality and poverty.
Answer : 1. It ensures political equality by giving equal voting rights to every citizen,
2. It provides a suitable environment for group activism which leads to equal opportunity to raise the concerns of poor people.
3. It supports the redistributive mechanism for transferring economic benefits on the basis of requirement of any section of society.
4. It protects the rights of every citizen without discrimination on the basis of economic status ensuring social equality.
Question : How do democratic governments ensure transparency? Explain any three points.
Answer : 1. Democratic govt, make sure that decision-making will be based on norms and procedures.
2. They allow every citizen to participate in decision-making, directly or indirectly
3. Citizens can examine and find out about the correctness of the procedure of decision-making
4. They are accountable to the’people. They have the right to change the government in the next general elections.
5. They provide people with power to demand answers from their representatives and reduce the chances of corruption.
Question : What outcomes can one reasonably expect of democracies?
Answer : 1. accountable and legitimate government
2. minimised economic inequalities
3. equal protection to oppressed classes and women
Question : A public expression of dissatisfaction with democracy shows the success of democratic project.’ Justify the statement.
Answer :
1. When citizens show their dissatisfaction, it clearly shows that they are actively taking part in democratic projects.
2. It shows that people are not just forcefully following or agreeing with whatever they are told.
3. lt shows that they are enjoying their freedom and hence they are no more subjects but are responsible citizens.
4. Their freedom and transformation from the status of subjects to that of citizens is the main aim of democracy.
5. As people get benefits, they ask for more. This makes democracy better.
Question : Mention a few factors that determine the economic growth of a country?
Answer :
1. Population
2. Size
3. Natural Resources
4. Relationship with other countries
5. Global situation
6. Geographic position
Short Answer Type Questions :
Question. How does democracy produce an accountable, responsive and legitimate government?
Answer : • Democracy is a form of government in which people rule themselves through the representatives who are elected by them.
• The elected members from the government and make policies to run the administration of the country.
• The government elected by the people is also accountable to them.
Question. How does democracies accommodate social diversity?
Answer : • It is necessary to understand that democracy is not simply ruled by majority opinion. The majority always needs to work with the minority
• It is also necessary that rule by majority does not become rule by majority community
• Democracy remains a democracy as long as every citizen has a choice of living in majority, at same point of time
Question. List the factors on which the Economic development of a country depends on ?
Answer : • Country’s population size
• Global situation
• Cooperation from other countries
• Economic priorities adopted by the country
Long Answer Type Questions :
Question.“ Democracy is better than any other form of government” Give arguments in favor of these statement?
Answer : Democracy is considered to be the best form of government and most of the countries in the world have adopted it. Following are the merits of democracy
• It is based on public opinion: Democracy is that system of rule which is based on public opinion and the rule is being run according to the wish of the people
• It is based on principles of equality: All humans in democracy are considered as equal. No one gets special privileges
• Responsible government: Government in monarchy and dictatorship are not responsive to anyone. But government in democracy is responsible to the people and parliament
• Strong and efficient government: Administration is being run by the representatives of the people who have the support of public. Rulers are controlled by public opinion and they are
responsive to the people for their decisions
• Accommodate all diversities and differences.
Question. What is democracy? What are its various characteristics?
Answer : Democracy is a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and the representatives of the people , elected by the voters on the basis of universal adult franchise
• It promotes equality among citizens.
• It looks after the interest of the people
• It allows rooms to correct mistakes.
• Accommodation of social diversity
Question. Explain the expected outcome from democracy?
Answer : • Economic equality: It is expected from the democracy that economic inequality should be removed from our country
• Decentralization of power: Power should be decentralized and divided from higher level to lower levels
• Accommodation of social diversity .
• Principles of equality -: All citizens of India should be given social justice, there should be no discrimination with any one of them basis of caste, color, creed, religion etc.
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CBSE Class 10 Civics Democratic Politics II Chapter 7 Outcomes Of Democracy Assignment
We hope you liked the above assignment for Democratic Politics II Chapter 7 Outcomes Of Democracy which has been designed as per the latest syllabus for Class 10 Civics released by CBSE. Students of Class 10 should download and practice the above Assignments for Class 10 Civics regularly. We have provided all types of questions like MCQs, short answer questions, objective questions and long answer questions in the Class 10 Civics practice sheet in Pdf. All questions have been designed for Civics by looking into the pattern of problems asked in previous year examinations. You can download all Revision notes for Class 10 Civics also absolutely free of cost. Lot of MCQ questions for Class 10 Civics have also been given in the worksheets and assignments for regular use. All study material for Class 10 Civics students have been given on studiestoday. We have also provided lot of Worksheets for Class 10 Civics which you can use to further make your self stronger in Civics.
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a. Score higher marks: Regular practice of Civics Class 10 Assignments for chapter Democratic Politics II Chapter 7 Outcomes Of Democracy will help to improve understanding and help in solving exam questions correctly.
b. As per CBSE pattern: All questions given above follow the latest Class 10 Civics Sample Papers so that students can prepare as per latest exam pattern.
c. Understand different question types: These assignments include MCQ Questions for Class 10 Civics with answers relating to Democratic Politics II Chapter 7 Outcomes Of Democracy, short answers, long answers, and also case studies.
d. Improve time management: Daily solving questions from Democratic Politics II Chapter 7 Outcomes Of Democracy within a set time will improve your speed and accuracy.
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How to Solve CBSE Class 10 Civics Democratic Politics II Chapter 7 Outcomes Of Democracy Assignment effectively?
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d. Revise tricky topics: Focus on difficult concepts by solving Class 10 Civics MCQ Test.
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a. Solve assignments daily: Regular practice of Democratic Politics II Chapter 7 Outcomes Of Democracy questions will strengthen problem solving skills.
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