Read and download free pdf of CBSE Class 12 Biology Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production Assignment Set A. Get printable school Assignments for Class 12 Biology. Class 12 students should practise questions and answers given here for Chapter 9 Strategies For Enhancement In Food Production Biology in Class 12 which will help them to strengthen their understanding of all important topics. Students should also download free pdf of Printable Worksheets for Class 12 Biology prepared as per the latest books and syllabus issued by NCERT, CBSE, KVS and do problems daily to score better marks in tests and examinations
Assignment for Class 12 Biology Chapter 9 Strategies For Enhancement In Food Production
Class 12 Biology students should refer to the following printable assignment in Pdf for Chapter 9 Strategies For Enhancement In Food Production in Class 12. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 12 Biology will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks
Chapter 9 Strategies For Enhancement In Food Production Class 12 Biology Assignment
Question. A biofortified wheat variety is
(a) Altas 66
(b) IR-8
(c) Kalyan Sona
(d) Sonalika
Answer : A
Question. After India independence, one of the main challenges facing the country was
(a) improving science and technology
(b) producing enough food for increasing population
(c) production of disease resistance varieties of crops
(d) Both (b) and (c)
Answer : B
Question. Semidwarf variety of wheat was developed by
(a) Norman E Borlaug
(b) MS Swaminathan
(c) WY Cheung
(d) Fontana
Answer : A
Question. Hidden hunger is best indicated as
(a) inability of majority of people to buy enough fruits, vegetables, legumes, fish and meat and thus suffer from deficiency of vitamin, protein, etc.
(b) people are unable to buy healthy drink item and thus suffer from deficiency
(c) people are unable to buy junk food thus suffer from deficiency
(d) All of the above
Answer : A
Question. Majority of people suffer from malnutrition because their food does not contain essential micronutrients specially
(a) iron
(b) iodine and zinc
(c) vitamin-A
(d) All of these
Answer : A
Question. The deficiency of essential micronutrients in food may
I. increase risk for disease.
II. reduce mental ability.
III. reduce lifespan.
Choose the correct option.
(a) I, II and III
(b) I and III
(c) Only I
(d) I and II
Answer : A
Question. Semidwarf variety of wheat was developed at
(a) International Centre for Wheat and Maize Improvement Brazil
(b) International Centre for Wheat and Maize Improvement Mexico
(c) International Centre for Wheat and Rice Improvement Japan
(d) International Centre for Wheat and Gram Improvement Mexico
Answer : B
Question. Example of high yielding and disease resistant wheat variety is
(a) Sonalika
(b) IR-8
(c) Ratna
(d) Jaya
Answer : A
Question. Saccharum officinarum variety of sugarcane had
(a) thin stems and higher sugar content
(b) thick stems and higher sugar content
(c) thick stems and poor sugar content
(d) thin stems and poor sugar content
Answer : B
Question. The genetic ability of a plant to prevent pathogens from causing disease is called
(a) resistance
(b) prevention
(c) pathology
(d) None of these
Answer : A
Question. Which one of the following is a bacterial disease?
(a) Tobacco mosaic
(b) Turnip mosaic
(c) Black rot of crucifer
(d) Late blight of potato
Answer : C
Question. Hairy root disease of dicot plants is caused by
(a) Agrobacterium tumefaciens
(b) Agrobacterium rhizogene
(c) Bacillus thuringiensis
(d) Meloidogyne incognita
Answer : B
Question. Method(s) of breeding plants for acquiring disease resistance is/are
(a) conventional breeding techniques
(b) mutation breeding
(c) tissue culture
(d) Both (a) and (b)
Answer : D
Question. Microbes like Spirulina, can also be grown on industrial scale as source of good
(a) fat
(b) carbohydrate
(c) minerals
(d) All of these
Answer : D
Question. Single cell protein reduces
(a) environmental pollution
(b) greenhouse effect
(c) global warming
(d) production and growth of crop
Answer : A
Question. 250 g of Methylophilus methylotrophus bacterium has been used to produce
(a) 15 tonnes of proteins
(b) 25 tonnes of proteins
(c) 35 tonnes of proteins
(d) 50 tonnes of proteins
Answer : B
Question. The conventional method of breeding for disease resistance includes
(a) screening of germplasm for resistant sources.
(b) hybridisation of selected parents.
(c) induction of mutation.
(d) Both (a) and (b)
Answer : D
Question. Himgiri developed by hybridisation and selection for disease resistance against rust pathogens is a variety of
(a) chilli
(b) maize
(c) sugarcane
(d) wheat
Answer : D
Question. Some crop varieties bred by hybridisation and selection for disease resistance to fungi, bacteria and viral disease are shown below. Fill up the blanks A to D.
(a) A–Wheat, B–White rust, C–Pusa Komal, D–Pusa Sadabahar
(b) A–Pusa Sadabahar, B–Black rust, C–Pusa Komal, D–Wheat
(c) A–Rice, B–White rust, C–Pusa Karan, D–Wheat
(d) A–Maize, B–Brown rust, C–Pusa Karan, D–Millet
Answer : A
Question. Triticale is the first man-made cereal crop.
Mention the type of hybridisation through which it was produced
(a) intervarietal hybridisation
(b) interspecific hybridisation
(c) intergeneric hybridisation
(d) intravarietal hybridisation
Answer : C
Question. Consider the following measures that could be taken to successfully grow chickpea in an area where bacterial blight is common.
(a) Spray with bordeaux mixture
(b) Use of disease-free seeds only
(c) Use of varieties resistant to the disease
(d) All of the above
Answer : D
Question. In mung bean, resistance to yellow mosaic virus and powdery mildew were brought about by
(a) mutation breeding
(b) biofortification
(c) tissue culture
(d) hybridisation and selection
Answer : A
Question. Resistance to yellow mosaic virus in bhindi was transferred from a wild species and resulted in new variety of A. esculentus called
(a) Golden Kranti
(b) Sonalika
(c) IR-8
(d) Parbhani Kranti
Answer : D
Question. The host crop plants may be resistant to insect pests due to the
(a) morphological characteristics
(b) biochemical characteristics
(c) physiological characteristics
(d) All of the above
Answer : D
Question. Hairy leaves of many plants are associated with resistance to …… .
(a) insect pests
(b) bacteria
(c) virus
(d) bollworm
Answer : A
Question. Solid stem in wheat exhibits non-preference by
(a) jassids
(b) fruit borer
(c) stem borer
(d) stem sawfly
Answer : D
Question. Semidwarf varieties of rice were derived from
(a) IR-8 and Taichung Native-I
(b) Atlas 66
(c) Kalyan Sona
(d) Jaya and Ratna
Answer : A
Question. International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) is situated at
(a) New York (USA)
(b) Tokyo (Japan)
(c) Manilla (Philippines)
(d) Hyderabad (India)
Answer : C
Question. In cotton, smooth leaf and the absence of nectar repel
(a) sawfly
(b) bollworms
(c) beetle
(d) jassids
Answer : B
Question. In maize, the presence of high aspartic acid, low nitrogen and sugar content protect them from
(a) aphids
(b) fruit borers
(c) jassids
(d) stem borers
Answer : D
Question. Some released crop varieties bred by hybridisation and selection, for insect pest resistance are given in the table. Fill up the blanks. (Image 83)
(a) A–Pusa Karan, B–Flat bean, C–Bhindi
(b) A–Pusa Gaurav, B–Flat bean, C–Okra
(c) A–Pusa Shubhra, B–Wrinkled bean, C–Pea
(d) A–Pusa Komal, B–Smooth bean, C–Bhindi
Answer : B
Question. Which of the following are not disease resistant varieties?
(a) Pusa Gaurav
(b) Pusa Sem-2
(c) Pusa Sawani
(d) All of these
Answer : D
Question. Biofortified crops are
(a) crops with increased yield
(b) crops with disease resistance
(c) herbicide resistant crops
(d) crops with high nutritive value
Answer : D
Question. The Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi has released several fortified vegetable crops that are rich in vitamins and minerals. They are
I. Vitamin-A enriched carrot, spinach, pumpkin.
II. Vitamin-C enriched bitter gourd, bathua, mustard and tomato.
III. Iron and calcium enriched spinach and bathua.
IV. Protein enriched broad beans, French bean, garden pea.
Choose the correct option.
(a) I, II and IV
(b) All of these
(c) II, III and IV
(d) None of these
Answer : B
Question. One of the alternate sources of protein for animal and human nutrition is
(a) single cell protein
(b) proteomix
(c) double cell protein
(d) All of these
Answer : A
Question. Single cell protein is an alternative protein source for animal and human nutrition formed from certain beneficial microorganisms like
(a) Spirulina
(b) Methylophilus methylotrophus
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above
Answer : C
Question. Saccharum barberry had poor sugar content and yield. This veriety of sugar cane mainly grown in which part of india ?
(a) South India
(b) East India
(c) North India
(d) West India
Answer : C
Question. In mung bean, resistance to yellow mosaic virus and powdery mildew were induced by :
(a) Plant introduction
(b) Plant tissue culture
(c) Hybridisation
(d) Mutation
Answer : D
Question. Which chemical is used in somatic hybridisation ?
(a) Polyethyline glycole
(b) Acredine
(c) HNO2
(d) Ethenol
Answer : A
Question. 'P-1542' is a hybrid variety of which plant ?
(a) Wheat
(b) Rice
(c) Maize
(d) Pea
Answer : D
Question. "Jaya" and "Ratna" are better yielding semi dwart varieties of rice. These varieties are doveloped in which country ?
(a) Japan
(b) India
(c) Phillipins
(d) Mexico
Answer : B
Ques. In crop movement programme, haploids are important because they
(a) require one half of nutrients
(b) are helpful in study of meiosis
(c) grow better under adverse conditions
(d) form perfect homozygous.
Answer: D
Ques. An alga which can be employed as food for human being is
(a) Ulothrix
(b) Chlorella
(c) Spirogyra
(d) Polysiphonia.
Answer: B
Ques. Consider the following four statements (A - D) and select the option which includes all the correct ones only.
(A) Single cell Spirulina can produce large quantities of food rich in protein, minerals, vitamins, etc.
(B) Body weight-wise the microorganism Methylophilus methylotrophus may be able to produce several times more proteins than the cows per day.
(C) Common button mushrooms are a very rich source of vitamin C.
(D) A rice variety has been developed which is very rich in calcium.
(a) Statements (C) and (D)
(b) Statements (A), (C) and (D)
(c) Statement (B), (C) and (D)
(d) Statement (A) and (B)
Answer: D
Ques. A protoplast is a cell
(a) undergoing division
(b) without cell wall
(c) without plasma membrane
(d) without nucleus.
Answer: B
Ques. A technique of micropropagation is
(a) protoplast fusion (b) embryo rescue
(c) somatic hybridisation
(d) somatic embryogenesis.
Answer: D
Ques. Which of the following enhances or induces fusion of protoplasts?
(a) IAA and kinetin
(b) IAA and gibberellins
(c) Sodium chloride and potassium chloride
(d) Polyethylene glycol and sodium nitrate
Answer: D
Ques. To obtain virus - free healthy plants from a diseased one by tissue culture technique, which part/parts of the diseased plant will be taken?
(a) Apical meristem only
(b) Palisade parenchyma
(c) Both apical and axillary meristems
(d) Epidermis only
Answer: C
Ques. Tissue culture technique can produce infinite number of new plants from a small parental tissue. The economic importance of the technique is in raising
(a) genetically uniform population identical to the original parent
(b) homozygous diploid plants
(c) new species
(d) variants through picking up somaclonal variations.
Answer: A
Ques. Which of the following statements is not true about somatic embryogenesis?
(a) The pattern of development of a somatic embryo is comparable to that of a zygotic embryo.
(b) Somatic embryos can develop from microspores.
(c) Somatic embryo is induced usually by an auxin such as 2, 4-D.
(d) A somatic embryo develops from a somatic cell.
Answer: B
Ques. Which part would be most suitable for raising virus-free plants for micropropagation ?
(a) Bark
(b) Vascular tissue
(c) Meristem
(d) Node
Answer: C
Ques. Somaclones are obtained by
(a) plant breeding
(b) irradiation
(c) genetic engineering
(d) tissue culture.
Answer: D
Ques. In order to obtain virus-free plants through tissue culture the best method is
(a) meristem culture
(b) protoplast culture
(c) embryo rescue
(d) anther culture.
Answer: A
Ques. The technique of obtaining large number of plantlets by tissue culture method is called
(a) plantlet culture
(b) organ culture
(c) micropropagation
(d) macropropagation.
Answer: C
Ques. Cellular totipotency is demonstrated by
(a) only gymnosperm cells
(b) all plant cells
(c) all eukaryotic cells
(d) only bacterial cells.
Answer: B
Ques. In tissue culture medium, the embryoids formed from pollen grains is due to
(a) cellular totipotency
(b) organogenesis
(c) double fertilization
(d) test tube culture.
Answer: A
Ques. Coconut milk is used in tissue culture in which present
(a) cytokinin
(b) auxin
(c) gibberellin
(d) ethylene.
Answer: A
Ques. Cellular totipotency was demonstrated by
(a) Theodore Schwann
(b) A.V. Leeuwenhoek
(c) F.C. Steward
(d) Robert Hooke.
Answer: C
Ques. Which ones produce androgenic haploids in anther cultures?
(a) Anther wall
(b) Tapetal layer of anther wall
(c) Connective tissue
(d) Young pollen grains
Answer: D
Plant breeding Questions and Answers
Ques.Define biofortification.
Ans. Breeding crops with higher levels of vitamins,minerals protein and fats to improve public health.
Ques.Expand IRRI ,from where the IR-8 a rice variety was developed.
Ans. International Rice Research Institute.
Ques.How is Single cell protein useful to us?
Ans. Alternate source of protein for animal and human nutrition.
Ques.What do you mean by somatic hybridisation?
Ans. The production of new plants by the fusion of protoplasts of two different plats having a desirable
Ques.Name the two hybrid plants of Okra(Bhindi) ?
Ans. Pusa sawani and Pusa A-4.
Ques.Give a term for the following:
i)A group of animals related by descent and similar in characters.
ii) Continous inbreeding reduces fertility and productivity.
iii) Maintenance of hives and honey bees for the production of honey.
iv) The revolution in the production of crop plants.
v) Beewax is produced from which animal?
Ans. i)Breed
ii)inbreeding depression
iv)green revolution
v)honey bees
Apiculture : Rearing of honeybees for the production of honey, beewax, royal jelly and bee Venom.
Artificial insemination : Introduction of semen of good quality of male into the vagina of female.
Explant : A part of plant excised from its original location and used for tissue culture.
Germplasm Collection : The entire collection having all the diverse alleles for all the genes in the given organism.
Inbreeding depression : Continued close inbreeding decreases the fertility and productivity.
Inbreeding : Inbreeding refers to the mating of more closely related individuals within the same breed for 4-6 generations.
Out-breeding : Out-breeding is the breeding of the unrelated animals, which may be between individuals of the same breed (but having no common ancestors), or between different breeds (cross breeding or different species (interspecific hybridisation).
Super Ovulation : Stimulation of good female animal by administering hormones to produce more eggs.
Mutation breeding : Mutation in plants in induced artificially through use of mutagens to obtain desirable characters. These plants (as a source) are used in breeding.
Totipotency : The ability to generate a whole plant from any cell/explant.
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CBSE Class 12 Biology Chapter 9 Strategies For Enhancement In Food Production Assignment
We hope you liked the above assignment for Chapter 9 Strategies For Enhancement In Food Production which has been designed as per the latest syllabus for Class 12 Biology released by CBSE. Students of Class 12 should download and practice the above Assignments for Class 12 Biology regularly. We have provided all types of questions like MCQs, short answer questions, objective questions and long answer questions in the Class 12 Biology practice sheet in Pdf. All questions have been designed for Biology by looking into the pattern of problems asked in previous year examinations. You can download all Revision notes for Class 12 Biology also absolutely free of cost. Lot of MCQ questions for Class 12 Biology have also been given in the worksheets and assignments for regular use. All study material for Class 12 Biology students have been given on studiestoday. We have also provided lot of Worksheets for Class 12 Biology which you can use to further make your self stronger in Biology.
What are benefits of doing Assignment for CBSE Class 12 Biology Chapter 9 Strategies For Enhancement In Food Production?
a. Score higher marks: Regular practice of Biology Class 12 Assignments for chapter Chapter 9 Strategies For Enhancement In Food Production will help to improve understanding and help in solving exam questions correctly.
b. As per CBSE pattern: All questions given above follow the latest Class 12 Biology Sample Papers so that students can prepare as per latest exam pattern.
c. Understand different question types: These assignments include MCQ Questions for Class 12 Biology with answers relating to Chapter 9 Strategies For Enhancement In Food Production, short answers, long answers, and also case studies.
d. Improve time management: Daily solving questions from Chapter 9 Strategies For Enhancement In Food Production within a set time will improve your speed and accuracy.
e. Boost confidence: Practicing multiple assignments and Class 12 Biology mock tests for Chapter 9 Strategies For Enhancement In Food Production reduces exam stress.
How to Solve CBSE Class 12 Biology Chapter 9 Strategies For Enhancement In Food Production Assignment effectively?
a. Start with Class 12 NCERT and syllabus topics: Always read the chapter carefully before attempting Assignment questions for Class 12 Biology Chapter 9 Strategies For Enhancement In Food Production.
b. Solve without checking answers: You should first attempt the assignment questions on Chapter 9 Strategies For Enhancement In Food Production yourself and then compare with provided solutions.
c. Use Class 12 worksheets and revision notes: Refer to NCERT Class 12 Biology worksheets, sample papers, and mock tests for extra practice.
d. Revise tricky topics: Focus on difficult concepts by solving Class 12 Biology MCQ Test.
e. Maintain notebook: Note down mistakes in Chapter 9 Strategies For Enhancement In Food Production assignment and read them in Revision notes for Class 12 Biology
How to practice CBSE Class 12 Biology Chapter 9 Strategies For Enhancement In Food Production Assignment for best results?
a. Solve assignments daily: Regular practice of Chapter 9 Strategies For Enhancement In Food Production questions will strengthen problem solving skills.
b.Use Class 12 study materials: Combine NCERT book for Class 12 Biology, mock tests, sample papers, and worksheets to get a complete preparation experience.
c. Set a timer: Practicing Class 12 Biology Chapter 9 Strategies For Enhancement In Food Production assignment under timed conditions improves speed and accuracy.
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Latest syllabus issued for current academic year by CBSE has been used to design assignments for Chapter 9 Strategies For Enhancement In Food Production Class 12
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