CBSE Class 10 Social Science Work Life And Leisure Worksheet

Read and download free pdf of CBSE Class 10 Social Science Work Life And Leisure Worksheet. Students and teachers of Class 10 Social Science can get free printable Worksheets for Class 10 Social Science Work Life And Leisure in PDF format prepared as per the latest syllabus and examination pattern in your schools. Class 10 students should practice questions and answers given here for Social Science in Class 10 which will help them to improve your knowledge of all important chapters and its topics. Students should also download free pdf of Class 10 Social Science Worksheets prepared by teachers as per the latest Social Science books and syllabus issued this academic year and solve important problems with solutions on daily basis to get more score in school exams and tests

Worksheet for Class 10 Social Science Work Life And Leisure

Class 10 Social Science students should download to the following Work Life And Leisure Class 10 worksheet in PDF. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 10 will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks

Class 10 Social Science Worksheet for Work Life And Leisure

Question. Narrate the information you could draw from the writings of Henry Mayhew on crime in London by the end of 19th century and state the steps taken by the Govt. to check crime.
Answer: In the mid-nineteenth century, Henry Mayhew wrote about London labour, and compiled long lists of those who made a living from crime.
1. He listed many of them as „criminals‟ who were in fact poor people lived by stealing lead from roofs, food from shops, lumps of coal, and clothes drying on hedges.
2. There were others who were more skilled at their trade, expert at their jobs.They were the cheats and tricksters, pickpockets and petty thieves crowding the streets of London.
Steps taken: 
a. In an attempt to discipline the population, the authorities imposed high penalties for crime
b. offered work to those who were considered the „deserving poor‟.

Question. Explain the social changes in London that led to the need for the underground railway. Why was the development of the underground railway criticized?
Answer: Social changes: 1. When the city extended beyond the range where people could walk to work and the development of suburbs, made new forms of mass transport necessary as this would make people to live in suburbs and come for work in city by means of travelling. (The London underground railway partially solved the housing crisis by carrying large masses of people to and from the city.) It was criticized because: The very first section of the Underground in the world opened on 10 January 1863 between Paddington and Farrington Street in London.
1. Many felt that the „iron monsters‟ added to the mess and unhealthiness of the city.
2. To make approximately two miles of railway, 900 houses had to be destroyed. Thus the London tube railway led to a massive displacement of the London poor, especially between the two World Wars. (Yet the Underground eventually became a huge success. As a result, the population in the city became more dispersed. Better-planned suburbs and a good railway network enabled large numbers to live outside central London and travel to work.)

Question. Mention the advantages that Londoners got from the introduction of underground railways.
Answer: 1. In spite of initial criticisms, underground railways eventually became a huge success.
2. Because of this, population in city became more dispersed.
3. Better planned suburbs and a good railway network enabled large numbers to live
outside central London and travel to work.

Question. How did the industrial city life of London affect the function and shape of the family?
Describe the position of women in the 19th century Britain.
Answer: 1. The function and the shape of family completely transformed due to the change in the city life.
2. Ties between members of household weakened.
3. Women of the upper and middle class faced the problem of isolation, although their lives were made easy by domestic servants who worked for them.
4. Women from the lower social classes had some control over their lives as they worked for wages. (There was a feeling among the social reformers that women must be pushed back home in order to prevent the breakup of families.)
5. The public space was mainly a male preserve. It was a shocking in equality. After the Chartist movement (a movement demanding the vote for all adult males) women came to participate in political movement for suffrage and the right to vote.

Question. Why a large city population in 19th century London was seen as a threat and an opportunity?
Do you agree or disagree that the process of Urbanization in the city of London provided more disappointments than opportunities. Give three reasons in support of your answer. Yes‟ I agree that the process of urbanization of the city of London provided more disappointments than opportunities.
Answer: 1.As the city of London attracted more migrants from villages in search of work it was also faced with a number of problems:
2. As London grew, crime flourished. There were many poor people who made a living from crime.
3. With technological development many women who were employed earlier in industries lost their jobs. Many of them were forced to work as domestic servants.
4. The migrant workers were put up in cheap and usually unsafe tenements as the factory owners did not provide any housing facilities. It led to growth of slums and unsanitary conditions created problems of health.
5. Large number of children were pushed into low paid work. 6. Smoky and unsafe work place and factories.
7. Poor workers riots in London for betterment of poverty condition .(any three points to support the statement)
No, I disagree…
1.As industrialization spread the city of London began to expand and appeared to be a city of opportunity and hope to many workers form villages who migrated in search of jobs
2.The city provided a variety of jobs like small clerks, artisans, shopkeeper, semi skilled workers, soldiers, servants, casual labourers, street sellers, etc.
3. Five major types of industries such as clothing, wood and furniture, metals and engineering, printing and stationary, precision products such as watches employed workers in large numbers.
4. By the time of the first world war, the automobile and the electrical goods industries expanded and accounted for nearly 1/3 of all the jobs in the city.

Question. “Indian cities did not mushroom in the nineteenth century unlike that of Western Europe”. Explain.
Answer: 1. The pace of urbanization in India was slow under colonial rule. In the early twentieth century, no more than 11 per cent of Indians were living in cities.
2. A large proportion of these urban dwellers were residents of the three Presidency cities. ( Bombay, Bengal, Madras)
3. These were multi-functional cities: they had major ports, warehouses, homes and offices, army camps, as well as educational institutions, museums and libraries.

Question. What led to the expansion of Bombay in 19th century?
Answer: 1. At first, Bombay was the major outlet for cotton textiles from Gujarat for the East India company who acquired it from Britain‟s King Charles II, which he got it for his marriage to the Portuguese princess
2. Later, in the nineteenth century, the city functioned as a port through which large quantities of raw materials such as cotton and opium would pass.3. By the end of the 19th century, Bombay became an important administrative centre in Western India, and then, a major industrial centre.
4. With the growth of trade in cotton and opium, large communities of traders and bankers as well as artisans and shopkeepers came to settle in Bombay
5.The establishment of textile mills led to a fresh flow of migrants from the nearby district of Ratnagiri to work in the Bombay mills.
6. Bombay dominated the maritime trade of India till well into the twentieth century.
7. It was also at the junction head of two major railways. The railways encouraged an even higher scale of migration into the city.

Question. Briefly describe the Housing facilities in Bombay in the19th Century.
Answer: 1. Bombay was a crowded city. 2. The Fort area, were interspersed with garden and it formed the heart of the city. In the early 1800s it was divided between a „native‟ town, where most of the Indians lived, ( Chawls were built here to provide shelter to the common people) and a European or „white‟ section.
3. With the rapid and unplanned expansion of the city, the crisis of housing and water supply became acute by the mid-1850s.
4. Like the European elite, the richer Parsis, Muslims and upper caste traders and industrialists of Bombay lived in sprawling spacious bungalows.
5. In contrast, more than 70 per cent of the working people lived in the thickly populated chawls of Bombay. Many families could reside at a time in a tenement.
6. The homes being small, streets and neighborhoods were used for a variety of activities such as cooking, washing and sleeping.

Question. What is referred to as „Chawls‟ in Bombay? How are they similar to tenements of London?
Answer: 1. Chawls were multi-storeyed structures which had been built from at least the 1860s in the „native‟ parts of the town.
2. Like the tenements in London, these houses were largely owned by private landlords, such as merchants, bankers, and building contractors, looking for quick ways of earning money from anxious migrants
3. Each chawl was divided into smaller one-room tenements which had no private toilets Many families could reside at a time in a tenement.
4. The Census of 1901 reported that the mass of the island‟s population or 80 per cent of the total, resides in tenements of one room and the average number of occupants lies between 4 and 5.

Question. Assess the conditions of the people living in ‘ Chawls’ of Bombay.
Answer: 1. Each chawl was divided into smaller one-room tenements which had no private toilets. Many families could reside at a time in a tenement.
2. The Census of 1901 reported that the mass of the island‟s population or 80 per cent of the total, resides in tenements of one room and the average number of occupants lies between 4 and 5.
3. High rent forced people to share with relatives or caste fellows.
4. People had to keep windows closed even in humid weather due to proximity of filthy gutters, buffalo stables.
5.There was scarcity of water 6. Homes were small .streets and neighborhoods were used for a variety of activities like cooking, washing and sleeping.
7. Open space in the middle of our four chawls used by the magicians, monkey players or acrobats to regularly perform their acts.
8. Chawls were also the place for the exchange of news about jobs, strikes, riots or demonstrations.
9. People who belonged to the „depressed classes‟ found it even more difficult to find housing. Lower castes were kept out of many chawls and often had to live in shelters made of corrugated sheets, leaves, or bamboo poles.

Question. Expansion of the city has always posed a problem in Bombay because of a scarcity of land‟. How was this problem solved? OR Point out the steps taken to improve the city life in Bombay.
Write a short note on the „Reclamation Project‟ in Bombay to expand the city.
Answer: 1. The City of Bombay Improvement Trust was established in 1898; it focused on clearing poorer homes out of the city centre. By 1918, Trust schemes had deprived 64,000 people of their homes, but only 14,000 were re-housed.
2. In 1918, a Rent Act was passed to keep rents reasonable, but it had the opposite effect of producing a severe housing crisis, since landlords withdrew houses from the market.
3. Another step was that of land reclamation form the sea and leveling of the hills around Bombay.
4. The earliest project began in 1784. The Bombay governor William Hornby approved the building of the great sea wall which prevented the flooding low-lying areas of Bombay
5. In 1864, the Back Bay Reclamation Company won the right to reclaim the western foreshore from the tip of Malabar Hill to the end of Colaba.
6. A successful reclamation project was undertaken by the Bombay Port Trust, which built a dry dock between 1914 and 1918 and used the excavated earth to create 22-acre Ballard Estate. Subsequently, the famous Marine Drive of Bombay was developed.

Question. Write a short note on the growth of film industry in Bombay. OR “Despite its massive overcrowding and difficult living conditions, Bombay appears to many as a ‘mayapuri’ – a city of dreams”. Explain.
Answer: 1. Many Bombay films deal with the arrival in the city of new migrants, and their encounters with the real pressures of daily life.
2.Some popular songs from the Bombay film industry speak of the contradictory aspects of the city.
3. Harishchandra Sakharam Bhatwadekar shot a scene of a wrestling match in Bombay‟s Hanging Gardens and it became India‟s first movie in 1896. Soon after, Dadasaheb Phalke made Raja Harishchandra (1913).
4. By 1925, Bombay had become India‟s film capital, producing films for a national audience.
5. Bombay films have contributed in a big way to produce an image of the city as a blend of dream and reality, of slums and star bungalows.

Question. Why is Bombay a city of dreams for some, while a city of hardship for others?
Answer: 1. The city of Bombay with its expansion in trade, business and industries in 19th century attracted migrants from the neighboring areas.
2. To them it seemed a big city with opportunity with the passage of time the city dominated and maritime trade and it further increased the flow of migrants.
3. The flourishing business, rise of business elites, capital availability for investment helped the film industry emerge as a dream world or Mayapuri to many.
4.But these developments inevitably brought along with the problems of overcrowding, growth of slums and chawls and miserable living conditions of the people and constant struggle and of toil for survival.

Question. How did the growth of cities affect environment?
Answer: 1. City development everywhere occurred at the expense of ecology and the environment.
2. Natural features were flattened out or transformed in response to the growing demand for space for factories, housing and other institutions.
3. Large quantities of refuse and waste products polluted air and water, while excessive noise became a feature of urban life.

Question. Briefly explain the effects of industries on the environment of British cities. What steps were taken to improve the situation?
Answer: 1. The widespread use of coal in homes and industries in nineteenth century England raised erious problems.
2. In industrial cities such as Leeds, Bradford and Manchester, hundreds of factory chimneys spewed black smoke into the skies
Steps: 1. When people first joined campaigns for cleaner air, the goal was to control the nuisance through legislation.
2. By the 1840s, a few towns such as Derby, Leeds and Manchester had laws to control smoke in the city.
3. The Smoke Abatement Acts of 1847 and 1853, as they were called, did not always work to clear the air.

Question. Analyse the various causes for the pollution in the city of Calcutta in the end of 19th century and beginning of 20th century.
Answer: 1. The inhabitants of Calcutta inhaled grey smoke, particularly in the winter. Since the city was built on marshy land, the resulting fog combined with smoke to generate thick black smog.
2. Due to population depending on dung and wood as fuel in their daily life
3.The main polluters were the industries and establishments that used steam engines run on coal
4.The high content of ash in Indian coal used in railways was another problem..
5.In 1920, the rice mills of Tollygunge began to burn rice husk instead of coal, leading to Complaints of the residents that the air is filled with black soot falling like drizzling rain all through the day and it was difficult to live in such condition.

Question. Explain any three reasons for the expansion of Bombay‟s population in the mid 18th century.
Answer: 1. Bombay developed into the biggest sea port along the Arabian sea coast
2.It became the capital of Bombay Presidency
3. Large number of cotton textiles industries sprang up which attracted lot of labour.
4. It became the centre of film industry
5. It provided direct sea link with Europe

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Worksheet for CBSE Social Science Class 10 Work Life And Leisure

We hope students liked the above worksheet for Work Life And Leisure designed as per the latest syllabus for Class 10 Social Science released by CBSE. Students of Class 10 should download in Pdf format and practice the questions and solutions given in the above worksheet for Class 10 Social Science on a daily basis. All the latest worksheets with answers have been developed for Social Science by referring to the most important and regularly asked topics that the students should learn and practice to get better scores in their class tests and examinations. Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to the NCERT book for Class 10 Social Science to develop the Social Science Class 10 worksheet. After solving the questions given in the worksheet which have been developed as per the latest course books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 10 Social Science designed by our teachers. We have also provided a lot of MCQ questions for Class 10 Social Science in the worksheet so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter.

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CBSE Class 10 Social Science Work Life And Leisure worksheets cover all topics as per the latest syllabus for current academic year.

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