Refer to CBSE Class 9 Biology Practical Skills MCQs Set B provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Class 9 Science with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. Practical Skills Class 9 MCQ are an important part of exams for Class 9 Science and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for CBSE Class 9 Science and also download more latest study material for all subjects
MCQ for Class 9 Science Practical Skills
Class 9 Science students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Practical Skills in Class 9.
Practical Skills MCQ Questions Class 9 Science with Answers
Question: X was rushing with a bottle of iodine solution. Some iodine solution splashed on his yellow coloured cotton shirt and also on the white table cloth. The stain on the table cloth was yellowish brown while that on his shirt was blue black. The most plausible scientific reason for this is that the
a) Shirt was starched after washing
b) Shirt was dyed with metanil yellow
c) Table cloth was starched but not shirt
d) Shirt had absorbed sweat
Answer: Shirt was starched after washing
Question: Given below are 4 operations for testing metanil yellow in arhar dal.
(i) make powder of 5g of dal and put it in a test tube.
(ii) add 2-4 drops of conc. Hcl.
(iii) Filter the content and keep the filtrate separately.
(iv) add 10 ml of water and shake well. The correct sequence is
a) i iv iii ii
b) i iii ii iv
c) i ii iii iv
d) i ii iv iii
Answer: i iv iii ii
Question: Following are the 4 operations for testing presence of starch in rice (i) put few rice grains in a test tube (ii) add few drops of iodine solution (iii) add water in the test tube (iv) boil the test tube and filter the content. The correct sequence is
a) i iii iv ii
b) i ii iii iv
c) i ii iv iii
d) i iii ii iv
Answer: i iii iv ii
Question: Metanil yellow, an adulterant used in arhar dal is basically
a) A dye
b) A detergent
c) An acid
d) None of the above
Answer: A dye
Question: When iodine is added to starch solution, following colour appears
a) Blue-black
b) Brick red
c) Green
d) Magenta
Answer: Blue-black
Question: Adulterant arhar dal is plain yellow in colour due to
a) Metanil yellow
b) Sulphur powder
c) Chrome yellow
d) Turmeric
Answer: Metanil yellow
Question: The colour of arhar dal which is adulterated with metanil yellow, is
a) Plain yellow
b) Sunshine yellow
c) Chrome yellow
d) Brilliant yellow
Answer: Plain yellow
Question: Iodine gives blue-black colour with
a) Starch
b) Oil
c) Protein
d) Sucrose
Answer: Starch
Question: X washed small amount of arhar dal in small amount of water. The water became yellow. He put a few drops of hcl in a test tube containing yellow water. The sample turned pink. This shows that
a) Dal is adulterated with metanil yellow
b) Dal contains protein
c) Dal is not adulterated
d) Dal is coloured with turmeric
Answer: Dal is adulterated with metanil yellow
Question: What colour appears if HCL is added to adulterated arhar dal with metanil yellow
a) Blue
b) Yellow
c) Pink
d) Red
Answer: Blue
Question: Which of the following gives blue colour with iodine
a) Sago powder
b) Chalk powder
c) Common salt
d) Powdered sugar
Answer: Sago powder
Question: Which food sample you will select to test the presence of starch
a) Potato
b) Gram seed
c) Coconut
d) Grape
Answer: Potato
Question: Starch solution gives blue colour with iodine solution. What will happen if the blue colour starch solution is boiled
a) Blue colour disappears
b) No change
c) Blue colour becomes dark
d) A brick red colour appears
Answer: Blue colour disappears
Question: Which reagent gives blue colour with starch
a) Iodine
b) Eosin
c) Methylene blue
d) Safranin
Answer: Iodine
Question: Unbranched muscle fibre with characteristic striations are
a) Striated muscle fibres
b) Cardiac muscle fibres
c) Involuntary muscle fibres
d) Unstriated muscle fibres
Answer: Striated muscle fibres
Question: A permanent slide shows thin walled isodiametric cells with a large vacuole. The slide is
a) Parenchyma
b) Collenchyma
c) Sclerenchyma
d) Meristematic tissue
Answer: Parenchyma
Question: You are given 2 slides- parenchyma and sclerenchyma. Sclerenchyma can be identified by
a) Thickness of cell wall
b) Size of cells
c) Location of nucleus
d) Position of vacuoles
Answer: Thickness of cell wall
Question: Pick the odd one out
a) Sarcolemma
b) Nissls granule
c) Neurilemma
d) Axon
Answer: Sarcolemma
Question: Lignified elongated dead cells are
a) Sclerenchyma
b) Parenchyma
c) None of the above
d) Collenchyma
Answer: Sclerenchyma
Question: X labelled a parenchyma cell. Which of the marking is wrong
a) Thick cell wall
b) Nucleus
c) Vacuole
d) Intercellular space
Answer: Thick cell wall
Question: The sclerenchyma cells are
a) Thick walled
b) Thin walled
c) Without cell wall
d) None of the above
Answer: Thick walled
Question: Striated muscles are
a) All of these
b) Called skeletal muscle
c) Multinucleated
d) Cylindrical
Answer: All of these
Question: The cell body of a neuron contains a nucleus and cytoplasm and is called
a) Cyton
b) Nissls granule
c) Axon
d) Dendron
Answer: Cyton
Question: Dendrites are found in
a) Neuron
b) Nonstriated muscle
c) Cardiac muscle
d) Striated muscle
Answer: Neuron
Question: Striped muscles are
a) Multinucleate and unbranched
b) Uninucleate and spindle shaped
c) Uninucleate and branched
d) Multinucleate and branched
Answer: Multinucleate and unbranched
Question: Which one is dead cell
a) Sclerenchyma
b) Collenchyma
c) Chlorenchyma
d) Parenchyma
Answer: Sclerenchyma
Question: In transverse section, parenchymatous cells show
a) Thin walled cells with intercellular spaces
b) Dead cells
c) Thickening of cell wall
d) Absence of intercellular spaces and vacuoles
Answer: Thin walled cells with intercellular spaces
Question: A was observing a permanent slide of nervous tissue under a microscope. Name the kind of cells observed in nervous tissue
a) Neuron
b) Smooth muscle
c) Smooth muscle
d) Cardiac muscle
Answer: Neuron
Question: Safranin is a reagent that is used to stain
a) Cell wall
b) Cytoplasm
c) Nucleus
d) Plasmodesmata
Answer: Cell wall
Question: An epidermal cells of Rheo shows
a) Red epidermal cells and green guard cells
b) Green epidermal cells and red guard cells
c) Green epidermal and green guard cells
d) Red epidermal and red guard cells
Answer: Red epidermal cells and green guard cells
Question: Chewing mouth parts found in
a) Cockroach
b) Birds
c) Leech
d) Earthworm
Answer: Cockroach
Question: Which is an aerial adaptation
a) Hollow bones
b) Jointed legs
c) Cold-blooded
d) Scales on body
Answer: Hollow bones
Question: Identify- warm blooded, 4 chambered heart and oviparous
a) Birds
b) Bony fish
c) Cockroach
d) Earthworm
Answer: Birds
Question: Which is not an aquatic adaptation
a) All of the above characters
b) Presence of muscular tail
c) Gaseous exchange through gills
d) Skin is covered with scales
Answer: All of the above characters
Question: Most characteristic feature of earthworm to be in phylum annelida
a) Annuli
b) Clitellum
c) Anus
d) Peristomium
Answer: Annuli
Question: The common adaptive feature of bony fish
a) All the options
b) Have muscular tail for movement
c) Obtain dissolved oxygen of water using gills
d) Skin is covered with scales
Answer: All the options
Question: Identify the organism - the body is divided into head, thorax and abdomen having biting and chewing mouth parts
a) Cockroach
b) Pigeon
c) Earthworm
d) Fish
Answer: Cockroach
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MCQs for Practical Skills Science Class 9
Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to NCERT book for Class 9 Science to develop the Science Class 9 MCQs. If you download MCQs with answers for the above chapter you will get higher and better marks in Class 9 test and exams in the current year as you will be able to have stronger understanding of all concepts. Daily Multiple Choice Questions practice of Science will help students to have stronger understanding of all concepts and also make them expert on all critical topics. After solving the questions given in the MCQs which have been developed as per latest books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 9 Science. We have also provided lot of MCQ questions for Class 9 Science so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter. After solving these you should also refer to Class 9 Science MCQ Test for the same chapter.
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