Refer to CBSE Class 9 Science Improvement In Food Resources MCQs provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Class 9 Science with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. Chapter 15 Improvement in Food Resources Class 9 MCQ are an important part of exams for Class 9 Science and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for CBSE Class 9 Science and also download more latest study material for all subjects
MCQ for Class 9 Science Chapter 15 Improvement in Food Resources
Class 9 Science students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Chapter 15 Improvement in Food Resources in Class 9.
Chapter 15 Improvement in Food Resources MCQ Questions Class 9 Science with Answers
Question: Rohu and catla are types of
a) Freshwater fish
b) Marine water fish
c) Both Freshwater fish and Marine water fish
d) None of the options
Answer : A
Question: Leghorn is related to
a) Poultry
b) Apiculture
c) Dairy farming
d) Pisciculture
Answer : A
Question: What is the process of growing two or more crops in a definite pattern?
a) Inter-cropping
b) Crop rotation
c) Mixed cropping
d) Organic cropping
Answer : A
Question: Pasturage is related to
a) Fishery
b) Cattle
c) Apiculture
d) Sericulture
Answer : C
Question: The management and production of fish is called
a) Apiculture
b) Pisciculture
c) Sericulture
d) Aquaculture
Answer : B
Question: What is the other name for Apis cerana indica?
a) Indian cow
b) Indian bee
c) Indian buffalo
d) None of the options
Answer : B
Question: Mullets, prawns, mussels are examples of
a) Marine fishes
b) Fresh-water fishes
c) Finned fishes
d) Shell fish
Answer : A
Question: Cyperinus and Parthenium are types of
a) Weeds
b) Diseases
c) Pesticides
d) Pathogens
Answer : A
Question: Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are examples of
a) Fertilizers
b) Micro-nutrients
c) Macro-nutrients
d) Both Micro-nutrients and Fertilizers
Answer : C
Question: Using fertilizers in farming is an example of
a) High cost production
b) No cost production
c) None of the options
d) Low cost production
Answer : A
Question. Which one is an oil yielding plant among the following?
(a) Lentil
(b) Sunflower
(c) Cauliflower
(d) Hibiscus
Answer : B
Question. Quality of honey bee depends on……………
(a) Pasturage
(b) Flowers availability
(c) Pollen collection
(d) All of them
Answer : D
Question. To enhances fish seed quality now worked on breed these fish in ponds using ……………..
(a) Hormonal modification
(b) Gene transfer
(c) Hormonal stimulation
(d) Gene abbreviation
Answer : C
Question. Main sugar present in the honey is :-
(a) Maltose
(b) Levulose
(c) Dextrose
(d) Ribose
Answer : B
Question. Vitamin A and K is rich in…………..
(a) Rice crop
(b) Poultry feed
(c) Parasites
(d) Manure
Answer : B
Question. The energy currency of a cell is –
(a) ADP
(b) AMP
(c) ATP
(d) CTP
Answer: C
Question. It is not micronutrient present in soil
(a) Iron
(b) Manganese
(c) Chlorine
(d) Nitrogen
Answer: D
Question. There are present numerous exotic breeds of poultry which have been successfully acclimatized in India. One of the most popular exotic breeds of fowl in India, which produces long white eggs, has a very small body size, so needs less feed for its maintenance. Choose the right name for the breed with all these characteristics.
(a) Rhode Island Red
(b) White Leghorn
(c) Light Sussex
(d) Black Minorcha
Answer: B
Question. Most of the human neurons are
(a) multipolar
(b) bipolar
(c) unipolar
(d) pseudo-unipolar
Answer: A
Question. Rice, maize, sorghum, provides us ………………… for energy requirement
(a) Proteiens
(b) Crabohydrates
(c) Vitamins
(d) Amino acids
Answer: B
Question. Preventive and control measures adopted for the storage of grains include
(a) strict cleaning
(b) proper disjoining
(c) fumigation
(d) all of the above
Answer : D
Question …………………… occurs because of scarcity or irregular distribution of rains
(a) Cyclone
(b) Earthquake
(c) Droughts
(d) Tsunami
Answer : C
Question. Root hair absorbs water from soil through –
(a) Osmosis
(b) Active transport
(c) Diffusion
(d) Endocytosis
Answer : A
Question. Weeds affect the crop plants by
(a) killing of plants in field before they grow
(b) dominating the plants to grow
(c) competing for various resources of crops (plants) causing low availability of nutrients
(d) all of the above.
Answer : C
Question. Find out the wrong statement among the following:
(a) White revolution is meant for increase in milk production
(b) Blue revolution is meant for increase in fish production
(c) Increasing food production without compromising with environment quality is called as sustainable agriculture
(d) None of these
Answer: D
Question. Leghorn is an exotic breed of:
(a) Marine prawn
(b) Milch animal
(c) Poultry
(d) Drought animal
Answer : C
Question. Poultry fowl are susceptible to the following pathogens
(a) Viruses
(b) Bacteria
(c) Fungi
(d) All of the above
Answer : D
Question. Weeds are the unwanted plants that grow along with the cultivated plants. How do they affect the crop plants?
(a) By killing plants in the field before they grow
(b) By dominating the plants to grow
(c) Competing for various resources of plants causing low availability of nutrients
(d) All of above
Answer: C
Question. It is not way to improve crop
(a) by incorporation of gene
(b) inter varietal
(c) inter specific
(d) inter changeable fertilizers
Answer: D
Question. Which of the following species is an Indian cow?
(a) Bos domestica
(b) Bos indicus
(c) Bos vulgaris
(d) Bos bubalis
Answer: B
Question. We get proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins from…………
(a) DNA
(b) RNA
(c) Food
(d) Water
Answer: C
Question. It is does not the way to attack pest on crop
(a) They cut root, stem, leaf
(b) Suck the cell sap
(c) They bore into stem and fruits
(d) None of them
Answer: D
Question. It is not finned fish
(a) Mullets
(b) Bhetki
(c) Prawns
(d) Rohu
Answer: D
Question. Ribosomes are the centre for –
(a) Respiration
(b) Photosynthesis
(c) Protein synthesis
(d) Fat synthesis
Answer: C
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MCQs for Chapter 15 Improvement in Food Resources Science Class 9
Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to NCERT book for Class 9 Science to develop the Science Class 9 MCQs. If you download MCQs with answers for the above chapter you will get higher and better marks in Class 9 test and exams in the current year as you will be able to have stronger understanding of all concepts. Daily Multiple Choice Questions practice of Science will help students to have stronger understanding of all concepts and also make them expert on all critical topics. After solving the questions given in the MCQs which have been developed as per latest books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 9 Science. We have also provided lot of MCQ questions for Class 9 Science so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter. After solving these you should also refer to Class 9 Science MCQ Test for the same chapter.
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