Olympiad Class 9 Science Mock Test Set E

Refer to Olympiad Class 9 Science Mock Test Set E provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Class 9 Science with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. Olympiads Class 9 Science Class 9 MCQ are an important part of exams for Class 9 Science and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for CBSE Class 9 Science and also download more latest study material for all subjects

MCQ for Class 9 Science Olympiads Class 9 Science

Class 9 Science students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Olympiads Class 9 Science in Class 9.

Olympiads Class 9 Science MCQ Questions Class 9 Science with Answers

Question. What is the closely packed part of the comet which contains solid particles, stones and frozen water called ?
(A) Coma
(B) Nucleus
(C) Tail
(D) Orbit
Answer : B

Question. If there is no CO2 in the atmosphere, what would happen to the earth’s temperature?
(A) It would be less than the present.
(B) It would be the same as present.
(C) It would be higher than the present.
(D) It depends on the O2 content of air.
Answer : A

Question. Identify the value of persistence of vision.
(A) 1/10th of a second
(B) 1/12th of a second
(C) 1/16th of a second
(D) 1/20th of a second
Answer : C

Question. In which of the following agricultural methods does the farmer sows beans in his fields after harvesting a crop of wheat?
(A) Crop rotation
(B) Multiple cropping
(C) Fallow field
(D) Mixed cropping
Answer : A

Question. What is the process of taking out silk threads from the cocoon known as?
(A) Rearing
(B) Sorting
(C) Scouring
(D) Reeling
Answer : D

Question. What are lightning rods made up of?
(A) Copper
(B) Plastic
(C) Bakelite
(D) Sand paper
Answer : A

Question. In LPG cylinder, how is the gas liquified?
(A) By increasing volume
(B) By applying high pressure
(C) By increasing temperature
(D) By reducing pressure
Answer : B

Question. Which of the following is true of the colourless plastid and its function?
(A) Chloroplasts performs photosynthesis
(B) Leucoplasts performs respiration
(C) Chromoplasts are involved with protection from sunlight
(D) Leucoplasts help in the storage of food
Answer : D

Question. Which circuit gives the correct way of connecting an LED to light it up?


Answer : B

Question. Which material is used to prepare synthetic fibres like polyester and acrylic?
(A) Wood pulp
(B) Coconut fibres
(C) Petrochemicals
(D) Paper pulp
Answer : C

Question. How can the brain interpret the frequency of a sound?
(A) By the loudness of sound
(B) By the frequency of sound
(C) By the pitch of sound
(D) By the amplitude of sound
Answer : C

Question. Which of the following statements is true for viruses?
(A) Viruses multiply only in living host.
(B) Their crystals have a definite shape.
(C) Viruses grow and multiply by themselves outside the host.
(D) Viruses may be crystallized.
Answer : A

Question. Why are tyres made circular in shape?
(A) It is easy to inflate circular tyres.
(B) Rolling friction is less than sliding friction.
(C) Circular tyres dissipate less heat.
(D) Circular tyres easily slow down or stop a vehicle.
Answer : B

Question. Which of the following substances will prevent corrosion of metals?
(A) Nitrogen
(B) Hydrogen
(C) Oxygen
(D) Carbon
Answer : A

Question. Which of the following is NOT a force?
(A) Muscular
(B) Magnetic
(C) Chemical
(D) Electric
Answer : C

Question. Which of the following is the consequence of man’s interference with nature?
(A) Increase in natural resources
(B) Biological imbalance
(C) Increase in the ozone layer
(D) All of these
Answer : B

Question. Which of the following is equal to one cosmic year?
(A) 365 days
(B) 24 days
(C) 2.25 x 106 days
(D) 225 x 106 years
Answer : D

Question. When an oil well is drilled through rocks, which of the following comes out first?
(A) Coal gas
(B) Marsh gas
(C) Natural gas
(D) Carbon dioxide
Answer : C

Question. Suppose you are in a car and there is a thunderstorm. What is the best way to protect yourself from possible harm?
(A) Remaining in the car
(B) Getting out of the car and taking cover under the car
(C) Running to a nearby tree
(D) Getting out and standing under an electric pole
Answer : A

Question. Which of the following processes refers to the casting away of the skin by a caterpillar to allow a larger caterpillar to emerge ?
(A) Metamorphosis
(B) Chrysalis
(C) Moulting
(D) Development
Answer : C

Chapter 01 Matter in Our Surroundings
CBSE Class 9 Science Matter In Our Surroundings MCQs
Chapter 02 Is Matter Around Us Pure
CBSE Class 9 Science Is Matter Around us Pure MCQs
Chapter 03 Atoms and Molecules
CBSE Class 9 Science Atoms and Molecules MCQs
Chapter 04 Structure of Atom
CBSE Class 9 Science Structure of Atom MCQs
Chapter 07 Diversity in Living Organisms
CBSE Class 9 Science Diversity In Living Organisms MCQs
Chapter 09 Force and Laws of Motion
CBSE Class 9 Science Force and Laws of Motion MCQs
Chapter 13 Why Do We Fall Ill
CBSE Class 9 Science Why Do We Fall Ill MCQs
Chapter 14 Natural Resources
CBSE Class 9 Science Natural Resources MCQs
Chapter 15 Improvement in Food Resources
CBSE Class 9 Science Improvement In Food Resources MCQs

MCQs for Olympiads Class 9 Science Science Class 9

Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to NCERT book for Class 9 Science to develop the Science Class 9 MCQs. If you download MCQs with answers for the above chapter you will get higher and better marks in Class 9 test and exams in the current year as you will be able to have stronger understanding of all concepts. Daily Multiple Choice Questions practice of Science will help students to have stronger understanding of all concepts and also make them expert on all critical topics. After solving the questions given in the MCQs which have been developed as per latest books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 9 Science. We have also provided lot of MCQ questions for Class 9 Science so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter. After solving these you should also refer to Class 9 Science MCQ Test for the same chapter.

Where can I download latest CBSE MCQs for Class 9 Science Olympiads Class 9 Science

You can download the CBSE MCQs for Class 9 Science Olympiads Class 9 Science for latest session from StudiesToday.com

Are the Class 9 Science Olympiads Class 9 Science MCQs available for the latest session

Yes, the MCQs issued by CBSE for Class 9 Science Olympiads Class 9 Science have been made available here for latest academic session

Where can I find CBSE Class 9 Science Olympiads Class 9 Science MCQs online?

You can find CBSE Class 9 Science Olympiads Class 9 Science MCQs on educational websites like studiestoday.com, online tutoring platforms, and in sample question papers provided on this website.

How can I prepare for Olympiads Class 9 Science Class 9 MCQs?

To prepare for Olympiads Class 9 Science MCQs, refer to the concepts links provided by our teachers and download sample papers for free.

Are there any online resources for CBSE Class 9 Science Olympiads Class 9 Science?

Yes, there are many online resources that we have provided on studiestoday.com available such as practice worksheets, question papers, and online tests for learning MCQs for Class 9 Science Olympiads Class 9 Science