Refer to CBSE Class 10 Social Science Power Sharing MCQs provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Class 10 Social Science with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. Chapter 1 Power Sharing Class 10 MCQ are an important part of exams for Class 10 Social Science and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for CBSE Class 10 Social Science and also download more latest study material for all subjects
MCQ for Class 10 Social Science Chapter 1 Power Sharing
Class 10 Social Science students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Chapter 1 Power Sharing in Class 10.
Chapter 1 Power Sharing MCQ Questions Class 10 Social Science with Answers
Question : How many people speak French and Dutch in the capital city of Brussels?
a) 60 percent French 40 percent Dutch
b) 50% Dutch 50% French
c) 80% French 20% Dutch
d) 80% Dutch 20% French
Answer : C
Question : How many times leaders of Belgium amended their constitution?
a) Two times
b) Three times
c) Four times
d) Since time
Answer : C
Question : Which one of the following is correct regarding power sharing?
A) It leads to conflict between different groups.
B) It ensures the stability of the country.
C) It helps to reduce the conflict between different groups.
a) Only A is true
b) Only B is true
c) Both A and B are true
d) Both B and C are true
Answer : D
Question : Which was the only official language of Sri Lanka?
a) Tamil
b) Malyalam
c) Sinhala
d) none of the mention above
Answer : C
Question : Which community was rich and powerful in Belgium?
a) German
b) French
c) Dutch
d) none of the mention above
Answer : B
Question : Which community was rich and powerful in Belgium?
a) German
b) French
c) Dutch
d) none of the options
Answer : B
Question : Which is the only official language of Sri Lanka?
a) Sinhala
b) Malyalam
c) Tamil
d) none of the options
Answer : A
Question : Which one of the following is correct regarding power sharing? A. It leads to conflict between different groups. B. It ensures the stability of the country. C. It helps to reduce the conflict between different groups.
a) Both B and C are true
b) Both A and B are true
c) Only B is true
d) Only A is true
Answer : A
Question : How many times the leaders of Belgium amended their constitution?
a) Six times
b) Three times
c) Two times
d) Four times
Answer : D
Question : How many people speak French and Dutch in the capital city of Brussels?
a) 80% French 20% Dutch
b) 50% Dutch 50% French
c) 60 percent French 40 percent Dutch
d) 80% Dutch 20% French
Answer : A
Question : Why is there a need for third level of government in India?
a) a large number of problems and issues which are best settled at the local level & Indian states are large and internally very diverse
b) Indian states are large and internally very diverse
c) a large number of problems and issues which are best settled at the local level
d) none of above.
Answer : A
Question : Which of the following is very important factor for better understanding between Centre and States Government?
a) Emergence of regional political party
b) when no single party got a clear majority
c) the beginning of the era of coalition government
d) all the factors
Answer : D
Question : When did the Panchayati Raj System become a constitutional entity?
a) 1992
b) 1991
c) 1993
d) 1995
Answer : A
Question : How many subjects are enlisted in the Concurrent List?
a) 66
b) 62
c) 47
d) 66
Answer : C
Question : How many languages are scheduled in the Indian Constitution?
a) 21
b) 18
c) 22
d) 20
Answer : C
Question : Which of the following is an example of holding together federation?
a) Spain & India
b) India
c) Australia
d) Spain
Answer : A
Question : Which of the following is not a federal country?
a) Malaysia
b) USA
c) Belgium
d) India
Answer : A
Question : Federalism is:
a) a form of unitary government
b) a form of autocratic government
c) a government with two or multi levels of government
d) a form of unitary government & a form of autocratic government
Answer : C
Question : Which one of the following is the 3rd tier of government in India?
a) Panchayati Raj Government
b) State Government
c) State Government & Panchayati Raj Government
d) Community Government
Answer : A
Question : Which of the following community is in majority in Sri Lanka?
a) Sinhala
b) Tamil
c) Hindu
d) Buddhist
Answer : A
Question : What is a coalition government?
a) power shared among different levels of government
b) power shared among different political parties
c) power shared among different social group
d) power shared among different organs of government
Answer : B
Question : Where is the parliament of European Union?
a) Belgium
b) Britain
c) France
d) Germany
Answer : A
Question : Main significance of Belgium Model of Power Sharing
a) power shared in all ethnic groups according to their population
b) on the basis of adult franchise
c) none of the above
d) Majoritarianism
Answer : A
Question : Why did the Sri Lankan Tamils launch parties and struggle?
a) to recognise Tamil as an official language
b) to recognise Sinhalese as the only official language
c) to adopt majoritarianism
d) to dominate other language
Answer : A
Question : 59 per cent of the countrys total population who speaks Dutch, lives in
a) None of the options
b) Brussels
c) Wallonia region
d) Flemish region
Answer : D
Question : In which one of the following year Sri Lanka emerged as an Independent Country?
a) 1947
b) 1948
c) 1949
d) 1950
Answer : B
Question : How many times the Constitution of Belgium was amended between 1970 and 1993 ?
a) Two times
b) Three times
c) Five times
d) Four times
Answer : D
Question : In the city of Brussels
a) 80% people speak French while 20% speak Dutch
b) 80% people speak Dutch while 20% speak French
c) 80% people speak German while 20% speak French
d) 80% people speak German while 20% speak Dutch
Answer : A
Question : Horizontal distribution of power is .................
a) Sharing of power among different social groups
b) Sharing of power among different organs of government
c) Sharing of power among governments at different levels
d) Sharing of power among political parties and pressure groups
Answer : B
Question : Who elects the community government in Belgium ?
a) People belonging to one language community only
b) By the leader of Belgium
c) The citizens of the whole country
d) The community leaders of Belgium
Answer : A
Question : In which one of the following countries principle of majoritiatianism led to civil war ?
a) Pakistan
b) Sri Lanka
c) Belgium
d) India
Answer : B
Question : Division of powers between higher and lower levels of government is called
a) Horizontal distribution
b) Parallel distribution
c) Vertical division
d) Diagonal division
Answer : C
Question : Which one of the following is not a valid reason for power sharing ?
a) For majoritarianism
b) Being part and parcel of democracy
c) To reduce tensions
d) For political stability
Answer : A
Question : How much population of Belgium speaks German language?
a) 1%
b) 40%
c) 59%
d) 100%
Answer : A
Question : Among the following countries to which one do ‘Indian Tamils’ belong to
a) Belgium
b) Germany
c) Sri Lanka
d) France
Answer : C
Question : How many people speak French and Dutch in the capital city of Brussels?
a) 60 percent French 40 percent Dutch
b) 50% Dutch 50% French
c) 80% French 20% Dutch
d) 80% Dutch 20% French
Answer : C
Question : How many times leaders of Belgium amended their constitution?
A) Two times
B) Three times
C) Four times
d) Since time
Answer : C
Question : Which one of the following is correct regarding power sharing?
A) It leads to conflict between different groups.
B) It ensures the stability of the country.
C) It helps to reduce the conflict between different groups.
a) Only A is true
b) Only B is true
c) Both A and B are true
d) Both B and C are true
Answer : D
Question : Which was the only official language of Sri Lanka?
a) Tamil
b) Malyalam
c) Sinhala
d) none of the mention above
Answer : C
Question : Which community was rich and powerful in Belgium?
a) German
b) French
c) Dutch
d) none of the mention above
Answer : B
Question. Identify the two languages written below(Notice that place names and directions in two languages)
(a) French and German
(b) French and Dutch
(c) French and Sinhala
(d) None of these
Answer : B
Question. When European countries came together to form the European Union ………. was chosen as the headquarters.
(a) Belgium
(b) Germany
(c) Netherlands
(d) Brussels
Answer : D
Question. Belgium has borders with the Netherlands, France, Luxembourg and--------
(a) Sri Lanka
(b) Rome
(c) Germany
(d) Lebanon
Answer : C
Question. The people whose forefathers came from India to Sri Lanka as plantation workers during the colonial period are called…….
(a) Sri Lankan Tamils
(b) Indian Tamils
(c) Tamil Indians
(d) Indian Sri Lankans
Answer : B
Question. In Belgium……
(a) The State Governments are not subordinate to the Central Government
(b) The State Governments are subordinate to the Central Government
(c) The State Governments have no say before the central Government
(d) The Central Government is subordinate to the State Governments.
Answer : A
Question. What does the given picture represent? Choose the correct one.
(a) It refers to German Engineering
(b) It refers to problems of running a coalition government of Germany.
(c) It refers to problems of education
(d) It refers to poblems of ordinary people
Answer : B
Two statements are given in the question below as Assertion (A) and Reasoning (R) . Read the statements and choose the appropriate option.
(a) Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of (a)
(b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of (a)
(c) A is true but R is false.
(d) A is false but R is true
Question. Assertion(A) :In 1956 an Act was passed to recognise Sinhala as the only official language of Sri Lanka
Reason(R) : The government of Sri Lanka wanted to establish the supremacy of Sinhala community.
Answer : A
Question. Assertion(A) :Power sharing is good for democracy.
Reason(R) :It leads to ethical tension
Answer : C
Question. Assertion(A) : In Belgium, the leaders realized that the unity of the country is possible by respecting the feelings and interest of Sri-Lankan people.
Reason(R) : The social disparity led to tensions between Dutch and French speaking communities during 1950’s and 1960’s.
Answer : D
Question. Assertion(A) : The minority French –speaking community was relatively rich and powerful in Belgium.
Reason(R) : Paris is the capital city of France
Answer : B
Question. Assertion(A) :Power sharing among different organs of government such as the legislature executive and judiciary is known as horizontal distribution of power.
Reason(R) : It allows different organs of government placed at the same level to exercise different powers.
Answer : A
1. “In the city of Beirut there lived a man called Khalil. His parents came from different communities. His father was an Orthodox Christian and mother a Sunni Muslim. This was not so uncommon in this modern, cosmopolitan city. People from various communities that lived in Lebanon came to live in its capital, Beirut. They lived together, intermingled, yet fought a bitter civil war among themselves.
One of Khalil’s uncles was killed in that war. At the end of this civil war, Lebanon’s leaders came together and agreed to some basic rules for power sharing among different communities. As per these rules, the country’s President must belong to the Maronite sect of Catholic Christians. The Prime Minister must be from the Sunni Muslim community. The post of Deputy Prime Minister is fixed for Orthodox Christian sect and that of the Speaker for Shi’a Muslims. Under this pact, the Christians agreed not to seek French protection and the Muslims agreed not to seek unification with the neigh bouring state of Syria When the Christians and Muslims came to this agreement, they were nearly equal in population. Both sides have continued to respect this agreement though now the Muslims are in clear majority.
Khalil does not like this system one bit. He is a popular man with political ambition. But under the
present system the top position is out of his reach. He does not practise either his father’s or his mother’s religion and does not wish to be known by either. He cannot understand why Lebanon can’t be like any other ‘normal’ democracy. “Just hold an election, allow everyone to contest and whoever wins
maximum votes becomes the president, no matter which community he comes from. Why can’t we do that, like in other democracies of the world?” he asks. His elders, who have seen the bloodshed of the civil war, tell him that the present system is the best guarantee for peace…”
The story was not finished, but they had reached the TV tower where they stopped every day. Vetal wrapped up quickly and posed his customary question to Vikram: “If you had the power to rewrite the rules in Lebanon, what would you do? Would you adopt the ‘regular’ rules followed everywhere, as Khalil suggests? Or stick to the old rules? Or do something else?” Vetal did not forget to remind Vikram of their basic pact: “If you have an answer in mind and yet do not speak up, your mobike will freeze, and so will you”.
Question. As per the agreed basic rule the President of the country must belong to which community?
(a) Sunni Muslims
(b) Shia Muslims
(c) Maronite sect of Catholic Christians
(d) Orthodox Christians
Answer : C
Question. How does Power sharing occur in a democratic country like India?
(a) Byvoting (universal adult franchise)
(b) By majoritarian rule
(c) By certain basic rules as in Lebanon
(d) All of the above
Answer : A
Question. What is the capital city of Lebanon?
(a) Meerut
(b) Beirut
(c) Syria
(d) Paris
Answer : B
Question. Which type of Government does Lebanon have?
(a) Democratic Government
(b) Primary Government
(c) Community Government
(d) Coalition Government
Answer : C
Question. Under the pact from which country did Christians in Lebanon agree not to seek Protection from and which country did Lebanon Muslims agree not to seek Unification with?
(a) France and Belgium
(b) Syria and Brazil
(c) Brazil and Belgium
(d) France and Syria
Answer : D
2. The Belgian leaders took a different path. They recognized the existence of regional differences and cultural diversities. Between 1970 and 1993, they amended their constitution four times to work out an arrangement that would enable everyone to live together within the same country. The arrangement they worked out is different from any other country and is very innovative. • Constitution prescribes that the number of Dutch and French-speaking ministers shall be equal in the central government. Some special laws require the support of majority of members from each linguistic group. Thus, no single community can make decisions unilaterally. • Many powers of the central government have been given to state governments of the two regions of the country. The state governments are not subordinate to the Central Government. • Brussels has a separate government in which both the communities have equal representation. The French speaking people accepted equal representation in Brussels because the Dutch-speaking community has accepted equal representation in the Central Government. • Apart from the Central and the State Government, there is a third kind of government. This ‘community government’ is elected by people belonging to one language community – Dutch, French and German-speaking – no matter where they live. This government has the power regarding cultural, educational, and language-related issues.
Question. How many times did the Belgian Government amend their constitution during the period 1970-1993?
(a) 3
(b) 5
(c) 2
(d) 4
Answer : D
Question. The constitution of Belgium prescribes that the number of Dutch and French speaking ministers ........ in the central government
(a) Shall be equal
(b) Dutch speaking shall be more
(c) French speaking will be more
(d) None of the above
Answer : A
Question. Who elects the community government in Belgium?
(a) People belonging to one language community only.
(b) By the leaders of Belgium.
(c) The citizens of Luxembourg.
(d) The community leaders of Belgium.
Answer : A
Question. In what all areas do the community government has power?
(a) Cultural affairs
(b) Education
(c) Language related issues
(d) All of these
Answer : D
Question. Brussels has a separate government in which
(a) Both the communities have equal representation
(b) Both the communities have different representation
(c) French speakers have more representation
(d) Community government have more representation
Answer : A
Question : Which factor is responsible for increasing the feeling of alienation among the Sri Lankan, Tamil?
Answer : Majoritarianism
Question : What is the significance of years 1970-1993 for Belgium?
Answer : The constitution was amended four times
Question : In which continent is Belgium located?
Answer : Europe
Question : The term Eelam stands for
Answer : State
Question : Who formed the majority in terms of population in Sri Lanka?
Answer : Sinhala community
Question : How did Sri Lanka and the Belgium government try to solve the ethnic problem?
Answer : (i) The Belgium leaders tried to solve the ethnic problem by respecting the feelings and interests of different communities and regions, whereas the Sri Lankan government tried to solve the problem through majoritarianism.
(ii) Belgian leaders established a federal structure under which power was shared between the Union Government and its other constituent units whereas Sri Lankan leaders adopted Unitary Government structure.
(iii) The Belgium solution helped in avoiding civic strife whereas the majoritarianism in Sri Lanka led to the civil war.
Question : Explain any one benefit of ‘Power Sharing’.
Answer : Power sharing helps to reduce the possibility of conflict between different social groups. A social conflict often leads to violence and political instability power sharing helps to ensure the stability of political order.
Question : "In a democracy, political expression of social division is very normal and can be healthy." Justify this statement with suitable arguments.
Answer : Every expression of social division in politics does not lead to disasters but it is beneficial too. In a democracy, political expression of social divisions is very normal and can be healthy. In the cases of India, and Belgium it has been observed that social diversities can be accommodated in a very positive manner.
But a positive attitude towards diversity and a willingness to accommodate it do not come about easily.
(i) People who feel marginalized, deprived and discriminated have to fight against the injustices.
(ii) Such a fight often takes the democratic path voicing their demands in a peaceful and constitutional manner.
(iii) Seeking a fair position through elections.
(iv) Sometimes social differences can take the form of unacceptable level of social inequality and injustice. The struggle against such inequalities sometimes takes the path of violence and defiance of state power. However, history shows that democracy is the best way to fight for recognition and also to accommodate diversity.
(iv) Relations between Tamils and Sinhalese became strained.
Question : "The outcome of politics of social divisions depends on how the political leaders raise the demands of any community". Explain the statement.
Answer : (i) It is easy to accommodate demands that are within the constitutional framework and are not at the cost of another community.
(ii) The demand for only the Sinhala community in Sri Lanka was at the cost of interest and identity of Tamil community.
(iii) In Yugoslavia, the leaders of the different ethnic communities presented their demands in such a way that these could not be accommodated within a single country.
Question : What system of power sharing is called "Checks and Balances"?
Answer : When one arm of the government can question the functioning of other arms in horizontal power distribution.
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MCQs for Chapter 1 Power Sharing Social Science Class 10
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