Data interpretation is the process of assigning meaning to the collected information and determining the conclusions, significance and implications of the findings. The goal of interpretation of data is to highlight useful information and suggest conclusions.
A survey was conducted on percentage of households using various household utility products and the result is evident in the bar-chart given below. Study the following bar-chart and write the paragraph that was compiled after the survey. (80 words).
Percentage of households using various household utilities.
Use of Utility Goods
The bar-chart indicates various utilities being used by percentages of households, surveyed in the year 1997 and 2000. The chart shows that the most popular household utility item in 1997 and 2000 is the television and about 98% households have it. The fascination for TV remains steadfast, since there are a number of channels to suit each temperament and taste. The increasing sales of vaccum cleaners and washing machines are clear pointers that doing such chores manually is becoming difficult. The fridge appears to have gained popularity even among the poor sections of society and has become a necessity today. The telephone also is becoming increasingly popular. However, the use of cars does not really show an upward trend despite the variety of brands launched in the market due to cost factor. The concept of Central Heating appears to remain limited to the rich sections of society, though it has improved from 1997 and now 50% of the households use it.
1. Deeksha Joshi conducted the following survey, as part of her project, on the various modes of public transport. Using the information given below, write a paragraph on the topic “The various modes of public transport” in 80 words. Give valid suggestions and reasons for the change in the preferences of people.
2. Given below is a table showing various reasons for increasing crime in metropolitan cities among the upper middle-class. Study the table carefully and write a paragraph on the topic “Crime among the upper middle-class”. (80 words)

3. You are a member of the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in your locality. The following Pie- chart reflects the attitude of the people towards animals. Write a paragraph on how animals are ill-treated and what can be done to prevent it in about 80 words.
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