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Worksheet for Class 10 Social Science Contemporary India Chapter 7 Lifelines of National Economy
Class 10 Social Science students should download to the following Contemporary India Chapter 7 Lifelines of National Economy Class 10 worksheet in PDF. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 10 will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks
Class 10 Social Science Worksheet for Contemporary India Chapter 7 Lifelines of National Economy
MCQ Questions for Class 10 Social Science Lifelines of National Economy
Question : The National Highway No. 1 is also known as _____ .
(a) Mahatma Gandhi Marg
(b) Sher Shah Suri Marg
(c) Golden Quadrilateral
(d) Jawaharlal Nehru Road
Answer : B
(a) Mumbai port
(b) Marmagao port
(c) New Mangalore port
(d) Kandla port
Answer : A
(b) National pride
(d) Handicrafts
Answer : C
Answer : D
(b) inland waterways
(d) none of these
(b) landlocked countries
(d) none of these
(b) China
(d) Nepal
(b) East-West corridor
(d) Sout-West corridor
(b) Urban roads
(d) National Highways
(b) Uttar Pradesh
(d) Himachal Pradesh
(b) Marmagao port
(d) None of the above
(b) 4%
(d) 6.3%
(b) 11.8%
(d) 13.8%
Question. If the value of imports exceeds the value of export, it is termed as _____________ .
(a) Balance of trade
(b) Favourable balance of trade
(c) Unfavourable balance of trade
(d) Balance of payment
Answer : C
Question. Government’s project of linking all the four metro cities is called __________ .
(a) Golden Quadrilateral
(b) Golden Triangle
(c) Golden square
(d) Super Highways
Answer : A
Question. Which country has the largest telecom network in Asia ?
(a) China
(b) Japan
(c) India
(d) Sri Lanka
Answer : C
Question. What is the full form of NHAI ?
(a) National Highway Association of India
(b) National Highway Authority of India
(c) National Historical Association of India
(d) National Highway Arms of India
Answer : B
Question. Which is the longest National Highway ?
(a) National Highway No. 1
(b) National Highway No. 3
(c) National Highway No. 5
(d) National Highway No. 7
Answer : D
Question. Which is the cheapest mode of transport ?
(a) Airways
(b) Waterways
(c) Pipelines
(d) Roadways
Answer : B
Question. Arrange the following Indian airports from north to south in the correct sequence :
i. Meenam Bakkam Airport
ii. Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport
iii. Raja Sansi Airport
iv. Indira Gandhi International Airport
Options -
(A) (i)-(ii)-(iii)-(iv)
(B) (iii)-(iv)-(ii)-(i)
(C) (iv)-(i)-(iii)-(ii)
(D) (iv)-(ii)-(iii)-(i)
Answer : B
Question. The exchange of goods among people, states and countries is known as _____________ .
(a) Import
(b) Export
(c) Exchange
(d) Trade
Answer : D
Question. Which is the extreme south-western port ?
(a) Marmagao
(b) New Mangalore
(c) Kandla
(d) Kochi
Answer : D
Question. Which roads received special impetus under the ‘Pradhan Mantri Grameen Sadak Yojna’ ?
(a) District Highways
(b) National Highways
(c) State highways
(d) Other Roads
Answer : D
Question. Primary road systems are laid and maintained by :
(a) Zila Parishad
(b) CPWD
(c) NHAI
(d) PWD
Answer : B
What type of road it is ?
(A) Metalled road
(B) Surface road
(C) Cement road
(D) Unmetalled road
Answer : D
Question. Match the following
Answers : 1. (B), 2. (A), 3. (D), 4. (C), 5. (E)
Fill In The Blank
Answer : True
Question. Super highways are six lane highways connecting major cities and ports of the country for speedy movement of goods and passengers. (True/False)
Answer : True
Question. BOT stands for Build, Operate and Transfer. It means that after realising cost and profit for certain period, the roads will be transferred to the govt. as their rightful owners. (True/False)
Answer : True
Question. Railways can transport larger number of goods and passengers over long distances at economical cost. (True/False)
Answer : True
Question. Express or freeways are the national highways with 4 to 6 lanes meant to meet the requirement of fast traffic movement across the country. (True/False)
Answer : True
Assertion And Reason Questions
Mark the option which is most suitable :
(a) If both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
(b) If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
(c) If assertion is true but reason is false.
(d) If both assertion and reason are false.
Question. Assertion : Trade is considered as the economic barometer of the country.
Reason : Trading helps largely in developing countries like India. Advancement of trade is an index to its economic prosperity.
Answer : (a) The reason explains the assertion.
Question. Assertion : Road transportation in India faces a number of problems.
Reason : Roads are unmetalled, their network is adequate.
Answer : (a) Density of all roads varies, keeping in view the volume of traffic and passengers, the road network is inadequate, they are unmetalled and unfit for use, posing a lot of problems for transportation.
Question. Assertion : International trade has undergone a sea of changes in the last decades.
Reason : Exchange of commodities and goods have been superseded by the exchange of information and knowledge
Answer : (a) India has emerged as a software giant at the international level and it is earning large foreign exchange through the export of information technology.
Question. Assertion : Communication is unessential requirement of human life.
Reason : Communication between people does not create awareness.
Answer : (d) The increase in population and the change in the modes of communication are the result of increased human movement and transport of materials and goods. These provide healthy entertainment. They are thus essential in life, thus both Assertion and reason are false.
Question. Assertion : Cost of laying pipelines is less but subsequent running costs are maximum
Reason : Pipelines do not facilitate easy transportation of goods.
Answer : (d) Initial cost of laying pipelines is high but subsequent running costs are minimal. It rules out transshipment losses and delays.
Question. Assertion : Waterways are the cheapest means of transport.
Reason : It is a fuel-efficient and environment friendly mode of transport.
Answer : (a) The reason justifies the Assertion.
Read the extract and answer the questions that follows :
Railways are the principal mode of transportation for freight and passengers in India. Railways also make it possible for people to conduct multifarious activities like business, sightseeing, pilgrimage along with transportation of goods over longer distances. Apart from an important means of transport the Indian Railways have been a great integrating force for more than 150 years. Railways in India bind the economic life of the country as well as accelerate the development of the industry and agriculture.
The distribution pattern of the Railway network in the country has been largely influenced by physiographic, economic and administrative factors. The northern plains with their vast level land, high population density and rich agricultural resources provided the most favourable condition for their growth.
However, a large number of rivers requiring construction of bridges across their wide beds posed some obstacles. In the hilly terrains of the peninsular region, railway tracts are laid through low hills, gaps or tunnels. The Himalayan mountainous regions too are unfavourable for the construction of railway lines due to high relief, sparse population and lack of economic opportunities. Likewise, it was difficult to lay railway lines on the sandy plain of western Rajasthan, swamps of Gujarat, forested tracks of Madhya Pradesh, Chhatisgarh, Odisha and Jharkhand.
1. How many zones the Indian Railway is organized?
Answer : The Indian Railway is reorganized in 16 zones.
2. Discuss the problems suffered by rail transport?
Answer : (i) Many passengers travel without tickets.
(ii) Thefts and damaging of railway property has not yet stopped completely.
(iii) People stop the trains, pull the chain unnecessarily and this causes heavy damage to the railway.
3. Why it is difficult to lay railway tracts in hilly areas ?
Answer : The hilly regions are unfavourable for the construction of railway lines due to high relief, sparse population and lack of economic opportunities.
Source/Extract Based Questions
Read the text given below and answer the questions that follows :
For a long time, trade and transport were restricted to a limited space. With the development in science and technology, the area of influence of trade and transport expanded far and wide. Today, the world has been converted into a large village with the help of efficient and fast moving transport. Transport has been able to achieve this with the help of equally developed communication system. Therefore, transport, communication and trade are complementary to each other.
Today, India is well-linked with the rest of the world despite its vast size, diversity and linguistic and sociocultural plurality. Railways, airways, waterways, newspapers, radio, television, cinema and internet, etc have been contributing to its socio-economic progress in many ways. The trades from local to international levels have added to the vitality of its economy. It has enriched our life and added substantially to growing amenities and facilities for the comforts of life.
1. The world is shrinking because of advancement in ________ and ________
(a) Science and Technology
(b) Art and Culture
(c) Dance and Music
(d) All of the above
Answer : A
2. Different types of transportation help in socioeconomic development of a nation. Identify which domain of the earth the following features of transportation belong to:
Choose the correct option—
(a) a-2, b-3, c-1
(b) a-3, b-1, c-2
(c) a-2, b-1, c-3
(d) a-1, b-3, c-2
Answer : A
3. Which one of the followings is not an India's challenge to connect the world?
(a) Complex land features
(b) Cultural and linguistic diversity
(c) Access to sea
(d) Vast area
Answer : C
4. In order to expand its global trade, India needs to:
(a) Invest more in infrastructure
(b) Develop advance transport and communication network
(c) Liberalise trade policies
(d) Restrict import of foreign products.
Answer : D
Read the text given below and answer the questions that follows :
As the resources are space bound, no country can survive without international trade. Export and import are the components of trade. The balance of trade of a country is the difference between its export and import. When the value of export exceeds the value of imports, it is called a favourable balance of trade. On the contrary, if the value of imports exceeds the value of exports, it is termed as unfavourable balance of trade.India has trade relations with all the major trading blocks and all geographical regions of the world. The commodities exported from India to other countries include gems and jewellery, chemicals and related products, agriculture and allied products, etc. The commodities imported to India include petroleum crude and products, gems and jewellery, chemicals and related products, base metals, electronic items, machinery, agriculture and allied products. India has emerged as a software giant at the international level and it is earning large foreign exchange through the export of information technology.
Answer the following MCQs by choosing the most appropriate option:
1. ________ distribution of resources leads to more dependency of countries on each other.
Answer : Unequal.
2. Find out the correct sequence of the following trade conditions
Choose the correct option—
(a) a-3, b-2, c-1
(b) a-2, b-1, c-3
(c) a-1, b-3, c-2
(d) a-3, b-1, c-2
Answer : A
3. Which one of the following statement is not true in context to India?
(a) India maintains good trade relations with all the major countries.
(b) India's balance of trade is unfavourable.
(c) India leads the world in I.T. sector.
(d) India's trade policies are not export friendly.
Answer : D
4. In order to make favourable balance of trade, the government should:
(a) Priorities local products
(b) Impose taxes on local producers
(c) Excel in the areas of production
(d) Impose traded barriers
Answer : B
Read the sources given below and answer the questions that follows :
Source A – Railways
Railways are the principal mode of transportation for freight and passengers in India. Railways also make it possible for people to conduct multiferous activities like business, sightseeing, pilgrimage along with transportation of good over long distances. Apart from an important means of transport the India Railways have been a great integrating force for more than 150 years. Railways in india bind the economic life of the country as well as accelerate the development of the industry and agriculture.
Source B – Pipelines
Pipeline transport network is a new arrival on the transportation map of India. In the past, these were used to transport water to cities and industries. Now these are used for transporting Crude oil, petroleum products and natural gas from oil and natural gas fields to refineries, fertilizer factories and big thermal power plants. Solids can also be transported through a pipeline when converted into slurry. The far inland
locations of refineries like Barauni, Mathura, Panipat, and gas based fertilizer plants could be thought of only because of pipelines.
Source C – Communication
India has one of the largest telecom networks in Asia. Excluding urban places more than two-thirds of villages in India have already been covered with Subscriber Trunk Dialling (STD) telephone facility. In order to strengthen the flow of information from the grassroot to the higher level, the government has made special provisions to extend twenty-four hours STD facilities all over India.
Source A – Railways
1. How the Indian Railways unified the India ?
Answer : Railways make it possible for people to conduct various activities like trade, tourism, pilgrimage and family coordination. Thus, railways not only bind the economic life of the country but also transport massive number of passengers an nicely as goods and objects at a time.
Source B – Pipelines
2. What is pipeline transport network ?
Answer : Pipeline transport network is used for transporting crude oil, petroleum products natural gas from oil and natural gas fields to refineries, factories and big thermal power plants.
Source C – Communication
3. Write short note on telecom network in India.
Answer : India has one of the largest telecom networks in Asia. Excluding urban places more than two-thirds of the villages in India have already been covered with Subscriber Trunk Dialling (STD) telephone facility.
Very Short Questions for Class 10 Social Science Lifelines of National Economy
Question : Which is the deepest landlocked and well protected port?
Answer : Visakhapatnam is the deepest landlocked and well protected port.
Question : Why was Haldia port developed?
Answer : Haldia port was developed as a subsidiary port, in order to relieve growing pressure on the Kolkata port.
Question : What is the major objective of the super Highways?
Answer : The major objective of the Super Highways is to reduce the time and distance between the mega cities of India.
Question : Why was Border Roads Organisation established in 1960?
Answer : It was established for the development of the roads of strategic importance in the northern and north-eastern border areas.
Question : Why are metalled roads called all weather roads.
Answer : Metalled roads are made of cement, concrete or even belumen of coal. They do not go out of use in the rainy season. Therefore, they are called all weather roads.
Question : Which port was the first port developed soon after the independence of India?
Answer : Kandla in Kuchchh was the first port developed soon after the independence of India.
Question : Where is New Mangalore port located?
Answer : This port is located is Karnataka.
Question. Correct the following statement and rewrite :
The British Railways Organisation (BRO) constructs and maintains roads in the border areas of the country.
Answer : The Border Roads Organisation (BRO) constructs and maintains roads in the border areas of the country.
Question. Complete the following :
One of the important pipeline transportation‘s network for oil and gas is from oilfields in upper Assam to ........................... .
Answer : Kanpur (Uttar Pradesh) via Guwahati, Barauni and Allahabad.
Question. __________ is the authority to certify both Indian and foreign films.
__________ is an umbrella programme to prepare for a knowledge based transformation.
Answer : The Central Board of Film Certification. Digital India.
Question :
Answer :
(A) – National Highway Authority of India (NHAI)
(B) – Delhi-Kolkata-Chennai-Mumbai.
Question : Complete the following table.
Answer :
Question : Complete the following table with appropriate terms in places of A and B.
Question. What is meant by ‘Pradhan Mantri Grameen Sadak Yojna’ ?
Answer : ‘Pradhan Mantri Grameen Sadak Yojna’ provides special provisions to every village in the country and links it to a major town in the country by an all season commutable road.
Question. Which is the oldest artificial port of the country ?
Answer : Chennai is the oldest artificial port of the country.
Question. What is pipeline transport network ?
Answer : Pipeline transport network is used for transporting crude oil, petroleum products and natural gas from oil and natural gas fields to refineries, fertilizer factories and big thermal plants.
Question. What is favourable balance of trade ?
Answer : When the value of exports of a country is more than the value of its imports, then it is called as the favourable balance of trade.
Question. Which factors contribute to India’s socio-economic progress ?
Answer : Railways, waterways, roadways, newspapers, radio, television, cinema and internet have contributed to the socio-economic development of our country.
Question. Which factors influence the distribution pattern of the railway network in the country ?
Answer : Physiographic, economic and administrative factors influence the distribution pattern of the railway network in the country.
Question. To whom does Pawanhans Helicopters Ltd. provide services ?
Answer : Pawanhans Helicopters Ltd. provides services to Oil and Natural gas Corporation in its off-shore operations, to inaccessible areas and difficult terrains like the northeastern states, Jammu-Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand.
Question. What is the major objective of ‘Golden Quadrilateral Super Highways’ ?
Answer : The major objective of ‘Golden Quadrilateral Super Highways’ is to reduce the time and distance between the mega cities of India.
Question. Define State Highways.
Answer : Roads linking a state capital with different district headquarters are known as State Highways.
Question. How many sea ports are there in India ?
Answer : There are 12 major and 181 medium and minor ports in India.
Short Questions for Class 10 Social Science Lifelines of National Economy
Question. ‘‘The pace of change in the communication sector has been rapid in modern times.’’ Support the statement with examples.
Answer : The pace of change in the communication sector has been rapid in modern times because of following reasons:
(i) As the pace of change has been rapid in modern times, long distance communication has become far easier without physical movement of the communicator or receiver. Personal communication has immensely improved. The Indian Postal Network, handles parcels as well as personal written communications. Cards, mails, book packets, registered newspapers and periodicals are all carried through various means of transport. Mail Channels such as Rajdhani Channel, Metro Channel etc. have introduced to facilitate quick delivery of mails in large towns and cities.
(ii) The Subscriber Trunk Dialing (STD) telephone facility has marked as evolution in strengthening telecom networks in India by integrating the development in space technology with communication technology.
(iii) Mass Communication, a means of entertainment as well as a medium of creating awareness covers a wide range including radio, television, newspapers, magazines, books, and films. Example
: All India Radio (Akashvani), Doordarshan.
Question. Why waterways are important ?
Answer : India has been one of the sea facing countries. Its importance can be judged based on the following reasons :
(i) Waterways are the cheapest means of transport.
(ii) They are most suitable for carrying heavy and bulky goods.
(iii) It is a fuel efficient and environment friendly mode of transport.
(iv) India’s trade with foreign countries is carried out through the ports located along the coast.
(v) 95% of the country’s trade is moved by sea.
Question. What is the significance of the title ‘Lifelines of National economy’ ?
Why are the means of transportation and communication known as the lifeline of a nation and its economy ?
Answer : The pace of development of any country depends upon the production of goods and services as well as their movement over space. Movement of these goods and service can be over three domains of earth i.e., land, water and air. Therefore, efficient means of transport are pre-requisites for fast development. They connect one part of the country to the other part and help the industries to get the raw materials as well as the finished products. It also develops a nexus among different cultures and religions. Agriculture also depends on transportation. Thus, they are known as the lifeline of an economy.
Question. “The distribution pattern of the railway network in India has been mainly influenced by physiographic and economic factors,” Support the statement with suitable examples.
Explain with example the condition responsible for in even distribution pattern of the following network in India.
Answer : The distribution pattern of the railway network in the country is largely influenced by physiographic, economic and administrative factors :
(i) The northern plains, with their vast stretch of level land, high density of population and rich agricultural resources, provide favourable conditions for the development of railway network. Construction of bridges over wide river beds sometimes is a hurdle.
(ii) In the hilly terrains of the peninsular region, railway tracks are laid through low hills, gaps or tunnels. However, the entire peninsular region, and Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh are mineral belts of India. This encourages the development of railway tracks for transport of minerals to the industries and also commutation of labourers.
(iii) The laying of railway tracks over the Himalayan belt is difficult because of the high relief, sparse population and lack of economic opportunities.
(iv) In sandy plains of Rajasthan, swamps of Gujarat and forested tracks of Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Odisha and Jharkhand also it is difficult to lay down railway tracks.
(v) The railway tracks can pass only through gaps or passes in the Sahyadri.
(vi) The Konkan railway facilitates transport of passengers and goods in the most important economic region of India.
(Explain any 3 points. Include atleast one physical and one economic factor)
Question. What problems are faced by the railways ?
Answer : Today, the railways have become more important in our national economy than all other means of transport put together. However, railway transport suffers from certain problems as well.
(i) Many passengers travel without tickets.
(ii) Thefts and damaging of railway property has not yet stopped completely.
(iii) People stop the trains by pulling chains unnecessarily and this causes heavy damage to railways.
Question. Why are transport, trade and communication complementary to each other ?
Answer : (i) For a long time, trade and transport were restricted to a limited space.
(ii) With the development of science and technology, the area of influence of trade and transport expanded far and wide.
(iii) Today, the world has been converted into a large village with the help of efficient and fast moving transport.
(iv) With the help of an advanced communication system, transport has become even faster in the recent time.
Question. Mention the three important networks of pipeline transportation in the country.
Answer : There are three important networks of pipeline transportation in the country.
(i) From oil field in upper Assam to Kanpur, via Guwahati, Barauni and Allahabad. It has branches from Barauni to Haldia, via Rajbandh, Rajbandh to Maurigram and Guwahati to Siliguri.
(ii) From Salaya in Gujarat to Jalandhar in Punjab, via Viramgam, Mathura, Delhi and Sonipat. It has branches to connect Koyali, Ckakshu and other places.
(iii) Gas pipeline from Hazira in Gujarat connects Jagdishpur in Uttar Pradesh, via Vijaipur in Madhya Pradesh. It has branches to Kota in Rajasthan, Shahjahanpur, Babrala and other places in Uttar Pradesh.
Question. What is communication ? What are the two major means of communication ?
Answer : Communication is a process of exchanging information, ideas, thoughts, feelings and emotions through speech, signals, writing, or behaviour.
The two major means of communication are :
(i) Personal communication including letter, e-mail, telephone, etc.
(ii) Mass communication including television, radio, press, films, etc.
Question. ‘‘Roadways have an edge over Railways.’’ Support the statement with examples.
Answer : Roadways have an edge over Railways because of following reason:
(i) Road transport operating cost is cheaper than rail transport.
(ii) Road transport is easy to access in hilly areas whereas in rail transport it’s difficult to reach such places.
(iii) Door to door transportation can only be provided by roadways.
(iv) Construction and maintenance cost is less in road transport whereas it’s more in rail transport.
(v) Road transport is better than rail transport to transport goods for short distance.
Question. ‘‘The advancement of international trade of a country is an index of its economic development.’’ Justify the statement.
Answer : Advancement of international trade of a country is an index of economic development :
(i) As no country is self sufficient in all resources, it cannot survive without international trade.
(ii) If the balance of international trade is favourable, a country will be able to earn more foreign exchange.
(iii) International trade encourages a country to develop secondary and tertiary sectors for exporting good which can fetch more foreign exchange.
Question. Explain any three major problems faced by road transport in India.
Answer : Road transportation in India faces a lot of problems:
(i) The road transport network is inadequate when compared to the volume of traffic and passengers. The roadways are highly congested in cities and most of the bridges and culverts are old and narrow.
(ii) About half of the roads are unmetalled limiting their usage during the rainy season.
(iii) The distribution of road is not uniform in the country. The national highways too are inadequate.
Question : Means of transport and communication are called the lifelines of a nation and its economy. What are the main reasons behind it?
How are means of transport and communications complementary to each other? Explain with three examples.
Answer : (i) The development of a country depends upon the production of goods and services as well as their movement to their destination. Transport plays an important role in the economy. Because of transport, raw materials reach to the factory or industry and finished products reach to the consumers. Transport has helped in both production and distribution of goods. Hence, efficient means of transport are prerequisites for fast development.
(ii) For a long time, trade and transport were restricted to a limited space. With the development in science and technology, the area of influence of trade and transport expanded far and wide. Today, the world has been converted to a large village with the help of efficient and fast moving transport. Transport has been able to achieve this with the help of equally developed communications system. Therefore, transport, communications and trade are complementary to each other.
(iii) India is well-linked with the rest of the world despite its vast size, diversity, linguistic and socio-cultural plurality. Railways, airways, waterways, newspapers, radio, television, cinema and internet, etc. have been contributing to its socio-economic progress in many ways. The trades from local to international levels have added to the vitality of its economy. It has also enriched our life and added substantially to growing amenities and facilities for the comforts of life. Hence, it is right to say that means of transportation and communication are the lifelines of a nation and its economy.
Question : What values are associated with tourism?
Answer : The values associated with tourism are:
(i) It promotes national integration.
(ii) It provides support to local handicrafts and cultural pursuits.
(iii) It develops international understanding among countries.
(iv) It increases foreign exchange.
Question : What is importance of railway transport?
Answer : (i) Railways are the prime mode of transportation for freight and passengers in India.
(ii) Railways also make it possible to conduct multifarious activities like business, sightseeing, pilgrimage along with transportation of good over longer distances.
(iii) Apart from an important means of transport the Indian Railways have been a great integrating force for more than 150 years.
(iv) Railways in India bind the economic life of the country as well as accelerate the development of the industry and agriculture.
Question : Why do roadways have an edge over railways? Explain.
Answer : The growing importance of road transport in comparison to rail transport is because of the following reasons:
(i) Construction cost of roads is much lower than that of railways lines.
(ii) Roads can pass through comparatively more dissected and undulating topography.
(iii) Road transport is economical in transportation of few persons and relatively smaller amount of goods over short distances.
(iv) It provides door to door services thus the cost of loading and unloading is much lower.
(v) It is used as feeder to other modes of transport. To reach any destination be it railway station, sea port or airport, one needs to travel through roads.
Answer : The length of road per 100 sq. km of area is known as density of roads. Distribution of roads is not uniform in the country. Density of all roads varies from only 10 km in Jammu and Kashmir to 375 km in Kerala with the national average of the 75 km
Long Questions for Class 10 Social Science Lifelines of National Economy
Question. Describe the significance of pipelines in India.
Answer : The significance of pipelines in India are stated as follows :
(i) They are used for transporting crude oil, petroleum products and natural gas from oil fields and natural gas fields to refineries, fertiliser factories and big thermal power plants.
(ii) Solids can also be transported through a pipeline when converted into slurry.
(iii) Because of pipelines, refineries at Barauni, Mathura, Panipat and gas based fertiliser plants, could be located in the interiors of India.
(iv) Initial cost of laying pipelines is high but subsequent running costs are minimal.
(v) Pipelines rules out transshipment (during transportation) losses or delays.
Question. Mention any two inland waterways of India. Write three characteristic of each.
Answer : Two inland waterways of India are :
(i) The Brahmaputra river between Sadiya and Dhubri.
(ii) The West-Coast canal in Kerala.
Characteristics of Brahmaputra river between Sadiya and Dhubri are as follows :
(i) The waterway is 891 km long on river Brahmaputra.
(ii) Long cruise tourist vessels make voyages between Sivsagar and Dibrugarh continuously.
Thus, making it a commercially beneficial inland waterway.
(iii) Border security force deployed on this inland waterway is proving to be important base for defense of the country.
Characteristics of West-Coast canal in India are as follows :
(i) The waterway is 205 km long on the canals of Kerala.
(ii) The backwaters of Kerala prove to be cheap means of transport attracting tourists.
Question. Define the term ‘tourism’ known as a trade ? Explain.
Answer : Tourism is defined as a visit to various places by people for cultural, recreational or commercial reasons. Tourism may be domestic or international.
Due to the following reasons tourism known as trade:
(i) Tourism plays an important role in the growth of national income. Only foreign tourists contribute 21828 crore rupees of foreign exchange.
(ii) Tourism in India has grown substantially over the last three decades. More than 15 million people are directly engaged in the tourism industry.
(iii) Tourism also promotes national integration, provides support to local handicrafts and cultural pursuits.
(iv) Tourism also helps in the development of international understanding about our culture and heritage. Foreign tourists visit India for heritage tourism, eco tourism
Question. “Efficient means of transport and communication has converted the world into a large village”. Explain this statement with the help of examples.
Answer : Efficient means of transport and communication has coverted the world into a larger village which can be understood through following points.
(i) Through transport and communication, we are well-linked with the rest of the world.
(ii) India is united despite its vast size, diversity and linguistic, and socio-cultural plurality.
(iii) Railways, airways, waterways, newspapers, radio, television, cinema and internet, etc., lead to India’s socio-economic progress in many ways.
(iv) The trades from local to international levels have added to the strength of our economy.
(v) It has enriched our life and molded the socioeconomic life of the nation.
Question. “Roadways have an edge over the railways in India.” Support the statement with example.
Answer : The roadways have an edge over the railways in India because of the ease with which they can be built and maintained.
(i) Roads can traverse comparatively more dissected and undulating topography. Roads can negotiate higher gradients of slopes and can traverse mountains such as the Himalayas. Construction of railway lines in the Himalayan mountainous regions is unfavourable because of high relief, sparse population and lack of economic opportunities. Construction of railway bridges across wide river beds sometimes cause problems, such as sinking of track, landlslides, etc.
(ii) Roadways provide door-to-door service, thus the cost of loading and unloading is much lower. This facility is not possible in railways.
(iii) Construction cost of roadways is much lower than that of railway lines. Construction of railway lines over mountain belts, rivers, plateaus is difficult and becomes costly.
(iv) Road transport is economical in transportation of few persons and relatively smaller amount of goods over short distances. Railways are suitable for mass transportation of goods and people. It is not economically viable for short distance travel.
(v) Road transport is also used as a feeder to other modes of transport, like it may provide a link between railway stations, air and sea ports. Railways always may not provide such a link.
Question. Give a detailed study of Mass Communication.
Answer : Mass communication provides entertainment and creates awareness among people about various national programmes and policies. It is the means through which one can communicate with several people at the same time.
(i) It includes radio, television, newspapers, magazines, books and films.
(ii) All India Radio (Akash Vani or Voice from the Sky) broadcasts a variety of programmes in national,regional and local languages for various categories of people spread over different parts of the country.
(iii) Doordarshan, the national television channel of India, is one of the largest terrestrial networks in the world.
(iv) Doordarshan broadcasts a variety of programmes from entertainment, educational to sports, etc., for people of different age groups.
Question. Why is air travel more popular in the North-Eastern states of India ? Explain.
Answer : Air travel is more popular in the North-Eastern states of India due to following reasons:
(i) It can cover very difficult terrains like high mountains, lifeless deserts, dense forests and also long oceanic stretches with great ease.
(ii) North-eastern part of the country is marked with the presence of big rivers, dissected relief, dense forests and frequent floods, etc. In the absence of air transport, living in this part of India is difficult.
(iii) There are international frontiers in this part of India which requires regular surveillance. So, a developed air transport is essential.
(iv) Air travel is not within the reach of the common people. It is only in the north-eastern states that special provisions are made to extend the services to the common people.
Question. On what basis roads are classified in India ?
Answer : In India, roads are classified into the following six classes according to their capacity.
(i) Golden Quadrilateral Super Highways : The government has launched a major road development project linking Delhi-Kolkata- Chennai-Mumbai and Delhi by six lane Super Highways.
(ii) National Highways : National Highways link extreme parts of the country. These are the primary road systems and are laid and maintained by the Central Public Works Department (CPWD). The historical Sher Shah Suri Marg is called National Highway No.1, between Delhi and Amritsar.
(iii) State Highways : Roads linking a state capital with different district headquarters are known as State Highways. These roads are constructed and maintained by the State Public Works Department (PWD) in state and Union territories.
(iv) District Roads : District Roads connect the district headquarters with other places of the district. These roads are maintained by the Zila Parishad.
(v) Other Roads : Rural roads, which link rural areas and villages with towns, are classified under this category.
(vi) Border Roads : Border Roads Organization, a Government of India undertaking constructs and maintains border roads.
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Worksheet for CBSE Social Science Class 10 Contemporary India Chapter 7 Lifelines of National Economy
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