CBSE Class 10 Social Science Outcomes of Democracy Assignment Set B

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Assignment for Class 10 Civics Democratic Politics II Chapter 7 Outcomes Of Democracy

Class 10 Civics students should refer to the following printable assignment in Pdf for Democratic Politics II Chapter 7 Outcomes Of Democracy in Class 10. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 10 Civics will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks

Democratic Politics II Chapter 7 Outcomes Of Democracy Class 10 Civics Assignment

Objective Questions

Question : Which of the following forms of government has support in genial
(a) Democracy     
(b) Monarchy rule 
(c) Military rule     
(d) Rule of religious leaders
Answer : A

Question : The most important outcome of democracy is
(a) Accountable government  
(b) Responsive government  
(c) Both of them     
(d) None of them
Answer : C

Question : Democracy is based on the idea of
(a) Majority     
(b) Minority `
(c) Deliberation and negotiation      
(d) None of these
Answer : C

Question : In a democratic government, a citizen has the right and the means to examine the decisions taken by the govt. It is known as-
(a) Transparency    
(b) Legitimacy  
(c) Democracy        
(d) Monarchy
Answer : A

Question : “Democracy is a government of the people, by the people and for the people.” is said by-
(a) Abraham Lincoln      
(b) Gittel  
(c) Mahatma Gandhi    
 (d) Jawahar Lal Nehru
Answer : C

Question : Choose the correct statement.
(a) Democracy not to lag behind dictatorship.
(b) Democracy is not guarantee of economic development.
(c) Economic growth is better in non-Democratic government.
(d) USA is a democratic government but remarkable economic development.
Answer : B
Question : We can judge democracy by its:
(a) people (b) outcomes
(c) political parties (d) none of the above
Answer : B
Question : People feel that democracy is better as it promotes:
(a) equality (b) freedom
(c) dignity (d) all of the above
Answer : D
Question : Many countries of the world claim and practice:
(a) authoritarianism (b) democracy
(c) dictatorship (d) none of the above
Answer : A
Question : The successful democracy needs:
(a) right to vote (b) freedom
(c) periodic elections (d) all of the above
Answer : D
Question : People should be vigilant and participate actively in the process of:
(a) representation (b) governance
(c) choosing party (d) all of the above
Answer : D
Question : The political parties and democratic government is accountable to:
(a) people (b) society
(c) world (d) none of the above
Answer : A
Question : No deliberation and negotiation for taking decisions is part of
(a) democratic government
(b) non-democratic
(c) monarchy
(d) dictatorship
Answer : B
Question : Which government is superior to any other government in promoting dignity?
(a) Monarchy (b) Dictatorship
(c) Democracy (d) None of the above
Answer : C
Question : Democracy can lead to
(a) handle social differences
(b) secular society
(c) harmonious social life
(d) All of the above
Answer : D
Question : Democracy attain people happiness by
(a) government function to represent general view
(b) equal distribution of resources
(c) better governance
(d) All of the above
Answer : D
Question : Why is the democratic government regarded as a better choice?
(a) It promotes equality among citizen
(b) It ensures economic development
(c) It provides a method to resolve conflict
(d) Both a and c
Answer : D

Question. Which one of the following is the feature of dictatorship ?
(a) No constitution
(b) No elections
(c) Monopoly over power
(d) All of the above
Answer : D

Question. Which of these countries has the most stable form of democracy ?
(a) Nepal
(b) U.S.A
(c) India
(d) Sri Lanka
Answer : B

Question. What do you call the system in democracy which allows the citizens to examine the decisions taken by the government ?
(a) Transparency
(b) Universal Adult Franchise
(c) Defection
(d) Monarchy
Answer : A

Question. What does dictatorship mean ?
(a) Rule by the people
(b) Rule by everyone
(c) Rule by the few
(d) None of these
Answer : C

Question. Democracy word is formed by which words ?
(a) Demos and Kratia
(b) Demos and Cracia
(c) Demos and Kracia
(d) None of these
Answer : A

Question. Which of the following is marked by “Regular, free and fair elections” ?
(a) Dictatorship
(b) Democracy
(c) Monarchy
(d) Military Rule
Answer : D

Question. Which South Asian country prefers dictatorship over democracy ?
(a) Bangladesh
(b) Pakistan
(c) Nepal
(d) Sri Lanka
Answer : B

Question. Which one of these is not the feature of Dictatorship ?
(a) No constitution
(b) Monopoly over power
(c) Equality among citizens
(d) No elections
Answer : C

Question. Who has given the statement, “Democracy is a government of the people, by the people and for the people.”
(a) Abrahm Lincoln
(b) Mahatma Gandhi
(c) Jawahar Lal Nehru
(d) None of these
Answer : A

Question. What is rule of the people known as ?
(a) Democracy
(b) Military rule
(c) Dictatorship
(d) Monarchy
Answer : A

Question. Arrange the following in the correct sequence :
(i) There is an overwhelming support for the idea of democracy all over the world.
(ii) It may be slow, less efficient, not always responsive or clean.
(iii) Democratic government is people’s own government.
(iv) Democratic government is legitimate government.
Options :
(a) (ii)-(iii)-(iv)-(i)
(b) (iii)-(ii)-(i)-(iv)
(c) (i)-(ii)-(iii)-(iv)
(d) (iv)-(ii)-(iii)-(i)
Answer : D


Fill In The Blank

DIRECTION : Complete the following statements with appropriate word(s).
Question : Democracy is based on the idea of deliberation and ______ .
Answer : negotiation
Question : Democracies are based on political ______ .
Answer :  equality
Question : The routine tales of ______ are enough to convince us that democrach is not free of this evil.
Answer :  Corruption


DIRECTION : Read each of the following statements and write if it is true or false.

Question : Military rule form of government has a support in genial.
Answer : False

Question : The right and mans to examine the decisions taken by the government to every citizen. This helps in transparency.
Answer : True 

Question : Mahatma Gandhi said, “Democracy is a government of the people, by the people and for the people.”
Answer : False

Question. One fourth of the population of Bangladesh lives in poverty. (True/False)
Answer : False

Question. The most distinctive feature of democracy is that its examination never gets over. (True/False)
Answer : True

Question. Most societies in past have been male-dominated societies. (True/False)
Answer : True

Question. Within democracies there are usually very low levels of inequalities. (True/False)
Answer : False

Question. Democracy improves the quality of decision making. (True/False)
Answer : True


Assertion and Reasoning Based Questions

Mark the option which is most suitable :
(a) If both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
(b) If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
(c) If assertion is true but reason is false.
(d) If both assertion and reason are false.

Question. Assertion : Democracy improves the quality of decision making.
Reason : Democracy is just a form of government. 
Answer : (b) It improves the quality of decision making because if any decision taken by the ruling party is wrong, the opposition party can interfere and correct it. The first step towards thinking carefully about the outcomes of democracy is to recognise that democracy is just a form of government. Both
assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.

Question. Assertion : Democracy enhances the dignity of the individual.
Reason : Over a hundred countries of the world today claim and practice some kind of democratic politics.
Answer : (b) Yes, Democracy enhances the dignity of the individual. We know that, over a hundred countries of the world today claim and practice some kind of democratic politics: they have formal constitutions, they hold elections, they have parties and they guarantee rights of citizens. Both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.

Question. Assertion : Democracy can address all socio-economic and political problems.
Reason : Democracy is similar to dictatorship.
Answer : (c) Our interest and fascination for democracy often pushes us into taking a position that democracy can address all socio-economic and political problems. Democracy is not similar to dictatorship. Hence, assertion is true but reason is false.

Question. Assertion : Dictatorships have slightly higher rate of economic growth.
Reason : Economic development depends on country’s population size.
Answer : (b) If you consider all democracies and all dictatorships for the fifty years between 1950 and 2000, dictatorships have slightly higher rate of economic growth. Economic development depends on several factors: country’s population size, global situation, cooperation from other countries. Both assertion and reason are true, but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.

Question. Assertion : Democracies are based on political equality.
Reason : All individuals have equal weight in electing representatives.
Answer : (a) Democracies are based on political equality and all individuals have equal weight in electing representatives. People have equal right to vote in the democracy. Hence, both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.

Question. Assertion : Outcome of democracy should not be accountable to the citizens.
Reason : People are not a part of democratic outcome.
Answer :(d) The most basic outcome of democracy should be that it produces a government that is accountable to the citizens. Democracy is by the people, for the people, and of the people. Hence, both assertion and reason are false.

Question. Assertion (A) : Democracy is a legitimate government.
Reason (R) : Regular, free and fair elections are the spirit of democracy. 
AAnswer : (c) Elections are held regularly and people get a chance to elect their representatives. The party which gets majority votes forms the government rules and it has to resign if it is not able to win majority in the next elections. Moreover, there is transparency in the decision making process. Regular, free and fair elections are the expected outcome of democracy


Source/Extract Based Questions

Read the given extract and answer the following questions.
In a democracy, we are most concerned with ensuring that people will have the right to choose their rulers and people will have control over the rulers. Whenever possible and necessary, citizens should be able to participate in decision making, that affects them all. Therefore, the most basic outcome of democracy should be that it produces a government that is accountable to the citizens, and responsive to the needs and expectations of the citizens. Some people think that democracy produces less effective government. It is, of course, true that non-democratic rulers are very quick and efficient in decision making and implementation, whereas, democracy is based on the idea of deliberation and negotiation. So, some delay is bound to take place. But, because it has followed procedures, its decisions may be both more acceptable to the people and more effective. Moreover, when citizens want to know if a decision was taken through the correct procedures, they can find this out. They have the right and the means to examine the process of decision making. This is known as transparency. This factor is often missing from a non-democratic government. There is another aspect in which democratic government is certainly better than its alternatives: democratic government is legitimate government. It may be slow, less efficient, not always very responsive, or clean. But a democratic government is people’s own government.

Answer the following MCQs by choosing the most appropriate option.

1. People’s right to choose their own rulers is called as the—
(a) Right to Initiate
(b) Right to Plebiscite
(c) Right to Vote
(d) Right to Referendum
Answer : C

2. Which of the following options helps in promoting transparency in the governance?
(a) Right to education
(b) Right to information
(c) Right against exploitation
(d) Right to speech and expression
Answer : B

3. _______ make/s the government legitimate.
(a) Credibility of politicians
(b) People's movements
(c) Free and fair elections
(d) Holding of powers
Answer : C

4. Decisions in a democracy are more acceptable to the people because they are—
(a) Taken swiftly and implemented quickly
(b) Taken by giving privileges to the people
(c) Taken through elites' votes
(d) Taken after following due processes
Answer : D


Read the given extract and answer the following questions.
Over a hundred countries of the world today claim and practice some kind of democratic politics: they have formal constitutions, they hold elections, they have parties and they guarantee rights of citizens. While these features are common to most of them, these democracies are very much different from each other in terms of their social situations, their economic achievements and their cultures. Clearly, what may be achieved or not achieved under each of these democracies will be very different. But is there something that we can expect from every democracy, just because it is democracy?

Answer the following MCQs by choosing the most appropriate option.

1. Which of the following is not the key feature of democracy?
(a) Supremacy of the constitution
(b) Written constitution
(c) Economic development
(d) Economic equality
Answer : C

2. Find out the wrong statement about democracy—
(a) It enhances the dignity of individuals
(b) Improves the quality of decision making
(c) Allows room to correct mistakes
(d) This is the ideal form of government
Answer : D

3. The main reason that people want to have democratic government in their country is—
(a) Economic development is guaranteed
(b) Government is accountable, responsive and legitimate
(c) People can go to the courts to claim their rights
(d) Government is less corrupt
Answer : B

4. Democracy has not performed as per expectations in the field of—
(a) To proves its accountability as compare to other forms of government
(b) To give responses as compare to other form of government
(c) To remove economic inequality as compare to other forms of government
(d) To keep the trust in voting system as compare to other forms of government
Answer : C


Read the sources given below and answer the questions that follows :
Over a hundred countries of the world today claim and practice some kind of democratic politics: they have formal constitutions, they hold elections, they have parties and they guarantee rights of citizens. While these features are common to most of them, these democracies are very much different from each other in terms of their social situations, their economic achievements and their cultures. Clearly, what may be achieved or not achieved under each of these democracies will be very different.

(1) Explain the fascination for democracy amongst arious countries.
(2) Explain democracy on the basis of expected and actual outcome.
Answer :
(1) Fascination about democracy amongst various countries is because :
(i) It gives its people freedom of life and freedom of speech.
(ii) A democratic country has a strong economic system and all the people get equal opportunities.
(2) The actual democracies on the basis of expected and actual outcomes are explained below :
(i) Regular, free and fair elections, open public debate on major policies and legislations.
(ii) Citizens right to information about the government and its functioning.
Democracies on the basis of actual outcomes are explained below :
(i) Holding elections that offer a fair chance to everyone.
(ii) Not every decisions comes forward in a public debate.
(iii) Sharing information with people rarely happens.
(iv) Democracies have never been free of corruption and government has failed to pay attention to the needs and expectations of people.


Read the extract and answer the questions that follows :
There are some things that democracy must provide. In a democracy, we are most concerned with ensuring that people have the right to choose their rulers and people will have control over the rulers. Whenever possible and necessary, citizens should be able to participate in decision making that affects them all. Some people think that democracy produces less effective government. It is, of course, true that nondemocratic rulers do not have to bother about deliberation in assemblies or worry about majorities and public opinion.
Let us think in terms of costs. Imagine a government that may take decisions very fast. But it may take decisions that are not accepted by the people and may therefore face problems.

1. What is the basic outcome of democracy ?
Answer : The most basic outcome of democracy should be that it produces a government that is accountable to the citizens, and responsive to the needs and expectations of the citizens.

2. Why there is delay in decision making in democracy?
Answer : (i) Non- democratic governments can be quick in decisionmaking and taking action. However, in a democracy, citizen’s decisions are taken into account and action is taken on the consent of the people.
(ii) Democracy is based on the idea of deliberation and negotiation. Therefore, there is bound to be some delay in decision making.

3. Is the cost of time that democracy pays worth it?
Answer : (i) A democratic government may take more time than a non-democratic government to follow procedures before arriving at a decision.
(ii) But because it has followed procedures, its decisions may be both more acceptable to the people and more effective.
Therefore, the cost of time that democracy pays is perhaps worth it.


Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question. Discuss the basic outcome of a democratic system.
Answer : The basic outcome of a democratic system is that it helps in establishing a government which is accountable to the people and is responsive to their needs and expectations.

Questions. Identify the type of government with the help of following features:
l Government power is transferred from one generation to the next
l Rulers are not accountable to the people 
Answer : Monarchy

Question. Is it right to say that non-democratic governments are quick and efficient in decision making process ? Explain how. 
Answer : No doubt that the decision-making process is quicker in non-democratic governments as leaders don’t have to bother about deliberation in assemblies or about majorities and public opinion. But such a decision is in no way efficient as it may not be acceptable by the people.

Questions. Correct the following statement and rewrite. Democracy was better because it improves the quality of dictatorship.
Answer : Democracy was better because it improves the quality of decision-making.

Question. Do economic inequalities exist in a democratic system ?
Explain the extent of such inequalities.
Answer : Yes, economic inequalities exist in a democratic system also. There is a lot of gap between various income groups. Few rich people have the majority share of wealth and a large section is deprived and poor.

Questions. Correct the following statement and rewrite.
The First step towards thinking carefully about the outcomes of democracy is to religious that democracy is just a part of nation.
Answer : The first step towards thinking carefully about the automats of democracy is to recognise that democracy is just a form of government.

Question. Does a democratic system help in accommodating social diversity ?
Answer : Yes, a democratic system helps in accommodating social diversity. People learn to respect social differences and there are also ways to negotiate the differences.

Questions. Complete the following :
Transparency is the system in democracy which allows the ___________.
Answer : Citizens to examine the decision taken by the government.

Question. What are the conditions under which democracies accommodate social diversities ?
Answer : Democracy accommodates social diversity as it allows for equal and fair representation to all irrespective of caste, creed, colour, gender, language, race or religion. It also ensures that the government should not be formed just by the majority but it should also have the representation of minorities and the will of the few should not be imposed on many.

Questions. Democracy: People, Monarchy: Monarch, Dictatorship: _________.
Answer : Dictator

Question. Does a democratic system help in promoting the dignity of a citizen ? Explain how.
Answer : Yes, a democratic system helps in promoting the dignity of the citizens. Mostly, conflicts exist in society as individuals feel that they are not treated with respect. However, respect for dignity of a citizen is the basis of a democratic system.


Short Answers Type Questions

Question : How does democracy produce an accountable, responsive and legitimate government?
Answer : 1. Democracy is a form of govt. in which people rule themselves through the representatives who are elected by them
2. The elected members from the govt. and make policies and run the administration of the country.
3. The govt. elected by the people is also accountable to them.

Question : List the various aspects and qualifications which help in giving a clear definition of democracy.
Answer : 1. The rulers elected by the people must take all the major decisions
2. Elections must offer a choice and fair opportunity to the people to change the existing rulers.
4. Besides political rights, some social and economical rights are offered to the citizens by the democracy.
5. Power sharing is the spirit of democracy and is necessary between government and social groups in a democracy.

Question :  “Democratic governments are better than its alternatives”. Explain the statement?
Answer : 1. Democratic government is a legitimate government
2. It may be slow, less efficient, not always very responsive or clean. But it is the people’s own govt.
3. There is overwhelming support for the idea of democracy all over the world ; in countries with democratic regimes as well as countries without democratic regimes.

Question :  How democracy accommodates social diversity?
Answer : 1. It is necessary to understand that democracy is not simply rule by majority opinion. The majority always needs to work with the minority so that governments function to represent the general view.
2. It is also necessary that rule by majority does not become rule by majority community. In terms of religion, or race or linguistics groups. Rule by majority means that in case of every decision or in case of    every election, different persons or groups may and can form a majority.
3. Democracy remains a democracy only as long as every citizen has a choice of living in majority, at some point of time.

Question. “Democratic Government in practice are known as accountable.” Support the statement with arguments.
Answer : Democratic governments in practice are known as accountable because:
(i) In democracy people have the right to choose their rulers through elections,
(ii) People have control over the rulers e.g. through Parliament in case of India.
(iii) Whenever possible and necessary, citizens participate in decision making, that affects them all.
(iv) A democratic government is responsive to the needs and expectations of the citizens.

Question. What are the reasons for which democracy should be supported ? 
Answer : The reasons for which democracy should be supported are as follows :
(i) It promotes equality among citizens.
(ii) It helps in improving the dignity of an individual.
(iii) It helps in improving the quality of decision making.
(iv) It offers a way for resolving conflicts.
(v) It gives chances for rectifying mistakes.

Question. Why is economic growth better in dictatorship than in democracy ?
Answer : In dictatorship, economic growth can apparently be better, but democracy helps in ensuring economic growth and reducing economic inequalities. Moreover, there are several other factors on which economic growth depends, like resources and development of technology.

Question. How does democracy stand better to any other form of government in promoting the dignity and freedom of the citizen ? Explain with example.  
Answer : Democracy stands better to any other form of government in promoting the dignity and freedom of the citizens.
(i) The passion for respect and freedom are the basis of democracy. This has been achieved in various degrees in various democracies.
(ii) Respect and equal treatment to women is necessary ingredients of a democratic society. In a nondemocratic set up, the principle of individual freedom and dignity would not have the legal and moral force there.
(iii) Democracy in India has strengthened the claims of the disadvantaged and discriminated castes for equal status and equal opportunity.

Question. Explain the standard methods of a democratic system.
Answer : The standard methods of a democratic system are follow :
(i) Free and Fair elections are held regularly
(ii) Open public debate is carried on major policies and legislations.
(ii) Citizen get right to information about the government and its functioning.

Question. How does democracy produce an accountable, responsive and legitimate government ?
Answer : (i) Democracy produces an accountable government :
The people has the right to choose their representatives who participate in the decision making process. In case the people are not satisfied with the working of the elected representatives, they have a chance not to elect them in the next elections.
(ii) Democracy produces a responsive government : It is elected by the people and is responsible towards the needs of the people. It promotes the formation
of public opinion and take care of the needs and desires of the people.
(iii) Democracy produces a legitimate government : Elections are held regularly and people get a chance to elect their representatives. The party which gets
majority votes froms the government rules and it has to resign if it is not able to win majority in the next elections. Moreover, there is transparency in the decision making process.

Question. Identify the challenges to democracy in the following descriptions. Also suggest policy/institutional mechanisms to deepen democracy in the given situations :
(i) Following a High Court directive, a temple in Odisha (Orissa) that had separate entry doors for dalits and non-dalits allowed entry to all from the same door.
(ii) A large number of farmers are committing suicide in different states of India.
(iii) Following allegation of killing of three civilians in Gandwara in a fake encounter by Jammu and Kashmir police, an enquiry has been ordered.
Answer : (i) The challenge to democracy is that Dalits were denied equality in accessing a place of worship.
Though, the policies can help in resolving the situation to some extent; what is needed, is to create awareness among people against casteism which can help in abolishing such a practice.
(ii) The challenge to democracy is poverty and indebtedness among different sections; for resolving the situation, loans should be offered to the poor farmers at low interest rates. For this purpose, cooperative societies should be established to help farmers. Crop insurance policy should be offered for handling the situation like crop failure.
(iii) The challenge to democracy here is dignity and freedom of citizens and the right to equality. The situation should be resolved by conducting an impartial and transparent enquiry followed by taking appropriate actions.

Question. “Democratic government is known as responsive government,” Assess the statement.
Answer : In democracy people have to choose their roles. In democracy, citizen have the right and means to examine the process of decision making. They have the right to participate in decision making which affect them all, This factor is often missing from a Nondemocracy government. Thus, the most basic outcome of the democracy is that, it produces a government that is accountable to the need of citizen, and responsive to their need and expectation.
For example in democracy, the government is taking time to take a decision about any subject to protect the interest of the citizen.

Question. Is there more transparency in democracy in comparison to non-democratic governments ?
Answer : Yes, there is more transparency in democracy in comparison to non-democratic governments. People can examine the process of decision making to check if it has been taken through the right procedure. However, this feature is missing in non-democratic form of governments where decision is imposed on the citizens without allowing them to know why and how it was taken. Moreover, democratic form of government is accountable to the people and there is a mechanism through which people can participate in the decisionmaking process whenever required.

Question. Developed countries can afford democracy but the poor countries need dictatorship to progress. Comment.
Answer : It’s true because in democracy there is a part of power play which cannot be affordable by a poor country and in democracy there is a need of proper functioning. Thus, industrialised or rich country can only afford democracy.

Question. Why is democracy encouraged all over the world ? 
Answer : Democracy is encouraged all over the world due to the following reasons :
(i) It is the government that is elected by the people.
(ii) It is a legitimate form of government which runs according to the rules and regulations provided by the constitution.
(iii) It is the government where the people have chosen their representatives as per their choice and they have the power to not to elect these representatives again if they are not working in the desired ways.


Long Answers Type Questions

Question. What did the African-American athletes do in order to draw international attention to “black poverty” in the Mexico Olympics. [CBSE 2012] or What were the blackgloved and raised clenched fists meant to? Why did athletes do so? [CBSE 2012] or What problem was raised by Smith and Carlos of the USA? With what gesture did they draw international attention towards the social problems in the USA? [CBSE 2012] or How did the African-American athletes in Mexico Olympics 1968 try to’ draw in-ternational attention to racial discrimi¬nation in the United States? [CBSE 2012] or What did the African-American athletes in Mexico Olympics do in order to draw international attention to racial discrimination in the United States?
Answer : To draw international attention to racial discrimination in the United States, the African-American athletes performed following activities: a. They received their medals wearing black socks and no shoes to represent Black poverty. b. When American National Anthem was played, these two African- American athletes stood with clenched fists upraised and heads bowed. c. The black-gloved and raised clenched fists were meant to symbolise Black power. d. Peter wore a human rights badge on his shirt to show his support. (Any three). 

Question. Who was the leader of the Civil Rights Movement? Describe the importance of this movement. 
Explain briefly the Civil Rights Movement which took place in the USA. between 1954 and 1968.

Answer : Martin Luther King Junior was the leader of the Civil Rights Movement. This movement was started in 1954 and lasted till 1968. Importance of Civil Rights Movement: a. It was a reform movement with the aim to abolish legal racial discrimination against African Americans. b. It practised non-violent methods of civil disobedience. Against racially discriminatory laws and practices.

Question. How is political expression of social division in democracy beneficial?
In a democracy, political expression of social division is very normal and can be healthy. Justify thi? statement with suitable arguments.

Answer : a. Every expression of social division in politics does not lead to disasters but it is beneficial too. b. The various disadvantaged groups express their grievances and get the government to attend the same. c. Expression of various kinds of social divisions in politics often result in their cancelling one another out and thus reducing their intensity. d. Fight against injustice often takes a democratic path voicing their demands in a peaceful and constitutional manner and seeking a fair position through elections.

Question. “Social divisions exist in most of the countries.” Explain.
Answer : Social division of one kind or the other exists in most of the countries. a. Social divisions exist whether the country is big or small. India is a vast country with many communities. Belgium is a small country with many communities. b. Countries such as Germany and Sweden, that were once highly homogeneous are undergoing rapid change with influx of people from other parts of the world. c. Migrants bring with them their own culture and tend to form a different social community. In this sense, most countries of the world are multicultural and as much have social division.

Question. What are the features of a homogeneous society? Mention the name of any one country having such society.
Answer : Features of a homogeneous society: a. A society has similar kinds of people, b. There are no significant ethnic differences. Germany and Sweden have homogenous societies.

Question. “We have different identities in different contexts.” Support the statement with three facts. 
Answer : We have different identities in different contexts. It can be proved by the following points: a. It is fairly common for people belonging to the same religions to feel that they do not belong to the same community because their caste is different. b. It is also possible for people from different religions to have the same caste and feel close to each other. c. Rich and poor persons from same family often do not keep close relations with each other for they feel they are different.

Question. What was the Black Power Movement? Explain.
Answer : a. The Black Power Movement was emerged in the USA between 1966 and lasted till 1975. b. It was more militant anti-racist movement. c. Main aim of this movement was to end racism in the US.

Question :  Explain the characteristics of Democracy? 
Answer : 1. Elected representatives  2. Elections  3. Civil liberties  4. Rules of law
5. Independent judiciary  6. Organized opposition parties  7. Freedom of religion of culture

Question :  Describe the features of dictatorship?
Answer : Following features can be explained-
1. Monopoly of powers.  2. One party  3. Faith in force    4. Emphasis on duty and discipline
5. Belief in racial superiority

Question : “Democracy is better than any other form of government.” Give arguments in favors of this statement
Explain the merits of democracy.
Answer : Democracy is considered to be the best form of government and most of the countries in the world have adopted it. Following are the merits of democracy-
1. It safeguards the interest of the people   
2. Based on the principle of equality
3. Possibility in administration   
4. Political education to the people
5. Little chance of revolution    
6. Based on public opinion
7. Helps people to become good citizens   
8. Accommodate all diversities and differences. 

Question. “A public expression of dissatisfaction with democracy shows the success of democracy project.” Justify the statement.
Answer : In democratic systems, expectations also function as the criteria for judging any democratic country. The most distinctive feature of democracy is that its examination never gets over. As democracy passes one test, it produces another test. As people get some benefits of democracy, they ask for more and want to make democracy even better. When people are asked about the way democracy functions, they will always come up with more expectations, and many complaints. Their complaints and expectations are itself a testimony to the success of democracy because it shows that people have developed awareness and the ability to expect and to look critically at power holders and the high and the mighty.
That is why a public expression of dissatisfaction with democracy shows the success of the democratic project as it transforms people from the status of a subject into that of a citizen. Most individuals today believe that their vote makes a difference to the way the government is run and to their own self-interest.

Question. How are the democratic governments better than the other forms of governments ? Compare. 
“Democracy is a better form of government than any other form of government.” Analyse the statement with arguments. 
Answer : “Democracy is a better form of government than any other form of government,” due to the following reasons :
(i) It promotes equality among citizens.
(ii) It helps in improving the dignity of the individual.
(iii) It helps in improving the quality of decision making.
(iv) It offers a way for resolving conflicts.
(v) It gives chances for rectifying mistakes.
(vi) It ensures the creation of an accountable, legitimate and responsive government.
(vii) It helps in accommodating social diversities.
(viii) It helps in lowering economic inequalities and poverty.
(ix) It ensures upliftment of the discriminated sections of the society.
(x) It offers transparency in the process of decision making.
6. How far is democracy able to accommodate social diversities ?
Answer : Democracy is able to accommodate social diversities.
Social differences exist in all societies, but democracy helps in promoting peaceful and harmonious relationships. It offers political equality to all irrespective of their colour, gender, caste, class or creed. Although, it is not possible to remove conflicts completely from the society, yet, it helps in lowering the chances of tensions, violence or differencesssssss. It helps in promoting dignity of an individual and women and further ensures equality for discriminated and deprived sections of the society. People learn to respect those from different groups and learn to negotiate the social differences.

Question. Describe any five outcomes of democracy.
Answer : (i) Democracy is a form of government, in which the citizens have a right to elect their representatives, of their own choice. It is people’s own government, thus a legitimate government.
(ii) Democracy ensures that decision making will be based on norms and procedures. The government follows all the rules and regulations and is accountable to the people.
(iii) In Democracy, the opposition parties question and criticise the policies of the government. This ensures that the laws being implemented are not prejudiced or autocratic.
(iv) Democracy enhances the dignity and importance of every individual in a nation.
(v) Democracy generates trust and faith in the law and constitution among citizens.

Question. “Democracies often frustrate the people,” Substantiate your answer suitably.
Answer : Democracy is a government by the people, of the people and for the people. Hence, people often expect much from it. However, they get disappointed when their needs and demands are ignored and corruption adversely affects the decision- making process. People also get disappointed due to slower process of decisionmaking and low economic growth. But it is important to note here, that decision- making in democracy is taken through norms and procedures. Hence, there may be delay in the procedure but the decision are acceptable to all efficient. People, also have power to change the rule by not electing the corrupt or inefficient government. Moreover, such adversities are found in non- democratic setup also. However, in democracy people can trust the system that thing will be changed if they bring them into the light, instead of being passive uffers. Hence, frustration of people with democracy is an indication that they are enlightened and active citizens who can act to bring about changes.

Question. ‘Complaints are treated as testimony to the success of democracy.‘ Justify this statement.
Answer : In a democracy, as people get some benefits, they ask for more for even better functions and facilities and expectations. There are also many complaints.
(i) The fact that people are complaining is itself a testimony to the fact that democracy is a success.
(ii) It reflects that people have developed the awareness and the ability to expect and look critically at power holders and the high and mighty.
(iii) A public expression of dissatisfaction with democracy shows the success of the democratic project.
(iv) It transforms people from the status of a subject to a citizen.
(v) Most individuals believe that their vote makes a difference to the way the government is run and to their own self-interest.

Question. Describe the importance of democratic government as an accountable and legitimate government.
Answer : (i) Democracy provides an accountable government because it facilitates periodic, free and fair elections regularly.
(ii) Open discussions are held on all major issues and legislations and decisions are taken on the basis of popular public opinion.
(iii) Democracy give its citizens the right to information about the government and its functioning.
(iv) Democracy provides a responsive government as it is formed by elected representatives of the people. The representatives also ensure that the programmes for the welfare of the different groups are implemented.
(v) Democracy generates trust among every individual of country as it follows the rules given in the constitution.

Question. Explain the statement, “What is most distinctive about a democracy is that its examination never gets over.”
Answer : The statement means that when a democratic system is able to clear one exam, the expectation of the people 
rises and they expect more and more to make the system even better. This is the reason for which people often complaint about a democratic system, as they expect it to become even better. In fact, the complaints of the people are a testimony of the success of the system as they have awareness about what’s happening around them and trust that the system can improve if they approach higher authorities. Thus, a democratic system empowers the people from being mere subjects to enlightened citizens.

Question. What do you understand by ‘democracy reform’ or ‘political reform’? Why a list of desirable reforms cannot be prepared? Describe broad guidelines for devising ways and means for political reforms in India?
(a) Generally all suggestions or proposals about overcoming various challenges to democracy are called ‘democracy reform’ or ‘political reform’.
(b) The list of desirable political reforms cannot be prepared because not all the countries have the same challenges. Thus, only broad guidelines can be devised.
(c) The broad guidelines that can be devised for political reforms in India are as given below:
(1) Legal ways:
1. Law has important role to play in political reform. However, legal constitutional changes by themselves cannot overcome challenges to democracy.
2. Democratic reforms are to be carried out mainly by political activists, parties, movements and politically conscious citizens.
3. Care should be taken in making laws because some laws may result in denial of political opportunity to the people. For example, the law banning people who have more than two
children from contesting panchayat elections has such effect. A large number of poor people and women could not seek election.
4. The best laws are those, which empower people to carry out democratic reforms. For example, the Right to Information Act empowers the people to find out what is happening in government.
It acts as a watchdog of democracy. Such laws help to control corruption and supplements the existing laws that banned corruption and imposed strict penalties.
(2) Reforms through political practice: Reforms should be made through political practice e., by increasing and improving the quality of political participation by ordinary citizens.
(3) Reforms keeping in mind their implementation: At the time of proposals for reform it should be kept in mind that how it will be implemented. We cannot expect that the legislature will pass an act that goes against the interests of all the political parties and MPs/MLAs. Thus, the measures that rely on democratic movements, citizens’ organisations and media are likely to succeed.

Question. How do democratic governments ensure transparency? Explain any three points.
1. Democracy ensures that decision-making will be based on norms and procedures. Therefore, a citizen, who wants to know if a decision was taken through the correct procedures, can find out as democracy guarantees to the citizens the right and the means to examine the process of decision-making.
2. In a democracy, people have the right to choose their rulers and people will have control over them. Whenever possible and necessary, citizens should be able to participate in decisionmaking that affects them all. Thus, it ensures transparency by producing a government that is accountable to the citizens and is responsive to their needs and expectations.
3. It is right to expect democracy to produce a government that follows procedures and is accountable to people. To do so, the democratic government develops mechanisms for citizens— regular, free and fair elections, open public debate on major policies and legislations and citizens’ right to information about the government and its functioning.

Question. “An ideal government would not only keep itself away from corruption but also make fighting corruption and black money a top priority”. Justify the statement.
The values attached to the above statement signify the following practices and institutions:
• Regular free and fair elections, open public debate on major policies and legislation and citizens’ right to information about the government and its functions.
• An ideal government in a democracy follows procedures and is accountable to the people.
• A citizen has the right and the means to examine the process of decision-making. This is known as transparency.
• An ideal government is attentive and responsive to the needs and expectations of the people and
is largely free of corruption as it is a legitimate government. It is peoples own government.

Question.Explain the role of democratic governments in reducing economic disparities.
“Democracies do not appear to be very successful in reducing economic inequalities”. Examine the statement with examples.
Over the years, careful evidence has been gathered to see what the relationship of democracy with economic growth and economic inequalities is.
• It is seen that on an average dictatorial regimes have had a slightly better record of economic growth, i. e., and 4.34%. However, when we compare their record only in poor countries (4.28%), there is no difference.
• There is enough evidence to show that within democracies there can be very high degree of inequalities. In countries like South Africa and Brazil, the top 20 per cent people take away more than 60 per cent of the national income, leaving less than 3 per cent for the bottom 20 per cent
Perhaps more than development, it is reasonable to expect democracies to reduce economic disparities.
Democracies are based on political equality, but despite equality in the political arena there are growing economic inequalities. The poor constitute a large proportion of our voters and no party would like to lose its votes. Yet democratically elected governments do not appear to be keen to tackle the problem of poverty.
Democracies are expected to produce good government, but there is no guarantee that they would also produce development. As evidence shows, the economic development depends on several factors, such as country’s size, global situation, co-operation from other countries, economic priorities adopted by the country etc.

Question. ‘Democracy is seen to be good in principle, but felt, to be not so good in practice.’ Justify the statement with suitable arguments.
If we look at some of the democratic policies being implemented in more than one hundred countries of the world, democracy seems to be good. For example, having a formal Constitution, holding regular elections, guaranteeing the citizens certain rights, working for the welfare of the people, etc. make us advocate that democracy is good.
However, if we look in terms of social situations, their economic achievements and varied cultures, we find a very big difference in most of the democracies. The vast economic disparities, social injustice based on discrimination, standard of life, sex discrimination, etc. create many doubts about the merits of democracy. Whenever some of our expectations are not met, we start blaming the idea of democracy. Since democracy is a form of government, it can only create conditions for achieving our goals if they are reasonable.

Question. How is democracy accountable and responsive to the needs and expectations of the citizens? Analyse.
A democracy is concerned with ensuring that people have the right to choose their rulers and have control over the rulers:
• Whenever possible and necessary, citizens should be able to participate in decision-making in a democracy.
• Democracy ensures that decision-making is based on norms and procedures. A citizen has the right and the means to examine the process of decision-making. Thus, democracy entails transparency.
• For a democracy to produce an accountable, responsive and legitimate government, it must ensure the following:
• Regular, free and fair elections.
• Open public debate on major policies and legislations.
• Citizens’ right to be informed about government policies.
• A government free from corruption.

Important Questions NCERT Class 10 Social Science Chapter 7 Outcomes of Democracy

Question : Which form of government is better democratic or non-democratic?
Answer :  Democratic government is better.

Question : State any three merits of democracy.
Answer : Merits of Democracy are :
(i) Democracy assures equality in every sphere of life like political, social and economic.
(ii) It upholds basic individual liberties like freedom of speech, etc.
(iii) In a democracy transparency in governance is achieved.

Question : Why is democratic government known as legitimate government? Explain.
Answer : (i) A democratic government is called legitimate government because it is people’s own government.
(ii) It may be slow, less efficient and may have other flaws but it is people’s government.
(iii) There is an overwhelming support for the idea of democracy all over the world. People of South Asia, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan and Nepal have no doubt about the suitability of democracy for their country.
(iv) People wish to be ruled by representatives elected by them. Democracy’s ability to generate its own support makes it more legitimate.

Question : Explain the meaning of democracy.
Answer : It is a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.

Question : “Democracies are not appearing to be very successful in reducing economic inequalities.” Analyse the statement.
Answer : Democracy and the economic outcomes :
(i) Slow economic development and economic growth can be due to large population.
(ii) Basic needs of life, such as food, clothing, shelter are difficult to achieve in certain democracies.
(iii) Prevalence of economic inequalities are often seen.
(iv) Poverty is still a big issue.
(v) Allocation of resources in few hands.
(vi) Unjust distribution of goods and opportunities. However despite mediocre economic outcomes democracy is preferred for the dignity it provides to every citizen.

Question : How can a democratic government be made accountable? Explain.
Answer : A democratic government can be made accountable by :
(i) Conducting discussions and negotiations.
(ii) Ensuring transparency.
(iii) Holding regular, free and fair elections.
(iv) Having an independent media.

Question : “There is overwhelming support for the idea of democracy all over the world.” Support the statement.
Answer : There is overwhelming support for the idea of democracy all over the world because :
(i) A democratic government is people’s own government.
(ii) The evidence from South Asia shows that support for democracies exists in most countries.
(iii) People wish to be ruled by representatives elected by them.
(iv) Most people believe that democracy is suitable for their country.
(v) Democracy has the ability to generate its own support which in itself is an outcome that cannot be ignored.

Question : What is it in a democracy that worries us?
Answer : Its inability to achieve higher economic development often worries us.

Question : Explain with three examples, how democracies accommodate social diversities.
Answer : (i) No society can fully and permanently resolve conflicts among different groups. But we can certainly learn to respect these differences and we can also evolve mechanisms to negotiate the differences. Democracy is best suited to produce this outcome. Non-democratic regimes often turn a blind eye to or suppress internal social differences. Ability to handle social differences, divisions and conflicts is thus a definite plus point of democratic regimes.
(ii) Democracy continues to be democracy as long as all citizens have a chance to be part of majority at any point of time. If someone is debarred from being part of majority on the basis of birth then democracy is said to be concentrated in a few hands.
(iii) It is necessary to understand that democracy is not simply a rule by majority opinion. The majority always needs to work with the minority so that government can function to represent the opinion of common people.
(iv) The rule of majority should not be ruled by majority on the basis of religion or race or linguistic group etc. Rule by majority means that in case of every decision or in case of every election, different persons and groups may form a majority.

Question : ‘Democracies are based on political equality’. What does it mean?
Answer : It means that all individuals have equal weight in electing representatives.

Question : What do you mean by an accountable government?
Answer : An accountable government is always answerable to its people.

Question : What is democracy? What are its various characteristics?
Answer : Democracy is formed by two Greek words ‘‘demos’’ and “kratia”. “Demos” means people and “kratia” means the government. Democracy, thus, means “rule by the people”. In a democratic set-up, every citizen has the right to take a part in the decision-making process. It is a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system.
Characteristics of democracy:
(i) It promotes equality among citizens.
(ii) It looks after the interest of the people.
(iii) It allows room to correct mistakes.

Question : ‘Democratic governments are attentive to the needs of people and less corrupt’. Do you agree to this point? Write your opinion.
Answer : Democratic governments are expected to be attentive to the needs of people and less corrupt. But in reality, it does not happen so. Democracies often frustrate the needs of the people and often ignore the demands of a majority of its population. Democracy is also not free of corruption. Our politicians are indulged in money making. Our top officials are also doing the same.

Question : Why is some delay bound to take place in a democratic set up?
Answer : We know that democracy is based on the idea of deliberation and negotiation. So, some delay is bound to take place.

Question : What expectations are associated with democracy?
Answer : Democracy is better than the other forms of government such as dictatorship, monarchy etc because it:
(i) promotes equality among citizens.
(ii) enhances the dignity of the individuals.
(iii) improves the quality of decision making.
(iv) provides a method to resolve conflicts.
(v) allows room to correct mistakes.
(vi) is a legitimate government.
(vii) is people’s own government.
(viii) gives equal status to women and weaker sections.

Question : “Democratic governments are less effective, slow, not very responsive or clean.” How far do you agree with this view?
Answer : Democracy means rule by the people. The government is formed by the people, for the people and of the people. Every citizen takes part in the decision-making process directly or indirectly through their elected representatives. All policies of the government are debated in the parliament before making them final decisions. This takes a lot of time and leads to delays in the decision-making process.

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CBSE Class 10 Civics Democratic Politics II Chapter 7 Outcomes Of Democracy Assignment

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a. Solve assignments daily: Regular practice of Democratic Politics II Chapter 7 Outcomes Of Democracy questions will strengthen problem solving skills.
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