Refer to CBSE Class 9 Biology Practical Skills MCQs Set A provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Class 9 Science with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. Practical Skills Class 9 MCQ are an important part of exams for Class 9 Science and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for CBSE Class 9 Science and also download more latest study material for all subjects
MCQ for Class 9 Science Practical Skills
Class 9 Science students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Practical Skills in Class 9.
Practical Skills MCQ Questions Class 9 Science with Answers
Question: The shape of nucleus in a plant cell is-
a) Elliptical
b) Rectangular
c) Triangular
d) Round
Answer: Elliptical
Question: Definite shape of cell is seen in case of-
a) Plant cells
b) Animal cell
c) Both animal and plant cells
d) Neither animal nor plant cells
Answer: Plant cells
Question: Given below four operations for preparing a temporary mount of human cheek cells-
(i) taking scraping from inner side of cheek and spreading it on a clean slide.
(ii) putting a drop of glycerine on the material.
(iii) adding 2-3 drops of methylene blue.
(iv) rinsing the mouth with fresh water and disinfectant solution.
a) iv i iii ii
b) i ii iii iv
c) iv i ii iii
d) i iii ii iv
Answer: iv i iii ii
Question: The less stained central part of onion peel cell is
a) Cytoplasm
b) Nucleus
c) Vacuole
d) Cell wall
Answer: Cytoplasm
Question: Glycerine is used to prepare a temporary mount of a tissue due to the following reason
a) To avoid drying up of the specimen quickly
b) To avoid entry of air bubbles
c) To colour the specimen
d) None of the options
Answer: To avoid drying up of the specimen quickly
Question: Magnifying power of a microscope is calculated by
a) Multiplying the power of objective lens and eye piece
b) Adding up the power of objective lens and eye piece
c) Subtracting the power of objective lens from that of eye piece.
d) Multiplying the power of objective lens with the distance between the objective lens and the specimen
Answer: Multiplying the power of objective lens and eye piece
Question: human cheek cell stained in methylene blue and mounted in glycerine were observed under a compound microscope. The components of cell which would be seen are
a) plasma membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus
b) Cell wall, cytoplasm, nucleus
c) Plasma membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus, mitochondria
d) Plasma membrane, nucleus, mitochondria lysosomes
Answer: plasma membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus
Question: Cells are stained to
a) Highlight the cell organelles
b) Nourish the cell
c) Make the cell turgid
d) Help in cell multiplication
Answer: Highlight the cell organelles
Question: The cellular component not seen under a compound microscope while observing onion peel
a) Chromosome
b) Cell wall
c) Nucleus
d) Cytoplasm
Answer: Chromosome
Question: Which one of the following is the correct sequence for preparing a mount of onion peel
a) (i) take out onion peel (ii) keep the peel in water in a petridish (iii) add a few drops of safranin stain and transfer to a slide (iv) add a drop of glycerine (v) cover it up with a coverslip
b) (i) take out onion peel (ii) keep the peel on the slide (iii) add a few drop of glycerine on it (iv) add few drops of safranin stain (v) cover it up with a coverslip
c) (i) take out onion peel (ii) Keep it on a slide and add safranin stain (iii) transfer it to water in a petridish (iv) remove water and add glycerine (v) cover it up with a coverslip
d) (i) take out onion peel (ii) cover it up with a coverslip (iii) on a petridish, add water to clean (iv) add a drop of glycerine (v) add a few drops of safranin stain
Answer: (i) take out onion peel (ii) keep the peel in water in a petridish (iii) add a few drops of safranin stain and transfer to a slide (iv) add a drop of glycerine (v) cover it up with a coverslip
Question: To observe cells in an onion peel, we must prepare the slide by mounting on it
a) Thin layer of fleshy onion
b) Dry scale leaf
c) Green leaf of onion
d) Crushed pulp of onion
Answer: Thin layer of fleshy onion
Question: Which one of the following cell constituents cannot be seen while observing a human cheek cell?
a) Cell wall
b) Cytoplasm
c) Nucleus
d) Cell membrane
Answer: Cell wall
Question: To prepare a mount of human cheek cell, the sample is collected from
a) Inner side of cheek with a toothpick
b) Inner side of cheek with a blade
c) Outer side of cheek with a blade
d) Outer side of cheek with a toothpick
Answer: Inner side of cheek with a toothpick
Question: During observation of an onion peel, cells are first seen under
a) Low power
b) High power
c) Medium power
d) None of the options
Answer: Low power
Question: The number of lenses in a compound microscope is
a) 2
b) 3
c) 1
d) 4
Answer: 2
Question: The shape of nucleus in a plant cell is
a) Elliptical
b) Rectangular
c) Triangular
d) Round
Answer: Elliptical
Question: The shape of onion peel cells taken for observation under microscope is
a) Rectangular
b) Elliptical
c) Round
d) Round
Answer: Rectangular
Question: The outer most layer of human cheek cell is
a) Plasma membrane
b) Nuclear membrane
c) Cell wall
d) Middle lamella
Answer: Plasma membrane
Question: The organelle not present in human cheek cell is
a) Chloroplast
b) Cell membrane
c) Mitochondria
d) Nucleus
Answer: Chloroplast
Question: The outermost covering of a plant cell is
a) Cell wall
b) Nuclear membrane
c) Plasma membrane
d) Middle lamella
Answer: Cell wall
Question: Temporary mount of a tissue is made in
a) Glycerine
b) Xylene
c) Alcohol
d) Wax
Answer: Glycerine
Question: In plant cell, nucleus is generally placed
a) On one side of the cell
b) Attached to cell membrane
c) In the centre
d) On one corner of the cell
Answer: On one side of the cell
Question: In animal cheek cells, nucleus is generally located
a) In the centre
b) On one side
c) Near the plasma membrane
d) Any where in the cell
Answer: In the centre
Question: Cells are focused in microscope under
a) 40x
b) 10x
c) 100x
d) Any of the options
Answer: 40x
Question: We generally mount the material on slide
a) In the centre
b) On left side of slide
c) On right side of slide
d) None of the options
Answer: In the centre
Question: Plant cells generally have
a) Big but less number of vacuoles
b) Small but large number of vacuoles
c) No vacuoles at all
d) All equal sized vacuoles
Answer: Big but less number of vacuoles
Question: Name the stain which is commonly used to study plant cells
a) Safranin
b) Cotton blue
c) Acetocarmine
d) Methylene blue
Answer: Safranin
Question: Coverslip is put on the mounted material on a slide very gently to
a) Avoid entry of air bubbles
b) Avoid oozing of glycerine
c) Avoid oozing of stain
d) Avoid the crushing of mounted materials
Answer: Avoid entry of air bubbles
Question: Definite shape of cell is seen in case of
a) Plant cells
b) Animal cell
c) Both animal and plant cells
d) Neither animal nor plant cells
Answer: Plant cells
Question: Human cheek cells are commonly stained with
a) Methylene blue
b) Eosine
c) Acetocarmine
d) Safranin
Answer: Methylene blue
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MCQs for Practical Skills Science Class 9
Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to NCERT book for Class 9 Science to develop the Science Class 9 MCQs. If you download MCQs with answers for the above chapter you will get higher and better marks in Class 9 test and exams in the current year as you will be able to have stronger understanding of all concepts. Daily Multiple Choice Questions practice of Science will help students to have stronger understanding of all concepts and also make them expert on all critical topics. After solving the questions given in the MCQs which have been developed as per latest books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 9 Science. We have also provided lot of MCQ questions for Class 9 Science so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter. After solving these you should also refer to Class 9 Science MCQ Test for the same chapter.
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