Writing letters to the editor is a great way to engage with a topic you are passionate or concerned about and to influence public opinion.
Purpose of the Letter
• To express ones opinion on a wide range of social issues.
• To express and share ones observations and views in a public forum, namely a magazine or a newspaper.
Body of the Letter
• The presentation should be concise
• It should clearly establish the cause - effect relationship.
• Efforts taken to rectify the cause of the issue must be stated.
Language of the Letter
• Formal Language must be used.
• Repetition must be avoided.
• Sentences should not be very long.
• The letter should be divided into three paragraphs.
Important Points
• The letter must be written in the appropriate format.
• The word limit of 100-120 words must be kept in mind.

You are Sunil Kumar of 7, Club Road, Hyderabad-13. Write a letter to the Editor of The Hyderabad Times, P.O.Box 350 Hyderabad-1, about the bad quality and inadequate supply of tap water in your locality.

Question. Increase in the number of private vehicles coupled with lack of civic sense has led to several road accidents in your city. Write a letter in 100-120 words to the editor of a local daily urging people to use public transport and to have patience while driving. You are Ram/Rama, 4 Raja Road, Karnal. 8
Detailed Answer :
4, Raja Road,
July 5, 20××
The Editor
The Hindustan
Subject : Use of Public Transport
Kindly allow me to make an appeal to public through the columns of your esteemed newspaper about the advantage of public transport usage.
Everybody can observe easily that the increase in the number of private vehicles on the road is the major cause of air pollution as well as noise pollution. More vehicles mean more congestion and traffic jams because public has become devoid of civic sense. Everybody tries to move first and fast which not only increases the chance of accidents but also causes a lot of noise pollution because people continuously blow horn during the waiting moments.
An easy and quick solution of the problem is that we should make more use of public transport. It’ll prove more comfortable as it will save both our energy and time and we can use that energy at our work place. Moreover, I want to make an appeal to the vehicle-owners to practice patience while driving because our life is very precious.
It is better to reach late than never.
This is a matter of great concern and I hope you’ll publish my opinion in your esteemed newspaper.
Yours truly
Question. Write a letter to the editor of a local daily, giving your views about rising cases of obesity among young children. You are Lavanya/Lavesh living at 20, Shanti Enclave, Delhi.
Detailed Answer :
20, Shanti Enclave
March 20, 20××
The Editor
The Hindustan
New Delhi
Subject : Obesity Among Young Children
It is sad but true that more and more school children are getting obese. It is all due to their sedentary lifestyle.They don’t want to involve themselves in any outdoor activity. They just cling on to T.V., internet or video games.The major cause is their fondness for junk and fried food. Home-cooked food is looked down upon because of their love for tinned andcanned food. Most of them prefer pizzas and burgers over green vegetables, fruits and milk. The result is that these young students are losing their youth and beauty.
School authorities should take immediate steps to replace fast food items with healthy food, snacks and fruit juices. Physical exercise and outdoor activities should be made compulsory. Parents should also avoid giving fast foods in lunch box. Students must be taught that obesity is an invitation to fatal diseases such as hypertension, heart ailments, cancer and arthritis. This is a matter of great concern. So I request you to publish my opinion in your esteemed newspaper.
Thanking you
Yours sincerely
Question. There has been a spate of chain and mobile snatching incidents in your locality. Masked youths come on motorbikes, commit the crime and run away without being caught or traced causing a lot of insecurity and fear among the residents. Write a letter in 100-120 words to the editor of a local newspaper drawing attention of the concerned authorities to the problem. You are Shweta Kapoor, Secretary, RWA Anand Niketan, Agra.
RWA, Anand Niketan
March 16, 20××
The Editor
The Heritage
Subject : Increasing Incidents of Mobile and Chain Snatching.
Through the columns of your esteemed daily, I want to draw the attention of the concerned authorities towards the above-mentioned problems. The residents of the locality are frequently becoming the victims of mobile and chain snatchers. Masked youth come on motorbikes, commit the crime and run away without being caught or traced. All that has caused a lot of insecurity and fear among residents.
Repeated complaints have been lodged by the victims but to no avail. The officials just give assurance but nothing has been done so far to control the situation. It has caused a lot of insecurity and fear among the residents and the absence of law and order in the town has been making the culprits more bold.
I hope this letter of mine would awake the concerned authorities and the situation will be very soon under control.
Thanking you
Yours sincerely
Shweta Kapoor
(Secretary, RWA)
Question. Your school won an award for maintaining cleanliness in and around your school. The whole school worked towards it with dedication. Write a letter in 100-120 words to the editor of a newspaper mentioning the steps that your school took to create awareness of cleanliness. You are School Captain, Shan Sharma,Government Senior Secondary School, New Delhi.
Government Senior Secondary School
New Delhi
April 12, 20××
The Editor
The Tribune
New Delhi
Subject : Awareness towards Cleanliness.
I feel immense pleasure to state that our school won an award for maintaining cleanliness in and around our school. But it wasn’t a matter of chance. Our school planned thoroughly for the same and took steps accordingly to create awareness of cleanliness among the students as well as other members of the school.
We used to have talks in the morning assembly on the need to maintain cleanliness. Poster competition was organized on the dangers of keeping school unclean. Proper implementation of ‘Swachh Bharat Programme’ was done under the trained N.S.S. teachers. To motivate the students, arrangements were made so that the students, teachers and other staff can listen to the Prime Minister’s talk on maintenance of cleanliness. It was not a one man show; rather it was a joint effort. Notice boards on the campus displayed slogAnswer. “Don’t litter”; clean campus-healthy campus. Rallies were taken out to make the residents of the area aware of the need to maintain cleanliness. The whole school worked towards the set goal with dedication.
Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I want to make appeal to the brethren of my country that each and every person should be determined to make his/her surroundings clean and beautiful and work for it wholehearted.
Thanking you
Yours sincerely
Shan Sharma
(School Captain)
Question. The authorities have been claiming that the roads in your town have been relaid and repaired. But there is no visibility of such a work. Write a letter in 100-120 words to the editor of a local newspaper expressing your disappointment at the present situation and giving suggestions to resolve the problem. You are Shweta/Sham of 24, Pushp Nagar.
Suggested Value Points :
24, Pushp Nagar
New Delhi
March 5, 20××
The Editor
The Hindu
New Delhi
Subject : Dilapidated Conditions of Roads
Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I’ld like to draw the attention of the Public Works Department and the municipality towards the poor condition of the roads in our area. Though, the authorities have been claiming that the roads in the area have been relaid and repaired but I am sorry to state that there is no visibility of such a work.
Such dilapidated roads not only make commuting difficult but also put us to shame. There are huge pits in the roads and they are also broken for long stretches. Adding to the misery, huge garbage dumps can be seen lying here and there, giving an open invitation to both accidents and diseases.
The authorities should immediately pay attention towards the problem and roads should be repaired at the earliest under strict supervision so that the condition of the road does not pose any problem further. It is a matter of great concern which needs urgent attention.
Thanking you.
Yours sincerely
Question. In about 100-120 words, express your views by writing a letter to the Editor of daily local newspaper on the subject ‘Reforming Beggars’.
18, Rani Bagh
New Delhi
December 15, 20××
The Editor
The Tribune
New Delhi
Subject : Reforming Beggars
Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I’d like to draw the attention of Local Councillor towards the above mentioned problem. It is a very common sight to see beggars near the religious places, especially near the temples. And we, the God fearing and generous people show pity on them. On this very point, we indirectly do wrong to them. When we give money to them, we indirectly provide them indulgence.
Instead of making them handicapped by giving them, we should help them in such a direction so they should stand on their own, i.e., they should be made capable to earn respectfully. They should be given shelter under the name of some local institution, meant for social work. Then they can be trained as per their interest. The members of our society have already taken steps in this direction.
You are requested to give this letter an appropriate place, that our request should reach to the concerned authority. The Local Councillor and the plan of involving the beggars should be started at the earliest.
Yours truly
Question. The recent increase in crimes against people of the North-East, especially in the cities, has highlighted the growing problem faced by the community. Fear of violence continues to worry them. Write a letter in 100-120 words to the Editor of Times of India expressing your concern over the recent death of a young student resulting from a racial comment against people from North-East. Suggest what steps the government should take to solve this problem. You are Aanchal/Aryan, resident of A-12, East of Kailash, N. Delhi.
Hints—racial comments, attacks—rude behavior, hurt feelings of our own fellow citizens—disharmony—dents the image of our country—steps to solve this problem.
A-12, East of Kailash,
New Delhi
June 5, 20××
The Editor
The Times of India
New Delhi
Subject : Racial Discrimination
‘Incredible India’, as it is popular all over the world is well-known for its culture and heritage. But the current situation, especially the recent increase in crimes against people of the North-East, in the advanced cities has proved that humanity and moral values—the qualities which Indians are proud of, seem to have become an outdated
Today the condition is that one would prefer only familiar people. People who migrate from other communities face the problem of violence. It is a matter of great concern that a young student had to lose his life due to a racial comment against people from the North-East. Such an attitude not only causes disharmony among fellow human beings but also dents the image of our country all over the world. The need of the hour is that we should understand that this is a myopic viewpoint. It is important to pause and think that human relationships should not be sacrificed at the alter of racial discrimination. Humans without humanity are not humans at all. I hope this letter of mine will be published in your esteemed newspaper for the sake of a noble cause.
Thank you.
Yours sincerely
Question. You are Aryan/Amrita of C/43, Hauz Khas, New Delhi. You have read a report in a magazine mentioning that there are 12 million child workers in your country. It is a national problem. Write a letter in about 120-150 words to the editor of ‘The Indian Express‘, giving your views on why child labour exists and how it can be abolished.
C/43, Hauz Khas
New Delhi
December 1, 20××
The Editor
The Indian Express
New Delhi
Sub : Problem of Child Labour
Through the columns of your esteemed daily, I wish to raise my voice against the worst social evil–child labour. Childhood is the best period of one’s life. But it is unfortunate on the part of children that, despite the ban on child labour, imposed by government, the practice is still prevalent in our society. Data shows that there are 12 million child workers in our country.
The root cause of the problem is lack of awareness and poverty. Poor parents send their children to earn, rather than sending them to school. They seek financial support from them. But this practice has adverse impact on their well being–physically, mentally and emotionally.
I hope, through media, the general public should be made aware of the children’s plight. Poor parents should otherwise be compensated. Rules against child labour should be followed strictly.
Thanking you
Yours sincerely
Question. The condition of the public park in your locality is miserable. Write a letter to the editor of a local newspaper with the help of the points given below in 100-150 words. You are Ranjit/Reshma.
A-6, 258, Paschim Vihar
Delhi-110 063
6 November, 20××
The Editor
The Hindustan Times
Kasturba Gandhi Marg
Subject : Poor Maintenance of Public Parks
Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to draw the attention of the concerned authorities towards the poor maintenance of the public parks.
It saddens me to say this that parks, serve so many purposes in a community-providing playing space to children, socializing space to adults and a healthy environment to people, are in a pathetic state these days.
Heaps of garbage can be seen every where and the boundaries too are broken, leading to the unwanted entry of street dogs and buffaloes.
There is cow dung all around, making the place a breeding ground for insects and they in turn welcome diseases.
The same public park once used to be the pride of our society and a common place for community interaction.
Children too are forced to play on the streets due to its unkempt condition.
I request you to give some space to my voice in your esteemed newspaper and help me arouse the attention of the concerned authorities.
Yours truly
Question. During the monsoons, mosquitoes find safe places like stagnant water and piles of garbage for breeding. As a result, many cases of dengue fever in your city have been noticed. More than a thousand victims have been hospitalized in different parts of the city. You are Varun/Varsha, a responsible citizen. Write a letter in about 100-120 words, to the editor of a local daily, emphasizing the need to create awareness of the problem of dengue, its causes, prevention and treatment.
14 Nov, 20××
The Editor
Times of India
Subject : Dengue—Prevention is better than cure !
In the past month, an alarming increase in the incidence of dengue cases in the city has been noticed which is a cause for extreme concern and demands immediate attention of the Health Care Department, Municipal Corporation as well as of the general public.
Dengue is a viral infection caused by a group of viruses, represented by DENV, that are transmitted from an infected to a healthy person when an Aedes mosquito bites. This mosquito serves as a carrier of the disease.
High fever is a discernible symptom and may lead to complications due to lowering of the platelet count. Any bleeding during the infection would be difficult to control. Severe cases may require blood transfusions.
Since, the carrier mosquito breeds in stagnant waters, close to human habitations, cleanliness of the environment is immensely important and a key precaution for prevention. Vaccination is not an option and any previous infection does not guarantee immunity as there are numerous viruses that cause it.
Awareness is immensely important to initiate preventive measures and in this light, I hope my letter will be published for the common good of the people.
Thanking you.
Yours truly
Question. You come across the photograph given below and are upset to see the cattle blocking the road. In case you try to drive them away, their owners will come running from across the road and punish you with harsh words and even a punch or two. Write a letter to the editor of Hindustan Times, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, advocating the need of a law for the punishment of such owners.

10-C, SFS, Flats,
Karol Bagh
New Delhi
30 July, 20XX
The Editor
The Hindustan Times
Kasturba Gandhi Marg
New Delhi
Subject : Strict laws for cattle owners
All of us are well aware of the fact that traffic in this city has increased manifold and traffic jams are an everyday menace. To add fuel to the fire is the fact that in many areas, stray cattle make the situations worse. When people try to drive them away, their owners who are also wandering nearby come rushing back and pick up a fight. At times it ends with just harsh words while at others they become physically violent and even give a punch or two.
The need of the hour is that we should have a strict law to punish these people whose cattle roam on roads and create traffic problems. To sort out this problem, kindly address this issue through the esteemed columns of your daily.
Thank you.
Yours sincerely
Question. As an aware citizen of the country, you are concerned about the increase in road accidents in the metropolitan cities of India. Interpret the data given below and using your own ideas, write a letter in about 100-120 words to the newspaper ‘The Chronicle’. You are Arun/ Anita.
12, Patliputra Colony
8th March, 20××
The Editor
The Chronicle
Sub: Increase in Road Accidents in Metros
Let me express my great concern and anxiety at the increase in road accidents in
the metropolitan cities of India.
It is quite disturbing that over the last few years there has been a steady increase in the number of accidents in all the major cities. The year 1998 accounted for near by 1300 accidents. With in six years the graph shows a regular rise. In the year 2004 the number of accidents rose to 1425. These accidents resulted in the loss of many precious lives. Most of these accidents were caused by rash and negligent driving. Drinking and driving has become quite a common feature. The rules of the road safety and caution are thrown to the winds. The concerned authorities must give exemplary punishments to the rash and negligent drivers. Drinking and driving can’t go together. The defaulters must be heavily fined or punished. The traffic police must enforce the rules and culture of the road very strictly. Only then our roads will be safe and secure.
Yours faithfully
Question. Taking help from the information given below, write a letter to the editor of a national daily showing your concern at the rising number of vehicles and cars on the roads of big cities in India. This causes not only a great inconvenience to the people and has become a great health hazard for others too. Give your suggestions for checking the number of vehicles and roads and promoting of a vehicle and affordable public transport.
20th March, 20××
The Editor
The Times of India
Sub: Limiting the number of vehicles and cars and promotion of affordable public transport.
Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I want to highlight the damaging effect of the growing vehicles and cars on the environment and the general health of the masses.
The advent of ‘Maruti’ brought a revolution in the road culture of India. With liberalisation of our economy, many Korean, Japanese, American and European companies started producing lacs of vehicles, trucks and cars every year. Within the last two decades, the number of vehicles has reached to an unmanageable limit. The growing prosperity of the middle classes has added to the craze of owning new Fords, Hyundais, Mercedes, BMWs and Hondas. This has led to disastrous results. The smoke these guzzlers emit pollute the air making it unsafe for human use.
Respiratory diseases and asthma have shown a marked rise in the recent years. I suggest that the Government must limit the number of vehicles on the roads. Only one car be limited to one family. Those who own bigger cars using more petrol or diesel must be taxed. The government must promote a cheap and comfortable public transport system. The number of buses and metro-trains should be increased. I hope all these measures will bring order and peace on the roads of India.
Yours faithfully
Question. Taking help from the information given below, write a letter to the editor of a national daily showing your concern at the outdated education system which has not helped in creating more jobs in India. Also suggest some measures to make it more meaningful and job-oriented.
12, Albany Cottage
20th March, 20××
The Editor
The Hindustan Times
New Delhi
Sub: Job-oriented Education
Through the columns of your prestigious newspaper, I want to highlight that education system in India needs a new definition and direction.
Our present education system is merely a continuation of the Macaulian system of the colonial era. It is highly loaded in favour of academics. The old practices and traditions continue. The school education provides little or no vocational and technical training. The results are quite unproductive. Our educated young men and women don’t get meaningful employment. Their frustration finds outlets in crimes and violence. It doesn’t augur well for the nation and its youths.
The Government and the concerned educationists must take stock of the education system from new and meaningful angles. First of all, vocational and technical education and training should be made an essential part of high-school education. Every student must be asked to choose or select his trade or vocation. Adequate coaching and vocational training must be provided at the school level itself. I hope the government and the educationists will rise up to the occasion and give a new definition and direction to our outdated education system.
Yours faithfully
Question. You are Ram/Rehana. You genuinely feel that despite the ban on tobacco-related advertisements and the law against smoking in public places, the consumption of tobacco and its products is on the rise in India. You are of the opinion that banning such adds will not serve the purpose. The government should come out with a blanket ban on the use of tobacco and the closure of tobacco industry. Only such drastic measures will eliminate this evil. You decide to write a letter to the editor of a national daily expressing your views and suggestions. Using the hints given below together with your own ideas, write this letter in about 100-120 words.
12, M.G. Road
20th March, 20××
The Editor
The Statesman
Sub: Ban on Tabacco and closure of Tobacco Industry
Through the columns of your esteemed daily, I want to highlight that the steps taken by the Government against smoking have proved quite inadequate and ineffective.
Only a blanket ban on the use of tobacco and the closure of tobacco industry will root this evil out of the country.
No doubt, the Government has made tobacco related advertisements mandatory. It has also passed the law against smoking in public places. But these steps have not produced the desired results. The consumption of tobacco and tobacco products is growing steadily in India. About nine lakh people die of tobacco related diseases every year. Deadly diseases like cancer have shown a steady rise. Addiction to tobacco, the silent killer, is increasing, particularly among the youths and students. The Government must eliminate the root cause of this evil. No doubt, tobacco is a great source of revenue for the Government. But millions of lives are more precious than earning this revenue. The only way to solve this problem is the closure of tobacco industry and complete ban on smoking and consumption of tobacco. Earlier, the better.
Yours faithfully
Question. You are Manish/Maya, a resident of Gumla, Jharkhand. Your area faces frequent breakdown of electricity. Even the voltage is so low that it causes an extensive damage to the electronic devices and appliances. You are a student and face a lot of inconvenience due to this frequent breakdown. Using all these hints together with your own ideas on the issue, write a letter to the editor of a national daily showing your anxiety and deep concern at the erratic supply of electricity. Also suggest some ways and means to ease this critical situation.
12, Civil Lines
20th February, 20××
The Editor
The Times of India
Sub: Low Voltage and Frequent Breakdown of Electricity.
Through the columns of your esteemed daily, I want to highlight the problem of low voltage and frequent breakdown of electricity in Civil Lines, Gumla.
I am a resident of Civil Lines, Gumla. I want to express my resentment and deep concern at the frequent breakdown of electricity in our area. This part of Gumla gives the impression that we have not yet come out of the ‘dark’ ages. The residents of the area face a lot of inconvenience due to this erratic supply of electric power. The situation in the summer months becomes quite unbearable. The residents have to spend sleepless nights without fans, coolers and airconditioners. Even the voltage remains very low. The fluctuations of voltage plays havoc with the electronic devices and appliances.
Students are the worst sufferers. Long power cuts affect their studies. During the examination the situation becomes really pathetic.
The Electricity Board must install new and powerful transformers in the area. The supply of power must be streamlined. All steps should be taken earnestly and promptly to give relief to the residents of the area.
Yours faithfully
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