Refer to JEE Physics Nuclei MCQs Set A provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Full Syllabus Physics with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by JEE (Main), NCERT and KVS. Nuclei Full Syllabus MCQ are an important part of exams for Full Syllabus Physics and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for JEE (Main) Full Syllabus Physics and also download more latest study material for all subjects
MCQ for Full Syllabus Physics Nuclei
Full Syllabus Physics students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Nuclei in Full Syllabus.
Nuclei MCQ Questions Full Syllabus Physics with Answers
Question: The nuclear radius as compared to the atomic radius is of the order
- a) 10–5
- b) 10–7
- c) 10–9
- d) 10–3
Answer: 10–5
Question: Two nuclei which are not identical but have the same number of nucleons represent
- a) Isobars
- b) IsotonesIsotopes
- c) Isotopes
- d) Isotones
Answer: Isobars
Question: In a nuclear fusion reaction, if the energy is released then
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
Mass of product > Mass of reactant
- a) 7.675 MeV
- b) 0 MeV
- c) 3.675 MeV
- d) 2.675 MeV
Answer: 7.675 MeV
Question: Which of the following pairs of particles cannot exert nuclear force on each other?
- a) All of these
- b) Electron and neutron
- c) Neutron and electron
- d) Proton and electron
Answer: All of these
Question: When two nuclei of mass X and Y respectively fuse to form a nucleus of mass m alongwith the liberation of some energy, then
- a) X + Y > m
- b) X – Y = m
- c) X + Y = m
- d) X + Y < m
Answer: X + Y > m
Question: The nuclear force between two nucleons is explained by
- a) Meson exchange theory
- b) Gravitation exchange theory
- c) Quark exchange theory
- d) Photon exchange theory
Answer: Meson exchange theory
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
- a) 12.13 MeV
- b) 13.018 MeV
- c) 12.13 eV
- d) 0.013018 MeV
Answer: 12.13 MeV
Question: Nuclear energy is released in fusion reaction, since binding energy per nucleon is
- a) Larger for fusion products than for fusing nuclei
- b) Smaller of fusion products than for fusing nuclei
- c) Same for fusion products as for fusing nuclei
- d) Sometimes larger and sometimes smaller
Answer: Larger for fusion products than for fusing nuclei
- a) X and Z are isotopes
- b) X and Y are isobars
- c) X and Z are isobars
- d) X and Y are isotopes
Answer: X and Z are isotopes
- a) 160 MeV
- b) 110 MeV
- c) 90 MeV
- d) 200 MeV
Answer: 160 MeV
- a) Isotones
- b) Isobars
- c) Isotopes of carbon
- d) Isotopes of nitrogen
Answer: Isotones
- a) 1.50
- b) 2.750
- c) 3.375
- d) 1.40
Answer: 1.50
- a) 78
- b) 82
- c) 76
- d) 74
Answer: 78
Question: In nuclear reactions we have the conservation of
- a) Charge, total energy and momentum
- b) Energy only
- c) Mass only
- d) Momentum only
Answer: Charge, total energy and momentum
- a) Electrostatic repulsion dominate over nuclear attraction
- b) Nuclear repulsion dominate over nuclear attraction
- c) Nuclear force is long range force
- d) Nuclear forces are absent in heavy nucleus
Answer: Electrostatic repulsion dominate over nuclear attraction
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
Question: In the radioactive decay of an element it is found that the count rate reduces from 1024 to 128 in 3 minutes. Its half life will be
- a) 1 minute
- b) 2 minute
- c) 3 minute
- d) 5 minute
Answer: 1 minute
Question: If a radioactive material remains 25% after 16 days, then its half life will be
- a) 8 days
- b) 64 days
- c) 28 days
- d) 32 days
Answer: 8 days
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Question: The count rate of a radioactive source at t = 0 was 1600 count/s and at t = 8 s, it was 100 count/s. The count rate (in counts) at t = 6 s was
- a) 200
- b) 300
- c) 400
- d) 150
Answer: 200
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
Question: A radioactive sample at any instant has its disintegration rate 5000 disintegrations per minute. After 5 minute, the rate is 1250 disintegrations per minute. The decay constant (per minute) is
- a) 0.4 ln 2
- b) 0.2 ln 2
- c) 0.1 ln 2
- d) 0.8 ln 2
Answer: 0.4 ln 2
Question: At time t = 0 some radioactive gas is injected into a sealed vessel. At time T some more of the gas is injected into the vessel. Which one of the following graphs best represents the logarithm of the activity A of the gas with time t?
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
- a) 4.11 × 109 year
- b) 2.74 × 109 year
- c) 5.48 × 109 year
- d) 1.37 × 109 year
Answer: 4.11 × 109 year
- a) 0.5
- b) 2.0
- c) 3.0
- d) None of these
Answer: 0.5
Question: In a radioactive decay let N be the number of residual active nuclei, D the number of daughter nuclei, R the rate of decay and M the mass of active sample at any time t. Below are shown four curves
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
Question: A freshly-prepared radioactive source of half-life 2 h emits radiation of intensity which is 64 times the permissible safe level. The minimum time after which it would be possible to work safely with this source is
- a) 12 h
- b) 6 h
- c) 24 h
- d) 128 h
Answer: 12 h
- a) Energy is released due to de-excitation of nucleus
- b) None of these
- c) Energy is released due to conversion of neutron into proton
- d) Pair annihilation takes place
Answer: Energy is released due to de-excitation of nucleus
Question: The sample of a radioactive substance has 106 nuclei. Its half life is 20 s. The number of nuclei that will be left after 10 s is nearly
- a) 7 × 105
- b) 11 × 105
- c) 2 × 105
- d) 1 × 105
Answer: 7 × 105
Question: Half life of radioactive element depends upon
- a) The nature of the element
- b) Temperature
- c) Pressure
- d) Amount of element present
Answer: The nature of the element
Question: Neutrino is a particle which
- a) Has no charge but has spin
- b) Has no charge and no spin
- c) Is charged like an electron and has spin
- d) Has no charge but has mass nearly equal to that of a proton
Answer: Has no charge but has spin
Question: Heavy water instead of ordinary water is used as a moderator in nuclear reactor because ordinary water
- a) Absorbs neutrons
- b) Accelerates neutron
- c) Cannot slow down neutron
- d) Is expensive
Answer: Absorbs neutrons
Question: Out of the following, which one is not emitted by a natural radioactive substance?
- a) Neutrons
- b) Helium nuclei with charge equal to that of two protons
- c) Electromagnetic radiations
- d) Electrons
Answer: Neutrons
- a) 3.1 × 1013
- b) 1.3 × 1016
- c) 1.3 × 1015
- d) 3.1 × 1016
Answer: 3.1 × 1013
Question: If 1 g hydrogen is converted into 0.993 gm of helium in a thermonuclear reaction, the energy released in the reaction is
- a) 63 × 1010 J
- b) 63 × 1014 J
- c) 63 × 1020 J
- d) 63 × 107 J
Answer: 63 × 1010 J
Question: Thermal neutrons are those whose energy is about
- a) 0.03 eV
- b) 1 MeV
- c) 0.03 MeV
- d) 1 J
Answer: 0.03 eV
- a) 3-neutron
- b)
- c) 1-neutron
- d)
Answer: 3-neutron
Question: Control rods used in nuclear reactors are made of
- a) Cadmium
- b) Plutonium
- c) Graphite
- d) Stainless steel
Answer: Cadmium
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d) None of these
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
Question: After 3 hours, only 0.25 mg of a pure radioactive material is left. If initial mass was 2 mg then the half life of the substance is
- a) 1 hr
- b) 0.5 hr
- c) 2 hr
- d) 1.5 hr
Answer: 1 hr
- a) Continuous energy distribution of positrons
- b) Conservation of mass-energy
- c) Conservation of linear momentum
- d) All of these
Answer: Continuous energy distribution of positrons
Question: If a heavy nucleus has N/Z ratio higher than that required for stability, then
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
- a) 24 years
- b) 29 years
- c) 64 years
- d) 12 years
Answer: 24 years
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
Question: Choose the correct statement
- a) The nuclear force becomes weak if the nucleus contains a large number of nucleons
- b) Nuclei with atomic number less than 82 shows a tendency to disintegrate
- c) The nuclear force becomes strong if the nucleus contains too many neutrons compared to protons
- d) The nuclear force becomes strong if the nucleus contains too many protons compared to neutrons
Answer: The nuclear force becomes weak if the nucleus contains a large number of nucleons
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
Question: Ten percent of a radioactive sample has decayed in 1 day. After 2 days, the decayed percentage of nuclei will be
- a) 19%
- b) 20%
- c) 100%
- d) 81%
Answer: 19%
Question: Sample of radioactive element has a mass of 10 gm at an instant t = 0. The approximate mass of this element in the sample after two mean lives is
- a) 1.35 gm
- b) 6.30 gm
- c) 3.70 gm
- d) 2.50 gm
Answer: 1.35 gm
Question: During mean life of a radioactive element, the fraction that disintegrates is
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d) e
- a) A and C are isotopes
- b) A and B are isotopes
- c) A and C are isobars
- d) A and B are isobars
Answer: A and C are isotopes
Question: After five half lives percentage of original radioactive atoms left is
- a) 3.125%
- b) 0.2%
- c) 0.3%
- d) 1%
Answer: 3.125%
- a) 5 seconds
- b) 7.5 seconds
- c) 15 seconds
- d) 8 seconds
Answer: 5 seconds
- a) 2.3 × 108 atom/s
- b) 3.2 × 108 atom/s
- c) 2.3 × 1011 atom/s
- d) 3.2 × 1011 atom/s
Answer: 2.3 × 108 atom/s
Question: The average binding energy per nucleon in the nucleus of atom is approximately
- a) 8 MeV
- b) 8 MeV
- c) 8 KeV
- d) 8 J
Answer: 8 MeV
- a) –10–16 J
- b) –10–14 J
- c) –10–12 J
- d) –10–10 J
Answer: –10–16 J
- a) 11 MeV
- b) 11.1 MeV
- c) 10.9 MeV
- d) 10.8 MeV
Answer: 11 MeV
Radioactive nuclei P and Q disintegrate into R with half lives 1 month and 2 months respectively. At time t = 0, number of nuclei of each P and Q is x. Time at which rate of disintegration of P and Q are equal, number of nuclei of R is
- a) 1.25 x
- b) 1.5 x
- c) 1.75 x
- d) x
Answer: 1.25 x
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
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MCQs for Nuclei Physics Full Syllabus
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