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NCERT Book for Class 10 Social Science Nationalism And Imperialism
Class 10 Social Science students should refer to the following NCERT Book Nationalism And Imperialism in Class 10. This NCERT Book for Class 10 Social Science will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks
Nationalism And Imperialism NCERT Book Class 10
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Nationalism and Imperialism
By the last quarter of the nineteenth century nationalism no longer retained its idealistic liberal-democratic sentiment of the first half of the century, but became a narrow creed with limited ends. During this period nationalist groups became increasingly intolerant of each other and ever ready to go to war. The major European powers, in turn, manipulated the nationalist aspirations of the subject peoples in Europe to further their own imperialist aims.
The most serious source of nationalist tension in Europe after 1871 was the area called the Balkans. The Balkans was a region of geographical and ethnic variation comprising modern-day Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Greece, Macedonia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Slovenia, Serbia and Montenegro whose inhabitants were broadly known as the Slavs. A large part of the Balkans was under the control of the Ottoman Empire. The spread of the ideas of romantic nationalism in the Balkans together with the disintegration of the Ottoman Empire made this region very explosive. All through the nineteenth century the Ottoman Empire had sought to strengthen itself through modernisation and internal reforms but with very little success.
One by one, its European subject nationalities broke away from its control and declared independence. The Balkan peoples based their claims for independence or political rights on nationality and used history to prove that they had once been independent but had subsequently been subjugated by foreign powers. Hence the rebellious nationalities in the Balkans thought of their struggles as attempts to win back their long-lost independence. As the different Slavic nationalities struggled to define their identity and independence, the Balkan area became an area of intense conflict. The Balkan states were fiercely jealous of each other and each hoped to gain more territory at the expense of the others. Matters were further complicated because the Balkans also became the scene of big power rivalry. During this period, there was intense rivalry among the European powers over trade and colonies as well as naval and military might. These rivalries were very evident in the way the Balkan problem unfolded. Each power – Russia, Germany, England, Austro-Hungary – was keen on countering the hold of other powers over the Balkans, and extending its own control over the area. This led to a series of wars in the region and finally the First World War.
Nationalism, aligned with imperialism, led Europe to disaster in 1914. But meanwhile, many countries in the world which had been colonised by the European powers in the nineteenth century began to oppose imperial domination. The anti-imperial movements that developed everywhere were nationalist, in the sense that they all struggled to form independent nation-states, and were inspired by a sense of collective national unity, forged in confrontation with imperialism. European ideas of nationalism were nowhere replicated, for people everywhere developed their own specific variety of nationalism. But the idea that societies should be organised into ‘nation-states’ came to be accepted as natural and universal.
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NCERT Book Class 10 Social Science Nationalism And Imperialism
The above NCERT Books for Class 10 Social Science Nationalism And Imperialism have been published by NCERT for latest academic session. The textbook by NCERT for Nationalism And Imperialism Social Science Class 10 is being used by various schools and almost all education boards in India. Teachers have always recommended students to refer to Nationalism And Imperialism NCERT etextbooks as the exams for Class 10 Social Science are always asked as per the syllabus defined in these ebooks. These Class 10 Nationalism And Imperialism book for Social Science also includes collection of question. Along with Social Science Class 10 NCERT Book in Pdf for Nationalism And Imperialism we have provided all NCERT Books in English Medium for Class 10 which will be really helpful for students who have opted for english language as a medium. Class 10 students will need their books in English so we have provided them here for all subjects in Class 10. You can download free NCERT Social Science Class 10 Textbook PDF and all chapters by clicking on the links above
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