Title: “Two Gentlemen of Verona” is the story of two young boys, who defying all challenges thrown up by adversity, face life with immense courage and fortitude. Right from the outskirts of Verona to the heart of the town they go all over with grace and dignity. Considering no work to be menial, these young boys with gentlemen like qualities go about performing all jobs with a great sense of integrity.
Theme: An account of the indomitable courage and fortitude of two young boys of tender age, the story deals with the theme that it is not the span of years but the strength of character that lends finesse to the texture of life. Focusing ones attention to the solution rather than the problem helps one get over the most challenging hardships of life.
Message: The story conveys the message that sacrifice, sincerity and devotion not only add dignity to an individual’s life but they give a new hope for humanity. The dividend of this investment is huge and wholesome and at the same time it influences ones fellow beings with its inspirational power.
Read the extracts below and answer the questions that follow
1. “Yet gazing at the two little figures, with their brown skins, tangled hair and dark earnest eyes, we felt ourselves strangely attracted”.
(a) Whom does ‘we’ stand for? Who were the two little figures?
(b) How did the two little figures look?
(c) Why did ‘we’ feel strangely attracted to the two little figures?
2. “We should greatly like to go to the states. But here at present, we have other plans”.
(a) Who is the speaker of the above lines and whom is he talking to?
(b) Why doesn’t the speaker elaborate the other plans that he has?
(c) What idea do you get about the speaker from the above lines?
3. “We shall not be long sir. Perhaps only an hour. Maybe you’d like to go to the Café in the village for a drink”.
(a) Whom do ‘we’ stand for? Where would they not take long?
(b) Whom do ‘you’ stand for? Why did they suggest that ‘you’ should go to the village café for a drink?
(c) What made the boys promise to be back in an hour’s time?
Short Answer Questions ( 30-40 words)
1. What was Nicola and Jacopo’s attitude towards the hardships of life?
2. What sort of relationship developed between the narrator and the two brothers?
3. When the narrator asks the boys about their plans, they were evasive. Why don’t they disclose their problems?
4. Why did Nicola and Jacopo go to Poleta every Sunday?
5. What qualities of Nicola and Jacopo made the narrator call them ‘The two Gentlemen?
Long Answer Questions
1. “War shattered their (Nicola and Jacopo) homes but not their spirits”. Comment.
2. As the narrator, write an article on the lesson of love, faith and trust that you have learnt from the two boys of Verona.
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