CBSE Class 10 Social Science MCQs Set A

Refer to CBSE Class 10 Social Science MCQs Set A provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Class 10 Social Science with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. All Chapters Class 10 MCQ are an important part of exams for Class 10 Social Science and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for CBSE Class 10 Social Science and also download more latest study material for all subjects

MCQ for Class 10 Social Science All Chapters

Class 10 Social Science students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for All Chapters in Class 10.

All Chapters MCQ Questions Class 10 Social Science with Answers

Multiple Choice Questions

Question: Who among the following developed the first known printing press in the 1430s?

a) Johann Gutenburg

b) James Watt

c) New Commen

d) (d) Marconi

Answer: Johann Gutenburg


Question: Which one of the following soil types is the most widely spread and important soil in India?

a) Laterite soils

b) Black soils

c) Alluvial soils

d) Red and yellow soils

Answer: Alluvial soils


Question: In which one of the following states, Corbett National Park is located?

a) Assam

b) Madhya pradesh

c) Rajasthan

d) Uttarakhand (Uttaranchal)

Answer: Uttarakhand (Uttaranchal)


Question: On which one of the following rivers Sardar Sarovar Dam is built?

a) River Kaveri

b) River Krishna

c) River Narmada

d) River Satluj

Answer: River Narmada


Question: In which one of the following crops, India is the leading producer and exporter in the world?

a) Jute

b) Tea

c) Coffee

d) Rubber

Answer: Tea


Question: Which of the following minority communities is relatively rich and powerful in Belgium?

a) French

b) Dutch

c) German

d) English

Answer: French


Question: Which one of the following languages is spoken by the majority of the people of Sri Lanka?

a) Tamil

b) English

c) Sinhalese

d) French

Answer: Sinhalese


Question: Which one of the following countries fall in the category of 'coming together federation'?

a) India

b) US

c) Spain

d) Belgium

Answer: US


Question: Which one of the following does not come under the purview of 'family laws'?

a) Matters related to marriage

b) Matters related to divorce

c) Matters related to adoption

d) Matters related to robbery

Answer: Matters related to robbery


Question: Among the following criteria which one is the basis to measure the development of a country according to the World Bank

a) Per Capita Income

b) Literacy Rate

c) Gross Enrolment Ratio

d) Life Expectancy 1

Answer: Per Capita Income


Question: Which food traveled west from china to be called “Spaghetti’?

a) Soya

b) Groundnuts

c) Potato

d) Noodles

Answer: Noodles


Question: Which disease spread like wild fire in Africa in the 1890’s?

a) Cattle plague

b) Small pox

c) Pneumonia

d) None of these

Answer: Cattle plague


Question: Why did Gandhiji begin fast unto death when Dr. B.R. Ambedkar demanded separate electorate for Dalits?

a) Separate electorates would create division in the society.

b) Separate electorates would slow down the process of integration into society.

c) With separate electorates, Dalits would gain respect in society.

d) The condition of dalits would become better.

Answer: Separate electorates would slow down the process of integration into society.


Question: Which one of the following minerals belongs to the category of ferrous mineral?

a) Gold

b) Copper

c) Manganese

d) Bauxite

Answer: Manganese


Question: Why did General Dyer open fire on the peaceful gathering at Jallianwala Bagh on 13th April, 1919?

a) General Dyer wanted to enforce martial law very strictly in Amritsar.

b) He wanted to create a feeling of terror and awe in the minds of satyagrahis.

c) He wanted to demoralise the local congress leaders.

d) He wanted to gain prominence in the eyes of British government.

Answer: He wanted to create a feeling of terror and awe in the minds of satyagrahis.


Question: Which one of the following states is the largest producer of bauxite in India?

a) Orissa

b) Gujarat

c) Jharkhand

d) Maharashtra

Answer: Orissa


Question: Which one of the following factors plays the most dominant role in industrial location in a region?

a) Availability of raw material

b) Cheap and skilled labour

c) Nearness of the market

d) Least Cost.

Answer: Least Cost.


Question: Which one of the following groups of cities is connected by the National Highway No. 7.

a) Delhi- Amritsar

b) Delhi- Kolkata

c) Delhi- Mumbai

d) Varanasi- Kanyakumari

Answer: Varanasi- Kanyakumari


Question: Identify the element which is NOT shared both by the movement in Nepal and the struggle in Bolivia.

a) A political conflict that led to popular struggle.

b) The struggle involved mass mobilisation

c) It was about the foundations of the country’s politics.

d) It involved critical role of political organisation.

Answer: It was about the foundations of the country’s politics.


Question: Which one of the following political parties grew out of a movement?

a) Communist Party of India.

b) Asom Gana Parishad.

c) All India Congress

d) Bahujan Samaj Party

Answer: Asom Gana Parishad.


Question: Which one of the following is NOT a function of political parties?

a) Parties contest elections

b) Parties do not shape public opinion

c) Parties put forward different policies and programmes

d) Parties play a decisive role in making laws for the country.

Answer: Parties do not shape public opinion


Question: Which one of following statements does not reflect the right impact of ‘the Right to Information Act’?

a) It supplements the existing laws that banned corruption

b) It empowers the people to find out what is happening in the government.

c) It enables the people to become law abiding good citizens.

d) It acts as a watch dog of democracy.

Answer: It enables the people to become law abiding good citizens.


Question: Which one of the following soil types is the most widely spread and important soil in India.

a) Laterite soils

b) Black soils

c) Alluvial soils

d) Red and yellow soils

Answer: Alluvial soils


Question: In which one of the following states, Corbett National Park is located?

a) Assam

b) Madhya pradesh

c) Rajasthan

d) Uttarakhand

Answer: Uttarakhand


Question: On which one of the following rivers Sardar Sarovar Dam is built?

a) River Kaveri

b) River Krishna

c) River Narmada

d) River Satluj

Answer: River Narmada


Question: In which one of the following crops, India is the leading producer and exporter in the world?

a) Jute

b) Tea

c) Coffee

d) Rubber

Answer: Tea


Question: Which of the following minority communities is relatively rich and powerful in Belgium?

a) French

b) Dutch

c) German

d) English

Answer: French


Question: Which one among the following is a development goal common to all?

a) Freedom

b) Equal opportunities

c) Security and respect

d) High levels of income and better quality of life

Answer: High levels of income and better quality of life


Question: Among the following criteria which one is the basis to measure the development of a country according to the World Bank

a) Per Capita income

b) Literacy Rate

c) Gross Enrolment ratio

d) Life expectancy

Answer: Per Capita income


Question: Which one of the following does not come under the purview of 'family laws'?

a) Matters related to marriage

b) Matters related to divorce

c) Matters related to adoption

d) Matters related to robbery

Answer: Matters related to robbery


Question: Which one of the following countries fall in the category of 'coming together federation'?

a) India

b) US

c) Spain

d) Belgium

Answer: US


Question: What is the %age of Sinhala speaking in Srilanka? Choose the correct option from the following:

a) 58

b) 74

c) 65

d) 82

Answer: 74


Question: Which one of the following minerals belongs to the category of ferrous mineral?

a) Gold

b) Copper

c) Manganese

d) Bauxite

Answer: Manganese


Question: Which one of the following states is the largest producer of bauxite in India?

a) Orissa

b) Gujarat

c) Jharkhand

d) Maharashtra

Answer: Orissa


Question: Which one of the following factors plays the most dominant role in industrial location in a region?

a) Availability of raw material

b) Cheap and skilled labour

c) Nearness of the market

d) Least Cost.

Answer: Least Cost.


Question: Which one of the following groups of cities is connected by the National Highway No. 7.

a) Delhi- Amritsar

b) Delhi- Kolkata

c) Delhi- Mumbai

d) Varanasi- Kanyakumari

Answer: Varanasi- Kanyakumari


Question: Identify the element which is NOT shared both by the movement in Nepal and the struggle in Bolivia.

a) A political conflict that led to popular struggle.

b) The struggle involved mass mobilisation

c) It was about the foundations of the country’s politics.

d) It involved critical role of political organisation.

Answer: It was about the foundations of the country’s politics.


Question: Which one of the following is a major reason that prevents the poor from getting loans from the banks?

a) Lack of capital

b) Not affordable due to high rate of interest

c) Absence of collatoral security

d) Absence of mediators

Answer: Absence of collatoral security


Question: Which among the following is an essential feature of barter system?

a) A person holding money can easily exchange any commodity.

b) It is based on double coincidence of wants.

c) It is generally accepted as a medium of exchange of goods with money.

d) It acts as a measure and store of value.

Answer: It is based on double coincidence of wants.


Question: Which one of following statements does not reflect the right impact of ‘the Right to Information Act’?

a) It supplements the existing laws that banned corruption

b) It empowers the people to find out what is happening in the government.

c) It enables the people to become law abiding good citizens.

d) It acts as a watch dog of democracy.

Answer: It enables the people to become law abiding good citizens.

Question: Which one of the following does not come under the purview of 'family laws'?

a) Matters related to marriage

b) Matters related to divorce

c) Matters related to adoption

d) Matters related to robbery

Answer: Matters related to robbery

Question: Among the following criteria which one is the basis to measure the development of a country according to the World Bank

a) Per Capita Income

b) Literacy Rate

c) Gross Enrolment Ratio

d) Life Expectancy

Answer: Per Capita Income

Question: Which one among the following is a development goal common to all?

a) Freedom

b) Equal opportunities

c) Security and respect

d) High levels of income and better quality of life

Answer: High levels of income and better quality of life 


Question: By which of the following treaties was the United Kingdom of Great Britain formed?

a) Treaty of Versailles

b) Act of Union

c) Treaty of Paris

d) Treaty of Vienna

Answer: Act of Union


Question: Direct exchange of goods against goods without the use of money is known as?

a) Debt trap

b) Barter system

c) Money system

d) Foreign trade

Answer: Barter system


Question: By whom was the Swaraj party formed?

a) Motilal Nehru and C R Das

b) Subhas Chandra Bose and Sardar Patel

c) Jawaharlal Nehru and Rajendra Prasad

d) Motilal Nehru and Rajendra Prasad

Answer: Motilal Nehru and C R Das


Question: Why did Gandhiji organize Satyagraha in 1917 in Kheda district of Gujarat?

a) To support the plantation workers

b) To protest against high revenue demand

c) To support the mill workers to fulfill their demand

d) To demand loans for the farmers

Answer: To protest against high revenue demand


Question: Which of the following industries is limestone a basic raw material?

a) Aluminium smelting

b) Manufacture of alloys

c) Electricals

d) Cement

Answer: Cement


Question: At International level, this has become the foundation for consumer movement?

a) Consumers International


c) Consumers Forum

d) Agmark

Answer: Consumers International


Question: Which two of the following extreme locations are connected by the East-West Corridor?

a) Mumbai and Nagpur

b) Silcher and Porbandar

c) Mumbai and Kolkata

d) Nagpur and Siliguri

Answer: Silcher and Porbandar


Question: Which of the following states is the oldest producer of oil?

a) Arunachal Pradesh

b) Assam

c) Andhra Pradesh

d) Gujarat

Answer: Assam


Question: Rourkela steel plant was set up in collaboration with which of the following countries?

a) France

b) Germany

c) USA

d) Japan

Answer: Germany


Question: In Prussia, large landowners were known as?

a) Junkers

b) Jacobins

c) Habsburg

d) Conservatives

Answer: Junkers


Question: Who formed a secret society called young Italy?

a) Givseppe Mazzini

b) Otto von Bismarck

c) Victor Emmannel II

d) Count Camillo de Cavour

Answer: Givseppe Mazzini


Question: When did the creation of Indo-China Union, including Cochinchina, Annam, Tonkin and Cambodia (and later Laos) took place?

a) 1887

b) 1888

c) 1889

d) 1890

Answer: 1887


Question: Which film of John F. Coppola reflected the moral confusion that the U.S – Vietnamese war had created in the U.S.A.

a) Apocalypse Now

b) Green Berets

c) No Mans’ Land

d) Saving Private Ryan

Answer: Apocalypse Now


Question: What was Vietminh?

a) League for the Independence of China

b) League for the Independence of Vietnam

c) League for the Independence of Japan

d) League for the Independence of Korea

Answer: League for the Independence of Vietnam


Question: In what respect is a democratic government better than its alternatives?

a) Efficiency

b) Responsiveness

c) Transparency

d) Legitimacy

Answer: Legitimacy


Question: Which one of the following is a special feature that distinguishes a movement from an interest group?

a) Its functioning continues even after the goal is achieved.

b) Most of them are issue specific to achieve a single objective within a limited time frame.

c) It includes a very wide variety of objectives to achieve with no time limit.

d) It has no political aspirations.

Answer: Most of them are issue specific to achieve a single objective within a limited time frame.


Question: What does Universal Adult suffrage stand for?

a) Right to vote

b) Right to Education

c) Right to Marriage

d) Right to Religion

Answer: Right to vote


Question: The ISI, A-Mark or Hallmark logo on a package assures:-

a) Quality

b) Right price

c) No preservative used

d) Eco friendly products

Answer: Quality


Question: The consumer Protection Act 1986 ensures:-

a) Right to see a movie

b) Right to consumer education.

c) Right to having a computer.

d) Right to a facebook account.

Answer: Right to consumer education.


Question: Which one of the following languages is spoken by the majority of the people of Sri Lanka?

a) Tamil

b) English

c) Sinhalese

d) French

Answer: Sinhalese


Question: Which one of the following countries fall in the category of 'coming together federation'?

a) India

b) US

c) Spain

d) Belgium

Answer: US


Question: Which one of the following is NOT a function of political parties?

a) Parties contest elections

b) Parties do not shape public opinion

c) Parties put forward different policies and programmes

d) Parties play a decisive role in making laws for the country.

Answer: Parties do not shape public opinion


Question: Which one of the following political parties grew out of a movement?

a) Communist Party of India.

b) Asom Gana Parishad.

c) All India Congress

d) Bahujan Samaj Party

Answer: Asom Gana Parishad.


Question: Which one of the following soil types is the most widely spread and important soil in India?

a) Laterite soils

b) Black soils

c) Alluvial soils

d) Red and yellow soils

Answer: Alluvial soils


Question: In which one of the following states, Corbett National Park is located?

a) Assam

b) Madhya pradesh

c) Rajasthan

d) Uttarakhand (Uttaranchal)

Answer: Uttarakhand (Uttaranchal)


Question: On which one of the following rivers Sardar Sarovar Dam is built?

a) River Kaveri

b) River Krishna

c) River Narmada

d) River Satluj

Answer: River Narmada


Question: In which one of the following crops, India is the leading producer and exporter in the world?

a) Jute

b) Tea

c) Coffee

d) Rubber

Answer: Tea


Question: Which of the following minority communities is relatively rich and powerful in Belgium?

a) French

b) Dutch

c) German

d) English

Answer: French

Question. Which one of the following mineral is found abundantly in India?
(a) Copper
(b) Gold
(c) Diamond
(d) Iron

Question. Gold and copper are which type of minerals?
(a) Ferrous
(b) Non-Ferrous
(c) Non-Metallic
(d) Energy Resourses

Question. Magnetite and Haematite are related to
(a) Iron
(b) Manganese
(c) Coal
(d) Aluminum

Question. Koderma, in Jharkhand is the leading producer of which one of the following minerals?
(a) Bauxite
(b) Mica
(c) Iron
(d) Copper

Question. The large occurrence of minerals in igneous and metamorphic rock is called
(a) Veins
(b) Lodes
(c) Ores
(d) Rocks

Question. Aluminium is obtained from the ore of
(a) Haematite
(c) Limonite
(d) Siderite

Question. Bailadila range in the Bastar district of Chhattisgarh are known for
(a) Bauxite
(b) High grade Haematite
(c) Mica
(d) Copper

Question. The main sourse of power generation in India is
(a) Atomic Energy
(b) Solar Energy
(c) Coal
(d) Hydroelectricity

Question. Photovoltaic technology is used to generate electricity from
(a) Wind
(c) Nuclear
(d) Solar

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MCQs for All Chapters Social Science Class 10

Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to NCERT book for Class 10 Social Science to develop the Social Science Class 10 MCQs. If you download MCQs with answers for the above chapter you will get higher and better marks in Class 10 test and exams in the current year as you will be able to have stronger understanding of all concepts. Daily Multiple Choice Questions practice of Social Science will help students to have stronger understanding of all concepts and also make them expert on all critical topics. After solving the questions given in the MCQs which have been developed as per latest books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 10 Social Science. We have also provided lot of MCQ questions for Class 10 Social Science so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter. After solving these you should also refer to Class 10 Social Science MCQ Test for the same chapter.

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