Refer to JEE Physics Dual Nature Of Radiation and Matter MCQs Set C provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Full Syllabus Physics with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by JEE (Main), NCERT and KVS. Dual Nature Of Radiation and Matter Full Syllabus MCQ are an important part of exams for Full Syllabus Physics and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for JEE (Main) Full Syllabus Physics and also download more latest study material for all subjects
MCQ for Full Syllabus Physics Dual Nature Of Radiation and Matter
Full Syllabus Physics students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Dual Nature Of Radiation and Matter in Full Syllabus.
Dual Nature Of Radiation and Matter MCQ Questions Full Syllabus Physics with Answers
Question: As the intensity of incident light increases
- a) Photoelectric current increases
- b) Kinetic energy of emitted photoelectrons decreases
- c) Photoelectric current decreases
- d) Kinetic energy of emitted photoelectrons increases
Answer: Photoelectric current increases
- a) 1.5 × 1020
- b) 6 × 1018
- c) 3 × 1019
- d) 62 × 1020
Answer: 1.5 × 1020
Question: A photo-cell is illuminated by a source of light, which is placed at a distance d from the cell. If the distance becomes d/2. Then number of electrons emitted per second will be
- a) Four times
- b) Two times
- c) One-fourth
- d) Remain same
Answer: Four times
Question: The value of Planck’s constant is
- a) 6.63 × 10–34 J s
- b) 6.63 × 10–34 kg m2
- c) 6.63 × I0–34 kg m2/s2
- d) 6.63 × 10–34 J/s
Answer: 6.63 × 10–34 J s
Question: The work functions for metals A, B and C are respectively 1.92 eV, 2.0 eV and 5 eV. According to Einstein’s equation the metals which will emit photoelectrons for a radiation of wavelength 4100 Å is/are
- a) A and B only
- b) All the three metals
- c) A only
- d) None of these
Answer: A and B only
- a) 8 × 106 m/s
- b) 8 × 105 m/s
- c) 2 × 106 m/s
- d) 2 × 107 m/s
Answer: 8 × 106 m/s
Question: A photocell employs photoelectric effect to convert
- a) Change in the intensity of illumination into a change in photoelectric current
- b) Change in the intensity of illumination into a change in the work function of the photocathode
- c) Change in the frequency of light into a change in electric voltage
- d) Change in the frequency of light into a change in the electric current
Answer: Change in the intensity of illumination into a change in photoelectric current
- a)
- b)
- c) 2KK
- d) K
Question: A 5 watt source emits monochromatic light of wavelength 5000 Å. When placed 0.5 m away, it liberates photoelectrons from a photosensitive metallic surface. When the source is moved to a distance of 1.0 m, the number of photoelectrons liberated will be reduced by a factor of
- a) 4
- b) 2
- c) 16
- d) 8
Answer: 4
- a) Intensity of light
- b)
- c)
- d)
Answer: Intensity of light
- a) Curves (a) and (b) represent incident radiations of same frequency but of different intensities
- b) Curves (b) and (c) represent incident radiations of different frequencies and different intensities
- c) Curves (a) and (b) represent incident radiations of different frequencies and different intensities
- d) Curves (b) and (c) represent incident radiations of same frequency having same intensity
Answer: Curves (a) and (b) represent incident radiations of same frequency but of different intensities
- a) 1.00
- b) 1.02
- c) 1.04
- d) 0.98
Answer: 1.00
Question: The potential difference that must be applied to stop the fastest photoelectrons emitted by a nickel surface, having work function 5.01 eV, when ultraviolet light of 200 nm falls on it, must be
- a) –1.2 V
- b) –2.4 V
- c) 2.4 V
- d) 1.2 V
Answer: –1.2 V
Question: When monochromatic radiation of intensity I falls on a metal surface, the number of photoelectron and their maximum kinetic energy are N and T respectively. If the intensity of radiation is 2I, the number of emitted electrons and their maximum kinetic energy are respectively
- a) 2N and T
- b) 2N and 2T
- c) N and T
- d) N and 2T
Answer: 2N and T
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Question: Monochromatic radiation emitted when electron on hydrogen atom jumps from first excited to the ground state irradiates a photosensitive material. The stopping potential is measured to be 3.57 V. The threshold frequency of the material is
- a) 1.6 × 1015 Hz
- b) 2.5 × 1015 Hz
- c) 4 × 1015 Hz
- d) 5 × 1015 Hz
Answer: 1.6 × 1015 Hz
Question: If in a photoelectric cell, the wavelength of incident light is changed from 4000 Å to 3000 Å then change in stopping potential will be
- a) 1.03 V
- b) 0.66 V
- c) 0.33 V
- d) 0.49 V
Answer: 1.03 V
Question: Find the number of electrons emitted per second by a 24 W source of monochromatic light of wavelength 6600Å, assuming 3% efficiency for photoelectric effect (take h = 6.6 × 10–34 Js)
- a) 24 × 1017
- b) 8 × 1019
- c) 48 × 1017
- d) 48 × 1019
Answer: 24 × 1017
Question: The photo-electrons emitted from a surface of sodium metal are such that they
- a) Have their speeds varying from zero to a certain maximum value
- b) Have the same de-Broglie wavelength
- c) Have the same kinetic energy
- d) All are of the same frequency
Answer: Have their speeds varying from zero to a certain maximum value
Question: In photoelectric effect, if a weak intensity radiation instead of strong intensity of suitable frequency is used then
- a) Saturation current will decrease
- b) Photoelectric effect will not take place
- c) Photoelectric effect will get delayed
- d) Maximum kinetic energy will decrease
Answer: Saturation current will decrease
Question: The work function of tungsten is 4.50 eV. The wavelength of fastest electron emitted when light whose photon energy is 5.50 eV falls on tungsten surface, is
- a) 12.27 Å
- b) 0.286 Å
- c) 12400 Å
- d) 1.227 Å
Answer: 12.27 Å
- a) 0.01 Å
- b) 1 Å
- c) 0.1 Å
- d) 10 Å
Answer: 0.01 Å
Question: If the momentum of an electron is changed by P, then the de-Broglie wavelength associated with it changes by 0.5%. The initial momentum of electron will be
- a) 200 P
- b) 400 P
- c) 100 P
- d)
Answer: 200 P
Question: Electrons used in an electron microscope are accelerated by a voltage of 25 kV. If the voltage is increased to 100 kV then the de-Broglie wavelength associated with the electrons would
- a) Decrease by 2 times
- b) Increase by 4 times
- c) Increase by 2 times
- d) Decrease by 4 times
Answer: Decrease by 2 times
Question: A particle of mass 1 mg has the same wavelength as an electron moving with a velocity of 3 × 106 ms–1. The velocity of the particle is (mass of electron = 9.1 × 10–31 kg)
- a) 2.7 × 10–18 ms–1
- b) 9 × 10–2 ms–1
- c) 3 × 10–31 ms–1
- d) 2.7 × 10–21 ms–1
Answer: 2.7 × 10–18 ms–1
Question: An electron of mass m, when accelerated through a potential difference V, has de-Broglie wavelength X. The de-Broglie wavelength associated with a proton of mass M accelerated through the same potential difference, will be
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
Question: If we consider electrons and photons of same wavelength, then they will have same
- a) Momentum
- b) Angular momentum
- c) Energy
- d) Velocity
Answer: Momentum
- a) 1.2 Å
- b) 6.3 Å
- c) 0.12 Å
- d) 24.6 Å
Answer: 1.2 Å
Question: If particles are moving with same velocity, then which has maximum de-Broglie wavelength?
- a)
- b)
- c) Neutron
- d) Proton
Question: When ultraviolet rays fall on a metal plate then photoelectric effect does not occur, it occurs by
- a) X-rays
- b) Infrared rays
- c) Radiowave
- d) Light wave
Answer: X-rays
Question: A metal surface is illuminated by the photons of energy 5 eV and 2.5 eV respectively. The ratio of their wavelengths is
- a) 1 : 2
- b) 2 : 5
- c) 1 : 4
- d) 1 : 3
Answer: 1 : 2
Question: If the energy of a photon is 10 eV, then its momentum is
- a) 3.33 × 10–27 kg-m/s
- b) 3.33 × 10–29 kg-m/s
- c) 3.33 × 10–25 kg-m/s
- d) 3.33 × 10–23 kg-m/s
Answer: 3.33 × 10–29 kg-m/s
Question: An electron and a proton have same kinetic energy. Ratio of their respective de-Broglie wavelength is about
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
Question: Dynamic mass of the photon in usual notations is given by
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
Question: de-Broglie wavelength associated with an electron revolving in the nth state of hydrogen atom is directly proportional to
- a) n
- b)
- c)
- d)
Answer: n
Question: A proton is accelerated through 225 V. Its de-Broglie wavelength is
- a) 0.2 nm
- b) 0.3 nm
- c) 0.4 nm
- d) 0.1 nm
Answer: 0.2 nm
Question: For a proton accelerated through potential difference of one volt, kinetic energy gained in eV is
- a) 1
- b) 1840
- c)
- d) 931.5 × 10–6
Answer: 1
Question: If frequency of light falling on a photosensitive material doubles
- a) Cut-off voltage becomes more than double
- b) Stopping potential doubles
- c) Saturation photocurrent becomes more than double
- d) Saturation photocurrent doubled
Answer: Cut-off voltage becomes more than double
Question: Photoelectrons from metal do not come out with same energy. Most appropriate explanation is
- a) Electrons in metal occupy different energy levels and work function is the minimum energy required for electron in highest level of conduction band to get out of metal
- b) For some electrons, some part of energy gained during inelastic collision with photon is spent in over coming attractive force by nucleus
- c) Work function of a metal is average energy required to pull out electrons
- d) Some electrons loose energy in form of heat
Answer: Electrons in metal occupy different energy levels and work function is the minimum energy required for electron in highest level of conduction band to get out of metal
Question: For an alpha particle, accelerated through a potential difference V, wavelength (in Å) of the associated matter wave is
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
Question: Which one among the following shows particle nature of light?
- a) Photoelectric effect
- b) Refraction
- c) Interference
- d) Polarization
Answer: Photoelectric effect
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MCQs for Dual Nature Of Radiation and Matter Physics Full Syllabus
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