Refer to CBSE Class 10 Social Science Sectors of the Indian Economy MCQs provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Class 10 Social Science with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. Chapter 2 Sectors of the Indian Economy Class 10 MCQ are an important part of exams for Class 10 Social Science and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for CBSE Class 10 Social Science and also download more latest study material for all subjects
MCQ for Class 10 Social Science Chapter 2 Sectors of the Indian Economy
Class 10 Social Science students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Chapter 2 Sectors of the Indian Economy in Class 10.
Chapter 2 Sectors of the Indian Economy MCQ Questions Class 10 Social Science with Answers
Question : During the period between 1973 to2003, the production has increased most in the
(a) primary sector
(b) secondary sector
(c) tertiary sector
(d) all the three sectors
Answer : C
Question : GDP is the value of……….. produced during a particular year :
(a) All goods & services
(b) All final goods & services
(c) All intermediate goods &services
(d) All intermediate & final goods and services
Answer : B
Question. Which of the following measures the proportion of children that die before the age of 1 year as a proportion of 1000 live children born in that particular year?
(a) IMR - Infant mortality rate
(b) Literacy rate
(c) Net attendance ratio
(d) Drop out ratio
Answer : A
Question. GDP stands for Gross Domestic Product. What does it show? Pick up the correct statement given below:
(a) It shows how big is the economy of a country in a given year in terms of its total output.
(b) It shows what the total product of a country in a given year without counting the country’s total resources.
(c) It shows the number of people involved in production in a particular year.
(d) It shows the total value of trade trans-actions of a country in a particular year.
Answer : A
Question. Employment figures of a country are based on data collected from 5-yearly survey on employment and unemployment. Which organisation conducts this survey?
(a) NSSO – National Sample Survey Organisation
(b) NREGA 2005 – National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, 2005
(c) ILO – International Labour Organisation
(d) Census of India
Answer : B
Question. Choose one correct statement from the following: Underemployment occurs —
(a) when people are not willing to work.
(b) when people are working slowly.
(c) when people are working less than what they are capable of doing.
(d) when people are not paid for their jobs.
Answer : C
Question. ____________ refers to the activities which are undertaken by people with the object of earning money.
(a) Organised activities
(b) Unorganised activities
(c) Economic activities
(d) Noneconomic activities
Answer : C
Question. NREGA (National Rural Employment Guarantee Act of 2005) has guaranteed_________ days of employment in a year in many districts of India What are the correct number of days?
(a) 200 days
(b) 100 days
(c) 30 days
(d) 60 days
Answer : B
Question. Underemployment is hidden in contrast to some who does not have a job and is clearly visible as unemploye(d) It is also called _______________ .
(a) Hidden employment
(b) Disguised unemployment.
(c) Unstable employment
(d) Less employment
Answer : B
Question. A small farmer, Lakshmi, owning about two hectares of unirrigated land dependent only on rain. All members of her family work in the plot throughout the year. Each one is doing something but no one is fully employe(d) Which type of employment is this an example?
(a) Seasonal employment
(b) Over employment
(c) Under employment
(d)Cyclical employment
Answer : C
Question. Agriculture, dairy farming are activities belonging to which of the following sectors?
(a) Primary
(b) Secondary
(c) Tertiary
(d) Scientific technology
Answer : A
Question. In the past 100 years, there has been a further shift from _______ to ______ in developed countries. This has become the most important in terms of total production.
(a) secondary to tertiary sector
(b) primary to tertiary sector
(c) primary to secondary sector
(d) none of the above
Answer : A
Question. How do big private companies contribute in the development of a nation?
(a) By increasing the demands for their products through advertisements.
(b) By increasing their profits.
(c) By increasing productivity of the country in the manufacturing of industrial goods.
(d) By providing private hospital facilities for the rich.
Answer : C
Question. Who among the following fall under the organized sector?
(a) Raghu, a daily wage labourer working in a dam site under a contractor.
(b) Nafeesa, a doctor getting all employment benefits.
(c) Purushothaman, a cleaning staff in a private bank.
(d) Ammini, a tailor stitching clothes at his home.
Answer : B
Question. Service sector also includes some essential services that may not directly help in the production of goods. State whether true or false.
(a) true
(b) false
Answer : A
Question : The sectors are classified in to public and private sectors on the basis of
(a) Employment conditions
(b) The nature of economic activity
(c) Ownership of enterprises
(d) Number of workers employed in the enterprises
Answer : C
Question : NREGA 2005 guarantees work for how many days in a year
(a) 100
(b) 120
(d) 90
Answer : A
Question : Which one of the following is a public sector enterprise?
(b) RIL
(c) Indian Railway
Answer : C
Question : Which was the largest producing sector in 1973?
(a) Primary sector
(b) Secondary sector
(c) Tertiary sector
(d) Public sector
Answer : A
Answer : A
Answer : C
Answer : B
Answer : C
Answer : D
Answer : A
Answer : A
Answer : B
Answer : A
Answer : A
(a) The sectors are classified into public and private sector on the basis of:
(a) employment conditions
(b) the nature of economic activity
(c) ownership of enterprises
(d) number of workers employed in the enterprise
Answer : C
(a) primary
(b) secondary
(c) tertiary
(d) information technology
Answer : A
Question : GDP is the total value of _____________ produced during a particular year.
(a) all goods and services
(b) all final goods and services
(c) all intermediate goods and services
(d) all intermediate and final goods and services
Answer : B
Question : In terms of GDP the share of tertiary sector in 2003 is _________
(a) between 20 per cent to 30 per cent
(b) between 30 per cent to 40 per cent
(c) between 50 per cent to 60 per cent
(d) 70 per cent
Answer : C
Answer : unorganised
Question : Two statements are given in the question below as Assertion (A) and Reasoning (R). Read the statements and choose the appropriate option.
Assertion (A): The share of tertiary sector in employment has not increased in proportion to its increase in production.
Reason (R): Still more than half of the workers in the country are working in the primary sector.
(a) Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(c) A is true but R is false.
(d) A is false but R is true.
Answer : B
Question : Two statements are given in the question below as Assertion (A) and Reasoning (R). Read the statements and choose the appropriate option.
Assertion (A): Agriculture is an activity of organised sector in India.
Reason (R):Most of the workers working in agriculture are employed only during harvesting and sowing seasons.
(a) Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(c) A is true but R is false.
(d) A is false but R is true.
Answer : D
Match the following:
Column A | Column B |
(A) Goods used up during the production process. | (i) Economic activities |
(B) Goods which are ready for use | (ii) Intermediate Goods |
(C) Activities which contribute to the flow of goods and services in an economy. | (iii) GDP |
(D) Value of all final goods and services produced in a country during a particular year. | (iv) Final goods |
Answer : C
Short Answer Type Questions
(i) Tourist guide, dhobi, tailor, potter
(ii) Teacher, doctor, vegetable vendor, lawyer
(iii) Postman, cobbler, soldier, police constable
(iv) MTNL, Indian Railways, Air India, SAHARA Airlines, All India Radio
Answer :
(i) Tourist guide
He is appointed by the government, while dhobi, tailor and potter belong to the private sector.
(ii) Vegetable vendor
His is the only profession that does not require a formal education.
(iii) Cobbler
The rest are workers in the public sector, while his profession is part of the private sector.
(iv) SAHARA Airlines
It is a private enterprise, while the rest are government undertakings.
Question : Do you think the classification of economic activities into primary, secondary and tertiary is useful? Explain how.
Answer : The classification of economic activities into primary, tertiary and secondary is useful on account of the information it provides on how and where the people of a country are employed. also this helps in ascertaining as to which sector of economic activity contributes more or less to the country’s GDP and per capita income.
If the tertiary sector is developing much faster than the primary sector, then it implies that agriculture is depleting, and the government must take measures to rectify this. The knowledge that the agricultural profession is becoming unpopular or regressive can only come if we know which sector it belongs to. Hence it is necessary to classify economic activities into these there sectors for smooth economic administration and development.
Question : What do you understand by disguised unemployment? Explain with an example each from the urban and rural areas.
Answer : Disguised Unemployment is a kind of unemployment in which there are people who are visibly employed but are actually unemployed. This situation is also known as Hidden Unemployment. In such a situation more people are engaged in a work than required.
For example:
- In rural areas, this type of unemployment is generally found in agricultural sector like – in a family of 9 people all are engaged in the same agricultural plot. But if 4 people are with drawn from it there will be no reduction in output. So, these 4 people are actually disguisedly employed.
- In urban areas, this type of unemployment can be seen mostly in service sectors such as in a family all members are engaged in one petty shop or a small business which can be managed by less number of persons.
Question : “Tertiary sector is not playing any significant role in the development of Indian economy.” Do you agree? Give reasons in support of your answer.
Answer : No, I do not agree with the statement that tertiary sector is not playing any significant role in the development of Indian economy. The tertiary sector has contributed vastly to the Indian economy, especially in the last two decades. In the last decade, the field of information technology has grown, and consequently, the GDP share of the tertiary sector has grown from around 40% in 1973 to more than 50% in 2003.
Question : Workers are exploited in the unorganised sector. Do you agree with this view? Give reasons in support of your answer.
Answer : Yes, workers are exploited in the unorganized sector. This would be clear from the following points:
- There is no fixed number of working hours. The workers normally work 10 – 12 hours without paid overtime.
- They do not get other allowances apart from the daily wages.
- Government rules and regulations to protect the labourers are not followed there.
- There is no job security.
- Jobs are low paid the workers in this sector are generally illiterate, ignorant and unorganized. So they are not in a position to bargain or secure good wages.
- Being very poor they are always heavily in debt. So, they can be easily made to accept lower wages.
Question :Compare the employment conditions prevailing in the organised and unorganised sectors.
Answer :
The employment conditions prevailing in the organised and unorganised sectors are vastly different. The organised sector has companies registered with the government and hence, it offers job security, paid holidays, pensions, health and other benefits, fixed working hours and extra pay for overtime work. On the other hand, the unorganised sector is a host of opposites. There is no job security, no paid holidays or pensions on retirement, no benefits of provident fund or health insurance, unfixed working hours and no guarantee of safe work environment.
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MCQs for Chapter 2 Sectors of the Indian Economy Social Science Class 10
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