Read and download free pdf of CBSE Class 12 English Deep Water Worksheet Set B. Download printable English Class 12 Worksheets in pdf format, CBSE Class 12 English Flamingo Chapter 3 Deep Water Worksheet has been prepared as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern issued by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. Also download free pdf English Class 12 Assignments and practice them daily to get better marks in tests and exams for Class 12. Free chapter wise worksheets with answers have been designed by Class 12 teachers as per latest examination pattern
Flamingo Chapter 3 Deep Water English Worksheet for Class 12
Class 12 English students should refer to the following printable worksheet in Pdf in Class 12. This test paper with questions and solutions for Class 12 English will be very useful for tests and exams and help you to score better marks
Class 12 English Flamingo Chapter 3 Deep Water Worksheet Pdf
Question. The pool's depth at the deep end was :
a) Twenty feet
b) Nine feet
c) Six feet
d) Eight feet
Answer : B
Question. What does Deep Water signify?
a) beauty
b) depth of sea
c) depth of ocean
d) fear
Answer : D
Question. How did the author feel when he walked back to his home after becoming alright?
a) his legs were trembling
b) he was happy
c) he was weeping
d) he had temperature
Answer : A
Question. With his hard work, Douglas had
a) conquered his fear of water
b) conquered Mount Everest
c) got a good job
d) got a promotion
Answer : A
Question. What was the impact of pool incident on Douglas?
a) developed fear
b) hydrophobia was revived
c) became bold
d) All of these
Answer : B
Question. 'It wiped out fear' what is the meaning of this phrase in the chapter 'Deep Water'?
a) It lessens fear
b) It increases fear
c) It eliminates fear
d) It deepens fear
Answer : A
Question. The boy who threw Douglas into the pool was about
a) twenty years old
b) eighteen years old
c) twenty-one years old
d) fifteen years old
Answer : B
Question. What does Douglas do to save himself in the pool?
a) use his mind and push himself up
b) become nervous
c) feel afraid of
d) None of the above
Answer : A
Question. The introduction to the Y.M.C.A swimming pool revived for Douglas
a) childhood fear of water
b) memories of a holiday at the beach
c) memories of father and son companionship
d) a terrible accident
Answer : A
Question. After the incident in the pool what feeling remained in the Douglas' heart?
a) Love for water
b) Fear for water
c) Fear for a pool
d) Fear for sea
Answer : B
Question. What plan did Douglas make to overcome his fear of water?
a) to get an instructor
b) to swim more
c) to watch swimmers
d) to jump
Answer : A
Question. Douglas' fear of water
a) ruined his trips
b) made him extremely guilty
c) was not liked by friends
d) made him weak
Answer : A
Question. Douglas had to swim two miles
a) from the beach to the centre of the sea
b) from the lake to stamp act Island
c) both a) and b)
d) neither a) nor ( b)
Answer : B
Question. What was the fear in Douglas mind?
a) being drowned
b) to be defeated
c) being insulted
d) to be pushed
Answer : A
Question. Why was Douglas determined to get over his fear of water?
a) because he wanted to swim in the waters of Cascade
b) because his friends challenged him
c) because his father wanted it
d) because he wanted to win a medal
Answer : A
Question. Why did Douglas fail to come to the surface of the pool?
a) he didn't know how to swim
b) because of fear and inability to move
c) because of cold water
d) None of these
Answer : B
Question. After swimming across to the other shore of warm Lake Douglas shouted with joy and his voice was returned as an echo by
a) Gilbert peak
b) Mount peak
c) Blue mountain
Answer : A
Question. Douglas has to repeat hundred times
a) exhaling and inhaling exercise
b) physical exercise
c) mental exercise
d) all of the above
Answer : A
Question. At the end of the experience, Douglas felt
a) happy
b) released
c) sad
d) victorious
Answer : B
Question. Why did Douglas hate to walk with bare legs?
a) ugly looking legs
b) fat legs
c) because of skin colour
d) because of skinny legs
Answer : D
Question. For what thing did the author have aversion since his childhood?
a) Air
b) Earth
c) Water
d) Sky
Answer : C
Question. What had the writer experienced at the YMCA pool?
a) a sensation of dying
b) the terror that fear of death can produce
c) neither a) nor b)
d) both a) and b)
Answer : D
Question. Douglas swam the lake to stamp act Island covering a distance of
a) 2 miles
b) 3 miles
c) 4 miles
d) 5 miles
Answer : A
Question. What do you think you can do to me’? These words were spoken by Douglas
a) to a shark
b) to his enemy
c) to the boy who pushed him
d) to terror
Answer : D
Question. What had the writer learnt from the experience at YMCA pool?
a) that in death there is peace
b) that there is terror only in the fear of death
c) both a) and b)
d) neither a) nor b)
Answer : C
Question. Where was the lake Wentworth?
a) New Hampshire
b) Washington
c) California
d) Washington DC
Answer : C
Question. When the author was ten or eleven years old, what did he decide to learn?
a) To swim
b) To dance
c) To play
d) To play guitar
Answer : A
Question. 'This handicap stayed with me as the years rolled by'. What handicap is being referred?
a) fear of dark
b) fear of heights
c) fear of water
d) fear of fishing
Answer : C
Question. He tossed Douglas into the pool towards its
a) shallow end
b) middle
c) edge
d) deep end
Answer : D
Question. In the pool, nine feet seems to Douglas like
a) Ninety feet
b) Hundred feet
c) Fifty feet
d) Twenty five feet
Answer : A
Question. How many times did Douglas try to come to the surface of the pool?
a) Once
b) Twice
c) Thrice
d) Five times
Answer : C
Question. What was stopping Douglas to get into the waters of Cascade?
a) memories of Washington
b) memories of terror in the pool
c) memories of childhood
d) None of these
Answer : B
Question. How did the author learn swimming?
a) With the help of a rope
b) With the help of a friend
c) With the help of his mother
d) With the help of a swimming instructor
Answer : D
Question. 'Now you can swim'. These words were spoken by
a) Father
b) Teacher
c) Uncle
d) instructor
Answer : D
Question. What distance Douglas covered while swimming across the lake Wentworth?
a) 4 miles
b) 3 miles
c) 5 miles
d) 2 miles
Answer : D
Question. When he regained consciousness, he
a) laughed at his experience
b) had 104° F fever
c) shook and cried and didn’t eat anything
d) told his mother about his misadventure
Answer : C
Question. In which subject has the author been graduated?
a) English and History
b) English and Science
c) Science and Social studies
d) English and Economics
Answer : D
Question. Why did Douglas hire an instructor?
a) to overcome his fear of water and learn swimming
b) to be confident
c) to compete with others
d) None of these
Answer : A
Question. Douglas practiced in the pool for
a) five days a week
b) two days a week
c) three days a week
d) four days a week
Answer : A
Question. How did Douglas learn swimming?
a) with the help of rope
b) with the help of instructor
c) with the help of his mother
d) with the help of teacher
Answer : B
Question. After the author was fed up with teaching , he decided to opt for which career?
a) medical
b) gardening
c) engineering
d) a legal career
Answer : D
Question. I crossed to oblivion, and the curtain of life fell”. What does oblivion mean?
a) pavilion
b) changing room
c) unconsciousness
d) death
Answer : C
Question. YMCA stands for
a) Young Men's Christian Association
b) Young Men's Christian Authority
c) Young Men's Christian Army
d) Young Men's Christopher Association
Answer : A
Question. Where did the author go in order to overcome his fear of water?
a) into a well
b) to a sea beach
c) YMCA pool
d) Lake Wentworth
Answer : D
Question. What was the impact of the pool incident?
a) Developed fear
b) Became confident
c) Became overconfident
d) Hydrophobia was revived
Answer : D
Question. Who was standing near Douglas when he regained consciousness?
a) A doctor
b) A nurse
c) His teacher
d) The boy who had thrown him into the pool.
Answer : D
Question. Why has the author given an autobiographical note in Deep Water?
a) Because of fear of swimming
b) People
c) swimming instructor
d) Because of fear of water
Answer : D
Question. Whenever terror struck again, Douglas would start
a) shouting
b) laughing
c) crying
d) talking to terror
Answer : D
Question. He decided to learn swimming in the pool at
a) the local club
b) his school
c) Y.M.C.A
d) country club
Answer : C
Question. What were the series of emotions and fears that Douglas experienced when he was thrown into the pool?
a) fear
b) confidence
c) overconfidence
d) mixed feelings of confidence and fear
Answer : D
Question. How did instructor make Douglas a good swimmer?
a) with planning
b) with the help of ropes
c) by pushing him into the pool
d) with the help of ropes and belts
Answer : D
Question. How did the author's fear vanish?
a) with courage, guidance and determination
b) with care
c) with mother's word
d) with guidance
Answer : A
Question. How did this experience affect the author?
a) became fearful
b) confident
c) overconfident
d) became hydrophobic
Answer : D
Question. What was stopping Douglas to get into the waters of Cascade?
a) Memories of Washington
b) Memories of California
c) Instructions given by the instructor
d) Memories full of terror in the pool
Answer : D
Question. After being haunted by fear for many years Douglas decided to learn to swim. With the help of
a) An instructor
b) His father
c) His mother
d) His friends
Answer : A
Question. Douglas experienced mixed feelings of confidence and fear in the chapter deep water
a) when he was thrown into the pool
b) when he walked along the pool
c) when he went to the beach
d) none of the above
Answer : A
Question. What lesson did Douglas learn from his experience of drowning?
a) learnt swimming
b) love for swimming
c) swimming is not difficult
d) Face the fear
Answer : D
Question. Why was the writer at first not much frightened when he was thrown into the pool?
a) because of overconfidence
b) because of instructions
c) because of people around
d) because of confidence
Answer : D
Question. Where did Douglas find himself when he regained consciousness?
a) in a hospital
b) in a room
c) lying near the pool
d) near the sea shore
Answer : C
Question. What plans did Douglas make to come to the surface of the pool?
a) Tried to jump and push himself up
b) Shouted
c) Cried aloud
d) Shouted “help”
Answer : A
Question. Douglas have to repeat exhaling and inhaling exercises
a) hundred times
b) fifty times
c) forty times
d) twenty times
Answer : A
Question. After the third unsuccessful attempt to spring up, Douglas thought that he was
a) floating in space
b) floating in the River Yakima
c) floating in the air
d) floating in a rubber-tube
Answer : A
Question. Deep water is an excerpt from which book?
a) Fear of water
b) Of Men and Mountains
c) How to Swim
d) Fearless
Answer : B
Question. A rope was attached to
a) Douglas’ legs
b) Douglas’ arms
c) Douglas’ belt
d) Douglas’ swimming trunks
Answer : C
Question. Douglas shouted with joy as he has conquered
a) his fear of water
b) his fear of fire
c) his fear of heights
d) none of these
Answer : A
Question. Who threw Douglas in the swimming pool?
a) mother
b) father
c) watchman
d) a young 18 year old bruiser
Answer : D
Question. Every time Douglas attempted to go inside water, his legs would
a) be shaky
b) make him run
c) help him keep afloat
d) be paralyzed
Answer : D
Question. 'All we have to fear is fear itself'. Who said this?
a) President Roosevelt
b) President Clinton
c) President Cleveland
d) None of these
Answer : A
Question. His mother warned him against swimming in Yakima River because it had
a) strong currents
b) it was only for boating
c) it was only for fishing
d) many people had drowned there
Answer : D
Question. What did the big boy do to the author?
a) He helped the author.
b) He offered him ice cream.
c) He threw the author into the pool.
d) He gave money to the author .
Answer : C
Question. Douglas was seized by
a) the lifeguard
b) stark terror
c) his friend
d) the boy who had thrown him
Answer : B
Question. Why did he develop a fear of water?
a) Because of knocking down by waves at a beach
b) Because of a young boy
c) Because of instructor
d) Because of his mother
Answer : A
Question. The water in the pool had a
a) dirty yellow tinge
b) a blue reflection
c) green colour
d) no colour
Answer : A
Question. 'Memories full of terror' in the pool was stopping Douglas
a) to get into the waters of cascade
b) to travel
c) to do his duty
d) none of the above
Answer : A
Question. What lesson did Douglas learn from his experience of drowning?
a) learnt swimming
b) love for swimming
c) swimming is not difficult
d) to face the fear
Answer : D
Question. When Douglas tried to yell
a) everyone came to his rescue
b) no sound came out
c) his father arrived
d) the lifeguard dived to save him up
Answer : B
Question. Why did Douglas mother recommend that he should learn swimming at the Y.M.C.A pool?
a) it was shallow and safe
b) it was clean
c) it was near to his place
d) All of these
Answer : A
Question. When the author was three years old, where did his father take him?
a) To the theatre
b) To a college
c) A farm
d) The beach in California
Answer : D
Question. Though Douglas was frightened, he was not
a) afraid to die
b) going to survive
c) out of his wits
d) able to shout for help
Answer : C
Question. What message the story deep water conveys?
a) to overcome fear of water through determination
b) to overcome fear of fire
c) to overcome fear of heights
d) None of these
Answer : A
Question. Now you can swim’. These words were spoken by
a) Douglas’ father
b) teacher in school
c) uncle
d) instructor
Answer : D
Question. Douglas calls him(the boy who throws him in the pool) a
a) nasty human being
b) a brute
c) a beautiful physical specimen
d) a big bully
Answer : D
Question. What distance Douglas covered while swimming across the lake Wentworth?
a) 4 miles
b) 3 miles
c) 5 miles
d) 2 miles
Answer : D
Question. Who is the writer of the story 'Deep Water'?
a) William Douglas
b) Dilliam O Wouglas
c) Tagore
d) R.K Narayan
Answer : A
Question. The incident in childhood had taken place at the beach in
a) Florida
b) Washington
c) New York
d) California
Answer : D
Question. What is haunting the author?
a) Terrible experience in the pool
b) Ghosts
c) His mother’s words
d) A push by a young boy
Answer : A
Question. Douglas’ tension started slackening after
a) four months
b) three months
c) five months
d) one month
Answer : B
Question. Douglas imagined that on hitting the bottom, he would
a) bob to the surface like a cork
b) would come up to Tab his water wings
c) would lie flat and float up
d) shout for help
Answer : A
Question. What was the condition of Douglas legs?
a) They were active.
b) They seemed paralyzed.
c) They were soft.
d) His legs were kicking.
Answer : B
Question. How did Douglas make sure that he had conquered the old terror?
a) by visiting California
b) by jumping into the water
c) by taking a lesson from the instructor
d) by swimming into the lake Wentworth
Answer : D
Question. When his feet would hit the bottom Douglas planned to
a) make a big jump
b) lie down
c) start his strokes
d) float
Answer : A
Question. What is the theme of the story 'Deep Water' ?
a) Fear of water
b) being fearful
c) to learn swimming
d) to overcome fear of water
Answer : D
Question. Though Douglas was frightened, he was not :
a) afraid to die
b) going to survive
c) out of his wits
d) None of these
Answer : C
Question. His fear of water
a) ruined his trips
b) made him extremely guilty
c) was not liked by friends
d) made him weak
Answer : A
Question. Why did Douglas cease all efforts?
a) He felt as if he was going to become unconscious.
b) He did not want to live.
c) He wanted to remain underwater.
d) He was already out of danger.
Answer : A
Question. By swimming in the lake Wentworth, what did Douglas make sure?
a) that he was a good swimmer
b) that he could dive into the sea
c) that he had conquered the old terror
d) none of the above
Answer : C
Question. For how many years had the author taught in high school in Yakima?
a) 2 years
b) 4 years
c) 3years
d) 5 years
Answer : C
Question. At the shallow end, the Y.M.C.A pool was
a) I foot deep
b) four feet deep
c) two or three feet deep
d) five feet deep
Answer : C
Question. With his hard work, Douglas had
a) conquered his fear of water
b) got a good job
c) got a promotion
d) None of these
Answer : A
Question. When the author went to a beach with his father, why was he frightened?
a) he saw a whale
b) the waves knocked him down and swept over him
c) he saw a ship
d) he saw a crocodile
Answer : B
Very Short Answer
Q.1) Why does the author describe as the misadventure and how does he end up?
Q.2) What was the bruising experience that Douglas had at the Y.M.C.A?
Q.3) What did William Douglas plan while sinking to the bottom of the swimming pool?
Q.4) What strategy did the author remember when he was drowning in the Y.M.C.A pool?
Q.5) How did terror seize the narrator when he was going down and down and a yellow glow of water surrounded him?
Short Answer
Q.6) What things of joy did the author miss due to his fear of water?
Q.7) Answer the following questions: -
(1) How did this experience affect him?
(2) Why was Douglas determined to get over his fear of water?
Q.8) What is the ‘misadventure’ that William Douglas speaks about?
Q.9) Answer the following questions: -
(1) How did the instructor ensure that Douglas would not drown?
(2) Why did Douglas go to Lake Wentworth? What did he do there?
Q.10) How did this experience affect him?
Long Answer
Q.11) How was Douglas able to satisfy himself that he had completely overcome his fear?
Q.12) How did Douglas develop an aversion to water?
Q.13) Why did Douglas have fear of water? How did he overcome it?
Q.14) Douglas fully realised the truth of Roosevelt’s statement, “All we have to fear is fear itself.” How did this realization help him brush aside her fear and become an expert swimmer?
Q.15) Use the following phrasal verbs in your own sentences:
Knock-down, sweep over, wipe out, dived off, hang on, paddle with, toss into, pick-up, frighten out, clutched at, strike at, strike out, take hold on, float along, get into, roll by, deprive of, run on, hold on.
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Flamingo Chapter 3 Deep Water CBSE Class 12 English Worksheet
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